Exclusive: First charges filed in Mueller investigation

Not only was Comey trying to destroy Hillary by making her innocence look as guilty as possible with his public statements, he was covering up for trump in TreasonGate, by ignoring and delaying vital intel as long as possible.
2 weeks before the election how many people knew Trump was under a federal investigation?
Thanks Jim Comey.
I hope it is against Trump

Indictments and charges can be handed out like Halloween candy. In this case, Mueller needs to worry about his own ass. Charges and indictments towards Democrats have ranged from pedophilia, rape, treason, abuse of power and Democrat supporters scoff at it. Don't expect US to take Mueller investigation and charges seriously unless they have a lot of objective empirical data to back the charges.
I also blame Obama for this. He KNEW! He was so damned concerned with his legacy and the simple fact he knew republicans would go ballistic and accuse him of putting his hand on the election scale, he turned coward and remained silent.

Obama also used the excuse he thought Hillary would win anyway.

I'm sure Hillary is still pissed, big time.
He didn’t turn coward. He did what he thought was right. His main concern was being fair.
Now Now, no need to argue over this....

more than likely, for the future safety of our Nation and the FBI and CIA investigations in to the Russians to proceed without the Russians knowing and other participants knowing, he needed to keep quiet for as long as he could...?
I also blame Obama for this. He KNEW! He was so damned concerned with his legacy and the simple fact he knew republicans would go ballistic and accuse him of putting his hand on the election scale, he turned coward and remained silent.

Obama also used the excuse he thought Hillary would win anyway.

I'm sure Hillary is still pissed, big time.
He didn’t turn coward. He did what he thought was right. His main concern was being fair.
You don't play fair when the republicans use thermonuclear war with lies.

Jesus, when will Democrats EVER learn?
You post is composed entirely of made-up bullshit.
I NEVER make up ANYTHING. You’re just fit to be tied because you know so little of what’s really happening. Is Fox and your favorite bloggers carrying stories of the climate inside the WH? ?
I bet not.
That’s why you don’t know anything and get agitated by those who do.

Where's the evidence for anything you just posted?
You want to play that game?
I listen, I read, I learn. Journalists have access to people in the WH. They’re more than willing to tell their stories for the reasons I mentioned.
I can find some links to which you’ll just characterize as fake news so pardon me if I don’t play your deplorable games.
Do you know how many times on this forum I had to educate your dumbass and then you ask for proof admitting you don’t know these well known facts? Whatever you read, If you do read, your sources are hiding a lot from you because as you and I both know your sources are in the tank for the Russian whore.
Yes, like the Gateway Pundit journalists in the White House Press Pool.
You mean the Gateway Pundit that’s been wrong with everything you linked to them? That Gateway Pundit?
The Gateway Pundit only reports the truth, like I do.
Not only was Comey trying to destroy Hillary by making her innocence look as guilty as possible with his public statements, he was covering up for trump in TreasonGate, by ignoring and delaying vital intel as long as possible.
2 weeks before the election how many people knew Trump was under a federal investigation?
Thanks Jim Comey.
Thankx Obama too!

I hope it is against Trump

Indictments and charges can be handed out like Halloween candy. In this case, Mueller needs to worry about his own ass. Charges and indictments towards Democrats have ranged from pedophilia, rape, treason, abuse of power and Democrat supporters scoff at it. Don't expect US to take Mueller investigation and charges seriously unless they have a lot of objective empirical data to back the charges.
And without a doubt, Mueller is wise enough to know that, don't cha think?
I’m going to be kind to the little handicapped fellow Bripat and throw him a bone.
Watch instead of thanking me he’ll cry FAKE NEWS. Lol

But his team is growing increasingly weary. Privately, they say, the problem is not an incompetent communications shop, as the president sometimes gripes, or an ineffectual chief of staff, as friends and outside operatives repeatedly warn, but the man in the Oval Office, whose preferred management style is one of competing factions and organized chaos.

One West Wing official recently stopped defending Trump or trying to explain away his more controversial behavior. Another characterized the operation as "trudging along," with aides trying to focus their attention on Trump's upcoming foreign trip and the budget landing next week.

Ari Fleischer, former White House press secretary under George W. Bush, said the president has created a situation where his team is increasingly unlikely to succeed.

"It's torture - torture because of everything that is happening externally, but it's also torture because of how divided the White House is internally," Fleischer said of the challenges that Trump's staff faces now. "It makes it very hard to keep your head up and do your job."

He added: "If you don't give people something substantive to talk about in Washington, they will be plenty happy to talk about things that are personal, political and scandal-related."

For many White House staffers, impromptu support groups of friends, confidants and acquaintances have materialized, calling and texting to check in, inquiring about their mental state and urging them to take care of themselves.

Trump frustrated with White House staff – and for some, the feeling is mutual

Ari Fleischer is speculating, not testifying about anything he has witnessed. Where are your sources?
How do you know what Fleischer knows. Former WH workers have access to current staffers. They talk all the time. Besides there was more than one source in my link. There are other examples but you’re too lazy to read them.
How can you believe a president who has over 1500 lies documented on his resume but not believe the people working in thexWH who witness this every day?
Doesn’t it shock you that Trump goes stark raving mad screaming,” I hate everyone in the White House.”
I know..Fake News. Yada yada.
Not only was Comey trying to destroy Hillary by making her innocence look as guilty as possible with his public statements, he was covering up for trump in TreasonGate, by ignoring and delaying vital intel as long as possible.
2 weeks before the election how many people knew Trump was under a federal investigation?
Thanks Jim Comey.
Thankx Obama too!

Having the FBI put a presidential candidate under surveilance is the work of a police state. It's scary that dumbasses like you think that kind of behavior should be commended.
I’m going to be kind to the little handicapped fellow Bripat and throw him a bone.
Watch instead of thanking me he’ll cry FAKE NEWS. Lol

But his team is growing increasingly weary. Privately, they say, the problem is not an incompetent communications shop, as the president sometimes gripes, or an ineffectual chief of staff, as friends and outside operatives repeatedly warn, but the man in the Oval Office, whose preferred management style is one of competing factions and organized chaos.

One West Wing official recently stopped defending Trump or trying to explain away his more controversial behavior. Another characterized the operation as "trudging along," with aides trying to focus their attention on Trump's upcoming foreign trip and the budget landing next week.

Ari Fleischer, former White House press secretary under George W. Bush, said the president has created a situation where his team is increasingly unlikely to succeed.

"It's torture - torture because of everything that is happening externally, but it's also torture because of how divided the White House is internally," Fleischer said of the challenges that Trump's staff faces now. "It makes it very hard to keep your head up and do your job."

He added: "If you don't give people something substantive to talk about in Washington, they will be plenty happy to talk about things that are personal, political and scandal-related."

For many White House staffers, impromptu support groups of friends, confidants and acquaintances have materialized, calling and texting to check in, inquiring about their mental state and urging them to take care of themselves.

Trump frustrated with White House staff – and for some, the feeling is mutual

Ari Fleischer is speculating, not testifying about anything he has witnessed. Where are your sources?
How do you know what Fleischer knows. Former WH workers have access to current staffers. They talk all the time. Besides there was more than one source in my link. There are other examples but you’re too lazy to read them.
How can you believe a president who has over 1500 lies documented on his resume but not believe the people working in thexWH who witness this every day?
Doesn’t it shock you that Trump goes stark raving mad screaming,” I hate everyone in the White House.”
I know..Fake News. Yada yada.

What people working in the White House? Your article didn't name any.
Mueller has gone through his whole life being an honest Ace, serving his nation from his Military Service to Viet Nam to Director of the FBI.... he's not going to change his stripes now.
Not only was Comey trying to destroy Hillary by making her innocence look as guilty as possible with his public statements, he was covering up for trump in TreasonGate, by ignoring and delaying vital intel as long as possible.
You must be joking. Comey was covering up Hillary's crimes. He allowed her staff to destroy cell phones and laptops. He allowed them to serve as her lawyer even though they were under investigation. The list of his malfeasance is extensive. Meanwhile, he's done everything he possibly could to sabotage Trump. He's the reason the Mueller investigation was started, if you don't recall.

You have to be one of the biggest numskulls in this forum.
How can you critique what anyone says when you readily admit you get your information from bloggers? Bloggers have no standards to live by, no accountability.
I’m going to be kind to the little handicapped fellow Bripat and throw him a bone.
Watch instead of thanking me he’ll cry FAKE NEWS. Lol

But his team is growing increasingly weary. Privately, they say, the problem is not an incompetent communications shop, as the president sometimes gripes, or an ineffectual chief of staff, as friends and outside operatives repeatedly warn, but the man in the Oval Office, whose preferred management style is one of competing factions and organized chaos.

One West Wing official recently stopped defending Trump or trying to explain away his more controversial behavior. Another characterized the operation as "trudging along," with aides trying to focus their attention on Trump's upcoming foreign trip and the budget landing next week.

Ari Fleischer, former White House press secretary under George W. Bush, said the president has created a situation where his team is increasingly unlikely to succeed.

"It's torture - torture because of everything that is happening externally, but it's also torture because of how divided the White House is internally," Fleischer said of the challenges that Trump's staff faces now. "It makes it very hard to keep your head up and do your job."

He added: "If you don't give people something substantive to talk about in Washington, they will be plenty happy to talk about things that are personal, political and scandal-related."

For many White House staffers, impromptu support groups of friends, confidants and acquaintances have materialized, calling and texting to check in, inquiring about their mental state and urging them to take care of themselves.

Trump frustrated with White House staff – and for some, the feeling is mutual

Ari Fleischer is speculating, not testifying about anything he has witnessed. Where are your sources?
How do you know what Fleischer knows. Former WH workers have access to current staffers. They talk all the time. Besides there was more than one source in my link. There are other examples but you’re too lazy to read them.
How can you believe a president who has over 1500 lies documented on his resume but not believe the people working in thexWH who witness this every day?
Doesn’t it shock you that Trump goes stark raving mad screaming,” I hate everyone in the White House.”
I know..Fake News. Yada yada.

What people working in the White House? Your article didn't name any.
That’s just one article numbnuts. As I said I’ve listened to countless stories relayed by respectable journalists that have these staffers on speed dial and talk to them all the time.
The WH is in chaos and many have quit like the Ethics Director who was so appalled by T’s lack of ethics he couldn’t take it anymore.
The psychosis of the anti-Donald crowd surfacing in this thread is very troubling!
I’m going to be kind to the little handicapped fellow Bripat and throw him a bone.
Watch instead of thanking me he’ll cry FAKE NEWS. Lol

But his team is growing increasingly weary. Privately, they say, the problem is not an incompetent communications shop, as the president sometimes gripes, or an ineffectual chief of staff, as friends and outside operatives repeatedly warn, but the man in the Oval Office, whose preferred management style is one of competing factions and organized chaos.

One West Wing official recently stopped defending Trump or trying to explain away his more controversial behavior. Another characterized the operation as "trudging along," with aides trying to focus their attention on Trump's upcoming foreign trip and the budget landing next week.

Ari Fleischer, former White House press secretary under George W. Bush, said the president has created a situation where his team is increasingly unlikely to succeed.

"It's torture - torture because of everything that is happening externally, but it's also torture because of how divided the White House is internally," Fleischer said of the challenges that Trump's staff faces now. "It makes it very hard to keep your head up and do your job."

He added: "If you don't give people something substantive to talk about in Washington, they will be plenty happy to talk about things that are personal, political and scandal-related."

For many White House staffers, impromptu support groups of friends, confidants and acquaintances have materialized, calling and texting to check in, inquiring about their mental state and urging them to take care of themselves.

Trump frustrated with White House staff – and for some, the feeling is mutual

Ari Fleischer is speculating, not testifying about anything he has witnessed. Where are your sources?
How do you know what Fleischer knows. Former WH workers have access to current staffers. They talk all the time. Besides there was more than one source in my link. There are other examples but you’re too lazy to read them.
How can you believe a president who has over 1500 lies documented on his resume but not believe the people working in thexWH who witness this every day?
Doesn’t it shock you that Trump goes stark raving mad screaming,” I hate everyone in the White House.”
I know..Fake News. Yada yada.

What people working in the White House? Your article didn't name any.
That’s just one article numbnuts. As I said I’ve listened to countless stories relayed by respectable journalists that have these staffers on speed dial and talk to them all the time.
The WH is in chaos and many have quit like the Ethics Director who was so appalled by T’s lack of ethics he couldn’t take it anymore.
In other words, you can't find an article with an actual named source that supports what you claim.

Thanks for playing!
Not only was Comey trying to destroy Hillary by making her innocence look as guilty as possible with his public statements, he was covering up for trump in TreasonGate, by ignoring and delaying vital intel as long as possible.
You must be joking. Comey was covering up Hillary's crimes. He allowed her staff to destroy cell phones and laptops. He allowed them to serve as her lawyer even though they were under investigation. The list of his malfeasance is extensive. Meanwhile, he's done everything he possibly could to sabotage Trump. He's the reason the Mueller investigation was started, if you don't recall.

You have to be one of the biggest numskulls in this forum.
How can you critique what anyone says when you readily admit you get your information from bloggers? Bloggers have no standards to live by, no accountability.
Funny. You think CNN has standards? Accountability?
More nefarious environmental moves by the president.

This is from the Sierra Club of which I am a member.

Yesterday, Trump's staff confirmed that he will attempt to shrink the borders of Bears Ears National Monument as early as December.1

Right now, Trump doesn't have legal power to shrink a monument. But his henchmen in Congress are busy pushing legislation that would change that -- and we need to stop them.

Representative Rob Bishop just introduced a bill that would gut the Antiquities Act and allow the president to erase existing national monuments.

This is the most extreme attack on the Antiquities Act we have ever seen -- join us in telling Congress that it should never become law.

For over a century, presidents have used the Antiquities Act to create national monuments that preserve our natural, cultural, and scientifically significant treasures. Representative Bishop's bill -- H.R. 3990 -- would limit the Antiquities Act to protecting fossils, artifacts, and buildings -- not natural wonders like canyons, mountains, and coral reefs.

It would place arbitrary limits on the size of our national monuments and would entirely bar the creation of new marine monuments to protect our oceans. This bill would even give the president power to shrink existing monuments.

Representative Bishop's bill has moved out of committee and could come to a vote at any time. Send your message urging your members of Congress to keep our public lands protected for generations to come and oppose H.R. 3990.

Thanks for all you do to protect our public lands,

Emily Lande
Senior Campaign Representative
Our Wild America
I’m going to be kind to the little handicapped fellow Bripat and throw him a bone.
Watch instead of thanking me he’ll cry FAKE NEWS. Lol

But his team is growing increasingly weary. Privately, they say, the problem is not an incompetent communications shop, as the president sometimes gripes, or an ineffectual chief of staff, as friends and outside operatives repeatedly warn, but the man in the Oval Office, whose preferred management style is one of competing factions and organized chaos.

One West Wing official recently stopped defending Trump or trying to explain away his more controversial behavior. Another characterized the operation as "trudging along," with aides trying to focus their attention on Trump's upcoming foreign trip and the budget landing next week.

Ari Fleischer, former White House press secretary under George W. Bush, said the president has created a situation where his team is increasingly unlikely to succeed.

"It's torture - torture because of everything that is happening externally, but it's also torture because of how divided the White House is internally," Fleischer said of the challenges that Trump's staff faces now. "It makes it very hard to keep your head up and do your job."

He added: "If you don't give people something substantive to talk about in Washington, they will be plenty happy to talk about things that are personal, political and scandal-related."

For many White House staffers, impromptu support groups of friends, confidants and acquaintances have materialized, calling and texting to check in, inquiring about their mental state and urging them to take care of themselves.

Trump frustrated with White House staff – and for some, the feeling is mutual

Ari Fleischer is speculating, not testifying about anything he has witnessed. Where are your sources?
How do you know what Fleischer knows. Former WH workers have access to current staffers. They talk all the time. Besides there was more than one source in my link. There are other examples but you’re too lazy to read them.
How can you believe a president who has over 1500 lies documented on his resume but not believe the people working in thexWH who witness this every day?
Doesn’t it shock you that Trump goes stark raving mad screaming,” I hate everyone in the White House.”
I know..Fake News. Yada yada.

What people working in the White House? Your article didn't name any.
That’s just one article numbnuts. As I said I’ve listened to countless stories relayed by respectable journalists that have these staffers on speed dial and talk to them all the time.
The WH is in chaos and many have quit like the Ethics Director who was so appalled by T’s lack of ethics he couldn’t take it anymore.

Yup, and those "respectable" journalists have spent hours making up those stories. Like they say, who needs speed dial when you can make shit up.
Not only was Comey trying to destroy Hillary by making her innocence look as guilty as possible with his public statements, he was covering up for trump in TreasonGate, by ignoring and delaying vital intel as long as possible.
You must be joking. Comey was covering up Hillary's crimes. He allowed her staff to destroy cell phones and laptops. He allowed them to serve as her lawyer even though they were under investigation. The list of his malfeasance is extensive. Meanwhile, he's done everything he possibly could to sabotage Trump. He's the reason the Mueller investigation was started, if you don't recall.

You have to be one of the biggest numskulls in this forum.
How can you critique what anyone says when you readily admit you get your information from bloggers? Bloggers have no standards to live by, no accountability.
Funny. You think CNN has standards? Accountability?
They do or they would lose their jobs. There you go showing your bias again and carrying T’s water.
CNN is a professional organization and theyre good at what they do.
A free press is mandatory so we don’t dissolve into a dictatorship Trump is trying to set up with minions like you doing his dirty work for him.

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