Exclusive BB Megathread: 2 legal giants have a discussion about the stolen documents: America's Mayor Rudy W Giuliani & Prof Emeritus Alan Derschowitz


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
It took two tractor trailer trucks to remove and load the 1850 boxes of Biden Documents from the University of Delaware. This was no accident. This was a crime. Trump and Pence are no prize either. i'm worried we're gonna waste millions of dollars and no one will be prosecution: not Biden, not Trump, not Pence, not Hillary, not Obama

It took two tractor trailer trucks to remove and load the 1850 boxes of Biden Documents from the University of Delaware. This was no accident. This was a crime. Trump and Pence are no prize either. i'm worried we're gonna waste millions of dollars and no one will be prosecution: not Biden, not Trump, not Pence, not Hillary, not Obama

You, and those guys, are a joke. Here's the difference between Trump and every other president or VP who took top secret or classified shit home with them. Trump didn't immediately turn his over.

Someone compared him to the Shoe Bomber. Wearing shoes on a plane was never a problem until one asshole decided to try and blow up a plane with his shoes. So now we all have to take our shoes off before we walk on a plane. All because of one asshole.

Trump is that asshole. So for one, maybe none of them should ever take classified/top secret shit home with them. Ever. But it looks like they all did it. And perhaps too many things are labeled "classified" or top secret.

But Trump blew this up when he purposely took shit with him and then refused to give them back when asked. Everyone else gave them back. I'm sure Trump had time to make copies.
It took two tractor trailer trucks to remove and load the 1850 boxes of Biden Documents from the University of Delaware. This was no accident. This was a crime. Trump and Pence are no prize either. i'm worried we're gonna waste millions of dollars and no one will be prosecution: not Biden, not Trump, not Pence, not Hillary, not Obama

What I find funny is Trump made a big deal about how Hillary mishandled classified information. Then come to find out he was mishandling classified information too. And all his cabinet members were doing official business on their personal cell phones.

And Republicans didn't mind the hypocrisy one bit. Not one bit.
You, and those guys, are a joke. Here's the difference between Trump and every other president or VP who took top secret or classified shit home with them. Trump didn't immediately turn his over.

Someone compared him to the Shoe Bomber. Wearing shoes on a plane was never a problem until one asshole decided to try and blow up a plane with his shoes. So now we all have to take our shoes off before we walk on a plane. All because of one asshole.

Trump is that asshole. So for one, maybe none of them should ever take classified/top secret shit home with them. Ever. But it looks like they all did it. And perhaps too many things are labeled "classified" or top secret.

But Trump blew this up when he purposely took shit with him and then refused to give them back when asked. Everyone else gave them back. I'm sure Trump had time to make copies.
biden had an even longer time to make copies.....his useless son probly showed them to his crack smoking friends.....
You, and those guys, are a joke. Here's the difference between Trump and every other president or VP who took top secret or classified shit home with them. Trump didn't immediately turn his over.

Someone compared him to the Shoe Bomber. Wearing shoes on a plane was never a problem until one asshole decided to try and blow up a plane with his shoes. So now we all have to take our shoes off before we walk on a plane. All because of one asshole.

Trump is that asshole. So for one, maybe none of them should ever take classified/top secret shit home with them. Ever. But it looks like they all did it. And perhaps too many things are labeled "classified" or top secret.

But Trump blew this up when he purposely took shit with him and then refused to give them back when asked. Everyone else gave them back. I'm sure Trump had time to make copies.
As long as the C. in C.'s highest priority is domestic politics, the issue can't be addressed.

The documents were stolen for the purpose of shielding TS maneuvering of the party in power, from the other party that would be able to make hay with the information contained.

And now fwiw, the TS's contained can never be revealed to the people.
biden had an even longer time to make copies.....his useless son probly showed them to his crack smoking friends.....
Biden didn't sell the shit in his home like Trump sold his top secret shit.

Do you know what Trump took and what Biden had in his possession? Turns out they mark too many things as "classified" or "top secret" The shit biden had was harmless. But Trump had top secret shit that Saudi Arabia would pay $2 billion dollars to see


As long as the C. in C.'s highest priority is domestic politics, the issue can't be addressed.

The documents were stolen for the purpose of shielding TS maneuvering of the party in power, from the other party that would be able to make hay with the information contained.

And now fwiw, the TS's contained can never be revealed to the people.

All I know is MG and HC should get together with BO and discuss WTD with FWIW and TS right?
biden had an even longer time to make copies.....his useless son probly showed them to his crack smoking friends.....
Still haven't found you in another thread EVER talking about Don Jr. this way. You sure you're not a Republican? EIther a Trump one or a RINO?
Still haven't found you in another thread EVER talking about Don Jr. this way. You sure you're not a Republican? EIther a Trump one or a RINO?
don jr isnt a crack addic....and who gives a fuck about don jr?....trump and biden are both guilty of the same thing....having top secret things in their houses.....if you take down trump you have to take down biden....personally i would like to see them both taken down....cant stand either one of them....
don jr isnt a crack addic....and who gives a fuck about don jr?....trump and biden are both guilty of the same thing....having top secret things in their houses.....if you take down trump you have to take down biden....personally i would like to see them both taken down....cant stand either one of them....
That's not true but it's what I would expect you to think. Not apples to apples

One of the many problems with having former President Donald Trump around is that it becomes extremely difficult to assess normal misbehavior. It’s a significant reminder of how Trump continues to corrupt the nation’s politics.

That, so far at least, is the story behind the revelation that President Joe Biden improperly had classified documents at a think tank office and in his Delaware home. It’s impossible to discuss this properly without mentioning the many ways in which what Biden apparently did is nothing like what Trump did.

There is still much that we don’t know about the Biden incidents, and it certainly deserves a thorough investigation. But the crucial difference is plain: Trump has claimed to be above the law when it comes to classified materials, while Biden has said that he will fully cooperate with an investigation into the matter.
don jr isnt a crack addic....and who gives a fuck about don jr?....trump and biden are both guilty of the same thing....having top secret things in their houses.....if you take down trump you have to take down biden....personally i would like to see them both taken down....cant stand either one of them....
For a former president (and now presidential candidate) to publicly claim that the law doesn’t apply to him is a far worse offense, and far more disqualifying for future office, than almost anything that could be done with classified information. And that is what Trump has repeatedly done, whether by claiming executive privilege to defend his possession of classified materials or with his assertion of “absolute immunity” from lawsuits, or simply in how he regularly dismisses the legitimacy of judges and prosecutors who apply the law to him.

While we don’t want to assess Biden based only on the extremely low bar of doing better than Trump, as long as Trump remains on the scene (and retains millions of supporters), it isn’t just a natural comparison, but a necessary one.

When Biden makes a false claim, as he has been known to do throughout his career including as president, we shouldn’t dismiss it just because Trump did worse. But we also should keep in mind that all politicians make that sort of error at times, and if Biden does it more often than many, he is still nothing like Trump.

We don’t yet know why classified documents turned up at Biden’s home and office. It could be the result of minor filing mistakes by others that Biden handled well once someone realized the error. Or it could be something worse. Attorney General Merrick Garland's decision to appoint a special counsel to look into the matter might turn out to be overkill, but it's another reminder, along with Biden’s pledge of cooperation with the probe, that in this administration the president isn’t above the law.

The comparison to Trump is useful not because it underscores that everyone makes mistakes, but because it reminds us what disregard for the rule of law really looks like. At the same time, it doesn’t absolve Biden from what he has done — whatever that turns out to be.
That's not true but it's what I would expect you to think. Not apples to apples

One of the many problems with having former President Donald Trump around is that it becomes extremely difficult to assess normal misbehavior. It’s a significant reminder of how Trump continues to corrupt the nation’s politics.

That, so far at least, is the story behind the revelation that President Joe Biden improperly had classified documents at a think tank office and in his Delaware home. It’s impossible to discuss this properly without mentioning the many ways in which what Biden apparently did is nothing like what Trump did.

There is still much that we don’t know about the Biden incidents, and it certainly deserves a thorough investigation. But the crucial difference is plain: Trump has claimed to be above the law when it comes to classified materials, while Biden has said that he will fully cooperate with an investigation into the matter.
bobo suck bidens dick some more....both of those assholes are guilty of the same thing.....you cant see that because you are loyal democrat and will take a bullet to protect joey....both of these assholes should be retired from doing anything in politics right now....
bobo suck bidens dick some more....both of those assholes are guilty of the same thing.....you cant see that because you are loyal democrat and will take a bullet to protect joey....both of these assholes should be retired from doing anything in politics right now....
Who did you vote for president that is better than Biden?
bobo suck bidens dick some more....both of those assholes are guilty of the same thing.....you cant see that because you are loyal democrat and will take a bullet to protect joey....both of these assholes should be retired from doing anything in politics right now....
All I know is you attack Democrats 90% of the time and Republicans 10%. And you have yet to tell us who better than Biden.
All I know is you attack Democrats 90% of the time and Republicans 10%. And you have yet to tell us who better than Biden.
yea sure i do i bobo ....thats why i have said repeatly how both parties can go straight to hell...like i said you only see what you want to see....
yea sure i do i bobo ....thats why i have said repeatly how both parties can go straight to hell...like i said you only see what you want to see....
Oh yea sure you Trump cons have no problem saying both sides are bad when we are talking about how bad Republicans are.

I think Trump is finally going to get a felony. Then you can stop worshiping him because he won't be able to run. He couldn't be charged back when Michael Cohen went to jail for paying off Stormy Daniels because he was a sitting president but the statute of limitation isn't up on that. Why should Michael Cohen go to jail and not Trump?

Meanwhile, Trump has 3 other "witch hunts" going on.

Did you know this?

Many Republican officials don’t want Donald Trump around ― but they’re also too afraid to publicly challenge him, according to Atlantic journalist McKay Coppins.
“They all wanted him gone, but nobody wanted to confront him directly,” Coppins said Monday on CNN. “There is just this fear that if they go after him or if they try to rally around somebody else they’ll spark a backlash from his base.”

Journalist Reports Pro-MAGA GOP Insiders Secretly 'Can't Wait Until This Guy Dies'​

“I was taken aback by how often I heard this,” McKay Coppins said on CNN.

Party insiders are hoping something happens to remove Trump from the scene, such as an indictment.
But there’s also another secret hope among those silent anti-Trump Republicans.

“You have a lot of folks who are just wishing for [Trump’s] mortal demise,” former Rep. Peter Meijer (R-Mich.) told Coppins, according to his report in The Atlantic. “I want to be clear: I’m not in that camp. But I’ve heard from a lot of people who will go onstage and put on the red hat, and then give me a call the next day and say, ‘I can’t wait until this guy dies.’”
Asked about that on CNN, Coppins said it’s not the only time he heard that sentiment.
“I was taken aback by how often I heard this,” he said. “I thought it was kind of a morbid, dark joke at first. But I heard it so often that it started to become clear that this was actually what a lot of Republicans believe and it just speaks to the desperation in the party.”


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