Exclusive: First charges filed in Mueller investigation

Paul Manafort, Who Once Ran Trump Campaign & RNC, Surrenders to F.B.I. Also charged was Mr. Manafort’s former business associate Rick Gates, who was also told to surrender on Monday
I predicted that Mueller will never indict anyone for anything remotely connected with Trump Russia. He's boxed in because anything relating to Russia is hardwired back to the Dossier, Hillary's $145,000,000 extortion from Russia and the murder of Seth Rich.


Does anyone know any good FBI knock knock jokes?

Knock, knock!
Who's there?
Dishes who?
Dishes the FBI. Were coming in!!!

Knock, knock!
Who's there?
FBI who?
Breach - breach - breach - KABOOM!!! - Knock-Out!
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Not one charge that shows Trump and collusion with Russia!

However they have a 2013 tax evasion. If you have to go back that far then it proves that was zero collusion.

Sorry far left Trump will still be president and Hilary will still be a loser!
Paul Manafort, President Trump's former campaign chairman, has been indicted on federal charges that range from conspiracy against the United States to conspiracy to launder money.

Manafort, 68, surrendered himself to federal law enforcement authorities on Monday morning, a Justice Department source tells NPR's Ryan Lucas, representing a new phase of the investigations into figures from Trump's inner circle.

"Manafort is perp walked through the front door of the FBI field office" pic.twitter.com/LQdppFwTeW

— Tom Namako (@TomNamako) October 30, 2017

Both Manafort and Rick Gates, his former campaign deputy, were indicted by a federal grand jury on Friday, according to a news release from the office of Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Gates is 45 years old.

From a Justice Department statement:

"The indictment contains 12 counts: conspiracy against the United States, conspiracy to launder money, unregistered agent of a foreign principal, false and misleading FARA statements, false statements, and seven counts of failure to file reports of foreign bank and financial accounts."

The grand jury's indictment was unsealed on Monday morning, shortly after Manafort was seen entering an FBI field office.

Manafort Surrenders To FBI; Indicted In New Phase Of Mueller Inquiry
How many hours until Trump pardons Manafort and Gates?

Of course that could eliminate their ability to plead the 5th, so that may give Trump some pause.
Who do you think it is?
Flynn , Manafort? Kushner?

Flynn for sure, Manafort for sure, and very likely Kushner and Junior. Others will take note and when placed in jeopardy by the FBI that they may lose their bar card and face imprisonment for perjury, they will fess up. Then we will begin to worry that Trump will send our troops into harms way to deflect from his fear of being convicted of high crimes.

Pence isn't a fool, and saw what happened to Ford when he gave Nixon a pass; thus Trump hasn't a chance to be given the same free pass.

We live in interesting times, and denial of what is obvious will do nothing but prove that hacks are hacks and are challenged by reality.
I think IF Trump were impeached for high crimes, Pence would pardon him, to heal the country SUPPOSEDLY, just like Ford, but what's different is Pence would garner the loyal 38% that are Trumpettes with the pardon, plus the rest of the R's in the 2020 election...Democrats would have to really come out and vote in numbers, and not be complacent... we've got a lot going against us, all the R governors and their secretary of States who run the election process determining how many days early voting polls are opened and how many voting machines the R districts get vs the D districts, the broad felon removal lists they produce, the strong voter id laws that disenfranchise the D's, and the gerrymandering ALL in the R's favors.... :(

Just one point on your silly rant. Please explain in 2017 who in the USA legally does not have some form of ID. You need an ID to get food stamps, to collect welfare, to drive, to get on a plane, to work. Who exactly is disenfranchised by having to prove who they are?

Could it be---------------illegals, dead people, multiple time voters? i.e. fraudulent democrat voters?
Paul Manafort, President Trump's former campaign chairman, has been indicted on federal charges that range from conspiracy against the United States to conspiracy to launder money.

Manafort, 68, surrendered himself to federal law enforcement authorities on Monday morning, a Justice Department source tells NPR's Ryan Lucas, representing a new phase of the investigations into figures from Trump's inner circle.

"Manafort is perp walked through the front door of the FBI field office" pic.twitter.com/LQdppFwTeW

— Tom Namako (@TomNamako) October 30, 2017

Both Manafort and Rick Gates, his former campaign deputy, were indicted by a federal grand jury on Friday, according to a news release from the office of Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Gates is 45 years old.

From a Justice Department statement:

"The indictment contains 12 counts: conspiracy against the United States, conspiracy to launder money, unregistered agent of a foreign principal, false and misleading FARA statements, false statements, and seven counts of failure to file reports of foreign bank and financial accounts."

The grand jury's indictment was unsealed on Monday morning, shortly after Manafort was seen entering an FBI field office.

Manafort Surrenders To FBI; Indicted In New Phase Of Mueller Inquiry

Trump fired Manafort as campaign chairman, think this might be the reason?
She is, ever hear of Uranium one?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Isn't that where a Russian company bought a Canadian one in 2009?

Nope, that's where Hillary gave away title to 20% of US uranium to the Russians in exchange for 145M to the Clinton foundation (Clinton bank account) and 500K to Bubba for a 30 minute speech in Moscow.

Nope. It's where a Russian company bought a Canadian company in 2009. Hilary could not give away any titles to US uranium.

Then how did Uranium get exported to Canada without a license and from there who knows where?
Mental midget is worried about uranium when we have an administration that most likely committed treason.

Right, but Obama and Clinton are no longer in office.
Paul Manafort, President Trump's former campaign chairman, has been indicted on federal charges that range from conspiracy against the United States to conspiracy to launder money.

Manafort, 68, surrendered himself to federal law enforcement authorities on Monday morning, a Justice Department source tells NPR's Ryan Lucas, representing a new phase of the investigations into figures from Trump's inner circle.

"Manafort is perp walked through the front door of the FBI field office" pic.twitter.com/LQdppFwTeW

— Tom Namako (@TomNamako) October 30, 2017

Both Manafort and Rick Gates, his former campaign deputy, were indicted by a federal grand jury on Friday, according to a news release from the office of Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Gates is 45 years old.

From a Justice Department statement:

"The indictment contains 12 counts: conspiracy against the United States, conspiracy to launder money, unregistered agent of a foreign principal, false and misleading FARA statements, false statements, and seven counts of failure to file reports of foreign bank and financial accounts."

The grand jury's indictment was unsealed on Monday morning, shortly after Manafort was seen entering an FBI field office.

Manafort Surrenders To FBI; Indicted In New Phase Of Mueller Inquiry

Trump fired Manafort as campaign chairman, think this might be the reason?

yes, funny man... now grand jury wants to know what did trump know and when did he know it.
Paul Manafort, President Trump's former campaign chairman, has been indicted on federal charges that range from conspiracy against the United States to conspiracy to launder money.

Manafort, 68, surrendered himself to federal law enforcement authorities on Monday morning, a Justice Department source tells NPR's Ryan Lucas, representing a new phase of the investigations into figures from Trump's inner circle.

"Manafort is perp walked through the front door of the FBI field office" pic.twitter.com/LQdppFwTeW

— Tom Namako (@TomNamako) October 30, 2017

Both Manafort and Rick Gates, his former campaign deputy, were indicted by a federal grand jury on Friday, according to a news release from the office of Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Gates is 45 years old.

From a Justice Department statement:

"The indictment contains 12 counts: conspiracy against the United States, conspiracy to launder money, unregistered agent of a foreign principal, false and misleading FARA statements, false statements, and seven counts of failure to file reports of foreign bank and financial accounts."

The grand jury's indictment was unsealed on Monday morning, shortly after Manafort was seen entering an FBI field office.

Manafort Surrenders To FBI; Indicted In New Phase Of Mueller Inquiry

Trump fired Manafort as campaign chairman, think this might be the reason?
Why hire him in the first place?
Not one charge that shows Trump and collusion with Russia!

However they have a 2013 tax evasion. If you have to go back that far then it proves that was zero collusion.

Sorry far left Trump will still be president and Hilary will still be a loser!
not yet Kosh and lawyer said if trump tries a pardon he'd be impeached the next day IF ONLY
Not one charge that shows Trump and collusion with Russia!

However they have a 2013 tax evasion. If you have to go back that far then it proves that was zero collusion.

Sorry far left Trump will still be president and Hilary will still be a loser!
not yet Kosh and lawyer said if trump tries a pardon he'd be impeached the next day IF ONLY

See how the far left is wishing that Trump will be removed and Hilary will be instantly made president?

The far left loves to use the impeach word, yet does not understand how that happens!
Not one charge that shows Trump and collusion with Russia!

However they have a 2013 tax evasion. If you have to go back that far then it proves that was zero collusion.

Sorry far left Trump will still be president and Hilary will still be a loser!
not yet Kosh and lawyer said if trump tries a pardon he'd be impeached the next day IF ONLY

See how the far left is wishing that Trump will be removed and Hilary will be instantly made president?

The far left loves to use the impeach word, yet does not understand how that happens!
Let him pardon Manafort and we'll all understand
With public criminal charges against former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort announced Monday morning, this year’s biggest political story—the former FBI director Robert Mueller’s investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election—will enter an important new phase, guided not just by whispers and Twitter wars but by written indictments and the rules of federal evidence.

How to Interpret Mueller’s Charges Against Paul Manafort
But the AH tweets Hillary ?? lol trump is shatting his pants
Not one charge that shows Trump and collusion with Russia!

However they have a 2013 tax evasion. If you have to go back that far then it proves that was zero collusion.

Sorry far left Trump will still be president and Hilary will still be a loser!
not yet Kosh and lawyer said if trump tries a pardon he'd be impeached the next day IF ONLY

See how the far left is wishing that Trump will be removed and Hilary will be instantly made president?

The far left loves to use the impeach word, yet does not understand how that happens!
Let him pardon Manafort and we'll all understand

too bad Obama cant pardon Hillary. too late for that, the criminal bitch will finally be brought to justice, and as a result of a hoax started by her campaign. Karma.

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