EX-Republican McMullin conspiring to throw election to Clinton

td, no one will listen to you. They will perceive as a feminist who hates men and not Mormon. You are not. But they will not listen to you.

I don't have 'women'. I am not a Mormon. And the Utah women will think you are a loony.

td, they don't listen to outsiders.
McMullin's first hope is that the House will get to decide it, and he has a chance.

His second hope is to deny Trump and recreate the GOP.
Vote EVAN get many wives. Why don't you tell them Jake what you really want.
Are you high tonight, td? You are gabbling like the Goose does sometimes.

Come on dearheart. Stoned out I'd be preaching to you from Revelations my friend about the Whore of Babylon and how she is running in this race. No not stoned out. Duly terrified but not stoned out.
Have you actually read the Utah Compact? This is what started to spook me about Cruz. And it worried me big time. Why did the big guys back Cruz? The link was Heidi. But we can deal with that down the road.

Oh boy I really want to clarrify and not paint with a big brush. Because when one is dealing with Mormonism wow there are so many sects. Here's why the women will listen to me next week in the key Mormon states. If the women vote Evan they will be voting partial birth and tax payer funded abortion. Because if they vote in Hillary by denying Trump their vote they will facillitate abortion up to the day the baby should be born.

I believe they will listen to me Jake.
Jake I have planned this moment for some time now. I had the best of friends back east. Amish. They taught me many ways. Not sure if you know about this time in my life. My husband and I decided to fight the government and we went primitive aka no hydro no electric straight up sunlight from the Lord and candles at night. They rocked me, Bless their souls.

This wasn't easy. Bloody 2600 sq foot home. But we did it. We went totally primitive. That's just an aside. I got them envolved in voting.

I have more in common with Utah women than you do. I will tell them what happens in a partial birth. I will tell them a vote for Evan is a vote for partial birth and a vote for ripping a child out of the womb.

I will engage Utah women next week.
McMullin's first hope is that the House will get to decide it, and he has a chance.

His second hope is to deny Trump and recreate the GOP.
That is false prophecy Jake.

You must not. Oh geeze man you are getting into false prophecy.
Vote EVAN get many wives. Why don't you tell them Jake what you really want.
Are you high tonight, td? You are gabbling like the Goose does sometimes.

Come on dearheart. Stoned out I'd be preaching to you from Revelations my friend about the Whore of Babylon and how she is running in this race. No not stoned out. Duly terrified but not stoned out.
Have you actually read the Utah Compact? This is what started to spook me about Cruz. And it worried me big time. Why did the big guys back Cruz? The link was Heidi. But we can deal with that down the road.

Oh boy I really want to clarrify and not paint with a big brush. Because when one is dealing with Mormonism wow there are so many sects. Here's why the women will listen to me next week in the key Mormon states. If the women vote Evan they will be voting partial birth and tax payer funded abortion. Because if they vote in Hillary by denying Trump their vote they will facillitate abortion up to the day the baby should be born.

I believe they will listen to me Jake.
Are you coming to Idaho? Burley?
Utah voters are being duped in a effort to throw the election to Clinton and McMullin admitted to it on tape.. The dirty tricks, lies and deceptions never end with these people.

Third-Party Candidate Admits What He's REALLY Doing...

That was obvious to anyone paying attention long ago

Yeah but they have their own agenda. Holy toledo. I'm not into the world of alex jones but ok ok I love and adore art bell...but you get into their prophecies aye carumba You start to listen to this dude Hes actually interesting.

Pity this election. I actually really like him. But not now.
Vote EVAN get many wives. Why don't you tell them Jake what you really want.
Are you high tonight, td? You are gabbling like the Goose does sometimes.

Come on dearheart. Stoned out I'd be preaching to you from Revelations my friend about the Whore of Babylon and how she is running in this race. No not stoned out. Duly terrified but not stoned out.
Have you actually read the Utah Compact? This is what started to spook me about Cruz. And it worried me big time. Why did the big guys back Cruz? The link was Heidi. But we can deal with that down the road.

Oh boy I really want to clarrify and not paint with a big brush. Because when one is dealing with Mormonism wow there are so many sects. Here's why the women will listen to me next week in the key Mormon states. If the women vote Evan they will be voting partial birth and tax payer funded abortion. Because if they vote in Hillary by denying Trump their vote they will facillitate abortion up to the day the baby should be born.

I believe they will listen to me Jake.
Are you coming to Idaho? Burley?


I am going to show up on many of your screens.
Go for it, ma belle. But it will availeth nought but tears and compensatory chocolate.

You are an outsider, female, non-Mormon. If any pay attention, they will smile, step aside, and walk around you.
Go for it, ma belle. But it will availeth nought but tears and compensatory chocolate.

You are an outsider, female, non-Mormon. If any pay attention, they will smile, step aside, and walk around you.
obviously folks jealous jake is jealous
Go for it, ma belle. But it will availeth nought but tears and compensatory chocolate.

You are an outsider, female, non-Mormon. If any pay attention, they will smile, step aside, and walk around you.

Jake I have no reason to give you the intimate details of my life but suffice to say I've been on a journey. Your arrogance is duly noted. I have been embraced by many. Honestly when the Amish gave me the go to I knew I'd made it. It was the best of times in the worst of times.

My sisters will see me coming. And they will not step aside but take my hands. It is time.
Go for it, ma belle. But it will availeth nought but tears and compensatory chocolate.

You are an outsider, female, non-Mormon. If any pay attention, they will smile, step aside, and walk around you.

Jake I have no reason to give you the intimate details of my life but suffice to say I've been on a journey. Your arrogance is duly noted. I have been embraced by many. Honestly when the Amish gave me the go to I knew I'd made it. It was the best of times in the worst of times.

My sisters will see me coming. And they will not step aside but take my hands. It is time.
I am not arrogant, td. I am knowledgeable and understanding of the culture, whereas you are not. They are not Amish, Mennonitie, Polish, or Memphisites. They are not even Disneyites.

They are Mormonites, and you are not a white, male, priesthood holder. The Mormon ladies will greet you and meet you and sweet you and ignore the rest. They don't like Trump. End of story.
Go for it, ma belle. But it will availeth nought but tears and compensatory chocolate.

You are an outsider, female, non-Mormon. If any pay attention, they will smile, step aside, and walk around you.

Silly man. I am a sister.

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