Ex CIA chief calls on WH cabinet to revolt against Trump


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Ex-CIA Chief Calls on WH Cabinet To Revolt Against Trump
Former CIA chief John Brennan on Saturday blasted President Trump for again criticizing the Russia probe as a “witch hunt.”

Brennan, a frequent and harsh critic of the president, responded on Twitter to Trump’s previous tweet highlighting a poll that shows declining support for the special counsel investigation into whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia.

“Your fear of exposure is palpable,” Brennan wrote. “Your desperation even more so. When will those of conscience among your Cabinet, inner

Yah know when you have your own Gov. ppl turn on you that should tell the public to what extent being ga traitor to your own chief and command is being attacked like no other President in history it should prove the how low the left really is. They would rather sink their freedom nation for the love of fake liberalisim and for the deep state trash like Obama and Clinton.

When you are that obsesssed over someone including the nuts who ditch family members because they chose Trump and not Clinton Uhmmm yeah you've got real reality issues you've got real " Freedom issues" you don't deserve to be in this Country. To hate a PResident as bad as the idiots who brainwashed their sheep into acting that way, and thinking that way scum will always lead scum...........

That's the rant deal with it lol
Brennan is one of the Poster Creeps for the Derp State.

Just sayin'.
Ex-CIA Chief Calls on WH Cabinet To Revolt Against Trump
Former CIA chief John Brennan on Saturday blasted President Trump for again criticizing the Russia probe as a “witch hunt.”

Brennan, a frequent and harsh critic of the president, responded on Twitter to Trump’s previous tweet highlighting a poll that shows declining support for the special counsel investigation into whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia.

“Your fear of exposure is palpable,” Brennan wrote. “Your desperation even more so. When will those of conscience among your Cabinet, inner

Yah know when you have your own Gov. ppl turn on you that should tell the public to what extent being ga traitor to your own chief and command is being attacked like no other President in history it should prove the how low the left really is. They would rather sink their freedom nation for the love of fake liberalisim and for the deep state trash like Obama and Clinton.

When you are that obsesssed over someone including the nuts who ditch family members because they chose Trump and not Clinton Uhmmm yeah you've got real reality issues you've got real " Freedom issues" you don't deserve to be in this Country. To hate a PResident as bad as the idiots who brainwashed their sheep into acting that way, and thinking that way scum will always lead scum...........

That's the rant deal with it lol

Isn't this basically sedition calling for an overthrow of the government? Isn't sedition treason? Just WHAT do these lemmings think Trump has done which is so far beyond the pale compared to others like Obama and Bush, that constitutes:

UNETHICAL behavior?
DAMAGING to our nation?

I'd really like for him or anyone to be SPECIFIC what these charges mean. Meantime, Brennan speaks of "palpable fear---" of what? How? How is Brennan close to the president to see those things? If these things are so palpable, why hasn't Mueller come forward with specific charges? Put up or shut up John, you yourself may be a criminal and when Mueller is done and Trump is NOT impeached or removed, I think you yourself should be arrested for conspiring against the United States.

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