Exclusive: First charges filed in Mueller investigation

The fraud in chief was federally investigated for refusing to rent to black people. He was close to being indicted but used his influence to weasel his way out of these charges if he admitted doing it and promise not to do it again.
I know I educate the DEPLORABLES every single day here on things they knew nothing about him but his promise of making America white again was good enough for them to ignore his long sordid history of screwing Americans.
McConnell allies declaring war on trumps friend Bannon A circular firing squad I hope
trump going to jail?
A Russian-born American real estate developer has reportedly told his family that he is preparing to go to jail with President Donald Trump.

Felix Sater, who is a former managing director of New York City-based real estate company Bayrock Group LLC and a longtime business partner of Trump, is now cooperating with FBI agents who are investigating an international money-laundering network, The Inquisitr reported. The network could involve Trump’s business organization.

Sater allegedly has deep ties to the Russian mafia and the Russian government. He also has a history of legal troubles, and has previously acted as an FBI informant after he pleaded guilty in a 1998 $40 million stock fraud scheme.

Now Sater is believed to have been involved in the movement of "dirty money" from several wealthy Eastern European families to invest in U.S. real estate. He reportedly helped Soviet official and Kazakh politician Viktor Khrapunov invest embezzled government funds in U.S. real estate -- properties which included apartments in Trump Soho.

According to a report by the Spectator, Sater told his family that he is preparing to go to prison after Special Counsel Robert Mueller began probing the president's recent business activities. The investigation may have uncovered unlawful transactions between Sater and Trump.


Rumors of Sater cooperating with the FBI have been circulating for months. The rumors intensified when he interviewed with New York magazine in August.

“In about the next 30 to 35 days, I will be the most colorful character you have ever talked about,” Sater reportedly told the magazine. “Unfortunately, I can’t talk about it now, before it happens. And believe me, it ain’t anything as small as whether or not they’re gonna call me to the Senate committee.”

Trump has previously warned Muller not to investigate his family business past the scope of the Russian collusion allegations. He also called Mueller's appointment a conflict of interest, and said there “were many other conflicts” he would reveal in the future.

While the president has been under intense scrutiny this week for his failure to immediately condemn white supremacist groups for the death of one counter protester during a Charlottesville, Virginia rally -- and then blaming "both sides" -- he did not appear to waste any time to condemn the terrorist attacks that occurred in Barcelona, Spain, on Aug. 17.


Sources: The Inquisitr, New York, Donald J. Trump/Twitter (2) / Featured Image: Michael Vadon/Flickr / Embedded Images: Gage Skidmore/Flickr (2)
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Robert Mueller’s Office Will Serve First Indictment Monday, Source Confirms

Mueller's office will serve first indictment Monday, source says

Add NBC to the list confirming CNN's exclusive. This took awhile.

Did Mueller felonious leak to NBC as well?
Evidence? Link?
Go fuck yourself with your baseless accusations.

Someone leaked to Communist News Nonsense (CNN) from the Mueller camp. The corrupt bastard is trying to distract from the culpability of Comey in the bribes and collusion between Russia and the Clinton campaign.
The fraud in chief was federally investigated for refusing to rent to black people. He was close to being indicted but used his influence to weasel his way out of these charges if he admitted doing it and promise not to do it again.
I know I educate the DEPLORABLES every single day here on things they knew nothing about him but his promise of making America white again was good enough for them to ignore his long sordid history of screwing Americans.
McConnell allies declaring war on trumps friend Bannon A circular firing squad I hope
Indeed. Well put.
View attachment 157033

Robert Mueller’s Office Will Serve First Indictment Monday, Source Confirms

Mueller's office will serve first indictment Monday, source says

Add NBC to the list confirming CNN's exclusive. This took awhile.

Did Mueller felonious leak to NBC as well?
Evidence? Link?
Go fuck yourself with your baseless accusations.

Someone leaked to Communist News Nonsense (CNN) from the Mueller camp. The corrupt bastard is trying to distract from the culpability of Comey in the bribes and collusion between Russia and the Clinton campaign.
Link? Evidence?
Once again all you have are baseless pathetic accusations because you’re scared to death what’s coming down in the weeks ahead.
View attachment 157033

Robert Mueller’s Office Will Serve First Indictment Monday, Source Confirms

Mueller's office will serve first indictment Monday, source says

Add NBC to the list confirming CNN's exclusive. This took awhile.

Did Mueller felonious leak to NBC as well?
The leaks are probably coming from the White House, just like all the others.

No White House in history has leaked as bad


The leaks are a cry for help!
looks like another leftist attempt at a coup
Yes, nothing say coup like using the Constitutionally established judicial system.

a corrupt judicial system
starting with the republican wing of the supreme court

prove that troll
just read up on what and how they voted
that is not proof troll
BTW, I just heard last night on the 24/7's from a panel with experienced politicians, that not only do candidates and supporters of candidates do opposition research on their opposing candidate, that they all run opposition research on themselves, to see what is out there on themselves that could catch them by surprise....when an opponent candidate might dump it....

gawd, politics is really scummy..... but also an art, in it's own way....

This is true. As I just posted above, Republicans promoting other candidates, most especially Marco Rubio, were using Fusion GPS trying to get something to derail Trump's momentum when he started winning primaries. Of course they mostly stopped doing opposition research on him once he had enough votes to secure the nomination. Some, like Romney, who was determined to prevent Donald Trump from being President even after it was obvious he was the people's choice, probably did continue some opposition research though not necessarily with GPS Fusion.

The Democrats however DID continue to use GPS Fusion to get dirt on Trump and that apparently produced the now debunked mostly fraudulently manufactured Russian dossier that triggered the investigation into Russian collusion despite Comey's testimony that there was no evidence of Russian collusion involving the Trump team.

So the whole investigation is of course more opposition research hoping to find something to hang the President.

The wild speculation now is that Manafort is the likely indictee. If he is indicted, it remains to be seen if he is guilty of anything significant.

Mueller warns Manafort of indictment: report

Whatever makes you think that---:badgrin: Mueller had a team raid Manafort's house in July--the only time Manafort knew they were there was when they got him out of bed. They clearly convinced a judge that if notified in advance Manafort would have destroyed evidence, so they obtained a no knock search warrant and hit Manfort's house in the early morning hours while he was sleeping.

You know reading has never killed anyone yet, you might want to try it sometime.
With a Picked Lock and a Threatened Indictment, Mueller’s Inquiry Sets a Tone

Manafort told a friend he was expecting on an indictment.
Paul Manafort Expects to Be Indicted, Longtime Trump Adviser Says
Paul Manafort retroactively registers with Justice Dept. as foreign agent


I am still sticking with Manafort or Flynn or both.

Flynn is in deep s....t. Asking for immunity from prosecution--"stating he has a story to tell", the Senate turned him down, and he pleaded the 5th throughout testimony--they're certain to indict him.
Michael Flynn Offers to Testify Before Congress in Exchange for Immunity
Michael Flynn pleads The Fifth over Russia investigation
Flynn Is Said to Have Talked to Russians About Sanctions Before Trump Took Office
Michael Flynn’s Russian connection
Michael Flynn Was Paid to Represent Turkey’s Interests During Trump Campaign

If either one is indicted, it won't be for "colluding" with the Russians. Whatever happened with that? Indicting them will only be an admission of failure for Mewler.

They're following the money--Russian bank accounts, money laundering, etc. And so it begins.
Manafort Was in Debt to Pro-Russia Interests, Cyprus Records Show

"The money" all came from the Hillary campaign, dumbass.

No the origin of GPS Fusion started with a Republican right wing website called Free Bacon, to do opposition research on Trump. They dropped it after Jeb Bush dropped out, Democrats picked it up, then dropped it, but Christopher Steele thought it important enough to hand over to John McCain who then gave it to Obama, and shortly thereafter Obama kicked out all Russian diplomats.
The Washington Free Beacon says it hired Fusion GPS during 2016 GOP primary - CNNPolitics

But these incoming indictments have
nothing to do with Trump's Dossier file anyway.

What the Trump campaign never realised is that they were being monitored and watched by several different foreign intelligence agencies since 2015. READ THIS
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

So the next time the right wing starts spinning a story around Uranium One & Hillary paid for the Dossier file, you count on something very big is going to happen along the Russian investigation.

But don't worry they'll be there for you on Monday morning to wipe your tears and help you blow your noses, and they'll have a brand new conspiracy story for you all to feed off of for a couple of days, until Mueller does something else.


View attachment 157033

Robert Mueller’s Office Will Serve First Indictment Monday, Source Confirms

Mueller's office will serve first indictment Monday, source says

Add NBC to the list confirming CNN's exclusive. This took awhile.

Did Mueller felonious leak to NBC as well?
The leaks are probably coming from the White House, just like all the others.

No White House in history has leaked as bad


The leaks are a cry for help!
There’s a lot of truth in that. The morale of those who work in the WH is below ground level. They’re appalled how incompetent and unstable T is. He’s been yelling,” I hate everyone in the WH.” Thst doesn’t make for a good work environment.
The leaks are coming from concerned citizens afraid of what T is doing to the country. Many have resigned in disgust. Those that remain feel it’s their obligation to the American people to let them know what’s REALLY happening.
That’s why most leaks are accurate which infuriates the dumb bastard and prompts his comical FAKE NEWS outbursts that his sheep carry for him.
One thing that dumbasses like you don't understand is that lawsuits are common in the construction industry. If Trump made a habit of screwing all his subs, he would never be able to get anyone to bid on his projects. It obviously doesn't happen any more frequently than it does for other general contractors.

I had a friend who had his own company, and he was always having to sue the general contractors. I have a consulting business myself, and getting paid often rquires getting lawyers involved.

Take off the blinder's for God's sake. Were you and your friend sued 3500 times over a five year period?

USA TODAY exclusive: Hundreds allege Donald Trump doesn’t pay his bills

Indeed, Trump is having a tough time getting contractors bid his projects - the word is out!the

Trump was involved in 3500 lawsuits. About 2500 times was the plaintif. he was the defendent about 1000 times.

All you're proving is that you know nothing about the construction business. You're a moron who swallows whatever Hillary feeds you.
View attachment 157033

Robert Mueller’s Office Will Serve First Indictment Monday, Source Confirms

Mueller's office will serve first indictment Monday, source says

Add NBC to the list confirming CNN's exclusive. This took awhile.

Did Mueller felonious leak to NBC as well?
The leaks are probably coming from the White House, just like all the others.

No White House in history has leaked as bad


The leaks are a cry for help!
There’s a lot of truth in that. The morale of those who work in the WH is below ground level. They’re appalled how incompetent and unstable T is. He’s been yelling,” I hate everyone in the WH.” Thst doesn’t make for a good work environment.
The leaks are coming from concerned citizens afraid of what T is doing to the country. Many have resigned in disgust. Those that remain feel it’s their obligation to the American people to let them know what’s REALLY happening.
Your post is composed entirely of made-up bullshit.
Nope..... they are no longer the targets...

Whatever makes you think that---:badgrin: Mueller had a team raid Manafort's house in July--the only time Manafort knew they were there was when they got him out of bed. They clearly convinced a judge that if notified in advance Manafort would have destroyed evidence, so they obtained a no knock search warrant and hit Manfort's house in the early morning hours while he was sleeping.

You know reading has never killed anyone yet, you might want to try it sometime.
With a Picked Lock and a Threatened Indictment, Mueller’s Inquiry Sets a Tone

Manafort told a friend he was expecting on an indictment.
Paul Manafort Expects to Be Indicted, Longtime Trump Adviser Says
Paul Manafort retroactively registers with Justice Dept. as foreign agent


I am still sticking with Manafort or Flynn or both.

Flynn is in deep s....t. Asking for immunity from prosecution--"stating he has a story to tell", the Senate turned him down, and he pleaded the 5th throughout testimony--they're certain to indict him.
Michael Flynn Offers to Testify Before Congress in Exchange for Immunity
Michael Flynn pleads The Fifth over Russia investigation
Flynn Is Said to Have Talked to Russians About Sanctions Before Trump Took Office
Michael Flynn’s Russian connection
Michael Flynn Was Paid to Represent Turkey’s Interests During Trump Campaign

If either one is indicted, it won't be for "colluding" with the Russians. Whatever happened with that? Indicting them will only be an admission of failure for Mewler.

They're following the money--Russian bank accounts, money laundering, etc. And so it begins.
Manafort Was in Debt to Pro-Russia Interests, Cyprus Records Show

"The money" all came from the Hillary campaign, dumbass.

No the origin of GPS Fusion started with a Republican right wing website called Free Bacon, to do opposition research on Trump. They dropped it after Jeb Bush dropped out, Democrats picked it up, then dropped it, but Christopher Steele thought it important enough to hand over to John McCain who then gave it to Obama, and shortly thereafter Obama kicked out all Russian diplomats.
The Washington Free Beacon says it hired Fusion GPS during 2016 GOP primary - CNNPolitics

But these incoming indictments have
nothing to do with Trump's Dossier file anyway.

What the Trump campaign never realised is that they were being monitored and watched by several different foreign intelligence agencies since 2015. READ THIS
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

So the next time the right wing starts spinning a story around Uranium One & Hillary paid for the Dossier file, you count on something very big is going to happen along the Russian investigation.

But don't worry they'll be there for you on Monday morning to wipe your tears and help you blow your noses, and they'll have a brand new conspiracy story for you all to feed off of for a couple of days, until Mueller does something else.


The noose is being tightened Dump getting nervous
Nope..... they are no longer the targets...

Whatever makes you think that---:badgrin: Mueller had a team raid Manafort's house in July--the only time Manafort knew they were there was when they got him out of bed. They clearly convinced a judge that if notified in advance Manafort would have destroyed evidence, so they obtained a no knock search warrant and hit Manfort's house in the early morning hours while he was sleeping.

You know reading has never killed anyone yet, you might want to try it sometime.
With a Picked Lock and a Threatened Indictment, Mueller’s Inquiry Sets a Tone

Manafort told a friend he was expecting on an indictment.
Paul Manafort Expects to Be Indicted, Longtime Trump Adviser Says
Paul Manafort retroactively registers with Justice Dept. as foreign agent


I am still sticking with Manafort or Flynn or both.

Flynn is in deep s....t. Asking for immunity from prosecution--"stating he has a story to tell", the Senate turned him down, and he pleaded the 5th throughout testimony--they're certain to indict him.
Michael Flynn Offers to Testify Before Congress in Exchange for Immunity
Michael Flynn pleads The Fifth over Russia investigation
Flynn Is Said to Have Talked to Russians About Sanctions Before Trump Took Office
Michael Flynn’s Russian connection
Michael Flynn Was Paid to Represent Turkey’s Interests During Trump Campaign

If either one is indicted, it won't be for "colluding" with the Russians. Whatever happened with that? Indicting them will only be an admission of failure for Mewler.

They're following the money--Russian bank accounts, money laundering, etc. And so it begins.
Manafort Was in Debt to Pro-Russia Interests, Cyprus Records Show

"The money" all came from the Hillary campaign, dumbass.

No the origin of GPS Fusion started with a Republican right wing website called Free Bacon, to do opposition research on Trump. They dropped it after Jeb Bush dropped out, Democrats picked it up, then dropped it, but Christopher Steele thought it important enough to hand over to John McCain who then gave it to Obama, and shortly thereafter Obama kicked out all Russian diplomats.
The Washington Free Beacon says it hired Fusion GPS during 2016 GOP primary - CNNPolitics

But these incoming indictments have
nothing to do with Trump's Dossier file anyway.

What the Trump campaign never realised is that they were being monitored and watched by several different foreign intelligence agencies since 2015. READ THIS
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

So the next time the right wing starts spinning a story around Uranium One & Hillary paid for the Dossier file, you count on something very big is going to happen along the Russian investigation.

But don't worry they'll be there for you on Monday morning to wipe your tears and help you blow your noses, and they'll have a brand new conspiracy story for you all to feed off of for a couple of days, until Mueller does something else.



No no no! Steele himself gave the dossier to the FBI in July 2016. FBI gave to Congress & Obama after verifying.

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