Ex-CIA Agent: America Creates Its Own Enemies [VIDEO]...

Remember too, that all the W loving Zionist Warmongers....

supported HILLARY not Trump....
The awful entangling alliances just get more complicated and bloody by the day. It does appear we're beholden to Israel and Saudi Arabia in the region. Whatever wars they demand, the US is obligated to deliver. Our Founding Fathers warned against such destructive entangling alliances...

"Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none. - Thomas Jefferson

Trump wants out of Syria.
U.S. priority on Syria no longer focused on 'getting Assad out': Haley

No he doesn't. He just sent Spec Ops and B-52's.
what 911 fraud?


Was building 7 demo-ed?

What hit the Pentagon, a 757 flying at 400 mph with its nose 8 feet off the ground - the official explanation?

Get a clue and ask some questions....

She isn't ready for the truth.

to what truth do you allude?-------I saw the second plane hit the second
building-------IT WAS A REALLY BIG BANG---------early on your crowd
actually claimed that the event was an animation. Keep up the good
what 911 fraud?


Was building 7 demo-ed?

What hit the Pentagon, a 757 flying at 400 mph with its nose 8 feet off the ground - the official explanation?

Get a clue and ask some questions....

She isn't ready for the truth.

to what truth do you allude?-------I saw the second plane hit the second
building-------IT WAS A REALLY BIG BANG---------early on your crowd
actually claimed that the event was an animation. Keep up the good

Like I said honey, you aren't ready for the truth. The Human mind is welded shut, not even God chooses to open it. You must make that choice. The truth is out there, maybe when you grow up you'll be ready.
The awful entangling alliances just get more complicated and bloody by the day. It does appear we're beholden to Israel and Saudi Arabia in the region. Whatever wars they demand, the US is obligated to deliver. Our Founding Fathers warned against such destructive entangling alliances...

"Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none. - Thomas Jefferson

Trump wants out of Syria.
U.S. priority on Syria no longer focused on 'getting Assad out': Haley

No he doesn't. He just sent Spec Ops and B-52's.
what 911 fraud?


Was building 7 demo-ed?

What hit the Pentagon, a 757 flying at 400 mph with its nose 8 feet off the ground - the official explanation?

Get a clue and ask some questions....

She isn't ready for the truth.

to what truth do you allude?-------I saw the second plane hit the second
building-------IT WAS A REALLY BIG BANG---------early on your crowd
actually claimed that the event was an animation. Keep up the good

Like I said honey, you aren't ready for the truth. The Human mind is welded shut, not even God chooses to open it. You must make that choice. The truth is out there, maybe when you grow up you'll be ready.

yes----YOU said------I have heard and read the stuff people like you SAID
(and wrote) since the event. Did you pass high school physics? how
about geometry?
what 911 fraud?


Was building 7 demo-ed?

What hit the Pentagon, a 757 flying at 400 mph with its nose 8 feet off the ground - the official explanation?

Get a clue and ask some questions....

Still haven't released decent quality photos or videos of the Pentagon attack. I mean come on, they have the quality photos and videos. Why have they only released poor quality images? With all the advanced technology available at the time, this is all we get? And WTC 7 was a demolition. We have been lied to by our Government.
what 911 fraud?


Was building 7 demo-ed?

What hit the Pentagon, a 757 flying at 400 mph with its nose 8 feet off the ground - the official explanation?

Get a clue and ask some questions....

She isn't ready for the truth.

to what truth do you allude?-------I saw the second plane hit the second
building-------IT WAS A REALLY BIG BANG---------early on your crowd
actually claimed that the event was an animation. Keep up the good

Like I said honey, you aren't ready for the truth. The Human mind is welded shut, not even God chooses to open it. You must make that choice. The truth is out there, maybe when you grow up you'll be ready.

yes----YOU said------I have heard and read the stuff people like you SAID
(and wrote) since the event. Did you pass high school physics? how
about geometry?

LOL, the truth is out there. You are a mental child who is not ready for the truth. Do you wear a Burqua honey?
Some of its true we do end up arming potential enemies, but the extremist were not created by the US or any other country for that matter these groups will try and destroy anyone who does not subscribe to their views. period.

The US could pull every troop in the world back home, never mettle in the affairs of others and we will still be attacked. If anyone believes otherwise they are an idiot.
She isn't ready for the truth.

No, she has forfeited her right to think and ask questions in order to endlessly parrot "truth" from a JDAAC preacher... who isn't even a Christian....
Some of its true we do end up arming potential enemies, but the extremist were not created by the US or any other country for that matter these groups will try and destroy anyone who does not subscribe to their views. period.

The US could pull every troop in the world back home, never mettle in the affairs of others and we will still be attacked. If anyone believes otherwise they are an idiot.

Let's try it. This constant meddling and endless war has run its course. Time to try something different.
--I saw the second plane

Correct, you saw this....

That's a 767, but not a passenger version of it. Boeing made 3 versions of the 767 - 2 were cargo versions. The passenger version does not have the cargo hatch at the bottom center of the fuselage. The plane we all saw hit the South Tower did. It was not the plane we were told it was.

early on your crowd
actually claimed that the event was an animation.

One of the tactics the Chosen use to cover their tracks is to plant obviously false "conspiracy theories" in order to cover their tracks. JFK is a great example. All the "conspiracy theories," all with no mention that both Oswald and Ruby were Jews... and that Israel was really mad at JFK for not sending them arms.... which LBJ then did immediately.

Such tactics work really well with sub humans like yourself who understand nothing and never question anything...
--I saw the second plane

Correct, you saw this....

That's a 767, but not a passenger version of it. Boeing made 3 versions of the 767 - 2 were cargo versions. The passenger version does not have the cargo hatch at the bottom center of the fuselage. The plane we all saw hit the South Tower did. It was not the plane we were told it was.

early on your crowd
actually claimed that the event was an animation.

One of the tactics the Chosen use to cover their tracks is to plant obviously false "conspiracy theories" in order to cover their tracks. JFK is a great example. All the "conspiracy theories," all with no mention that both Oswald and Ruby were Jews... and that Israel was really mad at JFK for not sending them arms.... which LBJ then did immediately.

Such tactics work really well with sub humans like yourself who understand nothing and never question anything...

You're wasting your time, she isn't ready.
Some of its true we do end up arming potential enemies, but the extremist were not created by the US or any other country for that matter these groups will try and destroy anyone who does not subscribe to their views. period.

The US could pull every troop in the world back home, never mettle in the affairs of others and we will still be attacked. If anyone believes otherwise they are an idiot.

Let's try it. This constant meddling and endless war has run its course. Time to try something different.
We've done that sort of thing time and time again. We pull our troops back make cuts to the military and when the next war starts we send to many untested troops into battle with woefully inadequate equipment. Men needlessly die from that sort of shit.

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