Examining Black Loyalty to Democrats

got a link that shows that percentage?

and... are you, perhaps, inbred?

How aboiut taking your foot out of your mouth. and read jaks comment does it make any sense? If 70precent of Americans are against imagration reform how could obama and the democrats expect to win any election?

You and jake seem to forget when Bush tried it

you said that 70% of America is against immigration reform. I said give me a link that shows that. can you do it? yes or no

I can't find a source to support what I said But I have read it just can't locate it.
The comment beloe is a keeper for the idiot file. 70 percent of Americans do not want imagration reform So explain how is it that obama would gain votes for trying to get this agenda passed?

Either party that takes an anti-immigrant stance will lose votes and elections. As America grows younger and darker and more technological, those who are older and whiter and far to the right grow far less in numbers. The old America is going, going, gone, and that's that way it is. Nothing will stop that, because the numbers are against nativism.

You better go examine how that 70% is determined. That is why the GOP does not take an anti-immigrant position. The party will lose every election (any party) if it goes anti-immigrant. The numbers are steadily going against what you believe.

You better research some history those who have push for imagration reform AMENSTY have been oin the losing side.
typically profound dave. guess you really CAN'T carry on an intelligent conversation.

got it.
Horseshit gets correctly labeled as horseshit. Don't like it? Don't spout horseshit.

Ball's in your court, Skippy.

if you want to call me pointing out the idiocy of your position as "horseshit" that's fine, I guess. Blacks in all socioeconomic spectrums vote democratic and your only explanation for that is democrats lie by telling blacks that republicans are racist, and somehow, all those blacks - poor, middle class and rich blacks - all just believe that "lie" and vote democratic even though it is not in their best interest.

and you don't think that you suggesting that an entire race of citizens in America is so clueless and inept as to be capable of being completely fooled by a political party to vote against their own self interest is not, in itself, proof of your seemingly unwitting racism?????

that may not be "horseshit", but it certainly is proof positive of your own deeply held bigotry against blacks...


"Blah blah blah racist blah blah."

Yawn. That lost any effect it had long ago. Now all it means is "something a leftist doesn't like".

You homophobe. :lol:
The sad irony that is a testament to the failure of society is that blacks were at their edcucational zenith before the civil rights movement. Very tragic.
Yet it was a Democratic president (the one whom you can't supply the credible support that says LBJ ever said any such thing about MLK) and a Democratic congress (the one that you claim was racist) that (1) passed the Civil Rights Bill of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and forced racists everywhere to kneel virtually before the Constitution and confess their sin of racism. Democratic officials pursued the bad boys and girls throughout the south until they gave up or died. Rightfully so. Southern racists bastards. And now so many of them in Texas belong to the Republican Party.

Oh, notice that not a single southern Republican voted for the bill. Not one. Note that the Democrats of the north in greater numbers and greater percentages voted for the bill than Republicans.

The original House version:Yeah- nay
• Southern Democrats: 7-87 (7%-93%)
• Southern Republicans: 0-10 (0%-100%)
• Northern Democrats: 145-9 (94%-6%)
• Northern Republicans: 138-24 (85%-15%)
The Senate version:
• Southern Democrats: 1-20 (5%-95%)
• Southern Republicans: 0-1 (0%-100%)
• Northern Democrats: 45-1 (98%-2%)
• Northern Republicans: 27-5 (84%-16%)

You, kiddo, are not very good at this. Stop following Rush's Rules for GOP Fools, and you might get better.

That's it? That all you got? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAAHAHAHAHA you fail!!!
The sad irony that is a testament to the failure of society is that blacks were at their edcucational zenith before the civil rights movement. Very tragic.

Evidence? Make sure you include college degrees. Also make sure that you compare with then and now with whites, Asians, Hispanics.

Your thesis will crumble.
Lonestar, those stats are a ringing endorsement that the GOP has to get off its ass and get to work. The Dems represent minorities' interests while the GOP does not. If you want to rely on what the GOP did for blacks more than 46 years ago, go ahead, and we all will chuckle quietly, pat you on the head, and kick your ass into the gutter with conhog and bigrebnc1775. Remember, not every Republican in the south is racist, but every racist I know here across four southern states is certainly Republican. Fail.
Lonestar, those stats are a ringing endorsement that the GOP has to get off its ass and get to work. The Dems represent minorities' interests while the GOP does not. If you want to rely on what the GOP did for blacks more than 46 years ago, go ahead, and we all will chuckle quietly, pat you on the head, and kick your ass into the gutter with conhog and bigrebnc1775. Remember, not every Republican in the south is racist, but every racist I know here across four southern states is certainly Republican. Fail.

If you choose to deny history then that's your right, but it makes you an ignorant fool. The Dems continue to patronize minorities and the cold hard truth is the Republicans have had a far better record than the Democrats on race. "Affirmative action" for instance, which has become the keystone of Democratic racial politics and anyone who opposes affirmative action is racist. But affirmative action, as practiced currently, is racist to the core. It is based on the assumption that African-Americans are incapable of competing with whites. The Democrats position is that blacks cannot think or do for themselves and they need ol' Massa governments help.
bottom line:

lonestar illogic, daveywoman, and biginbredreb all have a difficult time explaining how, if the democratic party is SO bad for blacks, and the GOP is SO much better for them, blacks nonetheless continue to vote overwhelmingly for democrats. And, as studies show, it is not just POOR blacks who are loyal democrats. Loyalty to the democratic party is uniformly strong amongst blacks of ALL socioeconomic levels. When pressed to explain it, they all tapdance around the fact that their only explanation requires them to expose their own blatant racist beliefs. As in, "the democratic party has FOOLED all the blacks into voting for them" or "blacks vote for democrats because democrats give them welfare money and food stamps".

When your own RNC chairman readily admits to the long time existence of a GOP "southern strategy" that clearly and unambiguously ignored blacks, it would seem like you all might have the strength of character to just ADMIT that blacks have good reason to not trust you.

But again... you all can self righteously claim that your party is clearly better for blacks than the democratic party is... and I could give a shit. As long as my party's platform and slate of candidates continues to draw the vast majority of black voters, you guys can pontificate all you want!:razz:
Lonestar, those stats are a ringing endorsement that the GOP has to get off its ass and get to work. The Dems represent minorities' interests while the GOP does not. If you want to rely on what the GOP did for blacks more than 46 years ago, go ahead, and we all will chuckle quietly, pat you on the head, and kick your ass into the gutter with conhog and bigrebnc1775. Remember, not every Republican in the south is racist, but every racist I know here across four southern states is certainly Republican. Fail.

If you choose to deny history then that's your right, but it makes you an ignorant fool. The Dems continue to patronize minorities and the cold hard truth is the Republicans have had a far better record than the Democrats on race. "Affirmative action" for instance, which has become the keystone of Democratic racial politics and anyone who opposes affirmative action is racist. But affirmative action, as practiced currently, is racist to the core. It is based on the assumption that African-Americans are incapable of competing with whites. The Democrats position is that blacks cannot think or do for themselves and they need ol' Massa governments help.

History is clear: the Democrats changed for the right, and the GOP has receded. Your Rush-based assumptions are false, and if you continue to use Rush's Rules for GOP fools, you will continue to fail.

What do you have for the GOP since 1964?
bottom line:

lonestar illogic, daveywoman, and biginbredreb all have a difficult time explaining how, if the democratic party is SO bad for blacks, and the GOP is SO much better for them, blacks nonetheless continue to vote overwhelmingly for democrats. And, as studies show, it is not just POOR blacks who are loyal democrats. Loyalty to the democratic party is uniformly strong amongst blacks of ALL socioeconomic levels. When pressed to explain it, they all tapdance around the fact that their only explanation requires them to expose their own blatant racist beliefs. As in, "the democratic party has FOOLED all the blacks into voting for them" or "blacks vote for democrats because democrats give them welfare money and food stamps".

When your own RNC chairman readily admits to the long time existence of a GOP "southern strategy" that clearly and unambiguously ignored blacks, it would seem like you all might have the strength of character to just ADMIT that blacks have good reason to not trust you.

But again... you all can self righteously claim that your party is clearly better for blacks than the democratic party is... and I could give a shit. As long as my party's platform and slate of candidates continues to draw the vast majority of black voters, you guys can pontificate all you want!:razz:

Just so. By suggesting blacks and other minorities only vote for Dems because of handouts,without any quantification and analysis, reveals the paucity of thinking among this board's reactionaries. They are not conservatives. They foul the association by saying they are conservatives. They are not: they are far right racist reactionaries. And they will remain in the minority where they belong.
Lonestar, those stats are a ringing endorsement that the GOP has to get off its ass and get to work. The Dems represent minorities' interests while the GOP does not. If you want to rely on what the GOP did for blacks more than 46 years ago, go ahead, and we all will chuckle quietly, pat you on the head, and kick your ass into the gutter with conhog and bigrebnc1775. Remember, not every Republican in the south is racist, but every racist I know here across four southern states is certainly Republican. Fail.

If you choose to deny history then that's your right, but it makes you an ignorant fool. The Dems continue to patronize minorities and the cold hard truth is the Republicans have had a far better record than the Democrats on race. "Affirmative action" for instance, which has become the keystone of Democratic racial politics and anyone who opposes affirmative action is racist. But affirmative action, as practiced currently, is racist to the core. It is based on the assumption that African-Americans are incapable of competing with whites. The Democrats position is that blacks cannot think or do for themselves and they need ol' Massa governments help.

History is clear: the Democrats changed for the right, and the GOP has receded. Your Rush-based assumptions are false, and if you continue to use Rush's Rules for GOP fools, you will continue to fail.

What do you have for the GOP since 1964?

You obviously listen to Rush too much.

If your asking what has the GOP promised blacks in American the answer is individual freedom and equality under the law. Nothing more, nothing less.
If your asking what has the GOP promised blacks in American the answer is individual freedom and equality under the law. Nothing more, nothing less.

and admittedly employed a "southern strategy" designed to marginalize them.:razz:

Everyone knows that race has long played a decisive role in Southern electoral politics. From the end of Reconstruction until the beginning of the civil rights era, the story goes, the national Democratic Party made room for segregationist members — and as a result dominated the South. But in the 50s and 60s, Democrats embraced the civil rights movement, costing them the white Southern vote. Meanwhile, the Republican Party successfully wooed disaffected white racists with a “Southern strategy” that championed “states’ rights.”

It’s an easy story to believe, but this year two political scientists called it into question. In their book “The End of Southern Exceptionalism,” Richard Johnston of the University of Pennsylvania and Byron Shafer of the University of Wisconsin argue that the shift in the South from Democratic to Republican was overwhelmingly a question not of race but of economic growth. In the postwar era, they note, the South transformed itself from a backward region to an engine of the national economy, giving rise to a sizable new wealthy suburban class. This class, not surprisingly, began to vote for the party that best represented its economic interests: the G.O.P. Working-class whites, however — and here’s the surprise — even those in areas with large black populations, stayed loyal to the Democrats. (This was true until the 90s, when the nation as a whole turned rightward in Congressional voting.)

The two scholars support their claim with an extensive survey of election returns and voter surveys. To give just one example: in the 50s, among Southerners in the low-income tercile, 43 percent voted for Republican Presidential candidates, while in the high-income tercile, 53 percent voted Republican; by the 80s, those figures were 51 percent and 77 percent, respectively. Wealthy Southerners shifted rightward in droves but poorer ones didn’t

The Myth of ‘the Southern Strategy’
If your asking what has the GOP promised blacks in American the answer is individual freedom and equality under the law. Nothing more, nothing less.

and admittedly employed a "southern strategy" designed to marginalize them.:razz:

The Myth of ‘the Southern Strategy’

better tell that to your boy, Michael Steele.

edit: and I notice you can't QUITE bring yourself to address #374 :lol:
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