Excellent summary of the Status Quo in the Republican Primary Pre-Season


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

Byron York, in my opinion, is the best Right-leaning pundit today, having both an insider's knowledge of the political world, and having his pulse on what we Republicans out here in Flyover Country are thinking.

There is a true Republican dilemma taking shape. Trump is our candidate, like it or not, and more than half the country either hates him or thinks he is a criminal, or both. We cannot win with Trump. And yet no other Republican can win without Trump's full support.

Perversely, we can only hope that one or more of the current political prosecutions against Trump is sufficiently damaging to cause Trump to either withdraw (very unlikely) or to be disqualified.

But like the Russia Collusion Hoax, all of these prosecutions are bullshit, and in the end will result in no plea or conviction. They just might last so long that they prevent Trump from participating fully in the primaries.

Byron York, in my opinion, is the best Right-leaning pundit today, having both an insider's knowledge of the political world, and having his pulse on what we Republicans out here in Flyover Country are thinking.

There is a true Republican dilemma taking shape. Trump is our candidate, like it or not, and more than half the country either hates him or thinks he is a criminal, or both. We cannot win with Trump. And yet no other Republican can win without Trump's full support.

Perversely, we can only hope that one or more of the current political prosecutions against Trump is sufficiently damaging to cause Trump to either withdraw (very unlikely) or to be disqualified.

But like the Russia Collusion Hoax, all of these prosecutions are bullshit, and in the end will result in no plea or conviction. They just might last so long that they prevent Trump from participating fully in the primaries.

Nothing can disqualify Trump, as he meets the requirements to run for President in the Constitution, even if convicted or even incarcerated. They would have to play serious unconstitutional games using State ballot laws or digging up that insurrection bullshit from the 14th amendment to even have a splinter of a case to keep him from running.
Trump won't go away, it's not his style.

Dems are winning 2024 regardless. The GOP only have themselves to blame. Mail-in votes and ballot harvesting will bury them.
more than half the country either hates him or thinks he is a criminal, or both. We cannot win with Trump. And yet no other Republican can win without Trump's full support.
First, what is the source for this? I find that highly suspect to say the least.
Second, whether is is DT or someone else he supports, an America First Repub no chance to win a national election unless the system is fixed to eliminate massive Democrat fraud machine that is facilitated by the entire UNiparty.

No matter how many votes a Repub gets, they will close the polls & roll in more votes until they can claim a win.
This is a fact that everyone should know after what they did both in 2020 & 2022

Byron York, in my opinion, is the best Right-leaning pundit today, having both an insider's knowledge of the political world, and having his pulse on what we Republicans out here in Flyover Country are thinking.

There is a true Republican dilemma taking shape. Trump is our candidate, like it or not, and more than half the country either hates him or thinks he is a criminal, or both. We cannot win with Trump. And yet no other Republican can win without Trump's full support.

Perversely, we can only hope that one or more of the current political prosecutions against Trump is sufficiently damaging to cause Trump to either withdraw (very unlikely) or to be disqualified.

But like the Russia Collusion Hoax, all of these prosecutions are bullshit, and in the end will result in no plea or conviction. They just might last so long that they prevent Trump from participating fully in the primaries.
Unfortunately, the Republican party rides or dies with Trump as there is nothing short of a conviction in the Mar-A-Lago docs issue that would disqualify him. And we are years away from a trial on that. This is penance for Republicans and conservatives for enabling Trump all these years. If they had their wits about them, his political career would have been over the moment he stepped off the golden escalator at Trump Tower. But it's too late, and it's going to be the end of the Republican party for a while. Not forever. But long enough. Trump can't win in 2024. He will go down to a second defeat, even larger and more humiliating than the last one.
If the economy keeps tanking, the Democrats will lose bigly. Republicans always fare better when the economy tanks. It's not real life, but it is the way politics roll here. As soon as they start to lose money,'elite' liberals change the balance of power to suit themselves. The Red Chinese know they have a short window of opportunity before 2024, so does every filthy piece of shit and crime family out there who make up 2/3's of the UN knows it too, and the next year or so is going to be 'interesting times' to take part of a line from an old Chinese insult.

Either way the public is fucked, so no need to dream impossible dreams. Gold is rising like a rocket ...

Byron York, in my opinion, is the best Right-leaning pundit today, having both an insider's knowledge of the political world, and having his pulse on what we Republicans out here in Flyover Country are thinking.

There is a true Republican dilemma taking shape. Trump is our candidate, like it or not, and more than half the country either hates him or thinks he is a criminal, or both. We cannot win with Trump. And yet no other Republican can win without Trump's full support.

Perversely, we can only hope that one or more of the current political prosecutions against Trump is sufficiently damaging to cause Trump to either withdraw (very unlikely) or to be disqualified.

But like the Russia Collusion Hoax, all of these prosecutions are bullshit, and in the end will result in no plea or conviction. They just might last so long that they prevent Trump from participating fully in the primaries.
True Trump is a problem for the republicans.

How do you know all the prosecutions are BS? I'm guessing you must have seen the evidence somewhere. Could you please provide your sources as I would like to see it myself?
Nothing can disqualify Trump, as he meets the requirements to run for President in the Constitution, even if convicted or even incarcerated. They would have to play serious unconstitutional games using State ballot laws or digging up that insurrection bullshit from the 14th amendment to even have a splinter of a case to keep him from running.

They should think very carefully before they even consider opening that Pandora's box.

Section 3. No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may, by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

The vast majority of Congresscriminal and Senators, as well as many other politicians at many other levels, are probably guilty of various forms of rebellion and insurrection against the Constitution. Certainly, any who have treasonously supported the illegal foreign invasion of our country across our southern border. Anyone who has voted for, authored, or otherwise supported any unconstitutional law or policy attacking the People's right to keep and bear arms. Those are just two examples, out of very many.

If the Democraps try to invoke this against Trump, then there is not a single one of them who might not find himself much more legitimately being removed and disqualified under this provision. Every last one of them is blatantly guilty of far worse offenses against the Constitution than anything of which they have yet found to falsely accuse Trump.
They should think very carefully before they even consider opening that Pandora's box.

Section 3. No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may, by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

The vast majority of Congresscriminal and Senators, as well as many other politicians at many other levels, are probably guilty of various forms of rebellion and insurrection against the Constitution. Certainly, any who have treasonously supported the illegal foreign invasion of our country across our southern border. Anyone who has voted for, authored, or otherwise supported any unconstitutional law or policy attacking the People's right to keep and bear arms. Those are just two examples, out of very many.

If the Democraps try to invoke this against Trump, then there is not a single one of them who might not find himself much more legitimately being removed and disqualified under this provision. Every last one of them is blatantly guilty of far worse offenses against the Constitution than anything of which they have yet found to falsely accuse Trump.

You assume Dems think they will ever be in a position where they can't quash any counter attacks, or in a position where there would be an opposition that would use the same tactics they do.

Byron York, in my opinion, is the best Right-leaning pundit today, having both an insider's knowledge of the political world, and having his pulse on what we Republicans out here in Flyover Country are thinking.

There is a true Republican dilemma taking shape. Trump is our candidate, like it or not, and more than half the country either hates him or thinks he is a criminal, or both. We cannot win with Trump. And yet no other Republican can win without Trump's full support.

Perversely, we can only hope that one or more of the current political prosecutions against Trump is sufficiently damaging to cause Trump to either withdraw (very unlikely) or to be disqualified.

But like the Russia Collusion Hoax, all of these prosecutions are bullshit, and in the end will result in no plea or conviction. They just might last so long that they prevent Trump from participating fully in the primaries.

People who think taking out TRUMP is all republicans need to do to win in 2024 are foolish. York mentions the Russia investigation, but what's never addressed is the part RINO republicans played. Ron! will never get the support from the TRUMP base unless he is willing to call out the corrupt republicans who say one thing for votes but do something else after elected, and who time after time cave to democrat demands. Unfortunately Ron! is funded by the very RINO's people will be looking for him to denounce, so that's gonna be a problem.
I think the prosecutions are bullshit because (1) am an attorney (retired), and (2) I have read all that needs to be read on the subjects.

Were it anyone other than The Donald, none of these prosecutions (or lawsuits for that matter) would ever have been brought, and even in a bullshit jurisdiction like Manhattan, where a conviction is feasible, the cases will ultimately amount to nothing but a horrific waste of time and resources.

Which is not to say that The Donald is without flaws. All he has going for him is that he was the best President of the past hundred years. While being an ass-hole. If a basic test of civics were required to get a voter registration (such as the one that immigrants must pass in order to be naturalized), the Democrats would never win another election. We all know this. It was the votes of idiots and incompetents that carried the day in 2020, and also in 2022. A pox on all Democrats.
I think the prosecutions are bullshit because (1) am an attorney (retired), and (2) I have read all that needs to be read on the subjects.

Were it anyone other than The Donald, none of these prosecutions (or lawsuits for that matter) would ever have been brought, and even in a bullshit jurisdiction like Manhattan, where a conviction is feasible, the cases will ultimately amount to nothing but a horrific waste of time and resources.

Which is not to say that The Donald is without flaws. All he has going for him is that he was the best President of the past hundred years. While being an ass-hole. If a basic test of civics were required to get a voter registration (such as the one that immigrants must pass in order to be naturalized), the Democrats would never win another election. We all know this. It was the votes of idiots and incompetents that carried the day in 2020, and also in 2022. A pox on all Democrats.

You're not an attorney, nor do you get to play one on the internet. If you were, you'd KNOW that the Trumpy Dumpy Felon from Jamaica in Queens is in deep doggy dew on every score.

Leticia James' fraud case is very strong. I've been wondering since before the election 2016 election how he got away that one. And apparently the Special Prosecutor is looking at wire fraud for his fund raising off the "stolen election" lie. That's in addition to the stolen documents, and the January 6th Insurrection.

And then there's the Georgia election interference case complete with multiple taped phone calls.

But keep pretending you know anything about the law.

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