Examining Black Loyalty to Democrats

if you want to call the DFAS check for my retirement "welfare", I could give a shit. Now if you are saying that I am NOT a retired naval officer, then I guess we don't have much left to talk about. I really won't converse very much with people who question my integrity.

What integrity?

That's right, Lonestar_Logic, you have no integrity. I know your kind in Texas, and, yes, you little freaks do vote GOP and twist the good party far, far to the dark side of wingnutville.

You shouldn't show your ignorance so blatantly.
in regards to your first question, I think the negative stigma of the N word is much more powerful than "faggot", but, as I tried to say, get off this idiocy that I am homophobic because I most certainly am not. Try to stay on topiuc instead of this obvious deflection shit.
Yeah, well, horseshit.
and your compatriot in arms, lonestar logic, has expressly said most of what I suggested that folks on the right WANT to say. Remember: I am the one who belongs to the party that blacks vote for.... YOUR party is the one seen by blacks as bigoted. You need to accept that fact if you are ever going to change it.
One guy says it, and that's corroboration enough for you?

I guess you support the troops when they shoot their officers, huh? After all, it's what I WANT leftists, to say, and one did, so...
The fact remains... blacks vote for democrats. poor blacks, middle class blacks, rich blacks. As Pew suggested, the percentage of support for democrats remains nearly constant across the socio-economic spectrum. I really don't care WHY they do... I am happy that they hold my party in such high regard. It is YOUR side that needs to do some serious soul searching and some serious fact finding... and come to grips with the long term impact of your southern strategy. If blacks in America never cast another vote for YOUR party, I would be quite pleased. You have lost them, and your stance on immigration will lose hispanics as well. From my perspective, the long term prospects for the GOP have you all becoming a white southern party with diminishing national significance. Good riddance, I say. AMF:razz:
The fact remains that the left has been playing the race card for decades. It's no wonder some blacks think conservatives are racist. You've been feeding them that lie, so they vote for Dem candidates.

And you need to realize that anti-illegal immigration is not anti-immigration. There you go lying again.
Lonestar, you have revealed you do not understand the subject. Really, you should take bigreb and move along.
Lonestar, you have revealed you do not understand the subject. Really, you should take bigreb and move along.

I fully understand the subject. Democrats have been fooling blacks for years and blacks are either too ignorant or too stupid to realize it.

It was the Republicans that passed the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the U. S. Constitution granting blacks freedom, citizenship, and the right to vote.

It was the Republicans that passed the Civil Rights Acts of 1866 and 1875 granting blacks protection from the Black Codes and prohibiting racial discrimination in public accommodations, and was the Party of most blacks prior to the 1960’s, including Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth, Booker T. Washington, and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

It was a Republican President that appointed more blacks to high-level positions than any president in history and who spent record money education, job training and health care to help black Americans prosper.

It was a Democratic President (Lyndon Johnson) who called Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. “that ****** preacher” because he opposed the Viet Nam War; and President John F. Kennedy who voted against the 1957 Civil Rights law as a Senator, then as president opposed the 1963 March on Washington by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. after becoming president and the FBI investigate Dr. King on suspicion of being a communist.

The Democrats are against school vouchers, against school prayers, and takes the black vote for granted without ever acknowledging their racist past or apologizing for trying to expand slavery, lynching blacks and passing the Black Codes and Jim Crow laws that caused great harm to blacks.

The Democratic party fought to keep blacks in slavery and was the Party of the Ku Klux Klan.

National Black Republican Association | National Black Republican Association
Yet it was a Democratic president (the one whom you can't supply the credible support that says LBJ ever said any such thing about MLK) and a Democratic congress (the one that you claim was racist) that (1) passed the Civil Rights Bill of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and forced racists everywhere to kneel virtually before the Constitution and confess their sin of racism. Democratic officials pursued the bad boys and girls throughout the south until they gave up or died. Rightfully so. Southern racists bastards. And now so many of them in Texas belong to the Republican Party.

Oh, notice that not a single southern Republican voted for the bill. Not one. Note that the Democrats of the north in greater numbers and greater percentages voted for the bill than Republicans.

The original House version:Yeah- nay
• Southern Democrats: 7-87 (7%-93%)
• Southern Republicans: 0-10 (0%-100%)
• Northern Democrats: 145-9 (94%-6%)
• Northern Republicans: 138-24 (85%-15%)
The Senate version:
• Southern Democrats: 1-20 (5%-95%)
• Southern Republicans: 0-1 (0%-100%)
• Northern Democrats: 45-1 (98%-2%)
• Northern Republicans: 27-5 (84%-16%)

You, kiddo, are not very good at this. Stop following Rush's Rules for GOP Fools, and you might get better.
and your compatriot in arms, lonestar logic, has expressly said most of what I suggested that folks on the right WANT to say. Remember: I am the one who belongs to the party that blacks vote for.... YOUR party is the one seen by blacks as bigoted. You need to accept that fact if you are ever going to change it.
One guy says it, and that's corroboration enough for you?

one guy? I merely pointed out one guy on here in this very thread... like a piece of low hanging fruit. I have been on message boards with conservative white guys who spout that same line of racist shit for fifteen years or more. I have listened to racist white republicans say that blacks are either stupid or lazy and greedy for as long as I have been interested in politics. For you to claim that those attitudes are not widely held is ridiculous.

The fact remains... blacks vote for democrats. poor blacks, middle class blacks, rich blacks. As Pew suggested, the percentage of support for democrats remains nearly constant across the socio-economic spectrum. I really don't care WHY they do... I am happy that they hold my party in such high regard. It is YOUR side that needs to do some serious soul searching and some serious fact finding... and come to grips with the long term impact of your southern strategy. If blacks in America never cast another vote for YOUR party, I would be quite pleased. You have lost them, and your stance on immigration will lose hispanics as well. From my perspective, the long term prospects for the GOP have you all becoming a white southern party with diminishing national significance. Good riddance, I say. AMF:razz:
The fact remains that the left has been playing the race card for decades. It's no wonder some blacks think conservatives are racist. You've been feeding them that lie, so they vote for Dem candidates

"some blacks" think that about conservatives? How about damned near ALL of them. And be a big boy and go back and address the fact contained in the bolded sentences. It certainly is not because SOME blacks think that conservatives are racists...that's for damned sure.

And you need to realize that anti-illegal immigration is not anti-immigration. There you go lying again.

learn to speak the language. There is no lie there. I NEVER said that republicans are anti-immigration. I said that your stance on immigration would lose you hispanic votes as well. That is a fact. Stopping comprehensive immigration reform legislation will indeed cost the GOP hispanic votes. Preferring the approach of scaring all hispanics legal or otherwise with your jackboot "show me your papers" Arizona approach will cost the GOP hispanic votes. There can be no denying that... well... there can be no rational denying of that.
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Either party that takes an anti-immigrant stance will lose votes and elections. As America grows younger and darker and more technological, those who are older and whiter and far to the right grow far less in numbers. The old America is going, going, gone, and that's that way it is. Nothing will stop that, because the numbers are against nativism.
and your compatriot in arms, lonestar logic, has expressly said most of what I suggested that folks on the right WANT to say. Remember: I am the one who belongs to the party that blacks vote for.... YOUR party is the one seen by blacks as bigoted. You need to accept that fact if you are ever going to change it.
One guy says it, and that's corroboration enough for you?

one guy? I merely pointed out one guy on here in this very thread... like a piece of low hanging fruit. I have been on message boards with conservative white guys who spout that same line of racist shit for fifteen years or more. I have listened to racist white republicans say that blacks are either stupid or lazy and greedy for as long as I have been interested in politics. For you to claim that those attitudes are not widely held is ridiculous.

The fact remains that the left has been playing the race card for decades. It's no wonder some blacks think conservatives are racist. You've been feeding them that lie, so they vote for Dem candidates

"some blacks" think that about conservatives? How about damned near ALL of them. And be a big boy and go back and address the fact contained in the bolded sentences. It certainly is not because SOME blacks think that conservatives are racists...that's for damned sure.

And you need to realize that anti-illegal immigration is not anti-immigration. There you go lying again.

learn to speak the language. There is no lie there. I NEVER said that republicans are anti-immigration. I said that your stance on immigration would lose you hispanic votes as well. That is a fact. Stopping comprehensive immigration reform legislation will indeed cost the GOP hispanic votes. Preferring the approach of scaring all hispanics legal or otherwise with your jackboot "show me your papers" Arizona approach will cost the GOP hispanic votes. There can be no denying that... well... there can be no rational denying of that.
Yeah, well, horseshit. :lol:
The comment beloe is a keeper for the idiot file. 70 percent of Americans do not want imagration reform So explain how is it that obama would gain votes for trying to get this agenda passed?

Either party that takes an anti-immigrant stance will lose votes and elections. As America grows younger and darker and more technological, those who are older and whiter and far to the right grow far less in numbers. The old America is going, going, gone, and that's that way it is. Nothing will stop that, because the numbers are against nativism.
The notion that blacks "don't think for themselves" in their loyalty to Democrats is mind-balm for dumb Republicans. In fact, blacks voting as a block for Democrats is both rational and strategic: in the short term, they do in fact get more benefits, affirmative action and softer criminal enforcement. And by voting as a block, they maximize their leverage relative to their numbers.

In any event, anyone who thinks that voting is an intelligent and considered process that the masses engage in with an eye toward their long-term betterment instead of short-term satisfaction is... to put it diplomatically... very, very naive.

It's WHITES who are stupid to split their vote Democrat/Republican. Hell, there are plenty of households where the whites may as well not bother voting because they cancel each other out. If they all voted one way, "mindlessly" as the critics would have it, they would have total control.

Right now, of course, whites still have a (bare) majority, so they can afford to treat politics like a parlor game. But their numbers are declining. Soon, THEY will be in the minority, and they're going to have to choose a side -- or at least re-evaluate their approach to politics. Lest they DIE. In other words, whites in general will have to learn the lesson that blacks learned: get unified, get racist, or get dead.

But given the current white conservative fantasy that blacks are going to suddenly see the virtues of the free market and endless war for Israel and defect en masse to the GOP, I don't really see any fact-based assessments forthcoming. Newt Gingrich once gave a speech in which he said that all Haiti needed to launch into riches was market reform. Uh huh. Conservatives also nurse this fantasy that Hispanics are "really a family values people", but the stats don't bear this out.
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The comment beloe is a keeper for the idiot file. 70 percent of Americans do not want imagration reform So explain how is it that obama would gain votes for trying to get this agenda passed?

Either party that takes an anti-immigrant stance will lose votes and elections. As America grows younger and darker and more technological, those who are older and whiter and far to the right grow far less in numbers. The old America is going, going, gone, and that's that way it is. Nothing will stop that, because the numbers are against nativism.

got a link that shows that percentage?

and... are you, perhaps, inbred?
The comment beloe is a keeper for the idiot file. 70 percent of Americans do not want imagration reform So explain how is it that obama would gain votes for trying to get this agenda passed?

Either party that takes an anti-immigrant stance will lose votes and elections. As America grows younger and darker and more technological, those who are older and whiter and far to the right grow far less in numbers. The old America is going, going, gone, and that's that way it is. Nothing will stop that, because the numbers are against nativism.

got a link that shows that percentage?

and... are you, perhaps, inbred?

How aboiut taking your foot out of your mouth. and read jaks comment does it make any sense? If 70precent of Americans are against imagration reform how could obama and the democrats expect to win any election?

You and jake seem to forget when Bush tried it
The comment beloe is a keeper for the idiot file. 70 percent of Americans do not want imagration reform So explain how is it that obama would gain votes for trying to get this agenda passed?

Either party that takes an anti-immigrant stance will lose votes and elections. As America grows younger and darker and more technological, those who are older and whiter and far to the right grow far less in numbers. The old America is going, going, gone, and that's that way it is. Nothing will stop that, because the numbers are against nativism.

You better go examine how that 70% is determined. That is why the GOP does not take an anti-immigrant position. The party will lose every election (any party) if it goes anti-immigrant. The numbers are steadily going against what you believe.
The comment beloe is a keeper for the idiot file. 70 percent of Americans do not want imagration reform So explain how is it that obama would gain votes for trying to get this agenda passed?

got a link that shows that percentage?

and... are you, perhaps, inbred?

How aboiut taking your foot out of your mouth. and read jaks comment does it make any sense? If 70precent of Americans are against imagration reform how could obama and the democrats expect to win any election?

You and jake seem to forget when Bush tried it

Study the percentage, son, and it does not add up to what you believe.
The comment beloe is a keeper for the idiot file. 70 percent of Americans do not want imagration reform So explain how is it that obama would gain votes for trying to get this agenda passed?

got a link that shows that percentage?

and... are you, perhaps, inbred?

How aboiut taking your foot out of your mouth. and read jaks comment does it make any sense? If 70precent of Americans are against imagration reform how could obama and the democrats expect to win any election?

You and jake seem to forget when Bush tried it

you said that 70% of America is against immigration reform. I said give me a link that shows that. can you do it? yes or no
Yeah, well, horseshit.

typically profound dave. guess you really CAN'T carry on an intelligent conversation.

got it.
Horseshit gets correctly labeled as horseshit. Don't like it? Don't spout horseshit.

Ball's in your court, Skippy.

if you want to call me pointing out the idiocy of your position as "horseshit" that's fine, I guess. Blacks in all socioeconomic spectrums vote democratic and your only explanation for that is democrats lie by telling blacks that republicans are racist, and somehow, all those blacks - poor, middle class and rich blacks - all just believe that "lie" and vote democratic even though it is not in their best interest.

and you don't think that you suggesting that an entire race of citizens in America is so clueless and inept as to be capable of being completely fooled by a political party to vote against their own self interest is not, in itself, proof of your seemingly unwitting racism?????

that may not be "horseshit", but it certainly is proof positive of your own deeply held bigotry against blacks...


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