Ex-Muslim Customers Kicked Out of Houston Starbucks For Wearing Ex-Muslim T-Shirts

Would somebody just stick muslim dicks in the mouths of all these rape-enabler, female-slavery-enabler, Islam human condoms who want to defend its rich DIVERSITY catalog of human rights atrocities? Ya know, the only religion in which fathers stone their own daughters to death for adultery. Or teach small children to be suicide bombers. Or for you gay-rights-liberals, the only religion which publicly executes homosexuals in front of giant, cheering crowds of muslim cousin-inbreds, by hanging or defenestration. All I can say is that if you liberals are so devoted to something this violent, that says more about your characters than any colorful profanity I can spew at you. In your diseased minds any harmful, vicious act against another person is okay if your muslim whoremasters do it.
Hey Bubba, you might wanna see your shrink about getting your daily dose of Prozac increased. .... :cuckoo: ... :lol: :lol:
Can't handle the truth sunni? Not surprised, you worship a pedophile.

To be fair he at least waited till she was age 9

He married her at age 6.

What a monster.
Religious Discrimination, Freedom of Speech or both in the coming lawsuit?

Ex-Muslim Customers Kicked Out of Houston Starbucks For Wearing Ex-Muslim T-Shirts.
I guess they were afraid they would revert all of a sudden! Were they carrying boxes or back packs? There is a Utube video of some guy dressed like a muslim throwing back packs at people and running! Funny stuff, but I am waiting for some one to shoot the guy! He pulls that shit in my town I am sure some one would shoot him!
Here's a short video, I enjoyed at the 2:00 mark seeing the guy wearing the same shirt calmly walking out through the revolving door. Doesn't appear he caused any trouble inside. LOL

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What´s going on at Starbucks?
Sounds like the manager is a real fucking scumbag. If I wanted to go inside I would have just walked right past the obese dumbfuck and hoped that he tried to physically remove me so that I could legally kick him upside the head with my Red Wings.
When people go out intentionally trying to stir shit up, and shit gets stirred up, why does everybody act like it’s surprising?
You mean like when a bunch of lefties try to intimidate white supremacists and they get run over by a Dodge Challenger?
Here's a short video, I enjoyed at the 2:00 mark seeing the guy wearing the same shirt calmly walking out through the revolving door. Doesn't appear he caused any trouble inside.
They were carrying a live camera and microphone to harass convention attendees while wearing an inflammatory T-shirt in order to cause trouble.

I'm glad the miscreants were denied entry into the establishment. ... :thup:
Here's a short video, I enjoyed at the 2:00 mark seeing the guy wearing the same shirt calmly walking out through the revolving door. Doesn't appear he caused any trouble inside.
They were carrying a live camera and microphone to harass convention attendees while wearing an inflammatory T-shirt in order to cause trouble.

I'm glad the miscreants were denied entry into the establishment. ... :thup:
----------------------------------------------- starbucks is probably going to pay is what i assume . If this story is kinda big here i assume that its big on other boards so i assume that the news is getting out . So , maybe a pay of money by 'starbucks' to the Free Speech 't shirt' wearing people and maybe fewer ' kafirs' going to 'starbucks' for coffee Sunni [maybe] .
Sorry, but I don't worship at the altar of so called "Free speech".

The convention is a national meeting of Muslims and their families. And we aren't gonna to put up with a bunch of protesters and other miscreants looking for trouble. ..... :cool:
Ya, or what?
Religious Discrimination, Freedom of Speech or both in the coming lawsuit?

Ex-Muslim Customers Kicked Out of Houston Starbucks For Wearing Ex-Muslim T-Shirts.
I guess they were afraid they would revert all of a sudden! Were they carrying boxes or back packs? There is a Utube video of some guy dressed like a muslim throwing back packs at people and running! Funny stuff, but I am waiting for some one to shoot the guy! He pulls that shit in my town I am sure some one would shoot him!
He just carried a box in with a big battery and bunch of wires and said it was a clock.
Here's a short video, I enjoyed at the 2:00 mark seeing the guy wearing the same shirt calmly walking out through the revolving door. Doesn't appear he caused any trouble inside.
They were carrying a live camera and microphone to harass convention attendees while wearing an inflammatory T-shirt in order to cause trouble.

I'm glad the miscreants were denied entry into the establishment. ... :thup:

The thought that these shirts are in any way inflammatory strikes me in a similar fashion as when I hear those who say the wearing of the hijab itself is inflammatory. In my eyes those shirts simply express a personal thought without vulgarity nor threat to anybody and in our culture separating oneself from any particular religion isn't itself blasphemy.
The thought that these shirts are in any way inflammatory strikes me in a similar fashion as when I hear those who say the wearing of the hijab itself is inflammatory. In my eyes those shirts simply express a personal thought without vulgarity nor threat to anybody and in our culture separating oneself from any particular religion isn't itself blasphemy.
This incident took place in the huge city of Houston where they had plenty of places to go, yet they chose to wear them at the muslim convention. So obviously the pair was targeting muslim people to harass.

They didn't belong there, and had no business being there. .... :cool:
but this s a good thread , i think you grew up as an American in the USA but when muslims are involved , well , YOU side with the 'muslims' Sunni .
The thought that these shirts are in any way inflammatory strikes me in a similar fashion as when I hear those who say the wearing of the hijab itself is inflammatory. In my eyes those shirts simply express a personal thought without vulgarity nor threat to anybody and in our culture separating oneself from any particular religion isn't itself blasphemy.
This incident took place in the huge city of Houston where they had plenty of places to go, yet they chose to wear them at the muslim convention. So obviously the pair was targeting muslim people to harass.

They didn't belong there, and had no business being there. .... :cool:

That's an excellent impersonation of George Wallace back in the day talking about blacks.
The only qualifier is that 'starbuck' is private property so maybe Free Speech [free expression T-Shirts] can be limited in private property Sunni .
That's an excellent impersonation of George Wallace back in the day talking about blacks.

It had zero to do with race.

They were told to take off the T-shirts and they would be allow inside the coffee shop. .... :cool:

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