Ex-CIA Agent: America Creates Its Own Enemies [VIDEO]...

Let's try it. This constant meddling and endless war has run its course. Time to try something different.
We've done that sort of thing time and time again. We pull our troops back make cuts to the military and when the next war starts we send to many untested troops into battle with woefully inadequate equipment. Men needlessly die from that sort of shit.

Men are needlessly dying now. They're dying for reasons most Americans don't even understand. For example, Syria is and never has been a threat to the US. Yet our Government demanded 'Regime Change' and eventually invaded. These wars aren't 'Defensive' wars. They're wars for world domination. It's 'Empire-Building.' And all Empires collapse. It's why our Founding Fathers warned against it.

We're $20 Trillion in Debt, and spread too thin. Our Government is spending massive Taxpayer money on maintaining some 700 bases worldwide. 700! That compares to Russia's 3 bases. We have a military presence in 130 nations. This aggressive foreign interventionism has gone too far. It can't be sustained. Something's gotta give. We need to begin focusing on Americans again. End the endless war.

Syria is being backed by Russia and Iran. Russia wants to regain their dominance in the Middle East and Iran wants to establish a new Persian Empire. They have major influences In Iran, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen. If they succeed, they could control several strategic waterways. They are also threatening our ally Israel.

You sound like Barack Obama. We are not seeking world domination and anyone who says that is a America hater. You dare to bring our founding fathers into your anti-America rants. You don't know what the founding fathers would say as the world has been changed by technology.

If you want to close bases maybe you should close US bases. We are unlikely to be invaded by Canada or Mexico. The threat is from radical islamists like Iran and Russia who want to dominate world. That is why we are at war and cannot quit until they are destroyed.

The US is by far doing most of the invading and killing in the world. I know most Americans live in denial about that, but it is the reality. It's about 'Empire-Building.' And our Founding Fathers warned against it for a reason.

All Empires collapse. The Taxpayer money being spent on over 700 bases worldwide and numerous wars, is astronomical. How can it be sustained? I feel it is time to end the current quagmires and come home. Enough is enough.

You really hate America. The US does not build empires. Once we kicked Saddam Hussein out, we set up free elections. We leave a country unless we have a agreement with the country. Contrast that with Russia. They wanted to keep their Baltic ports but rather than making a agreement with the Ukrainian government they invaded the Crimea.

Every time we practice isolationism Americans die. It happened in WWI, WWII, and 9/11 was another example of blissful ignorance.

No, i love America. That's why i pray we change our ways. Many Americans are dying in this Permanent War. And the Iraq invasion was a catastrophic blunder. All we did was slaughter Thousands of innocent people, and hand the country over to the Shiites who are aligned with Shiite Iran. It should have never happened.

And i'm not advocating 'Isolationism.' I'm advocating a humble foreign policy. This aggressive foreign interventionism is out of control. We need to end these current quagmires and come home. We're $20 Trillion in Debt for God's sake. Are these incredibly expensive wars gonna go on forever? It sure looks like it. It's time for dramatic change in our foreign policy. Period, end of story.
The US is by far doing most of the invading and killing in the world.

It is called ZIONISM.

IT is all about CH1 of the Book of Joshua, where "God" tells Joshua the boundaries of country Israel, the "Promised Land.":

In verse 4, God tells Joshua that the Euphrates River in Iraq is Israel's NE border.

Any confusion about why we were lied to about invading Iraq????

It does seem like we do too much of Israel and Saudi Arabia's bidding over there. It seems every time Israel and Saudi Arabia want war, we dutifully oblige. It doesn't look like we have an independent foreign policy anymore. They're very dangerous entangling alliances for sure. Once again, we should listen to our incredibly wise Founding Fathers...

"Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none." - Thomas Jefferson

The same Thomas Jefferson who went to war with the Barbary Pirates. Not so peaceful.

If you attack any US vessel, the US has the right to defend. All countries have that right. Jefferson was well-within his rights. But these endless wars we're engaging in now, aren't 'Defensive' wars. Countries like Syria and Iraq were never a threat to the US. It's about world domination now. Exactly what our Founding Fathers warned against.
We've done that sort of thing time and time again. We pull our troops back make cuts to the military and when the next war starts we send to many untested troops into battle with woefully inadequate equipment. Men needlessly die from that sort of shit.

Men are needlessly dying now. They're dying for reasons most Americans don't even understand. For example, Syria is and never has been a threat to the US. Yet our Government demanded 'Regime Change' and eventually invaded. These wars aren't 'Defensive' wars. They're wars for world domination. It's 'Empire-Building.' And all Empires collapse. It's why our Founding Fathers warned against it.

We're $20 Trillion in Debt, and spread too thin. Our Government is spending massive Taxpayer money on maintaining some 700 bases worldwide. 700! That compares to Russia's 3 bases. We have a military presence in 130 nations. This aggressive foreign interventionism has gone too far. It can't be sustained. Something's gotta give. We need to begin focusing on Americans again. End the endless war.

Syria is being backed by Russia and Iran. Russia wants to regain their dominance in the Middle East and Iran wants to establish a new Persian Empire. They have major influences In Iran, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen. If they succeed, they could control several strategic waterways. They are also threatening our ally Israel.

You sound like Barack Obama. We are not seeking world domination and anyone who says that is a America hater. You dare to bring our founding fathers into your anti-America rants. You don't know what the founding fathers would say as the world has been changed by technology.

If you want to close bases maybe you should close US bases. We are unlikely to be invaded by Canada or Mexico. The threat is from radical islamists like Iran and Russia who want to dominate world. That is why we are at war and cannot quit until they are destroyed.

The US is by far doing most of the invading and killing in the world. I know most Americans live in denial about that, but it is the reality. It's about 'Empire-Building.' And our Founding Fathers warned against it for a reason.

All Empires collapse. The Taxpayer money being spent on over 700 bases worldwide and numerous wars, is astronomical. How can it be sustained? I feel it is time to end the current quagmires and come home. Enough is enough.

You really hate America. The US does not build empires. Once we kicked Saddam Hussein out, we set up free elections. We leave a country unless we have a agreement with the country. Contrast that with Russia. They wanted to keep their Baltic ports but rather than making a agreement with the Ukrainian government they invaded the Crimea.

Every time we practice isolationism Americans die. It happened in WWI, WWII, and 9/11 was another example of blissful ignorance.

No, i love America. That's why i pray we change our ways. Many Americans are dying in this Permanent War. And the Iraq invasion was a catastrophic blunder. All we did was slaughter Thousands of innocent people, and hand the country over to the Shiites who are aligned with Shiite Iran. It should have never happened.

And i'm not advocating 'Isolationism.' I'm advocating a humble foreign policy. This aggressive foreign interventionism is out of control. We need to end these current quagmires and come home. We're $20 Trillion in Debt for God's sake. Are these incredibly expensive wars gonna go on forever? It sure looks like it. It's time for dramatic change in our foreign policy. Period, end of story.

There is no Permanent War. If people dying, it is because of radical Islam. It must be defeated at all costs or Americans will die. Remember Maj Hassan who was radicalized. He killed our soldiers at Ft Hood which is in the .

You are advocating a blame America first policy. These wars need to go on until radical Islam is defeated. Running away and hiding is not a option.

George W Bush and his Ambassador to Iran left a stable Iraq. Obama did exactly what you wanted. He wanted American troops out and the result is a Iraq that is aligned with Iran.
The US is by far doing most of the invading and killing in the world.

It is called ZIONISM.

IT is all about CH1 of the Book of Joshua, where "God" tells Joshua the boundaries of country Israel, the "Promised Land.":

In verse 4, God tells Joshua that the Euphrates River in Iraq is Israel's NE border.

Any confusion about why we were lied to about invading Iraq????

It does seem like we do too much of Israel and Saudi Arabia's bidding over there. It seems every time Israel and Saudi Arabia want war, we dutifully oblige. It doesn't look like we have an independent foreign policy anymore. They're very dangerous entangling alliances for sure. Once again, we should listen to our incredibly wise Founding Fathers...

"Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none." - Thomas Jefferson

The same Thomas Jefferson who went to war with the Barbary Pirates. Not so peaceful.

If you attack any US vessel, the US has the right to defend. All countries have that right. Jefferson was well-within his rights. But these endless wars we're engaging in now, aren't 'Defensive' wars. Countries like Syria and Iraq were never a threat to the US. It's about world domination now. Exactly what our Founding Fathers warned against.

You apparently deny the US the same right. We were attacked by radical Islam on 9/11. We have the right to defend ourselves. Jefferson did not stand by and do nothing about the Barbary pirates.

Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. Assad may have used those weapons against his own people. Also several terrorists felt completely at home in Iraq. Syria has aligned itself with Iran and Russia who want to dominate the Middle East which includes several strategic waterways. If Iran succeeds, we will not be safe. The Russians seized and control the Crimea. What country do we control?
Men are needlessly dying now. They're dying for reasons most Americans don't even understand. For example, Syria is and never has been a threat to the US. Yet our Government demanded 'Regime Change' and eventually invaded. These wars aren't 'Defensive' wars. They're wars for world domination. It's 'Empire-Building.' And all Empires collapse. It's why our Founding Fathers warned against it.

We're $20 Trillion in Debt, and spread too thin. Our Government is spending massive Taxpayer money on maintaining some 700 bases worldwide. 700! That compares to Russia's 3 bases. We have a military presence in 130 nations. This aggressive foreign interventionism has gone too far. It can't be sustained. Something's gotta give. We need to begin focusing on Americans again. End the endless war.

Syria is being backed by Russia and Iran. Russia wants to regain their dominance in the Middle East and Iran wants to establish a new Persian Empire. They have major influences In Iran, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen. If they succeed, they could control several strategic waterways. They are also threatening our ally Israel.

You sound like Barack Obama. We are not seeking world domination and anyone who says that is a America hater. You dare to bring our founding fathers into your anti-America rants. You don't know what the founding fathers would say as the world has been changed by technology.

If you want to close bases maybe you should close US bases. We are unlikely to be invaded by Canada or Mexico. The threat is from radical islamists like Iran and Russia who want to dominate world. That is why we are at war and cannot quit until they are destroyed.

The US is by far doing most of the invading and killing in the world. I know most Americans live in denial about that, but it is the reality. It's about 'Empire-Building.' And our Founding Fathers warned against it for a reason.

All Empires collapse. The Taxpayer money being spent on over 700 bases worldwide and numerous wars, is astronomical. How can it be sustained? I feel it is time to end the current quagmires and come home. Enough is enough.

You really hate America. The US does not build empires. Once we kicked Saddam Hussein out, we set up free elections. We leave a country unless we have a agreement with the country. Contrast that with Russia. They wanted to keep their Baltic ports but rather than making a agreement with the Ukrainian government they invaded the Crimea.

Every time we practice isolationism Americans die. It happened in WWI, WWII, and 9/11 was another example of blissful ignorance.

No, i love America. That's why i pray we change our ways. Many Americans are dying in this Permanent War. And the Iraq invasion was a catastrophic blunder. All we did was slaughter Thousands of innocent people, and hand the country over to the Shiites who are aligned with Shiite Iran. It should have never happened.

And i'm not advocating 'Isolationism.' I'm advocating a humble foreign policy. This aggressive foreign interventionism is out of control. We need to end these current quagmires and come home. We're $20 Trillion in Debt for God's sake. Are these incredibly expensive wars gonna go on forever? It sure looks like it. It's time for dramatic change in our foreign policy. Period, end of story.

There is no Permanent War. If people dying, it is because of radical Islam. It must be defeated at all costs or Americans will die. Remember Maj Hassan who was radicalized. He killed our soldiers at Ft Hood which is in the .

You are advocating a blame America first policy. These wars need to go on until radical Islam is defeated. Running away and hiding is not a option.

George W Bush and his Ambassador to Iran left a stable Iraq. Obama did exactly what you wanted. He wanted American troops out and the result is a Iraq that is aligned with Iran.

Iraq has been anything but 'stable' since the US invasion. It was stable before it though. It's been a bloodbath nightmare since. There was no Al Qaeda and ISIS in Iraq before the war. Hussein wouldn't tolerate it. We opened Pandora's Box over there.

Iraq is now infested with Terrorists and controlled by the Shiites. 14yrs of bloody misery is enough. Time to cut our losses and come home. And the same goes for Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, and any other country we're currently occupying. Enough is enough.
Remember that the first militant groups in Muslim world were funded and trained by the CIA.
When was the last time the terrorists wanted to harm Japan/brasil/korea/sweden/Switzerland....? NEVER if one mind his business and stay out of other people's businesses he doesn't have to worry about a thing.
The CIA doesn't go back to the 7th century. You must be high.
The US is by far doing most of the invading and killing in the world.

It is called ZIONISM.

IT is all about CH1 of the Book of Joshua, where "God" tells Joshua the boundaries of country Israel, the "Promised Land.":

In verse 4, God tells Joshua that the Euphrates River in Iraq is Israel's NE border.

Any confusion about why we were lied to about invading Iraq????

It does seem like we do too much of Israel and Saudi Arabia's bidding over there. It seems every time Israel and Saudi Arabia want war, we dutifully oblige. It doesn't look like we have an independent foreign policy anymore. They're very dangerous entangling alliances for sure. Once again, we should listen to our incredibly wise Founding Fathers...

"Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none." - Thomas Jefferson

The same Thomas Jefferson who went to war with the Barbary Pirates. Not so peaceful.

If you attack any US vessel, the US has the right to defend. All countries have that right. Jefferson was well-within his rights. But these endless wars we're engaging in now, aren't 'Defensive' wars. Countries like Syria and Iraq were never a threat to the US. It's about world domination now. Exactly what our Founding Fathers warned against.

You apparently deny the US the same right. We were attacked by radical Islam on 9/11. We have the right to defend ourselves. Jefferson did not stand by and do nothing about the Barbary pirates.

Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. Assad may have used those weapons against his own people. Also several terrorists felt completely at home in Iraq. Syria has aligned itself with Iran and Russia who want to dominate the Middle East which includes several strategic waterways. If Iran succeeds, we will not be safe. The Russians seized and control the Crimea. What country do we control?

I supported Afghanistan, but i don't support it now. 16yrs is way too long. We should have left soon after we got Bin Laden. But that war could be argued a 'Defensive War.' The others can't be. Iraq did not have WMD, and it certainly wasn't a threat to the US. It barely had a military. That war was about nothing but lies.

The Iraq War shouldn't have happened. It's destabilized the region. And Syria was never our war. We have no business being there. Syria never threatened the US in any way. 'Regime Change' is a misguided and illegal policy. It's time for a disengagement policy in the Middle East. Endless War needs to end.

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