Examining Black Loyalty to Democrats

There is no successful nation on earth that does not use a progressive rate. What makes you think a flat rate for all taxpayers would not demolish the middle class and lead us to third world status?

How would a flat rate demolish the middle class?

Wealthiest Blacks in the US
1. Oprah Winfrey – Age 55 – Net worth: $2.7 billion – Source of wealth: Harpo Productions

2. Tiger Woods – Age 33 – Net worth: $600 million – Source of wealth: Golf, endorsements

3. Robert Johnson – Age 63- Net worth: $550 million – Source of wealth: BET, investments

4. Michael Jordan – Age 46- Net worth: $525 million -Source of wealth: Basketball, Nike, endorsements

5. Earvin “Magic” Johnson, Jr. – Age 49 – Net worth: $500 million – Source of wealth: Restaurants, real estate, investments

6. William Henry Cosby, Jr. – Age 71 – Net worth: $450 million – Source of wealth: The Cosby Show, entertainment

7. Sheila Johnson – Age 60 – Net worth: $400 million -Source of wealth: BET, investments

8. R. Donahue Peebles – Age 49 – Net worth: $350 million -Source of wealth: Real estate

9. Berry Gordy, Jr. – Age 79 – Net worth: $325 million – Source of wealth: Motown, Jobete

10. Quintin Primo III – Age 55 – Net worth: $300 million – Source of wealth: Real estate

How many voted for McCain in 2008?

How many watch Fox?

Wealthiest Blacks in the US
1. Oprah Winfrey – Age 55 – Net worth: $2.7 billion – Source of wealth: Harpo Productions

2. Tiger Woods – Age 33 – Net worth: $600 million – Source of wealth: Golf, endorsements

3. Robert Johnson – Age 63- Net worth: $550 million – Source of wealth: BET, investments

4. Michael Jordan – Age 46- Net worth: $525 million -Source of wealth: Basketball, Nike, endorsements

5. Earvin “Magic” Johnson, Jr. – Age 49 – Net worth: $500 million – Source of wealth: Restaurants, real estate, investments

6. William Henry Cosby, Jr. – Age 71 – Net worth: $450 million – Source of wealth: The Cosby Show, entertainment

7. Sheila Johnson – Age 60 – Net worth: $400 million -Source of wealth: BET, investments

8. R. Donahue Peebles – Age 49 – Net worth: $350 million -Source of wealth: Real estate

9. Berry Gordy, Jr. – Age 79 – Net worth: $325 million – Source of wealth: Motown, Jobete

10. Quintin Primo III – Age 55 – Net worth: $300 million – Source of wealth: Real estate

How many voted for McCain in 2008?

How many watch Fox?

1st question: you don't know, hence why you can't support your claim either

2nd question: are you fucking serious? you really want to invade their homes and ask them what news station they may FLIP to? you're pathetic.
There is no successful nation on earth that does not use a progressive rate. What makes you think a flat rate for all taxpayers would not demolish the middle class and lead us to third world status?

How would a flat rate demolish the middle class?

let me ask you this question...before the progressive tax rate...how big was the middle class in america as compared to after?
As the biggest, baddest black man in this forum I have absolutely no loyalty to any political party that has screwed and used black Americans over for their own political gain, although it perplexes me that any black person would have anything to do with Republicans and Teabaggers when they both have an agenda that is crystal clear what they're truly about. Its understandable why most vote Democratic, the only difference is blacks aren't putting enough heat on these modern Democrats, especially this Democratic president we have in office who is too much consumed with thinking about his re-election as opposed to doing his job. he surrounded himself with a bunch of idiotic, self-serving, docile monkeys who have been giving him substandard advice.

Wealthiest Blacks in the US
1. Oprah Winfrey – Age 55 – Net worth: $2.7 billion – Source of wealth: Harpo Productions

2. Tiger Woods – Age 33 – Net worth: $600 million – Source of wealth: Golf, endorsements

3. Robert Johnson – Age 63- Net worth: $550 million – Source of wealth: BET, investments

4. Michael Jordan – Age 46- Net worth: $525 million -Source of wealth: Basketball, Nike, endorsements

5. Earvin “Magic” Johnson, Jr. – Age 49 – Net worth: $500 million – Source of wealth: Restaurants, real estate, investments

6. William Henry Cosby, Jr. – Age 71 – Net worth: $450 million – Source of wealth: The Cosby Show, entertainment

7. Sheila Johnson – Age 60 – Net worth: $400 million -Source of wealth: BET, investments

8. R. Donahue Peebles – Age 49 – Net worth: $350 million -Source of wealth: Real estate

9. Berry Gordy, Jr. – Age 79 – Net worth: $325 million – Source of wealth: Motown, Jobete

10. Quintin Primo III – Age 55 – Net worth: $300 million – Source of wealth: Real estate

How many voted for McCain in 2008?

How many watch Fox?
How many of those does Lonestar know?

Or did you miss that part in your haste to keep all blacks in the same pigeonhole?
If you weren't such a greedy bastard, you'd pay MORE than your fair share. Why do you hate poor people? :(

I DO pay more than my fair share. I tithe at my church and my wife and I give generously to several charities. try again.
I've been told by several leftists that donations to church don't count. Of course, they say that when I point out that conservatives give more to charity than liberals do. :lol:

now... if you could find a post from ME where I said that donations to churches and charities did not "count" in terms of doing more than one's part to help those less fortunate, then you would have some sort of a point. You, of course, cannot find any such post from me... so if you want to debate "several leftists", go for it and leave me out of it. If you want to have a conversation with me, then do it. take your fucking pick. mmmkay?
Hypocrite. Why should blacks vote Dem?

ask them why they DO. Why are you so afraid to do that? do blacks people scare you?
You made a claim, that you know what blacks' self interests are. Let's hear them. Don't try to deflect with ridiculous charges of racism. Take responsibility for your words.
where did I claim that I KNEW what black's self interests were? I only know, from statistical data and from anecdotal evidence, that blacks overwhelmingly vote democratic. Every black that I know in Maine - and admittedly there are not a huge number - vote democratic. Every black that I knew in my time in the Navy voted democratic. Every black that was in my high school class in Illinois and who comes to our reunions all vote democratic. If you are curious as to why that IS, I again suggest that you ask a black person, if you can muster the courage to speak to one.
You are asking me why I think people should vote for the party that I have belonged to all my life? Because I happen to believe that it has the best platform.
What about it specifically benefits black people?
Again... grow a set of balls and work up the courage to approach a scary black person and ask them why they DO vote for democrats if you really are all that interested in knowing why.
I expect they vote Dem because they want to. But that's not what we're discussing. We're discussing why YOU think voting Democrat is in blacks' self-interest.

So far, you have not done so.

asked and answered. And if you are happy living with your unproven expectations, great. If not, have a conversation with a black man about what he thinks of today's GOP. I think you might be surprised.
I DO pay more than my fair share. I tithe at my church and my wife and I give generously to several charities. try again.
I've been told by several leftists that donations to church don't count. Of course, they say that when I point out that conservatives give more to charity than liberals do. :lol:

now... if you could find a post from ME where I said that donations to churches and charities did not "count" in terms of doing more than one's part to help those less fortunate, then you would have some sort of a point. You, of course, cannot find any such post from me... so if you want to debate "several leftists", go for it and leave me out of it. If you want to have a conversation with me, then do it. take your fucking pick. mmmkay?

yo daveman... cat got your tongue?
I've been told by several leftists that donations to church don't count. Of course, they say that when I point out that conservatives give more to charity than liberals do. :lol:

now... if you could find a post from ME where I said that donations to churches and charities did not "count" in terms of doing more than one's part to help those less fortunate, then you would have some sort of a point. You, of course, cannot find any such post from me... so if you want to debate "several leftists", go for it and leave me out of it. If you want to have a conversation with me, then do it. take your fucking pick. mmmkay?

yo daveman... cat got your tongue?

wtf, daveman?
now... if you could find a post from ME where I said that donations to churches and charities did not "count" in terms of doing more than one's part to help those less fortunate, then you would have some sort of a point. You, of course, cannot find any such post from me... so if you want to debate "several leftists", go for it and leave me out of it. If you want to have a conversation with me, then do it. take your fucking pick. mmmkay?

yo daveman... cat got your tongue?

wtf, daveman?
Sorry. The database doesn't accurate track what I've read and what I've not read. Let me scroll back up and answer your posts.
I DO pay more than my fair share. I tithe at my church and my wife and I give generously to several charities. try again.
I've been told by several leftists that donations to church don't count. Of course, they say that when I point out that conservatives give more to charity than liberals do. :lol:

now... if you could find a post from ME where I said that donations to churches and charities did not "count" in terms of doing more than one's part to help those less fortunate, then you would have some sort of a point. You, of course, cannot find any such post from me... so if you want to debate "several leftists", go for it and leave me out of it. If you want to have a conversation with me, then do it. take your fucking pick. mmmkay?
Ooooh. Tough guy. :lol:

Just curious: Has any leftist ever told you that your donations to your church don't count, they way they've told me? Or can we assume that they're mindless partisan hacks?
ask them why they DO. Why are you so afraid to do that? do blacks people scare you?
You made a claim, that you know what blacks' self interests are. Let's hear them. Don't try to deflect with ridiculous charges of racism. Take responsibility for your words.
where did I claim that I KNEW what black's self interests were?
Sounded like you did here.
I only know, from statistical data and from anecdotal evidence, that blacks overwhelmingly vote democratic. Every black that I know in Maine - and admittedly there are not a huge number - vote democratic. Every black that I knew in my time in the Navy voted democratic. Every black that was in my high school class in Illinois and who comes to our reunions all vote democratic. If you are curious as to why that IS, I again suggest that you ask a black person, if you can muster the courage to speak to one.
Why do you assume I'm afraid to speak to blacks? Is it perhaps your own bigotry against conservatives doing your thinking for you?

Yes. Yes, I think it is.

Y'know, there's a guy in my office. Retired E-8, currently working as a contractor. Owned his own business, and was successful at it. College degree in management. He's a conservative. Oh, and did I mention he's black?

I once asked him why black people vote overwhelmingly Democratic. He said it's because they don't think for themselves, at least, not about politics. It's about whoever makes the most promises.

One leftist told me I was racist for telling that story. :lol: :cuckoo:
You are asking me why I think people should vote for the party that I have belonged to all my life? Because I happen to believe that it has the best platform.
What about it specifically benefits black people?
Again... grow a set of balls and work up the courage to approach a scary black person and ask them why they DO vote for democrats if you really are all that interested in knowing why.
I expect they vote Dem because they want to. But that's not what we're discussing. We're discussing why YOU think voting Democrat is in blacks' self-interest.

So far, you have not done so.

asked and answered. And if you are happy living with your unproven expectations, great. If not, have a conversation with a black man about what he thinks of today's GOP. I think you might be surprised.

Oh, yeah. Because you're assuming all blacks are Democrats.
I've been told by several leftists that donations to church don't count. Of course, they say that when I point out that conservatives give more to charity than liberals do. :lol:

now... if you could find a post from ME where I said that donations to churches and charities did not "count" in terms of doing more than one's part to help those less fortunate, then you would have some sort of a point. You, of course, cannot find any such post from me... so if you want to debate "several leftists", go for it and leave me out of it. If you want to have a conversation with me, then do it. take your fucking pick. mmmkay?
Ooooh. Tough guy. :lol:

Just curious: Has any leftist ever told you that your donations to your church don't count, they way they've told me? Or can we assume that they're mindless partisan hacks?

I have never had ANYONE tell me that that donations to my chuch do not "count" in the context of doing one's part to help the less fortunate. And I seriously doubt that YOU have had anyone say that to you either. YOu just make that sort of shit up.
now... if you could find a post from ME where I said that donations to churches and charities did not "count" in terms of doing more than one's part to help those less fortunate, then you would have some sort of a point. You, of course, cannot find any such post from me... so if you want to debate "several leftists", go for it and leave me out of it. If you want to have a conversation with me, then do it. take your fucking pick. mmmkay?
Ooooh. Tough guy. :lol:

Just curious: Has any leftist ever told you that your donations to your church don't count, they way they've told me? Or can we assume that they're mindless partisan hacks?

I have never had ANYONE tell me that that donations to my chuch do not "count" in the context of doing one's part to help the less fortunate. And I seriously doubt that YOU have had anyone say that to you either. YOu just make that sort of shit up.
Ummm...no, I don't.

I don't have to lie to make my point. I'm not a leftist.
This thread has that nice nuanced racism that the right has learned to substitute for the clumsy ham handed variety that's a little too well worn.

Well done.:clap2:
Perhaps they learned that from the left's soft racism of low expectations. "There, there, Mr. Black Man -- you're not good enough to succeed on your own. Let us Democrats help you out -- just enough to keep you dependent."

Oddly enough, I hear more "blacks voted democrat because they are easily fooled"..."blacks voted democrat because they want to stay on the dole and not work"..."blacks voted for Obama only cause he's black too"..."blacks voted for democrats because they don't know any better"

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