Ex-Muslim Customers Kicked Out of Houston Starbucks For Wearing Ex-Muslim T-Shirts

My point is that people , nazis , kkk , t-shirt wearers have RIGHTS and just because a mob tries to limit their RIGHTS they won't win if the Authorities do their jobs Sunni .
They can have their so called rights.

But not around me. .... :cool:
-------------------------------------------------------- [chuckle] . what would you do as i listen Sunni ??:afro:
I was referring to your post which expressed putting people in their proper place. It struck me as having a lot of Jim Crow in it. A you don't belong here because you're not one of us sort of thing,.
The protesters were an affront to the muslim attendees of the convention and had no business being there. ..... :cool:
The concept of so called Free speech has gotten entirely out of hand in this country.

The 1st Amend was originally intended to protect citizens from arrest who were criticizing the government.

Now it has devolved into protecting hate speech and even pornography. .. :cuckoo:
-------------------------------------------------- i don't think that so called 'hate speech' Was Ever ILLEGAL in the USA . [we ain't england or europe or the 'muslim' lands , yet] --- Opinion | Supreme Court unanimously reaffirms: There is no ‘hate speech’ exception to the First Amendment --- And socalled 'hate speech' has NEVER been illegal in the USA as far as i am aware Sunni .
Islamic Society of North America was having its 55th annual convention, and these two trouble makers were there to protest and disrupt the meeting.

I applaud the manager for kicking them out. ..... :thup:
The meeting was being held in the Starbucks?

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