Exactly who are “Trumps Base”, “Trumps Cult”, “Cult 45”, “Trumpers”?

Bitter old geezers, white supremacists, gun nutters and church ladies. All of them with scores to settle.
The Left and the media have a problem with "Trumpsters" as we don't fit into any specific categories.
I would say a lot are veterans. But not all veterans support Trump.
I would say many are middle Americans or people who are just sick and tired of the so-called elitists looking down at them, calling them deplorables or other such labels.
Many are blue-collar workers pleased because of the more money they have in their wallets.
There are also small business owners pleased with more business and the chances to expand.
And the most frustrating to the media are the millions who don't fit into any particular niche and keep their mouths closed as to their allegiances - until they reach the ballot box.

Both are right.
Bitter old geezers, white supremacists, gun nutters and church ladies. All of them with scores to settle.
The Left and the media have a problem with "Trumpsters" as we don't fit into any specific categories.
I would say a lot are veterans. But not all veterans support Trump.
I would say many are middle Americans or people who are just sick and tired of the so-called elitists looking down at them, calling them deplorables or other such labels.
Many are blue-collar workers pleased because of the more money they have in their wallets.
There are also small business owners pleased with more business and the chances to expand.
And the most frustrating to the media are the millions who don't fit into any particular niche and keep their mouths closed as to their allegiances - until they reach the ballot box.

Both are right.

If you think so, it means you are at least beginning to open you eyes a little, at last.
"Trump's base" consists of middle-aged, uneducated white guys.


Personally I feel complimented when someone refers to me as such...So who are they?
Are these folks Nationlists?
Are they the new age Republicans who refuse to take LefTarded shit?
Who are they?
The Left really misses that easily bullied, easily controlled, PC programmed gracious Bible thumper so they have tried to label those hardcore Trump supporters with terms that were supposed to be insulting...The problem is their plan has backfired as most take great pride in being part of “The Base”, “The Cult”..etc.
Haha...the Left just keeps getting sent back to the drawing board...they can’t do anything right....So what’s next?

The Trump Base used to be called the "Middle Class" and the "Moral Majority" before we got the "Basket of Deplorables clinging to our Guns and Bibles" label
Bitter old geezers, white supremacists, gun nutters and church ladies. All of them with scores to settle.
The Left and the media have a problem with "Trumpsters" as we don't fit into any specific categories.
I would say a lot are veterans. But not all veterans support Trump.
I would say many are middle Americans or people who are just sick and tired of the so-called elitists looking down at them, calling them deplorables or other such labels.
Many are blue-collar workers pleased because of the more money they have in their wallets.
There are also small business owners pleased with more business and the chances to expand.
And the most frustrating to the media are the millions who don't fit into any particular niche and keep their mouths closed as to their allegiances - until they reach the ballot box.

Both are right.

If you think so, it means you are at least beginning to open you eyes a little, at last.

I've always thought so. Maybe some day you will apply it to leftists.
Bitter old geezers, white supremacists, gun nutters and church ladies. All of them with scores to settle.
The Left and the media have a problem with "Trumpsters" as we don't fit into any specific categories.
I would say a lot are veterans. But not all veterans support Trump.
I would say many are middle Americans or people who are just sick and tired of the so-called elitists looking down at them, calling them deplorables or other such labels.
Many are blue-collar workers pleased because of the more money they have in their wallets.
There are also small business owners pleased with more business and the chances to expand.
And the most frustrating to the media are the millions who don't fit into any particular niche and keep their mouths closed as to their allegiances - until they reach the ballot box.

Both are right.

No rational person thinks in this country, that white supremacists are a seriously portion of anything.

Gun nutters and church ladies? LOL!!!!
Personally I feel complimented when someone refers to me as such...So who are they?
Are these folks Nationlists?
Are they the new age Republicans who refuse to take LefTarded shit?
Who are they?
The Left really misses that easily bullied, easily controlled, PC programmed gracious Bible thumper so they have tried to label those hardcore Trump supporters with terms that were supposed to be insulting...The problem is their plan has backfired as most take great pride in being part of “The Base”, “The Cult”..etc.
Haha...the Left just keeps getting sent back to the drawing board...they can’t do anything right....So what’s next?

you may feel complimented by it but i assure you I mean it as an insult.

I absolutely consider his base to be rude, uncivilized, rotten, deplorable, despicable dirt bags who love to indulge in mockery and insults while demanding respect from everyone else.

you are the absolute worst of humanity and you are an insult to what America is meant to stand for.

I fart in your general direction.

Fart? You mean polosi perfume.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Personally I feel complimented when someone refers to me as such...So who are they?
Are these folks Nationlists?
Are they the new age Republicans who refuse to take LefTarded shit?
Who are they?
The Left really misses that easily bullied, easily controlled, PC programmed gracious Bible thumper so they have tried to label those hardcore Trump supporters with terms that were supposed to be insulting...The problem is their plan has backfired as most take great pride in being part of “The Base”, “The Cult”..etc.
Haha...the Left just keeps getting sent back to the drawing board...they can’t do anything right....So what’s next?

Nothing quite as pathetic as an idiot who is proud of being an idiot.

Vote creepy joe, freak.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Personally I feel complimented when someone refers to me as such...So who are they?
Are these folks Nationlists?
Are they the new age Republicans who refuse to take LefTarded shit?
Who are they?
The Left really misses that easily bullied, easily controlled, PC programmed gracious Bible thumper so they have tried to label those hardcore Trump supporters with terms that were supposed to be insulting...The problem is their plan has backfired as most take great pride in being part of “The Base”, “The Cult”..etc.
Haha...the Left just keeps getting sent back to the drawing board...they can’t do anything right....So what’s next?

The Trump Base used to be called the "Middle Class" and the "Moral Majority" before we got the "Basket of Deplorables clinging to our Guns and Bibles" label

I’ll embrace all of the above...just don’t ever call me a Leftist, Regressive or Liberal
Bitter old geezers, white supremacists, gun nutters and church ladies. All of them with scores to settle.
You're projecting again.
Except for being gun nutters you just described the Democrat base.
Bitter old geezers from the South that hate blacks who vote Democrat, bitter old geezers that used to drop acid in the 60s who vote Democrat, white supremacists who live in their mansions and ride around in their limos and vote Democrat, church ladies in black churches and hate whites who vote Democrat.
Every one of them fascists who hate people because of who they are or what they think.
Many who want to make it a crime to criticize Democrat politicians.
Sorry guy, Trump rallies are a good indication of who still loves Him. Looks like Saturday afternoon at Walmart. A bunch of fat morons loading up with toxic crap.

As opposed the [emoji304] parade of fags and carpet munchers, that trickled in for hilly?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Personally I feel complimented when someone refers to me as such...So who are they?
Are these folks Nationlists?
Are they the new age Republicans who refuse to take LefTarded shit?
Who are they?
The Left really misses that easily bullied, easily controlled, PC programmed gracious Bible thumper so they have tried to label those hardcore Trump supporters with terms that were supposed to be insulting...The problem is their plan has backfired as most take great pride in being part of “The Base”, “The Cult”..etc.
Haha...the Left just keeps getting sent back to the drawing board...they can’t do anything right....So what’s next?

you may feel complimented by it but i assure you I mean it as an insult.

I absolutely consider his base to be rude, uncivilized, rotten, deplorable, despicable dirt bags who love to indulge in mockery and insults while demanding respect from everyone else.

you are the absolute worst of humanity and you are an insult to what America is meant to stand for.

I fart in your general direction.

Personally I feel complimented when someone refers to me as such...So who are they?
Are these folks Nationlists?
Are they the new age Republicans who refuse to take LefTarded shit?
Who are they?
The Left really misses that easily bullied, easily controlled, PC programmed gracious Bible thumper so they have tried to label those hardcore Trump supporters with terms that were supposed to be insulting...The problem is their plan has backfired as most take great pride in being part of “The Base”, “The Cult”..etc.
Haha...the Left just keeps getting sent back to the drawing board...they can’t do anything right....So what’s next?

Nothing quite as pathetic as an idiot who is proud of being an idiot.

You people still haven’t picked up what we’re putting down have you?
Good, legitimate real Americans hope to be hated and despised by unAmerican filth...that tells us we are so far divided from said filth...that’s right where we want to be. Thanks for the confirmation.


because I accept homosexuals?

I am filth because I do not want christians making the bible the law of the land?

I am filth because i think pot should be legal?

I am filth because I accept that ALL religions,including islam, and atheists have the same rights?

I am filth because I do NOT want to put immigrant children in cages?

these are my crimes?

this is why I am filth?

Stupid, not necessarily filth.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Who ever they are they seem unable to post anything that is not insulting personal posts. with much talk about peoples private parts, beginning to think a lot of closet gays.
Personally I feel complimented when someone refers to me as such...So who are they?
Are these folks Nationlists?
Are they the new age Republicans who refuse to take LefTarded shit?
Who are they?
The Left really misses that easily bullied, easily controlled, PC programmed gracious Bible thumper so they have tried to label those hardcore Trump supporters with terms that were supposed to be insulting...The problem is their plan has backfired as most take great pride in being part of “The Base”, “The Cult”..etc.
Haha...the Left just keeps getting sent back to the drawing board...they can’t do anything right....So what’s next?

you may feel complimented by it but i assure you I mean it as an insult.

I absolutely consider his base to be rude, uncivilized, rotten, deplorable, despicable dirt bags who love to indulge in mockery and insults while demanding respect from everyone else.

you are the absolute worst of humanity and you are an insult to what America is meant to stand for.

I fart in your general direction.

Personally I feel complimented when someone refers to me as such...So who are they?
Are these folks Nationlists?
Are they the new age Republicans who refuse to take LefTarded shit?
Who are they?
The Left really misses that easily bullied, easily controlled, PC programmed gracious Bible thumper so they have tried to label those hardcore Trump supporters with terms that were supposed to be insulting...The problem is their plan has backfired as most take great pride in being part of “The Base”, “The Cult”..etc.
Haha...the Left just keeps getting sent back to the drawing board...they can’t do anything right....So what’s next?

Nothing quite as pathetic as an idiot who is proud of being an idiot.

You people still haven’t picked up what we’re putting down have you?
Good, legitimate real Americans hope to be hated and despised by unAmerican filth...that tells us we are so far divided from said filth...that’s right where we want to be. Thanks for the confirmation.


because I accept homosexuals?

I am filth because I do not want christians making the bible the law of the land?

I am filth because i think pot should be legal?

I am filth because I accept that ALL religions,including islam, and atheists have the same rights?

I am filth because I do NOT want to put immigrant children in cages?

these are my crimes?

this is why I am filth?

You are filth because you think a society should have no boundaries, you think a total free for all is good for a society...you hate behavioral standards...America and real American society was built on Christian principles, morality, decency, accountability...all the things you hate.
Personally I feel complimented when someone refers to me as such...So who are they?
Are these folks Nationlists?
Are they the new age Republicans who refuse to take LefTarded shit?
Who are they?
The Left really misses that easily bullied, easily controlled, PC programmed gracious Bible thumper so they have tried to label those hardcore Trump supporters with terms that were supposed to be insulting...The problem is their plan has backfired as most take great pride in being part of “The Base”, “The Cult”..etc.
Haha...the Left just keeps getting sent back to the drawing board...they can’t do anything right....So what’s next?

you may feel complimented by it but i assure you I mean it as an insult.

I absolutely consider his base to be rude, uncivilized, rotten, deplorable, despicable dirt bags who love to indulge in mockery and insults while demanding respect from everyone else.

you are the absolute worst of humanity and you are an insult to what America is meant to stand for.

I fart in your general direction.

Personally I feel complimented when someone refers to me as such...So who are they?
Are these folks Nationlists?
Are they the new age Republicans who refuse to take LefTarded shit?
Who are they?
The Left really misses that easily bullied, easily controlled, PC programmed gracious Bible thumper so they have tried to label those hardcore Trump supporters with terms that were supposed to be insulting...The problem is their plan has backfired as most take great pride in being part of “The Base”, “The Cult”..etc.
Haha...the Left just keeps getting sent back to the drawing board...they can’t do anything right....So what’s next?

Nothing quite as pathetic as an idiot who is proud of being an idiot.

You people still haven’t picked up what we’re putting down have you?
Good, legitimate real Americans hope to be hated and despised by unAmerican filth...that tells us we are so far divided from said filth...that’s right where we want to be. Thanks for the confirmation.


because I accept homosexuals?

I am filth because I do not want christians making the bible the law of the land?

I am filth because i think pot should be legal?

I am filth because I accept that ALL religions,including islam, and atheists have the same rights?

I am filth because I do NOT want to put immigrant children in cages?

these are my crimes?

this is why I am filth?
You are filth because political correctness has made you fucking retarded...
Personally I feel complimented when someone refers to me as such...So who are they?
Are these folks Nationlists?
Are they the new age Republicans who refuse to take LefTarded shit?
Who are they?
The Left really misses that easily bullied, easily controlled, PC programmed gracious Bible thumper so they have tried to label those hardcore Trump supporters with terms that were supposed to be insulting...The problem is their plan has backfired as most take great pride in being part of “The Base”, “The Cult”..etc.
Haha...the Left just keeps getting sent back to the drawing board...they can’t do anything right....So what’s next?
They are you. Trump Uber Alles
Personally I feel complimented when someone refers to me as such...So who are they?
Are these folks Nationlists?
Are they the new age Republicans who refuse to take LefTarded shit?
Who are they?
The Left really misses that easily bullied, easily controlled, PC programmed gracious Bible thumper so they have tried to label those hardcore Trump supporters with terms that were supposed to be insulting...The problem is their plan has backfired as most take great pride in being part of “The Base”, “The Cult”..etc.
Haha...the Left just keeps getting sent back to the drawing board...they can’t do anything right....So what’s next?
Personally I feel complimented when someone refers to me as such...So who are they?
Are these folks Nationlists?
Are they the new age Republicans who refuse to take LefTarded shit?
Who are they?
The Left really misses that easily bullied, easily controlled, PC programmed gracious Bible thumper so they have tried to label those hardcore Trump supporters with terms that were supposed to be insulting...The problem is their plan has backfired as most take great pride in being part of “The Base”, “The Cult”..etc.
Haha...the Left just keeps getting sent back to the drawing board...they can’t do anything right....So what’s next?
They are you. Trump Uber Alles

Productive, positive contributing, law abiding, patriotic, moral with legal roots?
So many lost souls in this thread and most all of the lost are rump suckers. But humor is still good and even though the reich is very tacky they are fun to read as they are so stupid.

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