Ex-gay man: ‘Homosexuality is just another human brokenness’

This is proof positive that homosexuality is a choice. It is a mental disorder. You are not born that way.

Ex-gay man: ‘Homosexuality is just another human brokenness’

Probably won't last. I need to say I don't care what people sexual orientation is, real or not. For him to now say that homosexuals are broken and need help, I suppose he means Jesus, he is a being a bigot. I so bet it won't last and if it does so what. Why is it that everybody who suddenly finds Jesus, thinks they need to tell about their discovery of him. So he fell in love with a man he can't have sex with . I so don't care, and why do you care so much??

Bailey credits God for acting powerfully in his life to save him from himself, change his life for the good, and ultimately bring about his deliverance from homosexual attractions. God led him on a journey of trust that ultimately led to the heart of Jesus Christ. Here Bailey experienced the love, acceptance, and affirmation he had always craved.

To put it simply, says Bailey, he fell in love with the person of Jesus. He experienced Him through prayer and through reading the Bible.
Sure it can't be normal, but I don't care if libturd "men" swallow all the libturd wads and libturd split tails abort any off spring that might result in another parasite on welfare, in prison or in government.
Sure it can't be normal, but I don't care if libturd "men" swallow all the libturd wads and libturd split tails abort any off spring that might result in another parasite on welfare, in prison or in government.
left handedness isn't normal either....nor are green eyes.
Probably won't last. I need to say I don't care what people sexual orientation is, real or not. For him to now say that homosexuals are broken and need help, I suppose he means Jesus, he is a being a bigot. I so bet it won't last and if it does so what. Why is it that everybody who suddenly finds Jesus, thinks they need to tell about their discovery of him. So he fell in love with a man he can't have sex with . I so don't care, and why do you care so much??

Often people care so much and are obsessed by gay folk because they are bi-curious.

Beware the source on this one - LifeSiteNews often makes shit up

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