Excellent Point By Rush:Should Cardinals Provide Photo I.D. To Vote For New Pope.

For those of you who missed Rush today, he gave us his thoughts on the process of electing the new Pope. He started off with asking if maybe they should ask all Cardinals to provide ID prior to voting. And brought up the issue of "Multiple Voting" by the Cardinals.
Later he spoke about possible racism against the Catholic Church if they didn't choose a "Pope Of Color". Rush says, "What Color"? He thinks the left will criticize the Catholic Base if they don't choose a Brown/Yellow or "White Hispanic " Pope.
Lets just hope it's a Pope who will be as charismatic as John Paul. Benedict was pretty boring. And just like Joe Biden, the average American probably never knew his name.
Is the New York Cardinal on the short list? (forgot his name)

Oh my lord what an politically obsessed lunatic this man is.

Does he really imagine that the college of Cardinals gives a fig for what the LEFT thinks?

Actually I doubt Rush thinks that, but he knows how to rally the ANTIPAPIST SQUAD of HIS TEAM OF HATE.
So are you saying that conservatives are all idiots?

Interesting.....those that think differently than you must be idiots.

A very immature approach to the realities of diversity.
Yeah, how dare he call anyone stupid. Doesn't he know only your MessiahRushie is allowed to insult people who disagree with him.

Dec 18, 2012
RUSH: It's only a low-information voter (we used to have call 'em "morons") that could think he's outside of politics." "The new stupid America?

Dec 17, 2012
RUSH: You have to realize, the country has a lot of what we call low-information people. In the old days you'd call 'em morons.

Dec 13, 2012
RUSH: And among those people, we have been outnumbered now. They are low- information morons who think, by the way, that they know everything.

So we are on the same page.

Afterall, according to you, Rush is a loser for insulting people who think differently than he does.

Which makes Mustang a loser for the same reason.

AND...it makes you a loser as well.

To me? You are not a loser due to your political and social sentiments. I respect those that think differently than I do.

You are, however, a loser for seeing anyone who thinks differently than you as an idiot.
That's quite a stretch from just making you eat your MessiahRushie's words!
The left will never understand sarcasm, just like they didn't get the empty chair with Eastwood.
They will never understand that the larger the government gets the less freedom we have.
Do any of them think at all?
The more that government gives, the government can also take away.
You think that the right are the sheep, when it's you all who are buying into the lies of the left.
All of you are buying into the intolerant hatred of the political left.

Anti Conservative.
Anti business
Anti White
Anti Republican
Anti Jew
Anti Christian and
Anti Constitution.
You are all just following right into it and none of you are seeing it for what it really is.

Why do you want one party representation?
Why do you want government telling you what to do and how to do it?
This type of ideology is what Dictators and Totalitarians do.
So are you saying that conservatives are all idiots?

Interesting.....those that think differently than you must be idiots.

A very immature approach to the realities of diversity.
Yeah, how dare he call anyone stupid. Doesn't he know only your MessiahRushie is allowed to insult people who disagree with him.

Dec 18, 2012
RUSH: It's only a low-information voter (we used to have call 'em "morons") that could think he's outside of politics." "The new stupid America?

Dec 17, 2012
RUSH: You have to realize, the country has a lot of what we call low-information people. In the old days you'd call 'em morons.

Dec 13, 2012
RUSH: And among those people, we have been outnumbered now. They are low- information morons who think, by the way, that they know everything.

So we are on the same page.

Afterall, according to you, Rush is a loser for insulting people who think differently than he does.

Which makes Mustang a loser for the same reason.

AND...it makes you a loser as well.

To me? You are not a loser due to your political and social sentiments. I respect those that think differently than I do.

You are, however, a loser for seeing anyone who thinks differently than you as an idiot.

Not being well informed before you vote, means you can't think differently.
A moron is lacking in good judgment. You can't be a good judge of who to vote for, if you are not well informed about the person or issues you are voting for.
Yeah, how dare he call anyone stupid. Doesn't he know only your MessiahRushie is allowed to insult people who disagree with him.

Dec 18, 2012
RUSH: It's only a low-information voter (we used to have call 'em "morons") that could think he's outside of politics." "The new stupid America?

Dec 17, 2012
RUSH: You have to realize, the country has a lot of what we call low-information people. In the old days you'd call 'em morons.

Dec 13, 2012
RUSH: And among those people, we have been outnumbered now. They are low- information morons who think, by the way, that they know everything.

So we are on the same page.

Afterall, according to you, Rush is a loser for insulting people who think differently than he does.

Which makes Mustang a loser for the same reason.

AND...it makes you a loser as well.

To me? You are not a loser due to your political and social sentiments. I respect those that think differently than I do.

You are, however, a loser for seeing anyone who thinks differently than you as an idiot.

Not being well informed before you vote, means you can't think differently.
A moron is lacking in good judgment. You can't be a good judge of who to vote for, if you are not well informed about the person or issues you are voting for.
And there is no better way to be "not well informed" than to be moron enough to get your misinformation from your MessiahRushie.

Here is a perfect example of the disinformation he feeds his Misinformation Voters:

March 13, 2013
RUSH: I realize very few of you admit to being a low-information voter until you stop and think about it, but in one sense you know who you are. There's no shame in it.* Everybody has to start out somewhere.* Have you ever wondered why the UN secretary's never been an American? Have you wondered why the UN secretary is always a minority of some kind?* It's because the US is this evil, dominating superpower that already runs the world, and it would be an absolute disaster to have another American in charge of a world body.* That would just be over the top too much.*

Secretary-General of the United Nations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Secretaries-General serve for five-year terms that can be renewed indefinitely, although none so far has held office for more than two terms.[4] The United Nations Charter provides for the Secretary-General to be appointed by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council. As a result, the selection is subject to the veto of any of the five permanent Members of the Security Council. While the appointment and approval process of the Secretary-General is outlined in the UN Charter, specific guidelines have emerged regarding the term limits and selection process. These include a limit to two five-year terms, regional (continental) rotation of the appointee’s national origin, and the appointee may not be a citizen of any of the Security Council’s five permanent members.

United Nations Security Council - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
There are 15 members of the Security Council. This includes five veto-wielding permanent members—China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States
Uninformed Voters? go to "The Hoody Neighborhoods" inEast LA, its 99% Uninformed. all they know how to do is sell drugs and kill one another.
Uninformed Voters? go to "The Hoody Neighborhoods" inEast LA, its 99% Uninformed. all they know how to do is sell drugs and kill one another.
Misinformed Voters? go to "GOP Hate Radio" on AM, its 100% Misinformation. all they know how to do is lie and deceive one another.
Excellent Point By Rush:Should Cardinals Provide Photo I.D. To Vote For New Pope.

Too late, white smoke! Way to help the world out, Rush, couldn't you drag yourself away from the oxy when we needed you?

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