Exclusive: FBI finds scant evidence U.S. Capitol attack was coordinated - sources

So they just took advantage of Drumpfs impromptu order to march on the capital and attempt an insurrection?
No one is charged with insurrection. It simply wasn't one, and prosecutors with access to far more information than any internet keyboard jockey has have refused to charge anyone with it.
Did I say anyone was charged with insurrection? Forgot your reading glasses?
If someone attempts a murder, they get charged with attempted murder. When someone murders someone else, they get charged with murder. In this case, over 500 people arrested and no one is charged with insurrection. Kind of hard to keep up the pretense any more.
There were plans. Drumpf will never admit to them but there were plans. He told them to attack congress for a reason and then sat safely in the wh hoping something good would happen for him.
Where have you guys been? Don't you know that the prosecutors desperately need some internet keyboard jockeys to help them make the case that they've been working on for months, with access to all the information? Why are you holding out on them? Come on, man!
If someone attempts a murder, they get charged with attempted murder. When someone murders someone else, they get charged with murder. In this case, over 500 people arrested and no one is charged with insurrection. Kind of hard to keep up the pretense any more.
That's silly. People get charged with what the prosecutors think they can prove about an individual in a court of law. So plenty of people who assault with deadly intent are only charged with assault.
Where have you guys been? Don't you know that the prosecutors desperately need some internet keyboard jockeys to help them make the case that they've been working on for months, with access to all the information? Why are you holding out on them? Come on, man!
Everyone on the planet knows the intent of Trump to incite this. Even his cultists, who will lie out loud and say otherwise. And especially the lobotomized hillbillies at theCapitol, as they pretty mich say it is so. But proving such a thing in court by the letter of the law is a different burden entirely.
That's silly. People get charged with what the prosecutors think they can prove about an individual in a court of law. So plenty of people who assault with deadly intent are only charged with assault.
Interesting. So they are limited to charging only what they can prove. Wow, they're not really up to speed with the internetz and feelz and Orange Man Bad, are they? I mean, come on, man, what's proof got to do with it? Don't they know that all they need is a handful of keyboard jockeys to approve and they can do anything?
Everyone on the planet knows the intent of Trump to incite this. Even his cultists, who will lie out loud and say otherwise. And especially the lobotomized hillbillies at theCapitol, as they pretty mich say it is so. But proving such a thing in court by the letter of the law is a different burden entirely.
IOW, your feelz dictate your truth, not the law and proof.
So they are limited to charging only what they can prove
What they think they can prove. Correct. But insurrection is more of a group charge. So yeah, it was never likely that any individuals would be charged with insurrection. Even though some of them acted in a way that definitely meets the letter of the law. The riot was unorganized with 1000 people with 1000 fantasies and degrees of intent.
IOW, your feelz dictate your truth, not the law and proof.
I just drew the distinction with what is felt and what the burden of proving it by law is. It literally was the point of my post. But it still matters, as legacies and elections and history are not decided in a courtroom. They are decided in the court of public opinion.
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Everyone on the planet knows the intent of Trump to incite this. Even his cultists, who will lie out loud and say otherwise. And especially the lobotomized hillbillies at theCapitol, as they pretty mich say it is so. But proving such a thing in court by the letter of the law is a different burden entirely.
You're so full of shit your eyeballs are steaming you dildo
If someone attempts a murder, they get charged with attempted murder. When someone murders someone else, they get charged with murder. In this case, over 500 people arrested and no one is charged with insurrection. Kind of hard to keep up the pretense any more.
Not true. People cut plea deals all the time and get a lesser charge.

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