Exclusive: First charges filed in Mueller investigation

Its been funny as hell watching the tinfoil hat libs here make up shit all over the place and not one of them has clue what is coming...

All you have to do is look at the facts and you can see this one ending badly..
wrong. We know indictments are being processed and we know they’ll be handed down to present or former members of the pussygrabber’s administration.
No it won’t be Hilllary, Podesta or any others you have wet dreams over.
You never told us whether you have ever touched pussy, snowflake.
Why would I respond to a bottom feeders sexual fantasies like yours?
We both know what’s behind your idiocy. You’re goddamn tired of me pummeling your traitorous ass all over this forum.
You hate that I prove you to be the uninformed fool you are.
Sweet you’re taking it so hard( up the ass)

So, not only have you ever gotten any pussy, you also have wet dreams about winning debaets in this forum.

You are a pethetic snowflake.
Is English your 2nd language? My 9 year old grand daughter can spell better than you.
Just think you were duped by a con man and believed him he’d repeal and replace O Care ON DAY ONE and he’d build a wall to keep out bad bad people. He saw suckers like you coming from a mile away.
SO you really do have shit for brains... Only a fool could not make the connection...
The fraud in chief was federally investigated for refusing to rent to black people. He was close to being indicted but used his influence to weasel his way out of these charges if he admitted doing it and promise not to do it again.
I know I educate the DEPLORABLES every single day here on things they knew nothing about him but his promise of making America white again was good enough for them to ignore his long sordid history of screwing Americans.

Section 8 will leave you holding the bag

The whole point of the vast Russian conspiracy circus is to make it a crime again


"Again?" It's never been a crime. Engaging in espionage is a crime. Passing on government secrets to the Russians is a crime. Simply talking to them isn't.

However, this whole thing is a circus.
If “ talking “ to Russians isn’t a crime, why did so many from T’s administration lie about meeting with them when they got caught.
And why would so many of them be “ talking” to Russians during a presidential campaign?
Not much of a critical thinker I see.
How did the Russian trolls know which counties in swing states to post their anti Hilary propaganda without help from you guessed it.... your boys.
They were passing on classified information to the Soviets, numskull. They were in esensative positions that required a security clearance. You have to report any foriegnnationals you come in contact with if you have a security clearance.

the only reason this thing is even an issue is because this country is infested with total fucking idiots like you.
Actually they were orriginally hired by republicans(The washington Free Beacon) they did not like what was returning and quit paying. Then the Dems continued funding becuase it was juicy. Noit illegal by either side by the way. So who is the idiot. Get bent Bripat you are not interested in truth just justification on your own views.
We've already heard your talking point 1000 times, douche bag.

Douche bag is all you got. Or I have never gotten pussy. I am a male slut I have likely had your pussy. Go back to moscow you fucken russian troll You have no arguments just name calling. The kid in the photo has a bigger brain than you!
trump going to jail?
A Russian-born American real estate developer has reportedly told his family that he is preparing to go to jail with President Donald Trump.

Felix Sater, who is a former managing director of New York City-based real estate company Bayrock Group LLC and a longtime business partner of Trump, is now cooperating with FBI agents who are investigating an international money-laundering network, The Inquisitr reported. The network could involve Trump’s business organization.

Sater allegedly has deep ties to the Russian mafia and the Russian government. He also has a history of legal troubles, and has previously acted as an FBI informant after he pleaded guilty in a 1998 $40 million stock fraud scheme.

Now Sater is believed to have been involved in the movement of "dirty money" from several wealthy Eastern European families to invest in U.S. real estate. He reportedly helped Soviet official and Kazakh politician Viktor Khrapunov invest embezzled government funds in U.S. real estate -- properties which included apartments in Trump Soho.

According to a report by the Spectator, Sater told his family that he is preparing to go to prison after Special Counsel Robert Mueller began probing the president's recent business activities. The investigation may have uncovered unlawful transactions between Sater and Trump.


Rumors of Sater cooperating with the FBI have been circulating for months. The rumors intensified when he interviewed with New York magazine in August.

“In about the next 30 to 35 days, I will be the most colorful character you have ever talked about,” Sater reportedly told the magazine. “Unfortunately, I can’t talk about it now, before it happens. And believe me, it ain’t anything as small as whether or not they’re gonna call me to the Senate committee.”

Trump has previously warned Muller not to investigate his family business past the scope of the Russian collusion allegations. He also called Mueller's appointment a conflict of interest, and said there “were many other conflicts” he would reveal in the future.

While the president has been under intense scrutiny this week for his failure to immediately condemn white supremacist groups for the death of one counter protester during a Charlottesville, Virginia rally -- and then blaming "both sides" -- he did not appear to waste any time to condemn the terrorist attacks that occurred in Barcelona, Spain, on Aug. 17.


Sources: The Inquisitr, New York, Donald J. Trump/Twitter (2) / Featured Image: Michael Vadon/Flickr / Embedded Images: Gage Skidmore/Flickr (2)
"Again?" It's never been a crime. Engaging in espionage is a crime. Passing on government secrets to the Russians is a crime. Simply talking to them isn't.

However, this whole thing is a circus.
If “ talking “ to Russians isn’t a crime, why did so many from T’s administration lie about meeting with them when they got caught.
And why would so many of them be “ talking” to Russians during a presidential campaign?
Not much of a critical thinker I see.
How did the Russian trolls know which counties in swing states to post their anti Hilary propaganda without help from you guessed it.... your boys.
They were passing on classified information to the Soviets, numskull. They were in esensative positions that required a security clearance. You have to report any foriegnnationals you come in contact with if you have a security clearance.

the only reason this thing is even an issue is because this country is infested with total fucking idiots like you.
Actually they were orriginally hired by republicans(The washington Free Beacon) they did not like what was returning and quit paying. Then the Dems continued funding becuase it was juicy. Noit illegal by either side by the way. So who is the idiot. Get bent Bripat you are not interested in truth just justification on your own views.
We've already heard your talking point 1000 times, douche bag.

Douche bag is all you got. Or I have never gotten pussy. I am a male slut I have likely had your pussy. Go back to moscow you fucken russian troll You have no arguments just name calling. The kid in the photo has a bigger brain than you!

That argument sure was convincing.

Why don't you tell us how big your dick is the next time you want us to believe something you post?
“I can’t believe this day has finally come,” Carol Foyler, who drove from North Carolina, said. “My husband is having surgery today, but I didn’t want to miss this.”
Although the gathering has been largely peaceful, isolated arguments have erupted over which member of Trump’s circle the attendees would like Mueller to arrest first.
A faction shouting “Don, Jr.” started pushing and shoving another group chanting “Jared” before police intervened.

Loves me sum Andy - Favorite Lines ^ ^ ^ :D
wrong. We know indictments are being processed and we know they’ll be handed down to present or former members of the pussygrabber’s administration.
No it won’t be Hilllary, Podesta or any others you have wet dreams over.
You never told us whether you have ever touched pussy, snowflake.
Why would I respond to a bottom feeders sexual fantasies like yours?
We both know what’s behind your idiocy. You’re goddamn tired of me pummeling your traitorous ass all over this forum.
You hate that I prove you to be the uninformed fool you are.
Sweet you’re taking it so hard( up the ass)

So, not only have you ever gotten any pussy, you also have wet dreams about winning debaets in this forum.

You are a pethetic snowflake.
Is English your 2nd language? My 9 year old grand daughter can spell better than you.
Just think you were duped by a con man and believed him he’d repeal and replace O Care ON DAY ONE and he’d build a wall to keep out bad bad people. He saw suckers like you coming from a mile away.

Who should we have voted for, douche bag, HIllary, who promised to do exactly the opposite?

I am still quite happy that I voted for Trump. Your hatred shows that he's doing what I want him to do. At a minimum, he's not doing everything the alcoholic witch Hillary promised to do.
You’re right Hillary did promise the opposite.she promised to strengthen the EPA rather than weaken it and fill it with fossil fuel executives. She promised to continue to let scientists do their jobs with climate research rather than gutting the agency of scientists like Trump/ Pruitt is doing.
She promised to retrain coal miners for 21st century jobs rather than give them the false hope their dirty coal mining jobs would last forever.
She wouldn’t be defiling the office with petty taunts attacking anyone in sight.
She wouldn’t be a laughing stock in the world like your pussygrabber is and was in Europe.
She wouldn’t be cutting regulations that protect Americans. She did release 10 years of tax returns unlike the fraud we have now.
She wouldn’t be breaking the Constitution like dope is in so many ways..
And she wouldn’t be Putin’s whore like Trump is. Putin hated her because he couldn’t manipulate her.
She would have been a great president unlike Mr. Zero legislative accomplishments.
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No it couldn't, dumbass. Talking to a Russian isn't a crime.

The whole point of the vast Russian conspiracy circus is to make it a crime again


"Again?" It's never been a crime. Engaging in espionage is a crime. Passing on government secrets to the Russians is a crime. Simply talking to them isn't.

However, this whole thing is a circus.
If “ talking “ to Russians isn’t a crime, why did so many from T’s administration lie about meeting with them when they got caught.
And why would so many of them be “ talking” to Russians during a presidential campaign?
Not much of a critical thinker I see.
How did the Russian trolls know which counties in swing states to post their anti Hilary propaganda without help from you guessed it.... your boys.
They were passing on classified information to the Soviets, numskull. They were in esensative positions that required a security clearance. You have to report any foriegnnationals you come in contact with if you have a security clearance.

the only reason this thing is even an issue is because this country is infested with total fucking idiots like you.
Actually they were orriginally hired by republicans(The washington Free Beacon) they did not like what was returning and quit paying. Then the Dems continued funding becuase it was juicy. Noit illegal by either side by the way. So who is the idiot. Get bent Bripat you are not interested in truth just justification on your own views.

The Republicans who used Fusion GPS were anti-Trump people doing opposition research trying to get some dirt on Trump during the primaries to promote their preference, mostly Marco Rubio. Once Trump secured the nomination there was no more need for GOP opposition research trying to sideline Trump.
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If “ talking “ to Russians isn’t a crime, why did so many from T’s administration lie about meeting with them when they got caught.
And why would so many of them be “ talking” to Russians during a presidential campaign?
Not much of a critical thinker I see.
How did the Russian trolls know which counties in swing states to post their anti Hilary propaganda without help from you guessed it.... your boys.
They were passing on classified information to the Soviets, numskull. They were in esensative positions that required a security clearance. You have to report any foriegnnationals you come in contact with if you have a security clearance.

the only reason this thing is even an issue is because this country is infested with total fucking idiots like you.
Actually they were orriginally hired by republicans(The washington Free Beacon) they did not like what was returning and quit paying. Then the Dems continued funding becuase it was juicy. Noit illegal by either side by the way. So who is the idiot. Get bent Bripat you are not interested in truth just justification on your own views.
We've already heard your talking point 1000 times, douche bag.

Douche bag is all you got. Or I have never gotten pussy. I am a male slut I have likely had your pussy. Go back to moscow you fucken russian troll You have no arguments just name calling. The kid in the photo has a bigger brain than you!

That argument sure was convincing.

Why don't you tell us how big your dick is the next time you want us to believe something you post?
Why are you asking him about his dick?
Why don’t you just use airport bathrooms like republicans do..
One thing that dumbasses like you don't understand is that lawsuits are common in the construction industry. If Trump made a habit of screwing all his subs, he would never be able to get anyone to bid on his projects. It obviously doesn't happen any more frequently than it does for other general contractors.

I had a friend who had his own company, and he was always having to sue the general contractors. I have a consulting business myself, and getting paid often rquires getting lawyers involved.

Take off the blinder's for God's sake. Were you and your friend sued 3500 times over a five year period?

USA TODAY exclusive: Hundreds allege Donald Trump doesn’t pay his bills

Indeed, Trump is having a tough time getting contractors bid his projects - the word is out!
He's been audited every year, you brain damaged cockroach.

Do you have like a Wheel-O-Insults mounted to your wall which you spin every time you respond to a post you don't agree with?

Sad, angry little man
You never told us whether you have ever touched pussy, snowflake.
Why would I respond to a bottom feeders sexual fantasies like yours?
We both know what’s behind your idiocy. You’re goddamn tired of me pummeling your traitorous ass all over this forum.
You hate that I prove you to be the uninformed fool you are.
Sweet you’re taking it so hard( up the ass)

So, not only have you ever gotten any pussy, you also have wet dreams about winning debaets in this forum.

You are a pethetic snowflake.
Is English your 2nd language? My 9 year old grand daughter can spell better than you.
Just think you were duped by a con man and believed him he’d repeal and replace O Care ON DAY ONE and he’d build a wall to keep out bad bad people. He saw suckers like you coming from a mile away.

Who should we have voted for, douche bag, HIllary, who promised to do exactly the opposite?

I am still quite happy that I voted for Trump. Your hatred shows that he's doing what I want him to do. At a minimum, he's not doing everything the alcoholic witch Hillary promised to do.
You’re right Hillary did promise the opposite.she promised to strengthen the EPA rather than weaken it and fill it with fossil fuel executives. She promised to continue to let scientists do their jobs with climate research rather than gutting the agency of scientists like Trump/ Pruitt is doing.
She promised to retrain coal miners for 21st century jobs rather than give them the false hope their dirty coal mining jobs would last forever.
She wouldn’t be defiling the office with petty taunts attacking anyone in sight.
She wouldn’t be a laughing stock in the world like your pussygrabber is and was in Europe.
She wouldn’t be cutting regulations that protect Americans. She did release 10 years of tax returns unlike the fraud we have now.
She wouldn’t be breaking the Constitution like dope is in so many ways..
And she wouldn’t be Putin’s whore like Trump is. Putin hated her because he couldn’t manipulate her.
She would have been a great president unlike Mr. Zero legislative accomplishments.

You're a well trained poodle. You repeat the party line perfectly. I'm sure they will give you a treat.

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