Excellent News: New Research on Same-Sex Households Reveals Kids Do Best With Mom and Dad


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
Let's face it, no matter how you slice and dice it, children are better off in homes with natural parents. There's less of a stigma, less bullying, less wondering "why is my family different," and so on

From the last line of the article: "Biology matters—as new research released this week confirms—and no amount of legislation, litigation, or cheerleading can alter that."

So true!

New Research on Same-Sex Households Reveals Kids Do Best With Mom and Dad Public Discourse
Common sense should tell us that someone growing up with two "mommies" or "daddies" would grow up with more issues, don't really need a study to prove it.
Our instinctive impulses do best with two parents that are naturally driven to care for their children. When you create something your self you end up taking better care of it. Same can be said about children...Parents have a natural bond with them.
Its an interesting study- there is another thread on it.

Basically the author says that children do best with married, biological parents.

So children raised by:
Married non-biological parents
raised by 1 biological parent
un-married biological parents
adoptive parents
one biological parent and one non-biological parent
2 same gender parents

all do worse than 2 married biological parents.

There are some obvious problems with the study- but I am not saying there it shouldn't be considered- but the most obvious problem is that the ratings for how 'well' the children are doing is based entirely upon the parents evaluation of how their children are doing- not some objective measurement like grades or graduation rates.

Why would that potentially be a problem? Married biological parents may have a bigger bias towards their children than every other population. Frankly that makes more sense to explain why children raised by parents, but sired with donated sperm- do worse than children raised by two biological parents.
This experiment is still in the early stages. More time is needed to determine how children of opposite-sex parents vs. same-sex parents do in life. imo
Anyone not in some kind of trance knows full well that males and females in humans and the animal kingdom bring different attributes to the table. It's how it works. Suddenly we are supposed to participate in a charade that says gender is irrelevant. Never thought I'd see it.
This experiment is still in the early stages. More time is needed to determine how children of opposite-sex parents vs. same-sex parents do in life. imo
There should be no experiment at all. Children being raised in same sex households shouldn't be happening in the first place.
Anyone not in some kind of trance knows full well that males and females in humans and the animal kingdom bring different attributes to the table. It's how it works. Suddenly we are supposed to participate in a charade that says gender is irrelevant. Never thought I'd see it.

Everything is irrelevant to a liberal. Gender irrelevant, race is irrelevant, science that they don't like = irrelevant. These people are nuts.
This experiment is still in the early stages. More time is needed to determine how children of opposite-sex parents vs. same-sex parents do in life. imo
There should be no experiment at all. Children being raised in same sex households shouldn't be happening in the first place.

So- does Big Brother put lesbians in concentration camps to prevent them from getting pregnant- or are you in favor of mandatory abortions when lesbians get pregnant?

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