Examining Black Loyalty to Democrats

Most blacks live in urban area's and most since the 1960's are on government assistance. They will ALWAYS blindly vote Democrat in every election, case closed. The GOP hopes to lop off a few % points amongst the enlightened who see that the Democrat party has a vested interest in keeping African Americans down and helpless.

I remember back in the summer of 2008.........they interviewed a bunch of black women in the midwest. All thought Obama was going to pay for their mortgage, new kitchens, car etc..............
I thought, "HOLY MOTHER OF GOD".................

Yes...I'm sure those black women spoke for all blacks and who ever did the interview could ONLY find people like those women to speak....

I can settle the whole damn thing I can quite my job and work for cash then whos money is it? MINE. And believe me I am very capible of doing that I have a trade that people need I have a skill. I wished more people would do it.

Go and do it then....

...just make sure you don't use any roads, parks, utilities that taxes have paid for.....

Fuck you I will use them if I chose. I earned it call it back pay for services rendered.

Ah. A freeloader.
This thread has that nice nuanced racism that the right has learned to substitute for the clumsy ham handed variety that's a little too well worn.

Well done.:clap2:
Perhaps they learned that from the left's soft racism of low expectations. "There, there, Mr. Black Man -- you're not good enough to succeed on your own. Let us Democrats help you out -- just enough to keep you dependent."

Oddly enough, I hear more "blacks voted democrat because they are easily fooled"..."blacks voted democrat because they want to stay on the dole and not work"..."blacks voted for Obama only cause he's black too"..."blacks voted for democrats because they don't know any better"
Of course you do.

MLK Was A Republican | National Black Republican Association

And Reagan was a Democrat.
Thank you. I thought I was going to miss out on my minimum daily requirement of liberal homophobic hypocrisy. :clap2:

just tryin' to help out.

and if you knew what I did about yurt, you'd realize that my characterization of him is far from hypocritical! ;)
Do you have any gay friends? Do you call them "faggot"? If you do, do you tell them you're a liberal so it's impossible for you to be a homophobe? Do they actually believe that nonsense?

How nice, this post of yours.
funny..I have found that a lot of left coast jews, especially attorneys, seems to hate black amercians and anything else even remotely democratic. odd, don't you think, especially when juxtaposed with the jewish american vote nationally.
That's simply not true.

pay no attention to the closet homosexual stalker from maine...all he does is lie and his hatred for jews causes him to say nasty things

You are making his case for him, you know.
don't ask me. Ask a black man. Really. Go find a black man in your community and ask him why negroes are so stupid that they keep voting for democrats. Let me know what you find out.
Descendants of those "nasty slave masters" vote Republican now.

I'm a black woman and I see no reason why I should vote Republican. Most blacks and Hispanics are right leaning Moderates, while most Asians are left leaning Moderates, but they all tend to vote Democratic. Why? Because its seems like the Democratic Party is the only mainstream party that's looking out for us. It is this group that has given women and minorities equal rights, now they are fighting for LGBT, health care, and immigration reform.

The Republican Party only wants to protect it's privileges, power, and way of life. I just don't think the Republican Party wants to open it arms to all Americans. Minorities and women are growing in power in America, the Republicans need to stop with their retro thinking. Mainstream America no longer means white middle class.

Also, the Democratic Party doesn't keep blacks down. My parents were once poor, so we were on welfare for the first 7 years of my life. My father got help from the government financially, and was able to go to college and get a nursing degree. Same with my mom a few years later. I was apart of the growing black middle class. By 2013, there will be more blacks in suburbs than inner cities.

You do know that blacks owned slaves too. Don't you?

According to 1830 United States records, 3,775 free blacks-living mostly in the South-owned a total of twelve thousand, seven hundred and seventy-five slaves. In the early eighteen century the census list 965 free black slave owners in Louisiana, owning 4,206. The state of South Carolina, lists 464 free blacks owning 2,715 slaves. By 1820, the number of Black slaveholders began to grow significantly.

Got Essays? - Black Slaveowners

I might aslo add that Lincoln was a Republican. Does the emancipation proclamation mean anything to you?

Talk down to her some more Lonestar....proving the point made about why Blacks trend towards voting for Democrats ( or away from Republicans)
just tryin' to help out.

and if you knew what I did about yurt, you'd realize that my characterization of him is far from hypocritical! ;)
Do you have any gay friends? Do you call them "faggot"? If you do, do you tell them you're a liberal so it's impossible for you to be a homophobe? Do they actually believe that nonsense?

How nice, this post of yours.
I couldn't help but notice how you rightly chastised maineman for his anti-gay slurs.

Oh, wait...
Rushing to his defense? My, your perceptions are twisted. No, I'm just having fun pointing out the homophobia among the oh-so-tolerant Left.

Funny, they never seem to have the integrity to own up to it.

funny? if I were afraid or threatened by homosexuals, I would freely admit it. But go ahead... you and yurt... solidarity all the way. birds of a feather.
I don't know Yurt except from what I've read of his opinions here, and the odds against us meeting are astronomical, so your little rant is moot.

Yet your homophobia remains. You have a definite hostility towards gays. Otherwise you wouldn't use homosexuality as an insult.

But continue insisting otherwise. It's futile, but amusing. :lol:

I am a gay woman and I have never seen nor sensed any homophobia from Maineman's posts. Perhaps you can explain why YOU see what I don't?
funny? if I were afraid or threatened by homosexuals, I would freely admit it. But go ahead... you and yurt... solidarity all the way. birds of a feather.
I don't know Yurt except from what I've read of his opinions here, and the odds against us meeting are astronomical, so your little rant is moot.

Yet your homophobia remains. You have a definite hostility towards gays. Otherwise you wouldn't use homosexuality as an insult.

But continue insisting otherwise. It's futile, but amusing. :lol:

I am a gay woman and I have never seen nor sensed any homophobia from Maineman's posts. Perhaps you can explain why YOU see what I don't?
You're perhaps familiar with the word "faggot"?
Wow. You're a loon. :lol:

Hey, are you taking advantage of tax law to pay less than your "fair share"? What a greedy bastard you are!

so my belief in a progressive income tax makes me a loon?

you need to get off the Limbaugh koolaid and get sober.

And here's a clue: my "fair share" is what the law says it is. I pay not one penny less than I am required to pay by law, and I do so gladly, and willingly. I do not begrudge the fact that I am required to do my part to support the operation of the society of which I am a part. And what that society and that government decides to DO with its tax revenues is something that is decided by our democratic political process. Again... don't like it? either get involved and CHANGE it or get the fuck out... but telling the guys who are in the minority that they are loons probably won't get you very far. I'm just sayin'.
If you weren't such a greedy bastard, you'd pay MORE than your fair share. Why do you hate poor people? :(

What incredible feats of backpedaling WHILE moving goal posts. :clap2::clap2::clap2:
so my belief in a progressive income tax makes me a loon?

you need to get off the Limbaugh koolaid and get sober.

And here's a clue: my "fair share" is what the law says it is. I pay not one penny less than I am required to pay by law, and I do so gladly, and willingly. I do not begrudge the fact that I am required to do my part to support the operation of the society of which I am a part. And what that society and that government decides to DO with its tax revenues is something that is decided by our democratic political process. Again... don't like it? either get involved and CHANGE it or get the fuck out... but telling the guys who are in the minority that they are loons probably won't get you very far. I'm just sayin'.
If you weren't such a greedy bastard, you'd pay MORE than your fair share. Why do you hate poor people? :(

What incredible feats of backpedaling WHILE moving goal posts. :clap2::clap2::clap2:
Thanks. I've gotten pretty good at "thinking" like leftists do. :lol:
If you weren't such a greedy bastard, you'd pay MORE than your fair share. Why do you hate poor people? :(

I DO pay more than my fair share. I tithe at my church and my wife and I give generously to several charities. try again.
I've been told by several leftists that donations to church don't count. Of course, they say that when I point out that conservatives give more to charity than liberals do. :lol:

Actually, Conservatives SAY they give more to charity than Liberals do.
This thread has that nice nuanced racism that the right has learned to substitute for the clumsy ham handed variety that's a little too well worn.

Well done.:clap2:
Perhaps they learned that from the left's soft racism of low expectations. "There, there, Mr. Black Man -- you're not good enough to succeed on your own. Let us Democrats help you out -- just enough to keep you dependent."

Oddly enough, I hear more "blacks voted democrat because they are easily fooled"..."blacks voted democrat because they want to stay on the dole and not work"..."blacks voted for Obama only cause he's black too"..."blacks voted for democrats because they don't know any better"

Having read thru the rest of this thread after posting this...I've been right on three quotes.
I DO pay more than my fair share. I tithe at my church and my wife and I give generously to several charities. try again.
I've been told by several leftists that donations to church don't count. Of course, they say that when I point out that conservatives give more to charity than liberals do. :lol:

Actually, Conservatives SAY they give more to charity than Liberals do.

And liberals SAY they care about people.
Perhaps they learned that from the left's soft racism of low expectations. "There, there, Mr. Black Man -- you're not good enough to succeed on your own. Let us Democrats help you out -- just enough to keep you dependent."

Oddly enough, I hear more "blacks voted democrat because they are easily fooled"..."blacks voted democrat because they want to stay on the dole and not work"..."blacks voted for Obama only cause he's black too"..."blacks voted for democrats because they don't know any better"
Of course you do.

Yes...in this thread even. Thank you for at least acknowledging what is right there in front of us.
Do you have any gay friends? Do you call them "faggot"? If you do, do you tell them you're a liberal so it's impossible for you to be a homophobe? Do they actually believe that nonsense?

How nice, this post of yours.
I couldn't help but notice how you rightly chastised maineman for his anti-gay slurs.

Oh, wait...

His anti-gay slurs? I think you really need to get that beam out of your eye....
Oddly enough, I hear more "blacks voted democrat because they are easily fooled"..."blacks voted democrat because they want to stay on the dole and not work"..."blacks voted for Obama only cause he's black too"..."blacks voted for democrats because they don't know any better"
Of course you do.

Yes...in this thread even. Thank you for at least acknowledging what is right there in front of us.
Just like you acknowledging maineman's homophobia? :lol:
I don't know Yurt except from what I've read of his opinions here, and the odds against us meeting are astronomical, so your little rant is moot.

Yet your homophobia remains. You have a definite hostility towards gays. Otherwise you wouldn't use homosexuality as an insult.

But continue insisting otherwise. It's futile, but amusing. :lol:

I am a gay woman and I have never seen nor sensed any homophobia from Maineman's posts. Perhaps you can explain why YOU see what I don't?
You're perhaps familiar with the word "faggot"?

Yes I am. I am also aware of subjectivity. Would you like me to define that word for you?

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