Exactly who are “Trumps Base”, “Trumps Cult”, “Cult 45”, “Trumpers”?

Bitter old geezers, white supremacists, gun nutters and church ladies. All of them with scores to settle.
You're projecting again.
Except for being gun nutters you just described the Democrat base.
Bitter old geezers from the South that hate blacks who vote Democrat, bitter old geezers that used to drop acid in the 60s who vote Democrat, white supremacists who live in their mansions and ride around in their limos and vote Democrat, church ladies in black churches and hate whites who vote Democrat.
Every one of them fascists who hate people because of who they are or what they think.
Many who want to make it a crime to criticize Democrat politicians.
Sorry guy, Trump rallies are a good indication of who still loves Him. Looks like Saturday afternoon at Walmart. A bunch of fat morons loading up with toxic crap.

I’ll take “fat morons” over wetbacks, pole puffers, rug munchers, white guilt whackos, degenerate filth, feminazis, criminals and men in dresses all day everyday....you wouldn’t?
The people I know who still really like Trump are mostly fine people but they gripe too much and it's always the same shit. Boring. When they are not complaining they are talking about their stuff. Heard it all before.
Bitter old geezers, white supremacists, gun nutters and church ladies. All of them with scores to settle.
You're projecting again.
Except for being gun nutters you just described the Democrat base.
Bitter old geezers from the South that hate blacks who vote Democrat, bitter old geezers that used to drop acid in the 60s who vote Democrat, white supremacists who live in their mansions and ride around in their limos and vote Democrat, church ladies in black churches and hate whites who vote Democrat.
Every one of them fascists who hate people because of who they are or what they think.
Many who want to make it a crime to criticize Democrat politicians.
Sorry guy, Trump rallies are a good indication of who still loves Him. Looks like Saturday afternoon at Walmart. A bunch of fat morons loading up with toxic crap.

I’ll take “fat morons” over wetbacks, pole puffers, rug munchers, white guilt whackos, degenerate filth, feminazis, criminals and men in dresses all day everyday....you wouldn’t?
The people I know who still really like Trump are mostly fine people but they gripe too much and it's always the same shit. Boring. When they are not complaining they are talking about their stuff. Heard it all before.
You're projecting again.
Democrats have done nothing but complain since Trump won.
Democrats are more the problem than than the problem itself.
They are the problem.
Essentially, the blob’s base is Anyone who is angry and has to be told why
Sound bite out of context.
You know it and once again you prove you’re a moron.
He was stating he loves all Americans, even you.

actually "poorly educated" is pretty specific.....obviously he means his base....poorly educated conservatives. Whom he can fool on a daily basis.
No he said he loves all Americans, even the poorly educated. Since liberals think the rust belt is full of them.
The red states are all poorly intelligent.
And AOC is a representative of new York. I rest my case.
He was stating he loves all Americans, even you.

actually "poorly educated" is pretty specific.....obviously he means his base....poorly educated conservatives. Whom he can fool on a daily basis.
No he said he loves all Americans, even the poorly educated. Since liberals think the rust belt is full of them.
The red states are all poorly intelligent.
And AOC is a representative of new York. I rest my case.

just shows there are morons all over the country.
Personally I feel complimented when someone refers to me as such...So who are they?
Are these folks Nationlists?
Are they the new age Republicans who refuse to take LefTarded shit?
Who are they?
The Left really misses that easily bullied, easily controlled, PC programmed gracious Bible thumper so they have tried to label those hardcore Trump supporters with terms that were supposed to be insulting...The problem is their plan has backfired as most take great pride in being part of “The Base”, “The Cult”..etc.
Haha...the Left just keeps getting sent back to the drawing board...they can’t do anything right....So what’s next?
Proof that Left Wingers are total psychos: They relentlessly insult mainstream middle class Americans and then wonder why they lose elections.
Personally I feel complimented when someone refers to me as such...So who are they?
Are these folks Nationlists?
Are they the new age Republicans who refuse to take LefTarded shit?
Who are they?
The Left really misses that easily bullied, easily controlled, PC programmed gracious Bible thumper so they have tried to label those hardcore Trump supporters with terms that were supposed to be insulting...The problem is their plan has backfired as most take great pride in being part of “The Base”, “The Cult”..etc.
Haha...the Left just keeps getting sent back to the drawing board...they can’t do anything right....So what’s next?

you may feel complimented by it but i assure you I mean it as an insult.

I absolutely consider his base to be rude, uncivilized, rotten, deplorable, despicable dirt bags who love to indulge in mockery and insults while demanding respect from everyone else.

you are the absolute worst of humanity and you are an insult to what America is meant to stand for.

I fart in your general direction.

Personally I feel complimented when someone refers to me as such...So who are they?
Are these folks Nationlists?
Are they the new age Republicans who refuse to take LefTarded shit?
Who are they?
The Left really misses that easily bullied, easily controlled, PC programmed gracious Bible thumper so they have tried to label those hardcore Trump supporters with terms that were supposed to be insulting...The problem is their plan has backfired as most take great pride in being part of “The Base”, “The Cult”..etc.
Haha...the Left just keeps getting sent back to the drawing board...they can’t do anything right....So what’s next?

Nothing quite as pathetic as an idiot who is proud of being an idiot.

You people still haven’t picked up what we’re putting down have you?
Good, legitimate real Americans hope to be hated and despised by unAmerican filth...that tells us we are so far divided from said filth...that’s right where we want to be. Thanks for the confirmation.


because I accept homosexuals?

I am filth because I do not want christians making the bible the law of the land?

I am filth because i think pot should be legal?

I am filth because I accept that ALL religions,including islam, and atheists have the same rights?

I am filth because I do NOT want to put immigrant children in cages?

these are my crimes?

this is why I am filth?
Personally I feel complimented when someone refers to me as such...So who are they?
Are these folks Nationlists?
Are they the new age Republicans who refuse to take LefTarded shit?
Who are they?
The Left really misses that easily bullied, easily controlled, PC programmed gracious Bible thumper so they have tried to label those hardcore Trump supporters with terms that were supposed to be insulting...The problem is their plan has backfired as most take great pride in being part of “The Base”, “The Cult”..etc.
Haha...the Left just keeps getting sent back to the drawing board...they can’t do anything right....So what’s next?
You’re all just a bunch of emotional, knuckle dragging Neanderthals that the rest of the world laughs at.

NOthing to be ashamed of, not having a college degree.
Right just askTrump. He LOVES them.

I don't need to. He said it. I agree with him. As I just did. IN the post you read and responded to.

Soooo, your point?
You love the poorly educated? Lol what is wrong with you people? Who says that? This isn’t to say you should dislike them, it’s just stupid to love them. It’s such non sense.

NOthing to be ashamed of, not having a college degree.
Right just askTrump. He LOVES them.

I don't need to. He said it. I agree with him. As I just did. IN the post you read and responded to.

Soooo, your point?
You love the poorly educated? Lol what is wrong with you people? Who says that? This isn’t to say you should dislike them, it’s just stupid to love them. It’s such non sense.

IN the context of Trump's comment, it was because they are his base.

He is telling his supporters he loves them.

Makes complete sense.

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