Ex-Muslim Customers Kicked Out of Houston Starbucks For Wearing Ex-Muslim T-Shirts

Religious Discrimination, Freedom of Speech or both in the coming lawsuit?

Ex-Muslim Customers Kicked Out of Houston Starbucks For Wearing Ex-Muslim T-Shirts.

Hate to say it, but I would have bounced them fast myself. Even the Mormons, Jahovas witnesses, and artist don’t do that shit unless they are looking for attention. Can’t people just have coffee?
----------------------------------- yes miss , can't we all just get along and smile at our Brothers right now . Or some silly zhit like that . The only valid point for being able to stifle Free Speech was brought up by DigitalDrifter because the place was probably Private Property Crixxus

I would not want trouble makers in any business I own. If they came into my place with t shirts like the ones they have, be it whatever cause or what, I would ask them to just leave. You people need to go back and read that constitution. It protects us from government edicts. It does NOT give me a right to come into your living room and spout whatever bull shit I feel you need to know.
Homosexuals are known troublemakers, they should be kicked out if they come into your bakery or other business.

No. Homosexuals are NOT "known troublemakers." They just do whatever anyone and everyone else does in society, nothing different.
Aren't you one of those people who bitched about Sandy Whore being kicked out of a restaurant for something that she actually DID? Not for being part of a demographic group, but on account of her misdeeds as an individual?

Who is sandy whore?
Religious Discrimination, Freedom of Speech or both in the coming lawsuit?

Ex-Muslim Customers Kicked Out of Houston Starbucks For Wearing Ex-Muslim T-Shirts.

Hate to say it, but I would have bounced them fast myself. Even the Mormons, Jahovas witnesses, and artist don’t do that shit unless they are looking for attention. Can’t people just have coffee?
----------------------------------- yes miss , can't we all just get along and smile at our Brothers right now . Or some silly zhit like that . The only valid point for being able to stifle Free Speech was brought up by DigitalDrifter because the place was probably Private Property Crixxus

I would not want trouble makers in any business I own. If they came into my place with t shirts like the ones they have, be it whatever cause or what, I would ask them to just leave. You people need to go back and read that constitution. It protects us from government edicts. It does NOT give me a right to come into your living room and spout whatever bull shit I feel you need to know.
-------------------------- and as i said , the only VALID reason for stifling Freedom of Speech is because the store owner doesn't want it in HIS private store . So we agree about Private Property but other then PRIVATE Property Free Speech Reigns Supreme no matter who objects Crixxus .

And that is true. Many people seem to think they can walk up into your house and “tell ya”. Just not so.
------------------------------ course lefties go up to private homes all the time with their screaming and yelling but , the rub is that they are on Public property , sidewalk Crixxus .
Hate to say it, but I would have bounced them fast myself. Even the Mormons, Jahovas witnesses, and artist don’t do that shit unless they are looking for attention. Can’t people just have coffee?
----------------------------------- yes miss , can't we all just get along and smile at our Brothers right now . Or some silly zhit like that . The only valid point for being able to stifle Free Speech was brought up by DigitalDrifter because the place was probably Private Property Crixxus

I would not want trouble makers in any business I own. If they came into my place with t shirts like the ones they have, be it whatever cause or what, I would ask them to just leave. You people need to go back and read that constitution. It protects us from government edicts. It does NOT give me a right to come into your living room and spout whatever bull shit I feel you need to know.
Homosexuals are known troublemakers, they should be kicked out if they come into your bakery or other business.

No. Homosexuals are NOT "known troublemakers." They just do whatever anyone and everyone else does in society, nothing different.
Aren't you one of those people who bitched about Sandy Whore being kicked out of a restaurant for something that she actually DID? Not for being part of a demographic group, but on account of her misdeeds as an individual?

Who is sandy whore?
------------------------------- [chuckle] yeah !!
Hate to say it, but I would have bounced them fast myself. Even the Mormons, Jahovas witnesses, and artist don’t do that shit unless they are looking for attention. Can’t people just have coffee?
----------------------------------- yes miss , can't we all just get along and smile at our Brothers right now . Or some silly zhit like that . The only valid point for being able to stifle Free Speech was brought up by DigitalDrifter because the place was probably Private Property Crixxus

I would not want trouble makers in any business I own. If they came into my place with t shirts like the ones they have, be it whatever cause or what, I would ask them to just leave. You people need to go back and read that constitution. It protects us from government edicts. It does NOT give me a right to come into your living room and spout whatever bull shit I feel you need to know.
Homosexuals are known troublemakers, they should be kicked out if they come into your bakery or other business.

No. Homosexuals are NOT "known troublemakers." They just do whatever anyone and everyone else does in society, nothing different.
Aren't you one of those people who bitched about Sandy Whore being kicked out of a restaurant for something that she actually DID? Not for being part of a demographic group, but on account of her misdeeds as an individual?

Who is sandy whore?
--------------------------------- no idea of course [chuckle] , Lysis said it Crixxus .
Hate to say it, but I would have bounced them fast myself. Even the Mormons, Jahovas witnesses, and artist don’t do that shit unless they are looking for attention. Can’t people just have coffee?
----------------------------------- yes miss , can't we all just get along and smile at our Brothers right now . Or some silly zhit like that . The only valid point for being able to stifle Free Speech was brought up by DigitalDrifter because the place was probably Private Property Crixxus

I would not want trouble makers in any business I own. If they came into my place with t shirts like the ones they have, be it whatever cause or what, I would ask them to just leave. You people need to go back and read that constitution. It protects us from government edicts. It does NOT give me a right to come into your living room and spout whatever bull shit I feel you need to know.
-------------------------- and as i said , the only VALID reason for stifling Freedom of Speech is because the store owner doesn't want it in HIS private store . So we agree about Private Property but other then PRIVATE Property Free Speech Reigns Supreme no matter who objects Crixxus .

And that is true. Many people seem to think they can walk up into your house and “tell ya”. Just not so.
------------------------------ course lefties go up to private homes all the time with their screaming and yelling but , the rub is that they are on Public property , sidewalk Crixxus .

Water is harmless, but inflicts pain just dandy! I bet I could move the retards pretty fast. But then, I would be perfectly fine going to jail for splitting a leftward screamers melon on the sidewalk at my house. Notice sidewalk home protests don’t happen much here in Texas?
Religious Discrimination, Freedom of Speech or both in the coming lawsuit?

Ex-Muslim Customers Kicked Out of Houston Starbucks For Wearing Ex-Muslim T-Shirts.

Hate to say it, but I would have bounced them fast myself. Even the Mormons, Jahovas witnesses, and artist don’t do that shit unless they are looking for attention. Can’t people just have coffee?
----------------------------------- yes miss , can't we all just get along and smile at our Brothers right now . Or some silly zhit like that . The only valid point for being able to stifle Free Speech was brought up by DigitalDrifter because the place was probably Private Property Crixxus

I would not want trouble makers in any business I own. If they came into my place with t shirts like the ones they have, be it whatever cause or what, I would ask them to just leave. You people need to go back and read that constitution. It protects us from government edicts. It does NOT give me a right to come into your living room and spout whatever bull shit I feel you need to know.
Homosexuals are known troublemakers, they should be kicked out if they come into your bakery or other business.

No. Homosexuals are NOT "known troublemakers." They just do whatever anyone and everyone else does in society, nothing different.
Aren't you one of those people who bitched about Sandy Whore being kicked out of a restaurant for something that she actually DID? Not for being part of a demographic group, but on account of her misdeeds as an individual?
Yes, homosexuals are known troublemakers. Ex Muslims never make trouble. Deal with it.
Hate to say it, but I would have bounced them fast myself. Even the Mormons, Jahovas witnesses, and artist don’t do that shit unless they are looking for attention. Can’t people just have coffee?
----------------------------------- yes miss , can't we all just get along and smile at our Brothers right now . Or some silly zhit like that . The only valid point for being able to stifle Free Speech was brought up by DigitalDrifter because the place was probably Private Property Crixxus

I would not want trouble makers in any business I own. If they came into my place with t shirts like the ones they have, be it whatever cause or what, I would ask them to just leave. You people need to go back and read that constitution. It protects us from government edicts. It does NOT give me a right to come into your living room and spout whatever bull shit I feel you need to know.
Homosexuals are known troublemakers, they should be kicked out if they come into your bakery or other business.

No. Homosexuals are NOT "known troublemakers." They just do whatever anyone and everyone else does in society, nothing different.
Aren't you one of those people who bitched about Sandy Whore being kicked out of a restaurant for something that she actually DID? Not for being part of a demographic group, but on account of her misdeeds as an individual?

Who is sandy whore?

That thing that works as trump's press spokesperson. She has chosen what disgraceful things that she has done. No one has forced her. I haven't heard that any other person who is a female, who isof the white race, and who has chosen to adopt any variety of the Christian faith (and there are so many!) or has chosen to support Republican Party politics was refused service in this restaurant.
----------------------------------- yes miss , can't we all just get along and smile at our Brothers right now . Or some silly zhit like that . The only valid point for being able to stifle Free Speech was brought up by DigitalDrifter because the place was probably Private Property Crixxus

I would not want trouble makers in any business I own. If they came into my place with t shirts like the ones they have, be it whatever cause or what, I would ask them to just leave. You people need to go back and read that constitution. It protects us from government edicts. It does NOT give me a right to come into your living room and spout whatever bull shit I feel you need to know.
Homosexuals are known troublemakers, they should be kicked out if they come into your bakery or other business.

No. Homosexuals are NOT "known troublemakers." They just do whatever anyone and everyone else does in society, nothing different.
Aren't you one of those people who bitched about Sandy Whore being kicked out of a restaurant for something that she actually DID? Not for being part of a demographic group, but on account of her misdeeds as an individual?

Who is sandy whore?

That thing that works as trump's press spokesperson. She has chosen what disgraceful things that she has done. No one has forced her. I haven't heard that any other person who is a female, who isof the white race, and who has chosen to adopt any variety of the Christian faith (and there are so many!) or has chosen to support Republican Party politics was refused service in this restaurant.

Dude in a space cowboy, but you just made me look Einsteinonian!
When people go out intentionally trying to stir shit up, and shit gets stirred up, why does everybody act like it’s surprising?

Like BLM?

You mean BLFM, "Black Lives Fecal Matter."

Well using Flag's logic a business could refuse to serve anyone wearing a BLM shirt.....the sword cuts both ways
Saying that a black person’s life matters is that offensive to you? Lol who cares, you’ll be replaced eventually.
Obviously saying ALL lives matter bothers you Leftard freaks.
Of course all lives matter. Will you type that black lives matter?
Would somebody just stick muslim dicks in the mouths of all these rape-enabler, female-slavery-enabler, Islam human condoms who want to defend its rich DIVERSITY catalog of human rights atrocities? Ya know, the only religion in which fathers stone their own daughters to death for adultery. Or teach small children to be suicide bombers. Or for you gay-rights-liberals, the only religion which publicly executes homosexuals in front of giant, cheering crowds of muslim cousin-inbreds, by hanging or defenestration. All I can say is that if you liberals are so devoted to something this violent, that says more about your characters than any colorful profanity I can spew at you. In your diseased minds any harmful, vicious act against another person is okay if your muslim whoremasters do it.
When people go out intentionally trying to stir shit up, and shit gets stirred up, why does everybody act like it’s surprising?

Like BLM?

You mean BLFM, "Black Lives Fecal Matter."

Well using Flag's logic a business could refuse to serve anyone wearing a BLM shirt.....the sword cuts both ways
Saying that a black person’s life matters is that offensive to you? Lol who cares, you’ll be replaced eventually.

No idiot-of-another-kind, what's offensive is a violent hate group that goes around terrorizing, assaulting and murdering random, innocent white people which your Black Lives Fecal Matter has been all about. It has proven itself to be nothing but a bloodthirsty Sharpton-flavored exercise in violence and hatred against white people and killing cops, my cerebral-cortex-deprived friend.
Would somebody just stick muslim dicks in the mouths of all these rape-enabler, female-slavery-enabler, Islam human condoms who want to defend its rich DIVERSITY catalog of human rights atrocities? Ya know, the only religion in which fathers stone their own daughters to death for adultery. Or teach small children to be suicide bombers. Or for you gay-rights-liberals, the only religion which publicly executes homosexuals in front of giant, cheering crowds of muslim cousin-inbreds, by hanging or defenestration. All I can say is that if you liberals are so devoted to something this violent, that says more about your characters than any colorful profanity I can spew at you. In your diseased minds any harmful, vicious act against another person is okay if your muslim whoremasters do it.
Hey Bubba, you might wanna see your shrink about getting your daily dose of Prozac increased. .... :cuckoo: ... :lol: :lol:
Welcome to my very, very rare, occasional ignore list, BlackFag. You are so reprehensible and without any redeeming basic human qualities to me, I see no reason to read your feces any more. You're quite simply an evil human being, what more can I say?
When people go out intentionally trying to stir shit up, and shit gets stirred up, why does everybody act like it’s surprising?

Like BLM?

You mean BLFM, "Black Lives Fecal Matter."

Well using Flag's logic a business could refuse to serve anyone wearing a BLM shirt.....the sword cuts both ways
Saying that a black person’s life matters is that offensive to you? Lol who cares, you’ll be replaced eventually.

No idiot-of-another-kind, what's offensive is a violent hate group that goes around terrorizing, assaulting and murdering random, innocent white people which your Black Lives Fecal Matter has been all about. It has proven itself to be nothing but a bloodthirsty Sharpton-flavored exercise in violence and hatred against white people and killing cops, my cerebral-cortex-deprived friend.
I bet you will never say that a black person's life matters either. Oh well. You'll be replaced soon, too.
Would somebody just stick muslim dicks in the mouths of all these rape-enabler, female-slavery-enabler, Islam human condoms who want to defend its rich DIVERSITY catalog of human rights atrocities? Ya know, the only religion in which fathers stone their own daughters to death for adultery. Or teach small children to be suicide bombers. Or for you gay-rights-liberals, the only religion which publicly executes homosexuals in front of giant, cheering crowds of muslim cousin-inbreds, by hanging or defenestration. All I can say is that if you liberals are so devoted to something this violent, that says more about your characters than any colorful profanity I can spew at you. In your diseased minds any harmful, vicious act against another person is okay if your muslim whoremasters do it.
I think that you are mentally ill.
With the whites gone i hear that the light colored Blacks will be fighting the Coal Black Blacks . And the supposedly Civilized and smart Blacks from some countries or islands In the 'carribean' and some parts of 'africa' wherever that may be will already be here in the USA as importeds . And they will be going after the 'hip hopping' Blacks , crips , bloods that were born and raised in the USA and who are walking around with pants below their knees . And then the Browns will start going after the Blacks because they don't like the Blacks selling drugs or their Womens in da hood . And then the White Race will be Resurrected in 'calypso louies black muslim' laboratory and Whites will be brought back to figure out how to fix everything up BFlag .

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