Ex-DOJ lawyer says Government form could hold answer to whether Clinton broke law with emails


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Ex-DOJ lawyer says Government form could hold answer to whether Clinton broke law with emails

"A former Justice Department lawyer says Hillary Clinton, despite her claims that she broke no rules or laws, may have committed a violation in leaving the State Department without turning over all official emails and records.

Shannen Coffin, a senior lawyer under the George W. Bush administration, pointed to a "separation" form that he said officials are supposed to sign upon leaving the department.

His argument: If she signed the form, she probably gave a false statement and broke the law; if she didn't, she ran afoul of department policy.

The form -- OF109 -- certifies that the person who signs it has turned over all "classified or administratively controlled" materials, as well as all "unclassified documents and papers" relating to official government business.

It's unclear whether Clinton indeed signed that document. But Coffin told Fox News, "If that's the case, there's no question [she broke the law]."

Fox News

If she signed that form, and admits today that she is turning over work related emails, NOW, it’s a felony. Someone needs to see that server.
If there is no Government form OF109, that could be just another issue for her to explain.
10 to 1, she broke no law and human resources, DID NOT give her this form to sign upon separation.

But go on and do what FOX usually does....just spinning and turning and lying instead of actually reporting news in a journalistic manner.
Or she could claim she was never given it to sign. Her mind is so devious, along with her attorneys, friends, and some she worked with, they will come up with something to try to smooth it over. Sort of like what exposed this whole thing-the hacker getting into their good friends email, Sidney Blumenthal, showing he was trying to help her find plausible, fake, explanations in the Benghazi situation.
If there is no Government form OF109, that could be just another issue for her to explain.
10 to 1, she broke no law and human resources, DID NOT give her this form to sign upon separation.

But go on and do what FOX usually does....just spinning and turning and lying instead of actually reporting news in a journalistic manner.

Seeing that she received all of her foreign and domestic policy experience on her resume from osmosis through her husband, that should have been known as well. He had to sign that form upon leaving office.

Ten to one, she had that form and ignored it, or signed it thinking nothing much would come of it. She's a "Clinton," afterall.
Or she could claim she was never given it to sign. Her mind is so devious, along with her attorneys, friends, and some she worked with, they will come up with something to try to smooth it over. Sort of like what exposed this whole thing-the hacker getting into their good friends email, Sidney Blumenthal, showing he was trying to help her find plausible, fake, explanations in the Benghazi situation.
If there is no Government form OF109, that could be just another issue for her to explain.

What we need is someone to come up and say, "but I gave her the form." Of course, that could lead to another Foster story.
Sad thing is, I know you are serious.
10 to 1, she broke no law and human resources, DID NOT give her this form to sign upon separation.

But go on and do what FOX usually does....just spinning and turning and lying instead of actually reporting news in a journalistic manner.
Sad thing is, I know you are serious.
10 to 1, she broke no law and human resources, DID NOT give her this form to sign upon separation.

But go on and do what FOX usually does....just spinning and turning and lying instead of actually reporting news in a journalistic manner.
An interesting question to all the people who have separated themselves from the administration would be, did you sign that document? If they had, and Clinton was the only one claiming she didn't, that again, would be telling.
Very telling. There are those that would provide cover for her, though. That is the worst part of this entire thing. So many do provide cover for her. I still don't think they ever got the 22 hour gap that was there in 2013, when they finally turned over some of the emails-during the most critical time period regarding the attacks.
Sad thing is, I know you are serious.
10 to 1, she broke no law and human resources, DID NOT give her this form to sign upon separation.

But go on and do what FOX usually does....just spinning and turning and lying instead of actually reporting news in a journalistic manner.
An interesting question to all the people who have separated themselves from the administration would be, did you sign that document? If they had, and Clinton was the only one claiming she didn't, that again, would be telling.
Very telling. There are those that would provide cover for her, though. That is the worst part of this entire thing. So many do provide cover for her. I still don't think they ever got the 22 hour gap that was there in 2013, when they finally turned over some of the emails-during the most critical time period regarding the attacks.
Sad thing is, I know you are serious.
10 to 1, she broke no law and human resources, DID NOT give her this form to sign upon separation.

But go on and do what FOX usually does....just spinning and turning and lying instead of actually reporting news in a journalistic manner.
An interesting question to all the people who have separated themselves from the administration would be, did you sign that document? If they had, and Clinton was the only one claiming she didn't, that again, would be telling.

It just takes one with some balls. But who wants to go against a Clinton with their history???
I wouldn't be surprised if favors haven't been granted or promised all over the place. Ethics today is really lacking.

I wouldn't be surprised if some that would like to come forward think of what if she were to become president, what would their future look like then.
Very telling. There are those that would provide cover for her, though. That is the worst part of this entire thing. So many do provide cover for her. I still don't think they ever got the 22 hour gap that was there in 2013, when they finally turned over some of the emails-during the most critical time period regarding the attacks.
Sad thing is, I know you are serious.
10 to 1, she broke no law and human resources, DID NOT give her this form to sign upon separation.

But go on and do what FOX usually does....just spinning and turning and lying instead of actually reporting news in a journalistic manner.
An interesting question to all the people who have separated themselves from the administration would be, did you sign that document? If they had, and Clinton was the only one claiming she didn't, that again, would be telling.

It just takes one with some balls. But who wants to go against a Clinton with their history???
My Goodness.... you guys should be "Who done it?" fiction novelists!!!

I mean seriously, how dumbed down can you get from the FOX news channel and the likes on the Internet?

Do you seriously believe that Trey Gowdy, who heads the official investigation on Benghazi had not checked to see if this form was a part of her exit package already? And this loon on Fox is the FIRST to even think about it???? oh my gosh.... :lol: the smallest of things seem to get you all going...

Taking on Clinton, Gowdy repeats, “is not my job. That’s the job of the RNC, and the Republican candidate for president. … If they hired me for that job they hired the wrong guy. Why would you hire a not-even-two-term guy, all of whose training tells him to go where facts take him, who doesn’t even go to NRCC [National Republican Congressional Committee] dinners, who’s lousy at fundraisers, who hates to travel? Because that’s who you’re getting.”

The job he was appointed to do last year by House Speaker John Boehner was to chair a special investigatory committee on Benghazi after the Republican right roared its disapproval of previous failed inquiries. What does he know right now, I ask him, based on numerous witness appearances and 850 pages already submitted by the State Department?

Not all that much. He says he’s “seen no evidence” that Clinton ordered a stand-down of security forces in Benghazi, contributing to the deaths of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans on Sept. 11, 2012 , or any of the other more damning things the right typically alleges.

And if anyone expects him to chase the presumptive frontrunner for the Democratic presidential nomination to the gates of political hell to get tens of thousands of her personal emails, well, don’t bank on it. Right now, Gowdy wants an independent arbitrator to decide whether those 30,000 or so emails contain anything significant material to his probe, and he says he’d even accept a respected Democratic professional like Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz for that task. But when I point out that another committee he serves on recently accepted a high-level witness’s mere “certification” or a personal oath that his submitted emails were complete, Gowdy says a similar compromise might be possible with Clinton.

“That may be the best we can get. If you can’t get what you think is your reasonable alternative, because you’re dealing with the limitations of the legislative branch. What is your power to dictate otherwise? Public pressure maybe. But beyond that what can you do?”


People who know Gowdy well wouldn’t be surprised to hear him talk this way.

A Christian conservative elected in the tea party wave of 2010, Gowdy is a believer all right — but not in what many of his fellow Republicans would consider the “cause,” namely preventing, by any means necessary, the title President from appearing in front of Hillary’s name. He has little interest in becoming a latter-day Kenneth Starr. He has no visceral hatred of the Clintons, he says.

“I never would have become a prosecutor except for Bill Clinton,” Gowdy remarks casually, explaining that it was only when Clinton became president in 1993 that he got the job he’d long wanted, federal prosecutor in South Carolina, which had been denied him under George H.W. Bush.

When I joke that perhaps he should recuse himself from the Benghazi investigation for his pro-Clinton bias, he laughs. “She really is going to be, I don’t want to say a small part — I don’t know — but she is by no means the central focus of our inquiry. … John Boehner didn’t even mention her name when he asked me to do this. There are a million other things to pursue with respect to Benghazi other than Secretary Clinton.”

By the account of many friends and associates, it’s the law, not partisan politics, that Gowdy reveres. Gowdy himself says he’d much rather be a judge or even a law professor than a member of Congress, a place, he admits to me, that he’s come to hate. The House, Gowdy says, has become little more than as a venue for permanent political warfare, unrelieved by action. According to Dave Woodard, Gowdy’s political mentor in Spartanburg and the man who launched his career: “He said to me not long ago, ‘I thought I was doing more for America by putting bad guys in jail than hitting my head against a wall with 435 morons.’”

Mick Mulvaney, Gowdy’s friend and fellow member of the close-knit South Carolina congressional caucus, says selecting the 50-year-old Gowdy was a big risk for Boehner, who remains on permanently thin ice with his right-wing base.

“I think he’s more well-suited to be judge than a politician, which is why he was a great choice on one hand, but also a very dangerous choice for Boehner,” says Mulvaney. “He’s brutally fair, and brutally honest, and brutally transparent. While everyone assumes he’ll find something on Benghazi, it’s entirely plausible that he finds no wrongdoing, and if he does there are going to be some Republicans who are not happy with that finding.”

Hillary Clinton s Enemy No. 1 - Michael Hirsh - POLITICO Magazine

An interesting take" on Gowdy....

I had no idea he was such an honest man.
Interesting article on Gowdy. Bohner blows it again. Gowdy sounds like a statesman that we would all want on every level in Washington. Both sides are most likely on pins and needles to see how this investigation will turn out. Neither can say it was fixed.

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