Examples Of Israeli Viciousness

“What you’re hearing from Israel is always irrational propaganda; it’s the propaganda of a people who do not think there’s anything wrong with them abusing another people, that there’s nothing wrong with them violating international law and basic human rights and that they should be given a pass,”

No it is you spouting NAZI RACIST PROPAGANDA because there is no actual evidence of any violations of International law or basic human rights by Israel. It is the arab muslims that are doing that and getting caught in the act. The ICC/ICJ made a declaration that showed they were not in a position to take the case against Israel any further, but that they had found breaches of International law and war crimes done by the Palestinians.
We saw how "Peaceful" The zionist entity was long before rockets were launched, right from the point the illegal immigrants took over Palestine from the indigenous population

Not much longer israel

Translation: The Palestinians will never accept Israel's right to exist so the "67 Borders"and the " two State solution" are a myth . The " Palestinian state " is DOA
We saw how "Peaceful" The zionist entity was long before rockets were launched, right from the point the illegal immigrants took over Palestine from the indigenous population

Not much longer israel

The above is exactly the reason why there will never be a " Palestinian state" The " Saudi Peace Initiative" is all about the destruction of Israel
Why should Palestinians whose lands were colonized by Europeans agree to the dispossession of their land?
have you been following the arrests in the WB or the conditions in palestinian jails? The one shooting was after an IDF car was attacked by a palestinian and the culprit was injured. PA jails had two suicides.
“What you’re hearing from Israel is always irrational propaganda; it’s the propaganda of a people who do not think there’s anything wrong with them abusing another people, that there’s nothing wrong with them violating international law and basic human rights and that they should be given a pass,”

No it is you spouting NAZI RACIST PROPAGANDA because there is no actual evidence of any violations of International law or basic human rights by Israel. It is the arab muslims that are doing that and getting caught in the act. The ICC/ICJ made a declaration that showed they were not in a position to take the case against Israel any further, but that they had found breaches of International law and war crimes done by the Palestinians.
Don't be a Bloody Idiot...You really talk so much Shit
We saw how "Peaceful" The zionist entity was long before rockets were launched, right from the point the illegal immigrants took over Palestine from the indigenous population

Not much longer israel

Translation: The Palestinians will never accept Israel's right to exist so the "67 Borders"and the " two State solution" are a myth . The " Palestinian state " is DOA
“What you’re hearing from Israel is always irrational propaganda; it’s the propaganda of a people who do not think there’s anything wrong with them abusing another people, that there’s nothing wrong with them violating international law and basic human rights and that they should be given a pass,”

No it is you spouting NAZI RACIST PROPAGANDA because there is no actual evidence of any violations of International law or basic human rights by Israel. It is the arab muslims that are doing that and getting caught in the act. The ICC/ICJ made a declaration that showed they were not in a position to take the case against Israel any further, but that they had found breaches of International law and war crimes done by the Palestinians.
Don't be a Bloody Idiot...You really talk so much Shit

Then produce the proof of the arrest warrants for war crimes ?
Why should Palestinians whose lands were colonized by Europeans agree to the dispossession of their land?
Trouble is the Jews will never give the land back Monti,and despite all their prodistations about peace they never intended to.steve

So when will you give the land back, or are you exempt from the rules you try and enforce on others
What certifiable BULLSHIT.

Yeah asswipe, hitler tolerated the Jews lobbing rockets and mortars into Berlin.

How people as stupid as you managed to survive puberty is a testament to the flaws in the theory of natural selection. Thanks to vacuous cocksuckers like you we have to print "not for human consumption" on jars of fishbait.

Fuck you, punk! Why don't you prove its bullshit, instead of shooting your fuckin' Israeli kiss-ass mouth off?
When Israel was brought back to their home it was a barren wasteland. There was no Palestine.
You're so full of shit!

At the time of the Zionist migration, indigenous non-Jews, who had been living there for generations, owned 90% of the land.

The squatters were Arabs that lived in Egypt, Syria, Jordan and other Arab nations who moved to Israel, then were told to get out of harm's way when Egypt invaded Israel and lost. They were forced to squat because the Arab countries refused to let them in.
Pay attention:
Because the squatters had been in the area less than 24 months, they did not qualify for refugee aid. The rule actually had to be changed to give them aid.
You have the whole scenario backwards.

Israel will belong to the Jews for eternity. Christ is going to see to it.
Go fuck yourself, asshole. You're a piece of shit liar!
The land being occupied is Israeli land. So yeah, stop the occupy Israel agenda and it still won't be over. Give land away to everybody that wants a piece of Israel, and it still won't be over. No Israel is the goal. Not lesser Israel.

How do you think this country would react if Obama announced that he had just deeded 1/2 of Washington DC to ISIS?
Those squatters of Israel land are Egyptians and Syrians that moved to Israel after Israel became a Nation again, left before Egypt invaded Israel, were denied access back into Egypt, lost the invasion, and had no choice but to squat in Israel. Egyptian problem. Not Israel's.
Redefining Israel's borders simply means the terrorists are that much closer. Bad move.
Want peace, leave Israel alone.
The British Empire owned that land.
According to the 1948 British Mandate survey:

71.2% land owned by Great Britain
8.6 " Jewish
16.9 " Nonresident Arabs living in Syria, Jordan and other countries
3.3 " resident Arabs.

The majority of Arab land was sold to the Jews at exorbitant prices.
The rest was given to Israel by Britain.
Again. The Arabs that were not allowed to return to Egypt and other countries after they left their homes in Israel had not lived there for longer than 24 months before the invasion took place. No Palestinians were listed as living in the area or being displaced by the transfer of deed from Britain to Israel.

Do you think it is in the best interest of the United States to deed 1/2 of Washington DC to ISIS?
Why insist Israel give half of their capital to terrorists?

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