Examining Black Loyalty to Democrats

Lonestar doesn't like being called "son" though he acts like a fourteen-year old when it comes to discussion.

You need to understand that political parties go through cycles. We today see many of the issues, with generational and technological nuances, that Jefferson and Hamilton faced. The themes of their parties can be traced through our history. The GOP championed the blacks through Reconstruction then abandoned them in 1877 in order to keep the presidency. The Democrats had to pacify the southern racists for almost 125 years, by generally ignoring what the asshole racists were doing in the south. Then the Dems got right with the Constitution and God, and moved to make sure minorities had the full blessings of America. The minority GOP had a good moment in 1964 and 1965 in joining the majority Democratic Civil Rights Act and Voting Acts Right. Then in 1968, the GOP abandoned the blacks as it followed Nixon's Southern Strategy. Over the next 12 years many southern whites, many of them racist, moved into the GOP.

So, please, study history. It will help you understand the nuance and sophistication of the issue.

What a minute.

I thought you and Tech and other were saying we did not need all that stuff like evidence. Isn't that what you moon doggies were just spouting? Hypocritical morons.

Don't ever think you can stand up to me in this stuff. Now trot off and do some research.

You are clearly fail on this.
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As long as my party's platform and slate of candidates continues to draw the vast majority of black voters, you guys can pontificate all you want!:razz:
Thanks for confirming. You don't give a shit about blacks as long as they continue to pull the D lever.

bullshit. I happen to believe- amd clearly damned near all the blacks in america agree with me - that the democratic platform is their best chance for success going forward.

oh...but I know... you think that all those negroes are either stupid or lazy and they have allowed themselves to be DUPED by those rascally democrats. Try selling THEM on that theory!:razz:

The democratic platform is good for who?
or good for America?
And if you say for America I have 14 trillion reasons why you are wrong.
As long as my party's platform and slate of candidates continues to draw the vast majority of black voters, you guys can pontificate all you want!:razz:
Thanks for confirming. You don't give a shit about blacks as long as they continue to pull the D lever.

bullshit. I happen to believe- amd clearly damned near all the blacks in america agree with me - that the democratic platform is their best chance for success going forward.

oh...but I know... you think that all those negroes are either stupid or lazy and they have allowed themselves to be DUPED by those rascally democrats. Try selling THEM on that theory!:razz:

You're fulla horseshit, as usual.
I make probably 7 times what you make, bigrebnc1775, though that fact is unimportant.

What is important is that I am educated. I am hard driving. I am a critical thinker. I can change my mind when the facts and evidence dictate it (that's called maturity). My spouse and I live on one income in a two-income family, yet live very, very comfortably.

I am successful because I am disciplined. You are not because your cannot control your impulses.

You can't win a dime war with me, because you don't have what it takes.
Black loyalty to us Dems has nothing to do with race as much as it has to do with MONEY!

One in four African Americans live below the poverty line; the democratic party has always represented themselves as the "poor man's party". We'd supported welfare, food stamps and affordable health care to the poor for a reason... We're living off their backs!!!

With over 95% of their income being spent, in order to support our economy, before they could take their paychecks to the bank, the least we could do is to ensure every working poor will have a roof over their heads, food to eat and quality health care.

You want blacks to vote Republican? Try pulling more of them out of the poverty line. I'd never met a poor black Republican. Alan Keyes isn't poor; Colin Powell isn't poor; Condoleezza Rice isn't poor, yet they voted Republican...

Food for thought.
Oh, there are plenty of poor GOP in Texas, particularly in the rural areas.

Why? Because they have the votes, so Governor Perry and the other neo-cons and neo-corporatists kow tow to their puritanical belief that somehow the Bible is the charter of the country. Sigh.

Hope springs eternal! Many of them here have told me they will vote for our local party candidates, but they flatly will not support a national ticket until the party starts meeting their economic needs.
Oh, there are plenty of poor GOP in Texas, particularly in the rural areas.

Why? Because they have the votes, so Governor Perry and the other neo-cons and neo-corporatists kow tow to their puritanical belief that somehow the Bible is the charter of the country. Sigh.

Hope springs eternal! Many of them here have told me they will vote for our local party candidates, but they flatly will not support a national ticket until the party starts meeting their economic needs.

I'd always told every one around me that when it comes to politics, dumb people are separated into two classes...


Food for thought.
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I make probably 7 times what you make, bigrebnc1775, though that fact is unimportant.

What is important is that I am educated. I am hard driving. I am a critical thinker. I can change my mind when the facts and evidence dictate it (that's called maturity). My spouse and I live on one income in a two-income family, yet live very, very comfortably.

I am successful because I am disciplined. You are not because your cannot control your impulses.

You can't win a dime war with me, because you don't have what it takes.

Thanks for confirming. You don't give a shit about blacks as long as they continue to pull the D lever.

bullshit. I happen to believe- amd clearly damned near all the blacks in america agree with me - that the democratic platform is their best chance for success going forward.

oh...but I know... you think that all those negroes are either stupid or lazy and they have allowed themselves to be DUPED by those rascally democrats. Try selling THEM on that theory!:razz:

You're fulla horseshit, as usual.

It is horsehit that black americans overwhelmingly vote for the democrats? :lol:

PUHLEESE keep that line of equine feces as your campaign slogan.

And see how many gullible black voters you get to change their votes from democrat to republican as a result!:razz:
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I make probably 7 times what you make, bigrebnc1775, though that fact is unimportant.

What is important is that I am educated. I am hard driving. I am a critical thinker. I can change my mind when the facts and evidence dictate it (that's called maturity). My spouse and I live on one income in a two-income family, yet live very, very comfortably.

I am successful because I am disciplined. You are not because your cannot control your impulses.

You can't win a dime war with me, because you don't have what it takes.

Let's see if this is true. I took a day off from work this past Monday and you were on here as long as I was. So how can you make so much money and post comments on here all day long? and yurt said you were a member on another board so how can you find time to make any money and be on these discussion boards all day long?
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Black loyalty to us Dems has nothing to do with race as much as it has to do with MONEY!

One in four African Americans live below the poverty line; the democratic party has always represented themselves as the "poor man's party". We'd supported welfare, food stamps and affordable health care to the poor for a reason... We're living off their backs!!!

With over 95% of their income being spent, in order to support our economy, before they could take their paychecks to the bank, the least we could do is to ensure every working poor will have a roof over their heads, food to eat and quality health care.

You want blacks to vote Republican? Try pulling more of them out of the poverty line. I'd never met a poor black Republican. Alan Keyes isn't poor; Colin Powell isn't poor; Condoleezza Rice isn't poor, yet they voted Republican...

Food for thought.

The democrats are a racist bunch of people. In your comment you said
"One in four African Americans live below the poverty line; the democratic party has always represented themselves as the "poor man's party". We'd supported welfare, food stamps and affordable health care to the poor for a reason... We're living off their backs!!!"
To keep a person in the in the place you want them to stay you give them a reason to remain there. If a person doesn't feel the need to better themself, because he has been given free money, free food, and free shelter then there's nothing to motivate them to do better. A welfare state is and will always be a place of subservient standards of the black people. And that in itself is a crime.
I make probably 7 times what you make, bigrebnc1775, though that fact is unimportant.

What is important is that I am educated. I am hard driving. I am a critical thinker. I can change my mind when the facts and evidence dictate it (that's called maturity). My spouse and I live on one income in a two-income family, yet live very, very comfortably.

I am successful because I am disciplined. You are not because your cannot control your impulses.

You can't win a dime war with me, because you don't have what it takes.

:lol::lol::lol::rofl::rofl::badgrin::badgrin: :badgrin: :clap2:
I make probably 7 times what you make, bigrebnc1775, though that fact is unimportant.

What is important is that I am educated. I am hard driving. I am a critical thinker. I can change my mind when the facts and evidence dictate it (that's called maturity). My spouse and I live on one income in a two-income family, yet live very, very comfortably.

I am successful because I am disciplined. You are not because your cannot control your impulses.

You can't win a dime war with me, because you don't have what it takes.

Let's see if this is true. I took a day off from work this past Monday and you were on here as long as I was. So how can you make so much money and post comments on here all day long? and yurt said you were a member on another board so how can you find time to make any money and be on these discussion boards all day long?

Yurt does not know me, and I am not a member of another board: what a moron.

Your question clearly reveals that you don' understand how one can do quite well and spend time signed on here.

You need to go back to college and learn to think.
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daveman, of course, has a very little one, so he is concerned with others. And I merely responded to bigrreb's stupid comments. move along, daveman, nothing here for you and your angry one and a half inch.
and yet, your only explanation for that fact is either that blacks are so stupid that they have been continually and universally FOOLED by democrats, or that they vote that way because democrats give them stuff like welfare and foodstamps. Which proves my point. Thank you.

next conservative racist wanna step up and try to offer their alternative explanation as to why blacks vote for democrats?

Not an explaination merely an opinion as to why blacks vote for the racist party. And don't worry, your check will be in the mail.

and your opinion is unquestionably a racist one. ANd I EARNED that check by working at far less than I could make in private industry because I, unlike you, do in fact truly love my country.
Yea right.:cuckoo:
Any person who questions the merit of a service pension needs to be transported to Johnson Island for no less than five years to consider one's ingratitude toward veterans.

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