Ex-Muslim Customers Kicked Out of Houston Starbucks For Wearing Ex-Muslim T-Shirts

Would somebody just stick muslim dicks in the mouths of all these rape-enabler, female-slavery-enabler, Islam human condoms who want to defend its rich DIVERSITY catalog of human rights atrocities? Ya know, the only religion in which fathers stone their own daughters to death for adultery. Or teach small children to be suicide bombers. Or for you gay-rights-liberals, the only religion which publicly executes homosexuals in front of giant, cheering crowds of muslim cousin-inbreds, by hanging or defenestration. All I can say is that if you liberals are so devoted to something this violent, that says more about your characters than any colorful profanity I can spew at you. In your diseased minds any harmful, vicious act against another person is okay if your muslim whoremasters do it.
I think that you are mentally ill.
------------------------------------ You call him meantally ill . Well you probably don't know this with you being a 'euro' import but what you are doing is called ,--- the pot calling the kettle black Lysis .
If Islam is so wonderful, then would liberals please explain to me why the Middle East and Northern Africa have been a complete 3rd-world toilet of nonstop genocide, oppression and human rights atrocities for 1400 years, contributing NOTHING to mankind except conflict and bloodshed. And don't give me that Islam "golden-age" revisionism; all of Islam's supposed scientific knowledge is what they stole from ancient societies they conquered and claimed as their own. Because having read the Quran, Islam is the only major religion in which followers are encouraged to LIE if it benefits Islam in some way. After years of studying this theoslime, literally every detail of Islam is based on hateful malice and lies. So what GOOD do you liberals expect to happen from importing this ideology of pure hate into America?
comment on the muslim stored up knowledge and inventions and stuff . There mighta been some , i don't know but muslims came along in ABOUT 700 AD . Seems to me the the Greeks and Romans came up with most things long before the muslims .
i think that ;shariah' says that Everyone must think and do things in 'muslim' approved way eh Sunni ??
Or in christian sharia too....they both are two sides of the same coin.
-------------------------- i know of NO Christian 'sharia' . See 'iran' to see MODERN 'muslim' sharia. Same for 'saudi arabia' also i think Bode . Where is a Western State run by Christian 'sharia' Bode ??
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i think that ;shariah' says that Everyone must think and do things in 'muslim' approved way eh Sunni ??
Or in christian sharia too....they both are two sides of the same coin.
-------------------------- i know of NO Christian 'sharia' . See 'iran' to see MODERN 'muslim' sharia. Same for 'saudi arabia' also i think Bode . Where is a Western State run by Christian 'sharia' Bode ??

There is no such thing as "Christian Sharia" it's something Plywood made up and keeps getting shellacked on
i think that ;shariah' says that Everyone must think and do things in 'muslim' approved way eh Sunni ??
Or in christian sharia too....they both are two sides of the same coin.
-------------------------- i know of NO Christian 'sharia' . See 'iran' to see MODERN 'muslim' sharia. Same for 'saudi arabia' also i think Bode . Where is a Western State run by Christian 'sharia' Bode ??

There is no such thing as "Christian Sharia" it's something Plywood made up and keeps getting shellacked on

I knew a Christian girl named Sharon once.
i think that ;shariah' says that Everyone must think and do things in 'muslim' approved way eh Sunni ??
Or in christian sharia too....they both are two sides of the same coin.
-------------------------- i know of NO Christian 'sharia' . See 'iran' to see MODERN 'muslim' sharia. Same for 'saudi arabia' also i think Bode . Where is a Western State run by Christian 'sharia' Bode ??

There is no such thing as "Christian Sharia" it's something Plywood made up and keeps getting shellacked on

I knew a Christian girl named Sharon once.

Ha I know a Christian named Mohammad, he converted. It's sorta awkward at Church though
i think that ;shariah' says that Everyone must think and do things in 'muslim' approved way eh Sunni ??
Or in christian sharia too....they both are two sides of the same coin.
-------------------------- i know of NO Christian 'sharia' . See 'iran' to see MODERN 'muslim' sharia. Same for 'saudi arabia' also i think Bode . Where is a Western State run by Christian 'sharia' Bode ??

There is no such thing as "Christian Sharia" it's something Plywood made up and keeps getting shellacked on

I knew a Christian girl named Sharon once.

Ha I know a Christian named Mohammad, he converted. It's sorta awkward at Church though

Just have some fun with it. Walk up behind him and yell, "Allah Akbar!"
Like BLM?

You mean BLFM, "Black Lives Fecal Matter."

Well using Flag's logic a business could refuse to serve anyone wearing a BLM shirt.....the sword cuts both ways
Saying that a black person’s life matters is that offensive to you? Lol who cares, you’ll be replaced eventually.

No idiot-of-another-kind, what's offensive is a violent hate group that goes around terrorizing, assaulting and murdering random, innocent white people which your Black Lives Fecal Matter has been all about. It has proven itself to be nothing but a bloodthirsty Sharpton-flavored exercise in violence and hatred against white people and killing cops, my cerebral-cortex-deprived friend.
I bet you will never say that a black person's life matters either. Oh well. You'll be replaced soon, too.
Why do you Leftards get so upset that all lives matter?
#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

Apparently these folks have renounced their religion-bound duty and obligation to convert or destroy non-believers.

Islamic Society of North America was having a national meeting, and these two trouble makers were there to protest and disrupt the peaceful convention.

I applaud the manager for kicking them out. ..... :thup:

Yeah Muslims and their "tolerance" LMAO

Yet you have to no problem with anti Trump protestors being booted from rallies.

A rally and a place of buisness are two different things. That and I don't recall ever commenting on anyone being booted from any rally. Probably because I don't care. But go ahead and keep making things up. It's what leftists do to try and make a point
Would somebody just stick muslim dicks in the mouths of all these rape-enabler, female-slavery-enabler, Islam human condoms who want to defend its rich DIVERSITY catalog of human rights atrocities? Ya know, the only religion in which fathers stone their own daughters to death for adultery. Or teach small children to be suicide bombers. Or for you gay-rights-liberals, the only religion which publicly executes homosexuals in front of giant, cheering crowds of muslim cousin-inbreds, by hanging or defenestration. All I can say is that if you liberals are so devoted to something this violent, that says more about your characters than any colorful profanity I can spew at you. In your diseased minds any harmful, vicious act against another person is okay if your muslim whoremasters do it.
Hey Bubba, you might wanna see your shrink about getting your daily dose of Prozac increased. .... :cuckoo: ... :lol: :lol:
Can't handle the truth sunni? Not surprised, you worship a pedophile.
can't trust'em as its probably just a 'taqiyah' t-shirt

Yup and taqiyah is in their death cult. Its says they can lie to all unbelievers.

I wouldn't believe one word they say or what their t-shirts say.

Lie to the infidel is the name of the game.

Oh and the penalty for leaving the death cult is death. Nice so called religion don't you think.
Would somebody just stick muslim dicks in the mouths of all these rape-enabler, female-slavery-enabler, Islam human condoms who want to defend its rich DIVERSITY catalog of human rights atrocities? Ya know, the only religion in which fathers stone their own daughters to death for adultery. Or teach small children to be suicide bombers. Or for you gay-rights-liberals, the only religion which publicly executes homosexuals in front of giant, cheering crowds of muslim cousin-inbreds, by hanging or defenestration. All I can say is that if you liberals are so devoted to something this violent, that says more about your characters than any colorful profanity I can spew at you. In your diseased minds any harmful, vicious act against another person is okay if your muslim whoremasters do it.
Hey Bubba, you might wanna see your shrink about getting your daily dose of Prozac increased. .... :cuckoo: ... :lol: :lol:
Can't handle the truth sunni? Not surprised, you worship a pedophile.

To be fair he at least waited till she was age 9

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