Exclusive: Federal probe of Fox News expands


Gold Member
Feb 8, 2011
Exclusive: Federal probe of Fox News expands

In February the investigation was reported to be focusing on settlements made with women who alleged sexual harassment by former Fox News boss Roger Ailes, and questions about whether Fox had a duty to inform shareholders about the settlement payments.

The investigators have been asking "how the shareholder money was spent; who knew; and who should have known," one of the sources said.

Investigators have been probing possible misconduct by Fox News personnel and asking questions about the overall environment at the network.

Investigators have also been asking questions about mysterious confidants of Ailes -- people who were known inside Fox as "friends of Roger."

these pervs are going down, just like the treasonous Drump regime, hell yeah!
What a surprise! Federal resources being used to target Conservatives again. No doubt the IRS is busy probing Fox News anchor tax returns.
I can't pretend to be keen on Fox for I'm not, though, like CNN, MSNBC, the "majors," and other MSM news networks, when they deliver "hard" news, they tend to be credible. Unfortunately, Fox like just about all MSM, it can be hard to find the bits that are not "analysis and commentary" (aka editorial). (PBS doesn't do it nearly much, and they draw a very clear line between what's editorial and what's not...most of their news program's content is directly relevant facts, facts/data pertinent to the situation and other indirect aspects of the matter, and they are very good about giving one a "full picture's worth" of facts/data.)

All that notwithstanding, I don't give a damn about the probe.. The probe needs to happen. The women sang their "he done me wrong" song, so, yes, someone needs to look into it. Until the investigators are done and have concluded on "whatever," I don't care. While "it's" just "maybe this and maybe that" about a private citizen and not a government official, it just doesn't interest me. Why would it?: It's not my business. It's between Roger, the women, maybe their families, and Fox. Everyone else needs to go get enough of a life to keep busy until the investigation is done.

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