Ex-Proud Boys organizer sentenced to 17 years in prison for plot to keep Trump in power

This judge is setting the groundwork for future violence. Just like how we create terrorists in the middle east by killing indiscriminately in the name of "democracy"
Meh, I'll cancel out your vote with my Trump vote, tissue?
Nope. That’s how democracy works.

But there just ain’t enough Trumpian crazies like you to cancel all the anti-Trump votes.

There weren’t on 2020 and won’t be in 2034
Seditious conspiracy....
... isn't insurrection.
Under the US code, "insurrection" is a specific charge, seperate form "seditious conspiracy"

So, the question stands:
Anyone know why they weren't charged with, and convicted for, insurrection?
I mean, anyone other than you -- obviously, YOU don't.

Proud Boys sentenced to 17 years and 15 years.
The, previously, tough talking Proud Boys cried, apologized and begged for mercy at sentencing.
Two individuals who are very sorry they bought into the "Big Lie". They are paying the price as so many other MAGA supporters.

The cop that murdered Ashli Babbitt is walking around a free man.
Jan 6 was an insurrection.
But no one has been, or apparently will be, charged for insurrection.
Why is that?
You can call it what you want. The lawyers charge crimes as defined by law. As far as I am concerned the actions of Jan 6the was seditioous, treasonous in an insurrection attempt.

se·di·tion si-ˈdi-shən. : the crime of creating a revolt, disturbance, or violence against lawful civil authority with the intent to cause its overthrow or destruction

What does insurrection mean for dummies?
an act or instance of rising in revolt, rebellion, or resistance against civil authority or an established governmen

Ten members of two extremist groups were convicted at trial of seditious conspiracy, and four others pleaded guilty to the crime.4 hours ago

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