Exclusive: First charges filed in Mueller investigation

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Robert Mueller’s Office Will Serve First Indictment Monday, Source Confirms

Mueller's office will serve first indictment Monday, source says

Add NBC to the list confirming CNN's exclusive. This took awhile.

Did Mueller felonious leak to NBC as well?
Evidence? Link?
Go fuck yourself with your baseless accusations.

Someone leaked to Communist News Nonsense (CNN) from the Mueller camp. The corrupt bastard is trying to distract from the culpability of Comey in the bribes and collusion between Russia and the Clinton campaign.
i think the first suspect is going to be Alfred E. Neuman or Eric The Clown
Whatever makes you think that---:badgrin: Mueller had a team raid Manafort's house in July--the only time Manafort knew they were there was when they got him out of bed. They clearly convinced a judge that if notified in advance Manafort would have destroyed evidence, so they obtained a no knock search warrant and hit Manfort's house in the early morning hours while he was sleeping.

You know reading has never killed anyone yet, you might want to try it sometime.
With a Picked Lock and a Threatened Indictment, Mueller’s Inquiry Sets a Tone

Manafort told a friend he was expecting on an indictment.
Paul Manafort Expects to Be Indicted, Longtime Trump Adviser Says
Paul Manafort retroactively registers with Justice Dept. as foreign agent


I am still sticking with Manafort or Flynn or both.

Flynn is in deep s....t. Asking for immunity from prosecution--"stating he has a story to tell", the Senate turned him down, and he pleaded the 5th throughout testimony--they're certain to indict him.
Michael Flynn Offers to Testify Before Congress in Exchange for Immunity
Michael Flynn pleads The Fifth over Russia investigation
Flynn Is Said to Have Talked to Russians About Sanctions Before Trump Took Office
Michael Flynn’s Russian connection
Michael Flynn Was Paid to Represent Turkey’s Interests During Trump Campaign

If either one is indicted, it won't be for "colluding" with the Russians. Whatever happened with that? Indicting them will only be an admission of failure for Mewler.

They're following the money--Russian bank accounts, money laundering, etc. And so it begins.
Manafort Was in Debt to Pro-Russia Interests, Cyprus Records Show

"The money" all came from the Hillary campaign, dumbass.

No the origin of GPS Fusion started with a Republican right wing website called Free Bacon, to do opposition research on Trump. They dropped it after Jeb Bush dropped out, Democrats picked it up, then dropped it, but Christopher Steele thought it important enough to hand over to John McCain who then gave it to Obama, and shortly thereafter Obama kicked out all Russian diplomats.
The Washington Free Beacon says it hired Fusion GPS during 2016 GOP primary - CNNPolitics

But these incoming indictments have
nothing to do with Trump's Dossier file anyway.

What the Trump campaign never realised is that they were being monitored and watched by several different foreign intelligence agencies since 2015. READ THIS
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

So the next time the right wing starts spinning a story around Uranium One & Hillary paid for the Dossier file, you count on something very big is going to happen along the Russian investigation.

But don't worry they'll be there for you on Monday morning to wipe your tears and help you blow your noses, and they'll have a brand new conspiracy story for you all to feed off of for a couple of days, until Mueller does something else.



No no no! Steele himself gave the dossier to the FBI in July 2016. FBI gave to Congress & Obama after verifying.
They never verified anything, moron.
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Robert Mueller’s Office Will Serve First Indictment Monday, Source Confirms

Mueller's office will serve first indictment Monday, source says

Add NBC to the list confirming CNN's exclusive. This took awhile.

Did Mueller felonious leak to NBC as well?
The leaks are probably coming from the White House, just like all the others.

No White House in history has leaked as bad


The leaks are a cry for help!
There’s a lot of truth in that. The morale of those who work in the WH is below ground level. They’re appalled how incompetent and unstable T is. He’s been yelling,” I hate everyone in the WH.” Thst doesn’t make for a good work environment.
The leaks are coming from concerned citizens afraid of what T is doing to the country. Many have resigned in disgust. Those that remain feel it’s their obligation to the American people to let them know what’s REALLY happening.
You post is composed entirely of made-up bullshit.
I NEVER make up ANYTHING. I know honesty is something you can’t relate to. You’re just fit to be tied because you know so little of what’s really happening. Is Fox and your favorite bloggers carrying stories of the climate inside the WH? ?
I bet not.
That’s why you don’t know anything and get agitated by those who do.
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Robert Mueller’s Office Will Serve First Indictment Monday, Source Confirms

Mueller's office will serve first indictment Monday, source says

Add NBC to the list confirming CNN's exclusive. This took awhile.

Did Mueller felonious leak to NBC as well?
The leaks are probably coming from the White House, just like all the others.

No White House in history has leaked as bad


The leaks are a cry for help!
There’s a lot of truth in that. The morale of those who work in the WH is below ground level. They’re appalled how incompetent and unstable T is. He’s been yelling,” I hate everyone in the WH.” Thst doesn’t make for a good work environment.
The leaks are coming from concerned citizens afraid of what T is doing to the country. Many have resigned in disgust. Those that remain feel it’s their obligation to the American people to let them know what’s REALLY happening.
You post is composed entirely of made-up bullshit.
I NEVER make up ANYTHING. You’re just fit to be tied because you know so little of what’s really happening. Is Fox and your favorite bloggers carrying stories of the climate inside the WH? ?
I bet not.
That’s why you don’t know anything and get agitated by those who do.

Where's the evidence for anything you just posted?
View attachment 157033

Robert Mueller’s Office Will Serve First Indictment Monday, Source Confirms

Mueller's office will serve first indictment Monday, source says

Add NBC to the list confirming CNN's exclusive. This took awhile.

Did Mueller felonious leak to NBC as well?
Evidence? Link?
Go fuck yourself with your baseless accusations.

Someone leaked to Communist News Nonsense (CNN) from the Mueller camp. The corrupt bastard is trying to distract from the culpability of Comey in the bribes and collusion between Russia and the Clinton campaign.
i think the first suspect is going to be Alfred E. Neuman or Eric The Clown
ok Elmer Fudd. Now back to your padded room.
While we won't know for a few days.....reading this thread thru, it's the trumpanzees who are sounding more panicky and shrill.......not a scientific measurement....but telling.
Former MI6 agent Christopher Steele's frustration as FBI sat on Donald Trump Russia file for months
Exclusive: Steele was so concerned by revelations he worked without payment after Trump's election victory in November

Fusion GPS had been hired by Republican opponents of Mr Trump in September 2015. In June 2016 Mr Steele came on the team. He was, and continues to be, highly regarded in the intelligence world. In July, Mr Trump won the Republican nomination and the Democrats became new employers of Mr Steele and Fusion GPS.

In the same month Mr Steele produced a memo, which went to the FBI, stating that Mr Trump’s campaign team had agreed to a Russian request to dilute attention on Moscow’s intervention in Ukraine. Four days later Mr Trump stated that he would recognise Moscow’s annexation of Crimea, officials involved in his campaign having already asked the Republican party’s election platform to remove a pledge for military assistance to the Ukrainian government against separatist rebels in the east of the country.

Mr Steele claimed that the Trump campaign was taking this path because it was aware that the Russians were hacking Democratic Party emails. No evidence of this has been
made public, but the same day that Mr Trump spoke about Crimea he called on the Kremlin to hack Hillary Clinton’s emails.

By late July and early August MI6 was also receiving information about Mr Trump. By September, information to the FBI began to grow in volume: Mr Steele compiled a set of his memos into one document and passed it to his contacts at the FBI. But there seemed to be little progress in a proper inquiry into Mr Trump. The Bureau, instead, seemed to be devoting their resources in the pursuit of Hillary Clinton’s email transgressions.

Ex-MI6 agent so worried by his Donald Trump discoveries he started working without pay
Did Mueller felonious leak to NBC as well?
The leaks are probably coming from the White House, just like all the others.

No White House in history has leaked as bad


The leaks are a cry for help!
There’s a lot of truth in that. The morale of those who work in the WH is below ground level. They’re appalled how incompetent and unstable T is. He’s been yelling,” I hate everyone in the WH.” Thst doesn’t make for a good work environment.
The leaks are coming from concerned citizens afraid of what T is doing to the country. Many have resigned in disgust. Those that remain feel it’s their obligation to the American people to let them know what’s REALLY happening.
You post is composed entirely of made-up bullshit.
I NEVER make up ANYTHING. You’re just fit to be tied because you know so little of what’s really happening. Is Fox and your favorite bloggers carrying stories of the climate inside the WH? ?
I bet not.
That’s why you don’t know anything and get agitated by those who do.

Where's the evidence for anything you just posted?
You want to play that game?
I listen, I read, I learn. Journalists have access to people in the WH. They’re more than willing to tell their stories for the reasons I mentioned.
I can find some links to which you’ll just characterize as fake news so pardon me if I don’t play your deplorable games.
Do you know how many times on this forum I had to educate your dumbass and then you ask for proof admitting you don’t know these well known facts? Whatever you read, If you do read, your sources are hiding a lot from you because as you and I both know your sources are in the tank for the Russian whore.
Let Manafort spill the beans on Trump Then impeach the pussy grabber
Spill what beans? Impeach him for what?
Money laundering, collusion ,,for starters
"Collusion" isn't a crime, and where's the evidence for money laundering?
It's on the way Bri Mueller will let you know Trump went to bed with crooks Think nothing rubbed off?
I think you're an idiot. We've been hearing these promises ever since the election. Even if they indict Manafort, that proves nothing about Trump.
Hold Your Horses Folks:

Breaking Bombshell Update Just Dropped!

This was totally illegal!

Report: FBI Paid For Fusion GPS Steele Dossier Along With Hillary – FBI Paid Steele's Travel Expenses

It's becoming obvious that Comey and the FBI are in this neck deep. Mueller has to go. He needs to be investigated along with Comey. Then HIllary needs to be indicted.
But what, if some trumpanzees are claiming, Mueller is going to indict some Democrats.....? Still need him to go?
The leaks are probably coming from the White House, just like all the others.

No White House in history has leaked as bad


The leaks are a cry for help!
There’s a lot of truth in that. The morale of those who work in the WH is below ground level. They’re appalled how incompetent and unstable T is. He’s been yelling,” I hate everyone in the WH.” Thst doesn’t make for a good work environment.
The leaks are coming from concerned citizens afraid of what T is doing to the country. Many have resigned in disgust. Those that remain feel it’s their obligation to the American people to let them know what’s REALLY happening.
You post is composed entirely of made-up bullshit.
I NEVER make up ANYTHING. You’re just fit to be tied because you know so little of what’s really happening. Is Fox and your favorite bloggers carrying stories of the climate inside the WH? ?
I bet not.
That’s why you don’t know anything and get agitated by those who do.

Where's the evidence for anything you just posted?
You want to play that game?
I listen, I read, I learn. Journalists have access to people in the WH. They’re more than willing to tell their stories for the reasons I mentioned.
I can find some links to which you’ll just characterize as fake news so pardon me if I don’t play your deplorable games.
Do you know how many times on this forum I had to educate your dumbass and then you ask for proof admitting you don’t know these well known facts? Whatever you read, If you do read, your sources are hiding a lot from you because as you and I both know your sources are in the tank for the Russian whore.

I see. You have no evidence, in other words. If you did you would have posted it.
Hold Your Horses Folks:

Breaking Bombshell Update Just Dropped!

This was totally illegal!

Report: FBI Paid For Fusion GPS Steele Dossier Along With Hillary – FBI Paid Steele's Travel Expenses

It's becoming obvious that Comey and the FBI are in this neck deep. Mueller has to go. He needs to be investigated along with Comey. Then HIllary needs to be indicted.
And none of that will happen. You just feel good saying it.
The incompetence Mueller has. If it was so important to charge wouldn't it be now rather than "wait till Monday"? Totally justified reason to replace Mueller!
There’s a lot of truth in that. The morale of those who work in the WH is below ground level. They’re appalled how incompetent and unstable T is. He’s been yelling,” I hate everyone in the WH.” Thst doesn’t make for a good work environment.
The leaks are coming from concerned citizens afraid of what T is doing to the country. Many have resigned in disgust. Those that remain feel it’s their obligation to the American people to let them know what’s REALLY happening.
You post is composed entirely of made-up bullshit.
I NEVER make up ANYTHING. You’re just fit to be tied because you know so little of what’s really happening. Is Fox and your favorite bloggers carrying stories of the climate inside the WH? ?
I bet not.
That’s why you don’t know anything and get agitated by those who do.

Where's the evidence for anything you just posted?
You want to play that game?
I listen, I read, I learn. Journalists have access to people in the WH. They’re more than willing to tell their stories for the reasons I mentioned.
I can find some links to which you’ll just characterize as fake news so pardon me if I don’t play your deplorable games.
Do you know how many times on this forum I had to educate your dumbass and then you ask for proof admitting you don’t know these well known facts? Whatever you read, If you do read, your sources are hiding a lot from you because as you and I both know your sources are in the tank for the Russian whore.

I see. You have no evidence, in other words. If you did you would have posted it.
I have direct evidence. Straight from the horses mouth. The journalists who do talk to the staff are regularly on the news shows. Not Fox of course. They won’t have on any real journalists that would make Trump look bad.
I could care less if you believe what I say. I know what I say to be true or I wouldn’t say it.

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