Ex-Muslim Customers Kicked Out of Houston Starbucks For Wearing Ex-Muslim T-Shirts

its a FREE Country and anyone can go where they like Sunni .
Put on a KKK uniform and walk thru the ghetto if you believe that.

Be sure to let us know how it went. ..... :thup:
--------------------------------------- whats the PROBLEM are you in favor of mob rule ?? Did you see the 'nazi' supporters in , think it was Skokie Illinois where the police protected the 'nazis' in a mostly Jewish area . My point is that people , nazis , kkk , t-shirt wearers have RIGHTS and just because a mob tries to limit their RIGHTS they won't win if the Authorities do their jobs Sunni .
The only qualifier is that 'starbuck' is private property so maybe Free Speech [free expression T-Shirts] can be limited in private property Sunni .
------------------------- the only difference might be that 'starbuck' is private property .
My point is that people , nazis , kkk , t-shirt wearers have RIGHTS and just because a mob tries to limit their RIGHTS they won't win if the Authorities do their jobs Sunni .
They can have their so called rights.

But not around me. .... :cool:
its a FREE Country and anyone can go where they like Sunni .
Put on a KKK uniform and walk thru the ghetto if you believe that.

Be sure to let us know how it went. ..... :thup:

Answer me this....would someone have the right to do that? Nevermind it's stupid but is it their right?

I realize this puts you in a spot
---------------------------------- if asking me , think its their RIGHT and the Police should do their jobs Sassy .
its a FREE Country and anyone can go where they like Sunni .
Put on a KKK uniform and walk thru the ghetto if you believe that.

Be sure to let us know how it went. ..... :thup:

Answer me this....would someone have the right to do that? Nevermind it's stupid but is it their right?

I realize this puts you in a spot
---------------------------------- if asking me , think its their RIGHT and the Police should do their jobs Sassy .

I was asking Sunni but yeah it's a right.
Your failure to answer my question is duly noted
I didn't realize there was a question in your post? ... :dunno:

Please state the question, and I'll be happy to address it. .... :cool:

Yeah you did. But again would it be their right to wear KKK uniforms?
-------------------------------- of course , why not , police would just have to do their jobs that they are paid by taxpayers to do . Threats of violence over Free and Free Expression Speech should not be tolerated in the USA .
That's an excellent impersonation of George Wallace back in the day talking about blacks.

It had zero to do with race.

They were told to take off the T-shirts and they would be allow inside the coffee shop. .... :cool:

I was referring to your post which expressed putting people in their proper place. It struck me as having a lot of Jim Crow in it. A you don't belong here because you're not one of us sort of thing,.

I don't view the shirts as anywhere near "hate speech", nor disrespectful. With the many religions in our country the open discussion of one versus another or atheism isn't something frowned upon, except at the dinner table where it and politics are customarily banned.
Yeah you did. But again would it be their right to wear KKK uniforms?
People can do anything if they are willing to suffer the consequences. .... :cool:
------------------------------------ of course , but people that cause harm to people like 'kkk' or 'nazis' or 'ex muslims' that express unpopular points of view expressed in Free Speech or Free Expression should be 'forcefully opposed' and forcefully restrained by the Police Sunni .
The concept of so called Free speech has gotten entirely out of hand in this country.

The 1st Amend was originally intended to protect citizens from arrest who were criticizing the government.

Now it has devolved into protecting hate speech and even pornography. .. :cuckoo:

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