Exclusive: First charges filed in Mueller investigation

The leaks are probably coming from the White House, just like all the others.

No White House in history has leaked as bad


The leaks are a cry for help!
There’s a lot of truth in that. The morale of those who work in the WH is below ground level. They’re appalled how incompetent and unstable T is. He’s been yelling,” I hate everyone in the WH.” Thst doesn’t make for a good work environment.
The leaks are coming from concerned citizens afraid of what T is doing to the country. Many have resigned in disgust. Those that remain feel it’s their obligation to the American people to let them know what’s REALLY happening.
You post is composed entirely of made-up bullshit.
I NEVER make up ANYTHING. You’re just fit to be tied because you know so little of what’s really happening. Is Fox and your favorite bloggers carrying stories of the climate inside the WH? ?
I bet not.
That’s why you don’t know anything and get agitated by those who do.

Where's the evidence for anything you just posted?
You want to play that game?
I listen, I read, I learn. Journalists have access to people in the WH. They’re more than willing to tell their stories for the reasons I mentioned.
I can find some links to which you’ll just characterize as fake news so pardon me if I don’t play your deplorable games.
Do you know how many times on this forum I had to educate your dumbass and then you ask for proof admitting you don’t know these well known facts? Whatever you read, If you do read, your sources are hiding a lot from you because as you and I both know your sources are in the tank for the Russian whore.
Yes, like the Gateway Pundit journalists in the White House Press Pool.
You post is composed entirely of made-up bullshit.
I NEVER make up ANYTHING. You’re just fit to be tied because you know so little of what’s really happening. Is Fox and your favorite bloggers carrying stories of the climate inside the WH? ?
I bet not.
That’s why you don’t know anything and get agitated by those who do.

Where's the evidence for anything you just posted?
You want to play that game?
I listen, I read, I learn. Journalists have access to people in the WH. They’re more than willing to tell their stories for the reasons I mentioned.
I can find some links to which you’ll just characterize as fake news so pardon me if I don’t play your deplorable games.
Do you know how many times on this forum I had to educate your dumbass and then you ask for proof admitting you don’t know these well known facts? Whatever you read, If you do read, your sources are hiding a lot from you because as you and I both know your sources are in the tank for the Russian whore.

I see. You have no evidence, in other words. If you did you would have posted it.
I have direct evidence. Straight from the horses mouth. The journalists who do talk to the staff are regularly on the news shows. Not Fox of course. They won’t have on any real journalists that would make Trump look bad.
I could care less if you believe what I say. I know what I say to be true or I wouldn’t say it.

If you have evidence, then post it. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.
The incompetence Mueller has. If it was so important to charge wouldn't it be now rather than "wait till Monday"? Totally justified reason to replace Mueller!
Mueller is incompetent?
Because a special prosecutor does what you don’t want him to do that makes him “ incompetent and should be replaced? “
Listen to yourself.
What kind of law degree do you have?
Your idiocy literally makes my head hurt.
Not only was Comey trying to destroy Hillary by making her innocence look as guilty as possible with his public statements, he was covering up for trump in TreasonGate, by ignoring and delaying vital intel as long as possible.
There’s a lot of truth in that. The morale of those who work in the WH is below ground level. They’re appalled how incompetent and unstable T is. He’s been yelling,” I hate everyone in the WH.” Thst doesn’t make for a good work environment.
The leaks are coming from concerned citizens afraid of what T is doing to the country. Many have resigned in disgust. Those that remain feel it’s their obligation to the American people to let them know what’s REALLY happening.
You post is composed entirely of made-up bullshit.
I NEVER make up ANYTHING. You’re just fit to be tied because you know so little of what’s really happening. Is Fox and your favorite bloggers carrying stories of the climate inside the WH? ?
I bet not.
That’s why you don’t know anything and get agitated by those who do.

Where's the evidence for anything you just posted?
You want to play that game?
I listen, I read, I learn. Journalists have access to people in the WH. They’re more than willing to tell their stories for the reasons I mentioned.
I can find some links to which you’ll just characterize as fake news so pardon me if I don’t play your deplorable games.
Do you know how many times on this forum I had to educate your dumbass and then you ask for proof admitting you don’t know these well known facts? Whatever you read, If you do read, your sources are hiding a lot from you because as you and I both know your sources are in the tank for the Russian whore.
Yes, like the Gateway Pundit journalists in the White House Press Pool.
You mean the Gateway Pundit that’s been wrong with everything you linked to them? That Gateway Pundit?
Trump was involved in 3500 lawsuits. About 2500 times was the plaintif. he was the defendent about 1000 times.

All you're proving is that you know nothing about the construction business. You're a moron who swallows whatever Hillary feeds you.

Sorry but similarly sized developers have a tiny fraction the number of lawsuits filed against them as Donnie Dumpster.

You pulled another one out of your ass .. isn't it sore about now? :dunno:
Trump was involved in 3500 lawsuits. About 2500 times was the plaintif. he was the defendent about 1000 times.

All you're proving is that you know nothing about the construction business. You're a moron who swallows whatever Hillary feeds you.

Sorry but similarly sized developers have a tiny fraction the number of lawsuits filed against them as Donnie Dumpster.

You pulled another one out of your ass .. isn't it sore about now? :dunno:
You have statistics on that?
I NEVER make up ANYTHING. You’re just fit to be tied because you know so little of what’s really happening. Is Fox and your favorite bloggers carrying stories of the climate inside the WH? ?
I bet not.
That’s why you don’t know anything and get agitated by those who do.

Where's the evidence for anything you just posted?
You want to play that game?
I listen, I read, I learn. Journalists have access to people in the WH. They’re more than willing to tell their stories for the reasons I mentioned.
I can find some links to which you’ll just characterize as fake news so pardon me if I don’t play your deplorable games.
Do you know how many times on this forum I had to educate your dumbass and then you ask for proof admitting you don’t know these well known facts? Whatever you read, If you do read, your sources are hiding a lot from you because as you and I both know your sources are in the tank for the Russian whore.

I see. You have no evidence, in other words. If you did you would have posted it.
I have direct evidence. Straight from the horses mouth. The journalists who do talk to the staff are regularly on the news shows. Not Fox of course. They won’t have on any real journalists that would make Trump look bad.
I could care less if you believe what I say. I know what I say to be true or I wouldn’t say it.

If you have evidence, then post it. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.
You’re really are a stupid little fellow. People who read and listen to good sources don’t have to run to find links for people like you who don’t read good sources.
If you really want to know if I’m accurate, look it up yourself. Do you know how to use google?
Like I said I could care less if you “ believe “ me.
What I say is COMMON KNOWLEDGE to people that follow politics.
They were passing on classified information to the Soviets, numskull. They were in esensative positions that required a security clearance. You have to report any foriegnnationals you come in contact with if you have a security clearance.

the only reason this thing is even an issue is because this country is infested with total fucking idiots like you.
Actually they were orriginally hired by republicans(The washington Free Beacon) they did not like what was returning and quit paying. Then the Dems continued funding becuase it was juicy. Noit illegal by either side by the way. So who is the idiot. Get bent Bripat you are not interested in truth just justification on your own views.
We've already heard your talking point 1000 times, douche bag.

Douche bag is all you got. Or I have never gotten pussy. I am a male slut I have likely had your pussy. Go back to moscow you fucken russian troll You have no arguments just name calling. The kid in the photo has a bigger brain than you!

That argument sure was convincing.

Why don't you tell us how big your dick is the next time you want us to believe something you post?
Why are you asking him about his dick?
Why don’t you just use airport bathrooms like republicans do..
He don't have a dick. Doubt he is in fact a he.
One thing that dumbasses like you don't understand is that lawsuits are common in the construction industry. If Trump made a habit of screwing all his subs, he would never be able to get anyone to bid on his projects. It obviously doesn't happen any more frequently than it does for other general contractors.

I had a friend who had his own company, and he was always having to sue the general contractors. I have a consulting business myself, and getting paid often rquires getting lawyers involved.

Take off the blinder's for God's sake. Were you and your friend sued 3500 times over a five year period?

USA TODAY exclusive: Hundreds allege Donald Trump doesn’t pay his bills

Indeed, Trump is having a tough time getting contractors bid his projects - the word is out!

And how many of those lawsuits were dismissed as frivolous or the plaintiff lost in court or the settlements were minor? How much of this is fabricated or exaggerated by a disgruntled "I hate Trump" media type trying to derail his campaign? The article was 16 months ago.

You don't run a multi-million dollar business enterprise without getting into numerous legal snafus. I can guarantee you that G.E. or General Motors or Nestle or pick your mega corporation of choice had more lawsuits than that. The difference between them and Trump is that none of them were challenging the political status quo or needed to be squashed so another candidate could be coronated.

P.S. President Trump is not involved in any way in the management of his business empire while he is President and none of what happened 16 months ago would have any bearing on the Mueller investigation now.
Not only was Comey trying to destroy Hillary by making her innocence look as guilty as possible with his public statements, he was covering up for trump in TreasonGate, by ignoring and delaying vital intel as long as possible.
You must be joking. Comey was covering up Hillary's crimes. He allowed her staff to destroy cell phones and laptops. He allowed them to serve as her lawyer even though they were under investigation. The list of his malfeasance is extensive. Meanwhile, he's done everything he possibly could to sabotage Trump. He's the reason the Mueller investigation was started, if you don't recall.

You have to be one of the biggest numskulls in this forum.
I also blame Obama for this. He KNEW! He was so damned concerned with his legacy and the simple fact he knew republicans would go ballistic and accuse him of putting his hand on the election scale, he turned coward and remained silent.

Obama also used the excuse he thought Hillary would win anyway.

I'm sure Hillary is still pissed, big time.
View attachment 157033

Robert Mueller’s Office Will Serve First Indictment Monday, Source Confirms

Mueller's office will serve first indictment Monday, source says

Add NBC to the list confirming CNN's exclusive. This took awhile.

Did Mueller felonious leak to NBC as well?
The leaks are probably coming from the White House, just like all the others.

No White House in history has leaked as bad


The leaks are a cry for help!
I’m going to be kind to the little handicapped fellow Bripat and throw him a bone.
Watch instead of thanking me he’ll cry FAKE NEWS. Lol

But his team is growing increasingly weary. Privately, they say, the problem is not an incompetent communications shop, as the president sometimes gripes, or an ineffectual chief of staff, as friends and outside operatives repeatedly warn, but the man in the Oval Office, whose preferred management style is one of competing factions and organized chaos.

One West Wing official recently stopped defending Trump or trying to explain away his more controversial behavior. Another characterized the operation as "trudging along," with aides trying to focus their attention on Trump's upcoming foreign trip and the budget landing next week.

Ari Fleischer, former White House press secretary under George W. Bush, said the president has created a situation where his team is increasingly unlikely to succeed.

"It's torture - torture because of everything that is happening externally, but it's also torture because of how divided the White House is internally," Fleischer said of the challenges that Trump's staff faces now. "It makes it very hard to keep your head up and do your job."

He added: "If you don't give people something substantive to talk about in Washington, they will be plenty happy to talk about things that are personal, political and scandal-related."

For many White House staffers, impromptu support groups of friends, confidants and acquaintances have materialized, calling and texting to check in, inquiring about their mental state and urging them to take care of themselves.

Trump frustrated with White House staff – and for some, the feeling is mutual
I also blame Obama for this. He KNEW! He was so damned concerned with his legacy and the simple fact he knew republicans would go ballistic and accuse him of putting his hand on the election scale, he turned coward and remained silent.

Obama also used the excuse he thought Hillary would win anyway.

I'm sure Hillary is still pissed, big time.
He didn’t turn coward. He did what he thought was right. His main concern was being fair.
I’m going to be kind to the little handicapped fellow Bripat and throw him a bone.
Watch instead of thanking me he’ll cry FAKE NEWS. Lol

But his team is growing increasingly weary. Privately, they say, the problem is not an incompetent communications shop, as the president sometimes gripes, or an ineffectual chief of staff, as friends and outside operatives repeatedly warn, but the man in the Oval Office, whose preferred management style is one of competing factions and organized chaos.

One West Wing official recently stopped defending Trump or trying to explain away his more controversial behavior. Another characterized the operation as "trudging along," with aides trying to focus their attention on Trump's upcoming foreign trip and the budget landing next week.

Ari Fleischer, former White House press secretary under George W. Bush, said the president has created a situation where his team is increasingly unlikely to succeed.

"It's torture - torture because of everything that is happening externally, but it's also torture because of how divided the White House is internally," Fleischer said of the challenges that Trump's staff faces now. "It makes it very hard to keep your head up and do your job."

He added: "If you don't give people something substantive to talk about in Washington, they will be plenty happy to talk about things that are personal, political and scandal-related."

For many White House staffers, impromptu support groups of friends, confidants and acquaintances have materialized, calling and texting to check in, inquiring about their mental state and urging them to take care of themselves.

Trump frustrated with White House staff – and for some, the feeling is mutual

Ari Fleischer is speculating, not testifying about anything he has witnessed. Where are your sources?

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