EXCLUSIVE: Hot fusion breakthrough only “allowed” because of COLD FUSION (LENR) revolution now under way


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2020
This is an interesting article & points to the fact that fusion technology with net gain isn't brand new.
Our govt has been suppressing a new clean energy source in order to squeeze out as much mileage from the petrodollar as they can.
They are allowing hot fusion to go forward now because they can see the cold fusion innovators making real breakthroughs & they can't have that.

If hot fusion competes with cold fusion, it's like Edison vs Tesla.
They both are clean, producing excess heat with no waste but it's the difference between something so large scale & expensive it has to be controlled by a partnership of business & govt (fascism) & something that can be scaled to individual vehicle & household size for very little money.
Hot fusion is Big Brother control while cold fusion is freedom & real prosperity.


Without oil and the petrodollar status being recognized by OPEC countries, the dollar loses its standing as the world reserve currency. Put another way, if hot fusion is allowed to replace hydrocarbon energy, dollar hegemony collapses and the US empire no longer wields its most powerful weapon for global coercion:

Lockheed Martin’s patent US20180047462A1 for a compact hot fusion reactor that fits on a tractor trailer​

In 2018, weapons manufacturer Lockheed Martin patented a compact hot fusion reactor. You can see the patent here. This invention was covered by TheDrive.com (and other news publishers), which stated the invention has been pursued quietly:

Lockheed Martin has quietly obtained a patent associated with its design for a potentially revolutionary compact fusion reactor, or CFR. If this project has been progressing on schedule, the company could debut a prototype system that size of shipping container, but capable of powering a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier or 80,000 homes, sometime in the next year or so.


The introduction of cheap hot fusion energy will topple the oil economy and eventually destroy dollar dominance, leaving the US with no special advantage in the world’s geopolitical chess game. Importantly, it would also allow for large-scale desalination programs in Africa and other continents that could provide abundant, affordable irrigation water to dramatically increase global food production in developing nations by transforming deserts into farmlands.

Without the threat of climate lockdowns and climate compliance, authoritarian regimes would lose yet another tool for social control and obedience enforcement. This is why they don’t want a global transition to fusion energy to happen to quickly (even though it is a lot like trying to stop a high speed freight train…) However, as the transition inevitably takes place, globalist governments absolutely want to maintain control over fusion technology so they can decide who gets to benefit from it and from whom the tech must be withheld.

Understanding the basics of cold fusion (LENR)​

The reason this story is labeled “exclusive” is because this author has special access to information about the LENR industry that is not yet publicly known, nor is it covered by the controlled corporate media. There are powerful, deep-pocketed forces at work right now launching the LENR industry into practical, real-world commercialization. The science is proven and the prototypes produce over-unity net energy gains that actually outpace the net energy increase of hot fusion.

Cold fusion was first demonstrated in 1989 by Fleishman and Pons at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City. It was quickly and viciously attacked by the same scientific community that more recently claimed masks and vaccines are all safe and effective. The goal was to destroy and discredit the entire cold fusion community and delay its introduction for decades while the US empire developed hot fusion tech that could be centralized and controlled (i.e. wielded as a weapon of control and engineered scarcity when desired).

The effort succeeded. Cold fusion was verboten for at least a decade, but research picked back up in the early 2000s and has accelerated ever since. To date, hundreds of laboratories around the world have replicated cold fusion experiments, including the United States Navy.

Yep. It's like a cheap cure for cancer; the patents will be bought and buried by big companies who would be out of business if such a tragedy ever hit the markets, if they haven't already done that. Meanwhile all the GOP shills are running Pity Parties for multi-national pirate syndicates and pretending Presidents can tell them what to do n stuff. And of course Democrats never saw a bribe they would turn down, especially if it was from pedoes and deviants. Both sell tax breaks and govt. subsidies to the billionaire clubs.
This is an interesting article & points to the fact that fusion technology with net gain isn't brand new.
Our govt has been suppressing a new clean energy source in order to squeeze out as much mileage from the petrodollar as they can.
They are allowing hot fusion to go forward now because they can see the cold fusion innovators making real breakthroughs & they can't have that.

If hot fusion competes with cold fusion, it's like Edison vs Tesla.
They both are clean, producing excess heat with no waste but it's the difference between something so large scale & expensive it has to be controlled by a partnership of business & govt (fascism) & something that can be scaled to individual vehicle & household size for very little money.
Hot fusion is Big Brother control while cold fusion is freedom & real prosperity.


Without oil and the petrodollar status being recognized by OPEC countries, the dollar loses its standing as the world reserve currency. Put another way, if hot fusion is allowed to replace hydrocarbon energy, dollar hegemony collapses and the US empire no longer wields its most powerful weapon for global coercion:

Lockheed Martin’s patent US20180047462A1 for a compact hot fusion reactor that fits on a tractor trailer​

In 2018, weapons manufacturer Lockheed Martin patented a compact hot fusion reactor. You can see the patent here. This invention was covered by TheDrive.com (and other news publishers), which stated the invention has been pursued quietly:

Lockheed Martin has quietly obtained a patent associated with its design for a potentially revolutionary compact fusion reactor, or CFR. If this project has been progressing on schedule, the company could debut a prototype system that size of shipping container, but capable of powering a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier or 80,000 homes, sometime in the next year or so.


The introduction of cheap hot fusion energy will topple the oil economy and eventually destroy dollar dominance, leaving the US with no special advantage in the world’s geopolitical chess game. Importantly, it would also allow for large-scale desalination programs in Africa and other continents that could provide abundant, affordable irrigation water to dramatically increase global food production in developing nations by transforming deserts into farmlands.

Without the threat of climate lockdowns and climate compliance, authoritarian regimes would lose yet another tool for social control and obedience enforcement. This is why they don’t want a global transition to fusion energy to happen to quickly (even though it is a lot like trying to stop a high speed freight train…) However, as the transition inevitably takes place, globalist governments absolutely want to maintain control over fusion technology so they can decide who gets to benefit from it and from whom the tech must be withheld.

Understanding the basics of cold fusion (LENR)​

The reason this story is labeled “exclusive” is because this author has special access to information about the LENR industry that is not yet publicly known, nor is it covered by the controlled corporate media. There are powerful, deep-pocketed forces at work right now launching the LENR industry into practical, real-world commercialization. The science is proven and the prototypes produce over-unity net energy gains that actually outpace the net energy increase of hot fusion.

Cold fusion was first demonstrated in 1989 by Fleishman and Pons at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City. It was quickly and viciously attacked by the same scientific community that more recently claimed masks and vaccines are all safe and effective. The goal was to destroy and discredit the entire cold fusion community and delay its introduction for decades while the US empire developed hot fusion tech that could be centralized and controlled (i.e. wielded as a weapon of control and engineered scarcity when desired).

The effort succeeded. Cold fusion was verboten for at least a decade, but research picked back up in the early 2000s and has accelerated ever since. To date, hundreds of laboratories around the world have replicated cold fusion experiments, including the United States Navy.

What cold fusion revolution?
What cold fusion revolution?


This mess belongs in conspiracy theories ... nothing here but "gubbermint bad" ... but I digress ...

The State-of-the-Science is what little research that has been done is inconclusive ... there's enough evidence for further research, but no one's doing it ... helpful would be a theoretical basis for cold fusion ... I don't think the Standard Model allows for such, and the Standard Model is proven robust ... the example I remember was pumping 50,000 VDC through ultra pure graphite for weeks ... and somehow a few micrograms of iron showed up ... that's not supposed to happen ... if that's what the OP means, he needs to switch his prescription to "sativa" for a change ...

... but "gubbermint bad" ...
The effort succeeded. Cold fusion was verboten for at least a decade, but research picked back up in the early 2000s and has accelerated ever since. To date, hundreds of laboratories around the world have replicated cold fusion experiments, including the United States Navy.

The research along that line doesn't get the Big Bux and huge tax incentives bogus scams like EV's and wind generators get, so the labs doing it are limited to their pocket change for budgets. Corporations and agencies and university labs they influence determine who gets grants and who doesn't.
The research along that line doesn't get the Big Bux and huge tax incentives bogus scams like EV's and wind generators get, so the labs doing it are limited to their pocket change for budgets. Corporations and agencies and university labs they influence determine who gets grants and who doesn't.

That shouldn't stop people from publishing the theoretical basis for cold fusion ... there are smart people in Europe and East Asia ... how many millions of people are active in this supposed cover-up? ...
Cold fusion was first demonstrated in 1989 by Fleishman and Pons at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City. It was quickly and viciously attacked by the same scientific community
Cold fusion was first demonstrated in 1989 by Fleishman and Pons at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City. It was quickly and viciously attacked by the same scientific community

ya I remember when this happened And byu never let U of U never forget it either. Reminded them at every football and basketball game. LOL
Cold fusion was first demonstrated in 1989 by Fleishman and Pons at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City. It was quickly and viciously attacked by the same scientific community

ya I remember when this happened And byu never let U of U never forget it either. Reminded them at every football and basketball game. LOL

No one could duplicate the experiment, so Fleishman et. al. rescinded the paper ... so it's fair to assume the OP is uneducated in such matters ... the problem seems to be the lab assistents were keeping their hot cups of coffee next to the set-up and/or heating up their lunches in the burner assembly ... and that's where the extra temperature came from ...

The Utes are Pac-10 ... do you think BYU will get an invite? ...
No one could duplicate the experiment, so Fleishman et. al. rescinded the paper ... so it's fair to assume the OP is uneducated in such matters ... the problem seems to be the lab assistents were keeping their hot cups of coffee next to the set-up and/or heating up their lunches in the burner assembly ... and that's where the extra temperature came from ...

The Utes are Pac-10 ... do you think BYU will get an invite? ...
No byu just got admitted into the big12.... and they'll probably get their butts kicked
5 schools in the top 10 in BB.... wow
That shouldn't stop people from publishing the theoretical basis for cold fusion ... there are smart people in Europe and East Asia ... how many millions of people are active in this supposed cover-up? ...

Several physicists besides Mill have been doing more research on it; it's still a thing.
This is an interesting article & points to the fact that fusion technology with net gain isn't brand new.
Our govt has been suppressing a new clean energy source in order to squeeze out as much mileage from the petrodollar as they can.
They are allowing hot fusion to go forward now because they can see the cold fusion innovators making real breakthroughs & they can't have that.

If hot fusion competes with cold fusion, it's like Edison vs Tesla.
They both are clean, producing excess heat with no waste but it's the difference between something so large scale & expensive it has to be controlled by a partnership of business & govt (fascism) & something that can be scaled to individual vehicle & household size for very little money.
Hot fusion is Big Brother control while cold fusion is freedom & real prosperity.


Without oil and the petrodollar status being recognized by OPEC countries, the dollar loses its standing as the world reserve currency. Put another way, if hot fusion is allowed to replace hydrocarbon energy, dollar hegemony collapses and the US empire no longer wields its most powerful weapon for global coercion:

Lockheed Martin’s patent US20180047462A1 for a compact hot fusion reactor that fits on a tractor trailer​

In 2018, weapons manufacturer Lockheed Martin patented a compact hot fusion reactor. You can see the patent here. This invention was covered by TheDrive.com (and other news publishers), which stated the invention has been pursued quietly:

Lockheed Martin has quietly obtained a patent associated with its design for a potentially revolutionary compact fusion reactor, or CFR. If this project has been progressing on schedule, the company could debut a prototype system that size of shipping container, but capable of powering a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier or 80,000 homes, sometime in the next year or so.


The introduction of cheap hot fusion energy will topple the oil economy and eventually destroy dollar dominance, leaving the US with no special advantage in the world’s geopolitical chess game. Importantly, it would also allow for large-scale desalination programs in Africa and other continents that could provide abundant, affordable irrigation water to dramatically increase global food production in developing nations by transforming deserts into farmlands.

Without the threat of climate lockdowns and climate compliance, authoritarian regimes would lose yet another tool for social control and obedience enforcement. This is why they don’t want a global transition to fusion energy to happen to quickly (even though it is a lot like trying to stop a high speed freight train…) However, as the transition inevitably takes place, globalist governments absolutely want to maintain control over fusion technology so they can decide who gets to benefit from it and from whom the tech must be withheld.

Understanding the basics of cold fusion (LENR)​

The reason this story is labeled “exclusive” is because this author has special access to information about the LENR industry that is not yet publicly known, nor is it covered by the controlled corporate media. There are powerful, deep-pocketed forces at work right now launching the LENR industry into practical, real-world commercialization. The science is proven and the prototypes produce over-unity net energy gains that actually outpace the net energy increase of hot fusion.

Cold fusion was first demonstrated in 1989 by Fleishman and Pons at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City. It was quickly and viciously attacked by the same scientific community that more recently claimed masks and vaccines are all safe and effective. The goal was to destroy and discredit the entire cold fusion community and delay its introduction for decades while the US empire developed hot fusion tech that could be centralized and controlled (i.e. wielded as a weapon of control and engineered scarcity when desired).

The effort succeeded. Cold fusion was verboten for at least a decade, but research picked back up in the early 2000s and has accelerated ever since. To date, hundreds of laboratories around the world have replicated cold fusion experiments, including the United States Navy.

Where do they harvest plasma from? Fission is viable and ready to go right now.
That was my understanding ... would you happen to know the theory behind these experiments? ...

One of the Navy labs, for one, they have been studying variations of it for years, others can be found on Google. The LENR research is a real thing.
One of the Navy labs, for one, they have been studying variations of it for years, others can be found on Google. The LENR research is a real thing.

Yes, it is real ... and Google doesn't provide "textbook" answers ... I was hoping someone had a textbook ...
Yes, it is real ... and Google doesn't provide "textbook" answers ... I was hoping someone had a textbook ...

Don't know of any textbooks for science that is just in research phases, just tabloid crap like the old Omni Magazine and Coast To Coast AM. lol
Don't know of any textbooks for science that is just in research phases, just tabloid crap like the old Omni Magazine and Coast To Coast AM. lol

I'm glad someone is looking in to this ... there's a number of experiments that remain inexplicable ... I just remember the one with the iron, yeah, iron's not supposed to be there, more research is always better ...

The OP makes it sounds like we have full underground factories pumping this stuff out ... if real, we're a decade or two away ... and I want to arc-weld today ...
I'm glad someone is looking in to this ... there's a number of experiments that remain inexplicable ... I just remember the one with the iron, yeah, iron's not supposed to be there, more research is always better ...

The OP makes it sounds like we have full underground factories pumping this stuff out ... if real, we're a decade or two away ... and I want to arc-weld today ...

We're going a lot of directions at once on energy. Texas is building two huge hydrogen plants, heavily subsidized. currently. I actually hope they find a cheap way to make it, since it wouldn't require new transport technology, we could stay with IC engines, and avoid those increasingly expensive lithium batteries. But we'll see.
We're going a lot of directions at once on energy. Texas is building two huge hydrogen plants, heavily subsidized. currently. I actually hope they find a cheap way to make it, since it wouldn't require new transport technology, we could stay with IC engines, and avoid those increasingly expensive lithium batteries. But we'll see.

Use hydrogen for IC engines?

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