Examining Black Loyalty to Democrats

let me try to put this issue to rest so that this discussion can get back to the OP.

I am not, nor have I ever been "homophobic". I AM straight... and when, in my life, I have been approached by gay men, I have politely informed them of my preference. I have plenty of gay friends and associates and frequently join them in social conversations filled with light hearted banter and laughter and the word "faggot" is tossed around fairly often. I also know that there are some people on here who are very insecure about their sexuality and are greatly offended by being labeled gay. Knowing that, I occasionally poke them in the eye - figuratively - by suggesting that they are. That does not make me homophobic.... it is only evidence of my doing something overt to get under someone else's skin.

Now... it seems to me that republicans find themselves in an uncomfortable bind when it comes to explaining black americans' predilection to vote for democrats. They WANT to say that it is because democrats give those lazy negroes welfare checks, but that would make it seem as if republicans think that the majority of blacks are all on welfare... which is a clearly racist position... and it does not explain why blacks who are NOT on welfare would also nearly unanimously vote for democrats... and they WANT to say that democrats have TRICKED black americans into voting against their self interest, but that is also a clearly racist position which suggests that the entire black american population is too stupid to keep from being duped by those wily democrats. The fact remains, black americans from all walks of life, and in all levels of the socio-economic spectrum overwhelmingly vote democratic and if republicans want to really change that voting dynamic, they need to take the time to actually talk to black americans other than Alan Keyes and Michael Steele and find out THEIR reasons for continuing to vote for democrats. Simply accusing them of being lazy and willing to be bribed or too stupid to know they are being bribed will probably not get them to change their minds about which political party they should support.

Wealthiest Blacks in the US
1. Oprah Winfrey – Age 55 – Net worth: $2.7 billion – Source of wealth: Harpo Productions

2. Tiger Woods – Age 33 – Net worth: $600 million – Source of wealth: Golf, endorsements

3. Robert Johnson – Age 63- Net worth: $550 million – Source of wealth: BET, investments

4. Michael Jordan – Age 46- Net worth: $525 million -Source of wealth: Basketball, Nike, endorsements

5. Earvin “Magic” Johnson, Jr. – Age 49 – Net worth: $500 million – Source of wealth: Restaurants, real estate, investments

6. William Henry Cosby, Jr. – Age 71 – Net worth: $450 million – Source of wealth: The Cosby Show, entertainment

7. Sheila Johnson – Age 60 – Net worth: $400 million -Source of wealth: BET, investments

8. R. Donahue Peebles – Age 49 – Net worth: $350 million -Source of wealth: Real estate

9. Berry Gordy, Jr. – Age 79 – Net worth: $325 million – Source of wealth: Motown, Jobete

10. Quintin Primo III – Age 55 – Net worth: $300 million – Source of wealth: Real estate

How many voted for McCain in 2008?

How many watch Fox?
How many of those does Lonestar know?

Or did you miss that part in your haste to keep all blacks in the same pigeonhole?

None. I know who those folks are but I don't know them. There's a big difference.
I doubt that they do. Every successful black I know votes Republican.

No they don't

Prove it. Prove that every successful black American that I know doesn't vote Republican.
anecdotal stories don't change the facts... black americans overwhelmingly vote for democrats.

Political Participation - African-american Political Participation - African, Americans, Total, Voting, Age, Party, Population, and 2004

According to a Pew Research Center report, The 2004 Political Landscape (2003, The 2004 Political Landscape: Overview - Pew Research Center for the People & the Press), African-Americans are the strongest supporters of the Democratic Party. In 2004, 64% of African-Americans described themselves as Democrats, another 21% said they leaned toward the Democratic Party, and only 7% identified themselves as Republicans. While the rest of the country shifted toward the Republican Party after the terrorist attacks against the United States on September 11, 2001 (9/11), African-Americans did not. The Pew Research Center reports that across regions, socioeconomic groups, and ages, the preference for the Democratic Party among African-Americans is uniform; the most affluent African-Americans' party affiliation is almost identical to the least affluent, and the Democratic advantage is only slightly smaller among younger people.

Read more: Political Participation - African-american Political Participation - African, Americans, Total, Voting, Age, Party, Population, and 2004 Political Participation - African-american Political Participation - African, Americans, Total, Voting, Age, Party, Population, and 2004
Descendants of those "nasty slave masters" vote Republican now.

I'm a black woman and I see no reason why I should vote Republican. Most blacks and Hispanics are right leaning Moderates, while most Asians are left leaning Moderates, but they all tend to vote Democratic. Why? Because its seems like the Democratic Party is the only mainstream party that's looking out for us. It is this group that has given women and minorities equal rights, now they are fighting for LGBT, health care, and immigration reform.

The Republican Party only wants to protect it's privileges, power, and way of life. I just don't think the Republican Party wants to open it arms to all Americans. Minorities and women are growing in power in America, the Republicans need to stop with their retro thinking. Mainstream America no longer means white middle class.

Also, the Democratic Party doesn't keep blacks down. My parents were once poor, so we were on welfare for the first 7 years of my life. My father got help from the government financially, and was able to go to college and get a nursing degree. Same with my mom a few years later. I was apart of the growing black middle class. By 2013, there will be more blacks in suburbs than inner cities.

You do know that blacks owned slaves too. Don't you?

According to 1830 United States records, 3,775 free blacks-living mostly in the South-owned a total of twelve thousand, seven hundred and seventy-five slaves. In the early eighteen century the census list 965 free black slave owners in Louisiana, owning 4,206. The state of South Carolina, lists 464 free blacks owning 2,715 slaves. By 1820, the number of Black slaveholders began to grow significantly.

Got Essays? - Black Slaveowners

I might aslo add that Lincoln was a Republican. Does the emancipation proclamation mean anything to you?

Talk down to her some more Lonestar....proving the point made about why Blacks trend towards voting for Democrats ( or away from Republicans)

Oh so providing facts equates to "talk(ing) down" to someone? Hell I do a lot of that then.

In other words what you're saying is that Republicans provide facts which according to you is talking down to them then it stands to reason that Democrats provide anything but facts and that is why blacks vote for them. Is that about right?

In my opinion Democrats promise blacks exactly what Obama has promised them, cradle to grave entitlements, taking from the hard working rich people and giving to the poor lazy fucks.
No they don't

Prove it. Prove that every successful black American that I know doesn't vote Republican.
anecdotal stories don't change the facts... black americans overwhelmingly vote for democrats.

Political Participation - African-american Political Participation - African, Americans, Total, Voting, Age, Party, Population, and 2004

According to a Pew Research Center report, The 2004 Political Landscape (2003, The 2004 Political Landscape: Overview - Pew Research Center for the People & the Press), African-Americans are the strongest supporters of the Democratic Party. In 2004, 64% of African-Americans described themselves as Democrats, another 21% said they leaned toward the Democratic Party, and only 7% identified themselves as Republicans. While the rest of the country shifted toward the Republican Party after the terrorist attacks against the United States on September 11, 2001 (9/11), African-Americans did not. The Pew Research Center reports that across regions, socioeconomic groups, and ages, the preference for the Democratic Party among African-Americans is uniform; the most affluent African-Americans' party affiliation is almost identical to the least affluent, and the Democratic advantage is only slightly smaller among younger people.

Read more: Political Participation - African-american Political Participation - African, Americans, Total, Voting, Age, Party, Population, and 2004 Political Participation - African-american Political Participation - African, Americans, Total, Voting, Age, Party, Population, and 2004

I've never said anything to the contrary you stupid fuck.
Now... it seems to me that republicans find themselves in an uncomfortable bind when it comes to explaining black americans' predilection to vote for democrats. They WANT to say that it is because democrats give those lazy negroes welfare checks, but that would make it seem as if republicans think that the majority of blacks are all on welfare... which is a clearly racist position... and it does not explain why blacks who are NOT on welfare would also nearly unanimously vote for democrats... and they WANT to say that democrats have TRICKED black americans into voting against their self interest, but that is also a clearly racist position which suggests that the entire black american population is too stupid to keep from being duped by those wily democrats. The fact remains, black americans from all walks of life, and in all levels of the socio-economic spectrum overwhelmingly vote democratic and if republicans want to really change that voting dynamic, they need to take the time to actually talk to black americans other than Alan Keyes and Michael Steele and find out THEIR reasons for continuing to vote for democrats. Simply accusing them of being lazy and willing to be bribed or too stupid to know they are being bribed will probably not get them to change their minds about which political party they should support.

In my opinion Democrats promise blacks exactly what Obama has promised them, cradle to grave entitlements, taking from the hard working rich people and giving to the poor lazy fucks.

and the beat goes on
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=381gFG4Crr8&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - Modest Expectations From An Obama Supporter[/ame]
Prove it. Prove that every successful black American that I know doesn't vote Republican.
anecdotal stories don't change the facts... black americans overwhelmingly vote for democrats.

Political Participation - African-american Political Participation - African, Americans, Total, Voting, Age, Party, Population, and 2004

According to a Pew Research Center report, The 2004 Political Landscape (2003, The 2004 Political Landscape: Overview - Pew Research Center for the People & the Press), African-Americans are the strongest supporters of the Democratic Party. In 2004, 64% of African-Americans described themselves as Democrats, another 21% said they leaned toward the Democratic Party, and only 7% identified themselves as Republicans. While the rest of the country shifted toward the Republican Party after the terrorist attacks against the United States on September 11, 2001 (9/11), African-Americans did not. The Pew Research Center reports that across regions, socioeconomic groups, and ages, the preference for the Democratic Party among African-Americans is uniform; the most affluent African-Americans' party affiliation is almost identical to the least affluent, and the Democratic advantage is only slightly smaller among younger people.

Read more: Political Participation - African-american Political Participation - African, Americans, Total, Voting, Age, Party, Population, and 2004 Political Participation - African-american Political Participation - African, Americans, Total, Voting, Age, Party, Population, and 2004

I've never said anything to the contrary you stupid fuck.

I said that your anecdotal stories about the three rich black republicans that YOU happen to know does NOT change the fact that blacks across the socio-economic spectrum vote for democrats... hard working successful blacks who are not poor lazy fucks, as you call them... and you cannot explain that away... and further... you should think about how YOUR attitudes towards them might, in fact, play a role in their voting behavior.
anecdotal stories don't change the facts... black americans overwhelmingly vote for democrats.

Political Participation - African-american Political Participation - African, Americans, Total, Voting, Age, Party, Population, and 2004

According to a Pew Research Center report, The 2004 Political Landscape (2003, The 2004 Political Landscape: Overview - Pew Research Center for the People & the Press), African-Americans are the strongest supporters of the Democratic Party. In 2004, 64% of African-Americans described themselves as Democrats, another 21% said they leaned toward the Democratic Party, and only 7% identified themselves as Republicans. While the rest of the country shifted toward the Republican Party after the terrorist attacks against the United States on September 11, 2001 (9/11), African-Americans did not. The Pew Research Center reports that across regions, socioeconomic groups, and ages, the preference for the Democratic Party among African-Americans is uniform; the most affluent African-Americans' party affiliation is almost identical to the least affluent, and the Democratic advantage is only slightly smaller among younger people.

Read more: Political Participation - African-american Political Participation - African, Americans, Total, Voting, Age, Party, Population, and 2004 Political Participation - African-american Political Participation - African, Americans, Total, Voting, Age, Party, Population, and 2004

I've never said anything to the contrary you stupid fuck.

I said that your anecdotal stories about the three rich black republicans that YOU happen to know does NOT change the fact that blacks across the socio-economic spectrum vote for democrats... hard working successful blacks who are not poor lazy fucks, as you call them... and you cannot explain that away... and further... you should think about how YOUR attitudes towards them might, in fact, play a role in their voting behavior.

I never said "rich" and I never gave a number as to how many succcessful blacks that I know. You obviously don't think there's very many successful blacks living in and around Houston, Texas, which boasts a population of about 5 million people.

You seem to have a hard time acknowledging the fact that there are many successful black people that vote Republican. My attitude toward poor lazy blacks have developed over the course of my life living, working and doing time with them.

The only thing that will change my attitude toward poor lazy blacks is when they change their attitude about themselves and realize that it's not "whitey" keeping them down but their own prejudices that keeps them in a state of perpetual victimhood.

Wise up!
I've never said anything to the contrary you stupid fuck.

I said that your anecdotal stories about the three rich black republicans that YOU happen to know does NOT change the fact that blacks across the socio-economic spectrum vote for democrats... hard working successful blacks who are not poor lazy fucks, as you call them... and you cannot explain that away... and further... you should think about how YOUR attitudes towards them might, in fact, play a role in their voting behavior.

I never said "rich" and I never gave a number as to how many succcessful blacks that I know. You obviously don't think there's very many successful blacks living in and around Houston, Texas, which boasts a population of about 5 million people.

You seem to have a hard time acknowledging the fact that there are many successful black people that vote Republican. My attitude toward poor lazy blacks have developed over the course of my life living, working and doing time with them.

The only thing that will change my attitude toward poor lazy blacks is when they change their attitude about themselves and realize that it's not "whitey" keeping them down but their own prejudices that keeps them in a state of perpetual victimhood.

Wise up!

I am sure that there are tons of successful black people in your area... and I am sure that some of them do vote for republicans. YOU, however, seem to not want to deal with this:

"The Pew Research Center reports that across regions, socioeconomic groups, and ages, the preference for the Democratic Party among African-Americans is uniform; the most affluent African-Americans' party affiliation is almost identical to the least affluent."

and again... your attitudes toward blacks is undoubtedly contributing toward their enmity to the GOP. Please keep up the good work!
If the OP bothered to listen history, he'd know why African Americans do not bother to vote for the GOP.

Southern strategy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Although the phrase "Southern strategy" is often attributed to Nixon political strategist Kevin Phillips, he did not originate it,[1] but merely popularized it.[2] In an interview included in a 1970 New York Times article, he touched on its essence:

From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that... but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats.[3]

Michael Steele Acknowledges GOP Had “Southern Strategy” For Decades | The Plum Line

A lot of people are pointing to a new set of remarks Michael Steele made about the Republican Party and race, in which Steele acknowledged that the GOP hasn’t given African Americans a reason to support the party.

But I think folks are missing the real news in what Steele said. The RNC chairman also appeared to acknowledge that the GOP has had a race-based “southern strategy” for four decades, which is decidedly not a historical interpretation many Republicans agree with.

It's a fact. Republicans learned that they could win while only getting 10% of the black vote, so they can effectively write it off.

They do more than write it off , they actively work to keep black voters from voting.

The court has had to deal with their efforts to illegally knock black voters off the roles in target areas to win elections.

Its cold hard court documented fact.
Did you read the exchanges where he was using it? He's not having a few yucks with one of his buddies.

Yes, despite the fact I'm a Liberal, I can read. You are clearly out to make something out of nothing....but that's ok. It was very transparent.

But no matter. No enemies on the left. We get it. Clearly, the only hateful guy in this thread is the guy chastising others for using hateful language. :lol:

Who's the hateful guy on this thread? Surely you don't think that anything said here was all that bad? Thin skin?
Riiiiight. You're calling me a homophobe, when I clearly OPPOSE homosexual slurs.

You just may as well come out and say that you don't care what a fellow leftist says, you're okay with it...but anything a conservative says must be condemned at all costs.

Show me where I have said....Daveman...you are a homophobe. I look forward to your evidence.
Prove it. Prove that every successful black American that I know doesn't vote Republican.
anecdotal stories don't change the facts... black americans overwhelmingly vote for democrats.

Political Participation - African-american Political Participation - African, Americans, Total, Voting, Age, Party, Population, and 2004

According to a Pew Research Center report, The 2004 Political Landscape (2003, The 2004 Political Landscape: Overview - Pew Research Center for the People & the Press), African-Americans are the strongest supporters of the Democratic Party. In 2004, 64% of African-Americans described themselves as Democrats, another 21% said they leaned toward the Democratic Party, and only 7% identified themselves as Republicans. While the rest of the country shifted toward the Republican Party after the terrorist attacks against the United States on September 11, 2001 (9/11), African-Americans did not. The Pew Research Center reports that across regions, socioeconomic groups, and ages, the preference for the Democratic Party among African-Americans is uniform; the most affluent African-Americans' party affiliation is almost identical to the least affluent, and the Democratic advantage is only slightly smaller among younger people.

Read more: Political Participation - African-american Political Participation - African, Americans, Total, Voting, Age, Party, Population, and 2004 Political Participation - African-american Political Participation - African, Americans, Total, Voting, Age, Party, Population, and 2004

I've never said anything to the contrary you stupid fuck.

Lovely....but yes you did.
I've never said anything to the contrary you stupid fuck.

I said that your anecdotal stories about the three rich black republicans that YOU happen to know does NOT change the fact that blacks across the socio-economic spectrum vote for democrats... hard working successful blacks who are not poor lazy fucks, as you call them... and you cannot explain that away... and further... you should think about how YOUR attitudes towards them might, in fact, play a role in their voting behavior.

I never said "rich" and I never gave a number as to how many succcessful blacks that I know. You obviously don't think there's very many successful blacks living in and around Houston, Texas, which boasts a population of about 5 million people.

You seem to have a hard time acknowledging the fact that there are many successful black people that vote Republican. My attitude toward poor lazy blacks have developed over the course of my life living, working and doing time with them.

The only thing that will change my attitude toward poor lazy blacks is when they change their attitude about themselves and realize that it's not "whitey" keeping them down but their own prejudices that keeps them in a state of perpetual victimhood.

Wise up!

No one has denied that....however, how many are there who vote Republican compared to successful blacks who vote Democrat. Give us a percentage.
let me try to put this issue to rest so that this discussion can get back to the OP.

I am not, nor have I ever been "homophobic". I AM straight... and when, in my life, I have been approached by gay men, I have politely informed them of my preference. I have plenty of gay friends and associates and frequently join them in social conversations filled with light hearted banter and laughter and the word "faggot" is tossed around fairly often. I also know that there are some people on here who are very insecure about their sexuality and are greatly offended by being labeled gay. Knowing that, I occasionally poke them in the eye - figuratively - by suggesting that they are. That does not make me homophobic.... it is only evidence of my doing something overt to get under someone else's skin.
Would you accept that from a conservative as rationalization for his using the word "******"?

Do me a favor. Don't pretend you would. Because we both know better.
Now... it seems to me that republicans find themselves in an uncomfortable bind when it comes to explaining black americans' predilection to vote for democrats. They WANT to say that it is because democrats give those lazy negroes welfare checks, but that would make it seem as if republicans think that the majority of blacks are all on welfare... which is a clearly racist position... and it does not explain why blacks who are NOT on welfare would also nearly unanimously vote for democrats... and they WANT to say that democrats have TRICKED black americans into voting against their self interest, but that is also a clearly racist position which suggests that the entire black american population is too stupid to keep from being duped by those wily democrats. The fact remains, black americans from all walks of life, and in all levels of the socio-economic spectrum overwhelmingly vote democratic and if republicans want to really change that voting dynamic, they need to take the time to actually talk to black americans other than Alan Keyes and Michael Steele and find out THEIR reasons for continuing to vote for democrats. Simply accusing them of being lazy and willing to be bribed or too stupid to know they are being bribed will probably not get them to change their minds about which political party they should support.
What you think people WANT to say is evidence only of your own bigotry. Not anyone else's.

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