Exclusive: First charges filed in Mueller investigation

Here is what is going to happen, in my opinion. Someone will get Libby'ed. There will be those charged with making false statement but no charges relating to actual Russian collusion.
can we still mock the liberals and their fake news?
Of course liberals must always be mocked.
Beats facing one's own failures, right?
I have to be honest here, while that poor lame reason you gave has no bearing on the mocking of fake news I to say yeah, mocking liberalism makes me feel so much better about myself no matter what my shortcomings may be...I just look at them and think, "there but for the grace of god go I" [even though I'm atheist]
Whatever makes you think that---:badgrin: Mueller had a team raid Manafort's house in July--the only time Manafort knew they were there was when they got him out of bed. They clearly convinced a judge that if notified in advance Manafort would have destroyed evidence, so they obtained a no knock search warrant and hit Manfort's house in the early morning hours while he was sleeping.

You know reading has never killed anyone yet, you might want to try it sometime.
With a Picked Lock and a Threatened Indictment, Mueller’s Inquiry Sets a Tone

Manafort told a friend he was expecting on an indictment.
Paul Manafort Expects to Be Indicted, Longtime Trump Adviser Says
Paul Manafort retroactively registers with Justice Dept. as foreign agent


I am still sticking with Manafort or Flynn or both.

Flynn is in deep s....t. Asking for immunity from prosecution--"stating he has a story to tell", the Senate turned him down, and he pleaded the 5th throughout testimony--they're certain to indict him.
Michael Flynn Offers to Testify Before Congress in Exchange for Immunity
Michael Flynn pleads The Fifth over Russia investigation
Flynn Is Said to Have Talked to Russians About Sanctions Before Trump Took Office
Michael Flynn’s Russian connection
Michael Flynn Was Paid to Represent Turkey’s Interests During Trump Campaign

If either one is indicted, it won't be for "colluding" with the Russians. Whatever happened with that? Indicting them will only be an admission of failure for Mewler.

They're following the money--Russian bank accounts, money laundering, etc. And so it begins.
Manafort Was in Debt to Pro-Russia Interests, Cyprus Records Show

"The money" all came from the Hillary campaign, dumbass.

No the origin of GPS Fusion started with a Republican right wing website called Free Bacon, to do opposition research on Trump. They dropped it after Jeb Bush dropped out, Democrats picked it up, then dropped it, but Christopher Steele thought it important enough to hand over to John McCain who then gave it to Obama, and shortly thereafter Obama kicked out all Russian diplomats.
The Washington Free Beacon says it hired Fusion GPS during 2016 GOP primary - CNNPolitics

But these incoming indictments have
nothing to do with Trump's Dossier file anyway.

What the Trump campaign never realised is that they were being monitored and watched by several different foreign intelligence agencies since 2015. READ THIS
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

So the next time the right wing starts spinning a story around Uranium One & Hillary paid for the Dossier file, you count on something very big is going to happen along the Russian investigation.

But don't worry they'll be there for you on Monday morning to wipe your tears and help you blow your noses, and they'll have a brand new conspiracy story for you all to feed off of for a couple of days, until Mueller does something else.



No no no! Steele himself gave the dossier to the FBI in July 2016. FBI gave to Congress & Obama after verifying.

Retard, Steel was spewing bullshit fed to him by the Kremlin, paid for by Hillary and Comey.
Ari Fleischer is speculating, not testifying about anything he has witnessed. Where are your sources?
How do you know what Fleischer knows. Former WH workers have access to current staffers. They talk all the time. Besides there was more than one source in my link. There are other examples but you’re too lazy to read them.
How can you believe a president who has over 1500 lies documented on his resume but not believe the people working in thexWH who witness this every day?
Doesn’t it shock you that Trump goes stark raving mad screaming,” I hate everyone in the White House.”
I know..Fake News. Yada yada.

What people working in the White House? Your article didn't name any.
That’s just one article numbnuts. As I said I’ve listened to countless stories relayed by respectable journalists that have these staffers on speed dial and talk to them all the time.
The WH is in chaos and many have quit like the Ethics Director who was so appalled by T’s lack of ethics he couldn’t take it anymore.

Yup, and those "respectable" journalists have spent hours making up those stories. Like they say, who needs speed dial when you can make shit up.
I want to respond to this lunacy of yours again. If you really think professional journalists come to work and think what story they make up that day, you have more than a few screws loose. If the boss found that out they’d be fired on the spot. Journalists at the top organizations like the NYT and Washpo make good money and wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize their livelihood.
Trump’s the one lying to you. Funny you haven’t figured that out yet.

Sure, any more fake news you'd like to spread.

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Robert Mueller’s Office Will Serve First Indictment Monday, Source Confirms

Mueller's office will serve first indictment Monday, source says

Add NBC to the list confirming CNN's exclusive. This took awhile.

Did Mueller felonious leak to NBC as well?
The leaks are probably coming from the White House, just like all the others.

No White House in history has leaked as bad


The leaks are a cry for help!
There’s a lot of truth in that. The morale of those who work in the WH is below ground level. They’re appalled how incompetent and unstable T is. He’s been yelling,” I hate everyone in the WH.” Thst doesn’t make for a good work environment.
The leaks are coming from concerned citizens afraid of what T is doing to the country. Many have resigned in disgust. Those that remain feel it’s their obligation to the American people to let them know what’s REALLY happening.
You post is composed entirely of made-up bullshit.
I NEVER make up ANYTHING. I know honesty is something you can’t relate to. You’re just fit to be tied because you know so little of what’s really happening. Is Fox and your favorite bloggers carrying stories of the climate inside the WH? ?
I bet not.
That’s why you don’t know anything and get agitated by those who do.

You never post anything you didn't get from a leftist hate site like KOS, ThinkHatred, or CNN.

Virtually nothing you post here is true or accurate, and you know it.
Hold Your Horses Folks:

Breaking News Bombshell Just Dropped!

This was totally illegal!

Report: FBI Paid For Fusion GPS Steele Dossier Along With Hillary – FBI Paid Steele's Travel Expenses

Yeah, we know.

Comey is up to his neck. That is why the crooked bastard Mueller is pushing this indictment.

Most likely it will be some very low level flunky who worked for Manafort, The absolute best the Stalinists can hope for it that it IS Manafort, but that would be laughed out of court, so it is unlikely.
Sure, any more fake news you'd like to spread.

Sure. How's this: "Trump is a really nice guy whose is concerned with the welfare of other people and cares not a toss for himself. His only other concern is that people are treated fairly and with honesty."

Half a dozen pieces of fake news in that statement. Being a Deplorable I'm guessing you can't spot even one.
Hold Your Horses Folks:

Breaking News Bombshell Just Dropped!

This was totally illegal!

Report: FBI Paid For Fusion GPS Steele Dossier Along With Hillary – FBI Paid Steele's Travel Expenses

Yeah, we know.

Comey is up to his neck. That is why the crooked bastard Mueller is pushing this indictment.

Most likely it will be some very low level flunky who worked for Manafort, The absolute best the Stalinists can hope for it that it IS Manafort, but that would be laughed out of court, so it is unlikely.
I'm hearing Manafort cut a deal and will turn informant/states witness against the Podesta Brothers, John and Tony with their Russia collusion. Clinton's friends,the Podestas are the target and will be indicted.
Sure, any more fake news you'd like to spread.

Sure. How's this: "Trump is a really nice guy whose is concerned with the welfare of other people and cares not a toss for himself. His only other concern is that people are treated fairly and with honesty."

Half a dozen pieces of fake news in that statement. Being a Deplorable I'm guessing you can't spot even one.

I am surprised and shocked, I would have guessed by now a dumbass liberal would realize they have no clue of what the definition of honesty actually is. Take a look at the Democrat party.
I am surprised and shocked, I would have guessed by now a dumbass liberal would realize they have no clue of what the definition of honesty actually is. Take a look at the Democrat party.

Lucky I'm not a liberal, eh? The Dems like the GoP are dinosaurs. But whatever they are, the answer is definitely not The Orange Buffoon.
I am surprised and shocked, I would have guessed by now a dumbass liberal would realize they have no clue of what the definition of honesty actually is. Take a look at the Democrat party.

Lucky I'm not a liberal, eh? The Dems like the GoP are dinosaurs. But whatever they are, the answer is definitely not The Orange Buffoon.

Yes, the Dems and the GOP are dinosaurs. The only answer is Trump. Every other candidate that ran about a year ago would have promoted the same ol BS, allowing politicians to continue doing what they have for the last 20-30 years(?).
Yes, the Dems and the GOP are dinosaurs. The only answer is Trump. Every other candidate that ran about a year ago would have promoted the same ol BS, allowing politicians to continue doing what they have for the last 20-30 years(?).

A change was needed. But Trump is a disgrace and was not the answer...
Sure, any more fake news you'd like to spread.

Sure. How's this: "Trump is a really nice guy whose is concerned with the welfare of other people and cares not a toss for himself. His only other concern is that people are treated fairly and with honesty."

Half a dozen pieces of fake news in that statement. Being a Deplorable I'm guessing you can't spot even one.
Is there a Dim who fits that description? None that I know of. Certainly not Hillary.

What's your point?
I am surprised and shocked, I would have guessed by now a dumbass liberal would realize they have no clue of what the definition of honesty actually is. Take a look at the Democrat party.

Lucky I'm not a liberal, eh? The Dems like the GoP are dinosaurs. But whatever they are, the answer is definitely not The Orange Buffoon.
Of course you are a liberal.
Yes, the Dems and the GOP are dinosaurs. The only answer is Trump. Every other candidate that ran about a year ago would have promoted the same ol BS, allowing politicians to continue doing what they have for the last 20-30 years(?).

A change was needed. But Trump is a disgrace and was not the answer...
Yeah, we needed yet another polite Open Borders, Globalist.
Unless, of course, you're a parasite or make money from cheap labor.
Yes, the Dems and the GOP are dinosaurs. The only answer is Trump. Every other candidate that ran about a year ago would have promoted the same ol BS, allowing politicians to continue doing what they have for the last 20-30 years(?).

A change was needed. But Trump is a disgrace and was not the answer...
Is there any politician who could rightly be called "the answer?" Certainly no one you would vote for qualifies.
Is there a Dim who fits that description? None that I know of. Certainly not Hillary.

What's your point?

Hillary wouldn't have been my first choice simply because of her perceived bagged. Note, I say perceived. I reality she has very little. Only in neocon whackadoodle land does she have any. However, I dunno, maybe Rubio or Katisch. Maybe even Sanders if he actually meant what he said.

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