Exclusive: First charges filed in Mueller investigation

RATFLMAO! The Moonie rag and Fox News! Must be true!!!

I see Comrade, if it ain't on KOS, you don't believe it.

The jig is up moron, you got caught. You Maoists are corrupt to the core, you always have been. Without Eric Holder or Loretta Lynch to corrupt investigations, your sleazy corruption was bound to be exposed.

You know Comrade, Hillary will never go to jail for this shit. She should, but she is above the law. Lynch though, she may well be headed for a 8' X 8' cell...
Sure, any more fake news you'd like to spread.

Sure. How's this: "Trump is a really nice guy whose is concerned with the welfare of other people and cares not a toss for himself. His only other concern is that people are treated fairly and with honesty."

Half a dozen pieces of fake news in that statement. Being a Deplorable I'm guessing you can't spot even one.

How about this Comrade;

"Trump is a really brash guy who is concerned with the Constitution and stopping the treason of the Stalinist democrats. He won't be pushed around the way Republicans in the past were by the deep state goons."

And THIS is why you hate him.

RATFLMAO! The Moonie rag and Fox News! Must be true!!!

I see Comrade, if it ain't on KOS, you don't believe it.

The jig is up moron, you got caught. You Maoists are corrupt to the core, you always have been. Without Eric Holder or Loretta Lynch to corrupt investigations, your sleazy corruption was bound to be exposed.

You know Comrade, Hillary will never go to jail for this shit. She should, but she is above the law. Lynch though, she may well be headed for a 8' X 8' cell...

NYP on Mueller should resign

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The question is once again, should The Donald pardon Crooked Hillary and will he?

Pardon Hillary Clinton? Doesn't there have to be some kind of indictment and/or conviction first? Oh.....wait.....any day now....any day now....any day now.....
One thing that dumbasses like you don't understand is that lawsuits are common in the construction industry. If Trump made a habit of screwing all his subs, he would never be able to get anyone to bid on his projects. It obviously doesn't happen any more frequently than it does for other general contractors.

I had a friend who had his own company, and he was always having to sue the general contractors. I have a consulting business myself, and getting paid often rquires getting lawyers involved.

Take off the blinder's for God's sake. Were you and your friend sued 3500 times over a five year period?

USA TODAY exclusive: Hundreds allege Donald Trump doesn’t pay his bills

Indeed, Trump is having a tough time getting contractors bid his projects - the word is out!

And how many of those lawsuits were dismissed as frivolous or the plaintiff lost in court or the settlements were minor? How much of this is fabricated or exaggerated by a disgruntled "I hate Trump" media type trying to derail his campaign? The article was 16 months ago.

You don't run a multi-million dollar business enterprise without getting into numerous legal snafus. I can guarantee you that G.E. or General Motors or Nestle or pick your mega corporation of choice had more lawsuits than that. The difference between them and Trump is that none of them were challenging the political status quo or needed to be squashed so another candidate could be coronated.

P.S. President Trump is not involved in any way in the management of his business empire while he is President and none of what happened 16 months ago would have any bearing on the Mueller investigation now.

Most of these lawsuits occurred long before tRump announced his candidacy.

PS: If you seriously believe that Trump is not fully informed and still making decisions on his business empire, then i have a bridge and some swampland you may want to consider!
Hold Your Horses Folks:

Breaking News Bombshell Just Dropped!

This was totally illegal!

Report: FBI Paid For Fusion GPS Steele Dossier Along With Hillary – FBI Paid Steele's Travel Expenses

Yeah, we know.

Comey is up to his neck. That is why the crooked bastard Mueller is pushing this indictment.

Most likely it will be some very low level flunky who worked for Manafort, The absolute best the Stalinists can hope for it that it IS Manafort, but that would be laughed out of court, so it is unlikely.
I'm hearing Manafort cut a deal and will turn informant/states witness against the Podesta Brothers, John and Tony with their Russia collusion. Clinton's friends,the Podestas are the target and will be indicted.

It would be interesting indeed. John Podesta is a registered agent of the Russian Government, but failed to register under FARA until after the election, despite his lobbying on behalf of the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine (ECMU).
Hold Your Horses Folks:

Breaking News Bombshell Just Dropped!

This was totally illegal!

Report: FBI Paid For Fusion GPS Steele Dossier Along With Hillary – FBI Paid Steele's Travel Expenses

Yeah, we know.

Comey is up to his neck. That is why the crooked bastard Mueller is pushing this indictment.

Most likely it will be some very low level flunky who worked for Manafort, The absolute best the Stalinists can hope for it that it IS Manafort, but that would be laughed out of court, so it is unlikely.
I'm hearing Manafort cut a deal and will turn informant/states witness against the Podesta Brothers, John and Tony with their Russia collusion. Clinton's friends,the Podestas are the target and will be indicted.

It would be interesting indeed. John Podesta is a registered agent of the Russian Government, but failed to register under FARA until after the election, despite his lobbying on behalf of the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine (ECMU).
Can't wait till tomorrow morning to find out.
One thing that dumbasses like you don't understand is that lawsuits are common in the construction industry. If Trump made a habit of screwing all his subs, he would never be able to get anyone to bid on his projects. It obviously doesn't happen any more frequently than it does for other general contractors.

I had a friend who had his own company, and he was always having to sue the general contractors. I have a consulting business myself, and getting paid often rquires getting lawyers involved.

Take off the blinder's for God's sake. Were you and your friend sued 3500 times over a five year period?

USA TODAY exclusive: Hundreds allege Donald Trump doesn’t pay his bills

Indeed, Trump is having a tough time getting contractors bid his projects - the word is out!

And how many of those lawsuits were dismissed as frivolous or the plaintiff lost in court or the settlements were minor? How much of this is fabricated or exaggerated by a disgruntled "I hate Trump" media type trying to derail his campaign? The article was 16 months ago.

You don't run a multi-million dollar business enterprise without getting into numerous legal snafus. I can guarantee you that G.E. or General Motors or Nestle or pick your mega corporation of choice had more lawsuits than that. The difference between them and Trump is that none of them were challenging the political status quo or needed to be squashed so another candidate could be coronated.

P.S. President Trump is not involved in any way in the management of his business empire while he is President and none of what happened 16 months ago would have any bearing on the Mueller investigation now.

Most of these lawsuits occurred long before tRump announced his candidacy.

PS: If you seriously believe that Trump is not fully informed and still making decisions on his business empire, then i have a bridge and some swampland you may want to consider!

I know the lawsuits all happened before his announcement of his candidacy as did all the 'dirt' people use to attack or criticize him. As for whether he is being informed of what is going on in his business empire I don't know and you don't know, but if something comes up re the Trump industries and holdings that is a glaring conflict of interest--think Clinton Foundation--I'm sure we will hear about it. I'm sure Trump and/or his team is giving advice to Don Jr. and Eric as to what new ventures could constitute a conflict of interest.

The U.S. government was intended to consist of citizens who would serve for a time and then return home to live under the laws they were responsible for. They were never intended to be professional politicians who make up the permanent political class that we mostly have and that is far more self serving rather than public servants.

If we require every business man to liquidate those businesses or all their interest in those businesses in order to serve in the federal government, we will never get rid of the permanent political class.
Hold Your Horses Folks:

Breaking News Bombshell Just Dropped!

This was totally illegal!

Report: FBI Paid For Fusion GPS Steele Dossier Along With Hillary – FBI Paid Steele's Travel Expenses

Yeah, we know.

Comey is up to his neck. That is why the crooked bastard Mueller is pushing this indictment.

Most likely it will be some very low level flunky who worked for Manafort, The absolute best the Stalinists can hope for it that it IS Manafort, but that would be laughed out of court, so it is unlikely.
I'm hearing Manafort cut a deal and will turn informant/states witness against the Podesta Brothers, John and Tony with their Russia collusion. Clinton's friends,the Podestas are the target and will be indicted.

It would be interesting indeed. John Podesta is a registered agent of the Russian Government, but failed to register under FARA until after the election, despite his lobbying on behalf of the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine (ECMU).
John Podesta is not affilated with Podesta group and isnt subject to Mueller investigation. Its Tony Podesta who is.
Party of Regions (pro putin client in ukraine) hires Manafort, who creates ECMU which then hires Podesta group. Now, there are 13 suspicious manafort wire transfers. Part of a money laundering probe; with possibility of Trump helping Manafort launder money.
How do you know what Fleischer knows. Former WH workers have access to current staffers. They talk all the time. Besides there was more than one source in my link. There are other examples but you’re too lazy to read them.
How can you believe a president who has over 1500 lies documented on his resume but not believe the people working in thexWH who witness this every day?
Doesn’t it shock you that Trump goes stark raving mad screaming,” I hate everyone in the White House.”
I know..Fake News. Yada yada.

What people working in the White House? Your article didn't name any.
That’s just one article numbnuts. As I said I’ve listened to countless stories relayed by respectable journalists that have these staffers on speed dial and talk to them all the time.
The WH is in chaos and many have quit like the Ethics Director who was so appalled by T’s lack of ethics he couldn’t take it anymore.

Yup, and those "respectable" journalists have spent hours making up those stories. Like they say, who needs speed dial when you can make shit up.
I want to respond to this lunacy of yours again. If you really think professional journalists come to work and think what story they make up that day, you have more than a few screws loose. If the boss found that out they’d be fired on the spot. Journalists at the top organizations like the NYT and Washpo make good money and wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize their livelihood.
Trump’s the one lying to you. Funny you haven’t figured that out yet.

Sure, any more fake news you'd like to spread.

How about this Comrade;

"Trump is a really brash guy who is concerned with the Constitution and stopping the treason of the Stalinist democrats. He won't be pushed around the way Republicans in the past were by the deep state goons."

And THIS is why you hate him.
Now Another " No SHIT SHERLOCK HOLMES" moment

GOP Senator: Trump's Remarks About Russia Are 'Too Defensive'

Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH) on Sunday said President Donald Trump is being “too defensive” with his remarks dismissing Russian interference in the 2016 election.
Hold Your Horses Folks:

Breaking News Bombshell Just Dropped!

This was totally illegal!

Report: FBI Paid For Fusion GPS Steele Dossier Along With Hillary – FBI Paid Steele's Travel Expenses

Yeah, we know.

Comey is up to his neck. That is why the crooked bastard Mueller is pushing this indictment.

Most likely it will be some very low level flunky who worked for Manafort, The absolute best the Stalinists can hope for it that it IS Manafort, but that would be laughed out of court, so it is unlikely.
I'm hearing Manafort cut a deal and will turn informant/states witness against the Podesta Brothers, John and Tony with their Russia collusion. Clinton's friends,the Podestas are the target and will be indicted.

It would be interesting indeed. John Podesta is a registered agent of the Russian Government, but failed to register under FARA until after the election, despite his lobbying on behalf of the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine (ECMU).
John Podesta is not affilated with Podesta group and isnt subject to Mueller investigation. Its Tony Podesta who is.
Party of Regions (pro putin client in ukraine) hires Manafort, who creates ECMU which then hires Podesta group. Now, there are 13 suspicious manafort wire transfers. Part of a money laundering probe; with possibility of Trump helping Manafort launder money.

{The Podesta Group is a lobbying and public affairs firm based in Washington, D.C.. It was founded in 1988 by brothers John Podesta and Tony Podesta and has previously been known as Podesta Associates, podesta.com and PodestaMattoon.[1][2][3] The firm most recently reorganized in January 2007 after current Chairman Tony Podesta split with former business partner Dan Mattoon.[3]}

Podesta Group - Wikipedia

Why you tell such absurd and easily refuted lies is a mystery.
How about this Comrade;

"Trump is a really brash guy who is concerned with the Constitution and stopping the treason of the Stalinist democrats. He won't be pushed around the way Republicans in the past were by the deep state goons."

And THIS is why you hate him.
Now Another " No SHIT SHERLOCK HOLMES" moment

GOP Senator: Trump's Remarks About Russia Are 'Too Defensive'

Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH) on Sunday said President Donald Trump is being “too defensive” with his remarks dismissing Russian interference in the 2016 election.
Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH) on Sunday said President Donald Trump is being “too defensive” with his remarks dismissing Russian interference in the 2016 election.

"Too defensive?" :p There is no f*cking evidence of "Russian interference" nor what actually he and his Swamp Rat associates define as "Russian interference." Recall the Swamp Rats originally claimed Russia gave the DNC emails to Wikileaks. But that theory flopped. :p Then the wtich hunt began. :(
The bottom line is Fake News CNN and Fake News MSNBC basically said tomorrow's "indictment" will lead to The Donald's impeachment. I just want to let our democrat friends we will be here to comfort you and help you get through yet another case of butthurtness! But be sure to apply the Prep H as directed!

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