Examining Black Loyalty to Democrats

Perhaps they are like most liberals and cannot stand the truth.

Ah...there's another reason. Blacks don't like the "truth". (I wonder if that puts them in the "too stupid" catagory or the "too dishonest" catagory. Either are sure to be WINNERS with those black voters you want to vote Republican)

Just the ones that are "turned off" by my comments.

And how many would that be? # or % would be ok.
let me try to put this issue to rest so that this discussion can get back to the OP.

I am not, nor have I ever been "homophobic". I AM straight... and when, in my life, I have been approached by gay men, I have politely informed them of my preference. I have plenty of gay friends and associates and frequently join them in social conversations filled with light hearted banter and laughter and the word "faggot" is tossed around fairly often. I also know that there are some people on here who are very insecure about their sexuality and are greatly offended by being labeled gay. Knowing that, I occasionally poke them in the eye - figuratively - by suggesting that they are. That does not make me homophobic.... it is only evidence of my doing something overt to get under someone else's skin.
Would you accept that from a conservative as rationalization for his using the word "******"?

Do me a favor. Don't pretend you would. Because we both know better.
Now... it seems to me that republicans find themselves in an uncomfortable bind when it comes to explaining black americans' predilection to vote for democrats. They WANT to say that it is because democrats give those lazy negroes welfare checks, but that would make it seem as if republicans think that the majority of blacks are all on welfare... which is a clearly racist position... and it does not explain why blacks who are NOT on welfare would also nearly unanimously vote for democrats... and they WANT to say that democrats have TRICKED black americans into voting against their self interest, but that is also a clearly racist position which suggests that the entire black american population is too stupid to keep from being duped by those wily democrats. The fact remains, black americans from all walks of life, and in all levels of the socio-economic spectrum overwhelmingly vote democratic and if republicans want to really change that voting dynamic, they need to take the time to actually talk to black americans other than Alan Keyes and Michael Steele and find out THEIR reasons for continuing to vote for democrats. Simply accusing them of being lazy and willing to be bribed or too stupid to know they are being bribed will probably not get them to change their minds about which political party they should support.
What you think people WANT to say is evidence only of your own bigotry. Not anyone else's.

in regards to your first question, I think the negative stigma of the N word is much more powerful than "faggot", but, as I tried to say, get off this idiocy that I am homophobic because I most certainly am not. Try to stay on topiuc instead of this obvious deflection shit.

and your compatriot in arms, lonestar logic, has expressly said most of what I suggested that folks on the right WANT to say. Remember: I am the one who belongs to the party that blacks vote for.... YOUR party is the one seen by blacks as bigoted. You need to accept that fact if you are ever going to change it.

The fact remains... blacks vote for democrats. poor blacks, middle class blacks, rich blacks. As Pew suggested, the percentage of support for democrats remains nearly constant across the socio-economic spectrum. I really don't care WHY they do... I am happy that they hold my party in such high regard. It is YOUR side that needs to do some serious soul searching and some serious fact finding... and come to grips with the long term impact of your southern strategy. If blacks in America never cast another vote for YOUR party, I would be quite pleased. You have lost them, and your stance on immigration will lose hispanics as well. From my perspective, the long term prospects for the GOP have you all becoming a white southern party with diminishing national significance. Good riddance, I say. AMF:razz:
Come on righties spit it out , why do blacks vote for democrats and not republicans.
I never said "rich" and I never gave a number as to how many succcessful blacks that I know. You obviously don't think there's very many successful blacks living in and around Houston, Texas, which boasts a population of about 5 million people.

You seem to have a hard time acknowledging the fact that there are many successful black people that vote Republican. My attitude toward poor lazy blacks have developed over the course of my life living, working and doing time with them.

The only thing that will change my attitude toward poor lazy blacks is when they change their attitude about themselves and realize that it's not "whitey" keeping them down but their own prejudices that keeps them in a state of perpetual victimhood.

Wise up!

I am sure that there are tons of successful black people in your area... and I am sure that some of them do vote for republicans. YOU, however, seem to not want to deal with this:

"The Pew Research Center reports that across regions, socioeconomic groups, and ages, the preference for the Democratic Party among African-Americans is uniform; the most affluent African-Americans' party affiliation is almost identical to the least affluent."

and again... your attitudes toward blacks is undoubtedly contributing toward their enmity to the GOP. Please keep up the good work!

Hey stupid, I have never denied that the majority of blacks vote for Democrats. As a matter of fact I have acknowledged it on more than one occasion and I gave an opinion as to why I think that is.

your rather racist opinion as to why that is only dealt with the lowest rung of the socio-economic ladder. (I wonder, for example, why poor white trailer trash still vote for republicans when THEY get the same sort of government largesse that poor blacks do?) Why do you think that blacks across the socio-economic spectrum are united in their overwhelming support for the Democratic Party? And what do you think your party should do about that, beyond castigating blacks as being lazy and stupid and easily duped, which seems to be YOUR primary tactic?
I am sure that there are tons of successful black people in your area... and I am sure that some of them do vote for republicans. YOU, however, seem to not want to deal with this:

"The Pew Research Center reports that across regions, socioeconomic groups, and ages, the preference for the Democratic Party among African-Americans is uniform; the most affluent African-Americans' party affiliation is almost identical to the least affluent."

and again... your attitudes toward blacks is undoubtedly contributing toward their enmity to the GOP. Please keep up the good work!

Hey stupid, I have never denied that the majority of blacks vote for Democrats. As a matter of fact I have acknowledged it on more than one occasion and I gave an opinion as to why I think that is.

your rather racist opinion as to why that is only dealt with the lowest rung of the socio-economic ladder. (I wonder, for example, why poor white trailer trash still vote for republicans when THEY get the same sort of government largesse that poor blacks do?) Why do you think that blacks across the socio-economic spectrum are united in their overwhelming support for the Democratic Party? And what do you think your party should do about that, beyond castigating blacks as being lazy and stupid and easily duped, which seems to be YOUR primary tactic?

Are you sure "white trailor trash" votes for Republicans? Maybe you ought to go ask your neighbors who they vote for.

Oh and I don't have a party, I have voted for both Democrats and Republicans in my lifetime, I vote on principle not on party. I don't know if the Republican party thinks blacks are lazy or not, I know for a fact that I have seen more than my fair share of lazy blacks as well as lazy whites. And you're the one calling them "stupid", not I.
Hey stupid, I have never denied that the majority of blacks vote for Democrats. As a matter of fact I have acknowledged it on more than one occasion and I gave an opinion as to why I think that is.

your rather racist opinion as to why that is only dealt with the lowest rung of the socio-economic ladder. (I wonder, for example, why poor white trailer trash still vote for republicans when THEY get the same sort of government largesse that poor blacks do?) Why do you think that blacks across the socio-economic spectrum are united in their overwhelming support for the Democratic Party? And what do you think your party should do about that, beyond castigating blacks as being lazy and stupid and easily duped, which seems to be YOUR primary tactic?

Are you sure "white trailor trash" votes for Republicans? Maybe you ought to go ask your neighbors who they vote for.

Oh and I don't have a party, I have voted for both Democrats and Republicans in my lifetime, I vote on principle not on party. I don't know if the Republican party thinks blacks are lazy or not, I know for a fact that I have seen more than my fair share of lazy blacks as well as lazy whites. And you're the one calling them "stupid", not I.

No way.
your rather racist opinion as to why that is only dealt with the lowest rung of the socio-economic ladder. (I wonder, for example, why poor white trailer trash still vote for republicans when THEY get the same sort of government largesse that poor blacks do?) Why do you think that blacks across the socio-economic spectrum are united in their overwhelming support for the Democratic Party? And what do you think your party should do about that, beyond castigating blacks as being lazy and stupid and easily duped, which seems to be YOUR primary tactic?

Are you sure "white trailor trash" votes for Republicans? Maybe you ought to go ask your neighbors who they vote for.

Oh and I don't have a party, I have voted for both Democrats and Republicans in my lifetime, I vote on principle not on party. I don't know if the Republican party thinks blacks are lazy or not, I know for a fact that I have seen more than my fair share of lazy blacks as well as lazy whites. And you're the one calling them "stupid", not I.

No way.

Unlike you, I don't lie.
I must have missed the posts where they said what they think , where was it?
Are you sure "white trailor trash" votes for Republicans? Maybe you ought to go ask your neighbors who they vote for.

Oh and I don't have a party, I have voted for both Democrats and Republicans in my lifetime, I vote on principle not on party. I don't know if the Republican party thinks blacks are lazy or not, I know for a fact that I have seen more than my fair share of lazy blacks as well as lazy whites. And you're the one calling them "stupid", not I.

No way.

Unlike you, I don't lie.

Thanks for proving my point about you not really knowing what Principles are. You always are easy, you know. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

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