EXCLUSIVE: House Republicans Demand Full, Unedited Transcript From Biden-Ghani Phone Call


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
It needs to be released. But the damage has been done. Biden is despicable.

A group of House Republicans sent a Thursday letter to President Joe Biden demanding a full unedited transcript from his phone call with then Afghan President Ashraf Ghani, where he reportedly encouraged him to convince the world that his government was holding its own against the Taliban.
The letter was spearheaded by New York Rep. Claudia Tenney and was signed by 26 other House Republicans. In it, the lawmakers blasted Biden’s handling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan after 13 U.S. service members were killed in a terror attack at the Kabul airport and call and demand Biden release the full, unedited and unredacted transcripts of his July 23 conversation with Ghani to the public.
Biden urged Ghani to convince the world they had the Taliban under control, mentioning the importance of “perception” when it came to the Afghan Security Forces and the government’s ability to prevent the Taliban from overthrowing the country, Reuters reported.
A transcript of the call released by Reuters outlined the July 23 phone call during which Biden pressured Ghani to “change perception” by adopting a new military strategy to the public.
“In the period leading up to the withdrawal, your administration made a series of false assurances to the American people and our allies regarding the situation on the ground. The contrast between your Administration’s official spin and the reality on the ground revealed a bewildering lack of coherence, strategy, and fundamental transparency. It appeared repeatedly as if your Administration was engaging in a deliberate effort to conceal the truth and mislead the American public. On August 31, new evidence emerged that suggests this is exactly what you have been doing since the start of this operation,” the letter reads.
“A troubling new revelation arose that demands immediate explanation. Reuters released excerpts from a July 23 conversation between yourself and Afghan President Ashraf Ghani in which you reportedly pressure Ghani to ‘project a different picture’ than the reality on the ground ‘whether it is true or not.’ The transcripts also indicate that you promised to provide air support to the Afghan military, a vow you never fulfilled,” the lawmakers continued.
Watch the usual suspects howl and cry that this is illegal while demanding all the phone records of Republican Congressmen. Hypocrisy wears a Democrat white hood.
The Russian collusion hoax was a total lie. Chaos Biden really did badger the professor from John's Hopkins to lie. Sorry, that would be associate professor.
The transcripts also indicate that you promised to provide air support to the Afghan military, a vow you never fulfilled
Executive privilege, remember!! It all comes back to yous. tramp used it all the time.
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Republicans love investigations, just as long as it is them not being investigated.
Trump released his transcript. If Biden has nothing to hide why won t he do the same? Families of the 13 dead soldiers want to know.

Truth over Facts
Biden did, moron.
September 1, 2021
“I need not tell you the perception around the world and in parts of Afghanistan, I believe, is that things aren’t going well in terms of the fight against the Taliban,” Biden told Ghani, according to excerpts of the 14-minute phone call obtained by Reuters that was authenticated by audio from the call. “And there’s a need, whether it is true or not, there is a need to project a different picture.”

In the phone call, Biden committed to providing continued U.S. assistance to the Afghan army if Ghani could demonstrate a plan and told his Afghan counterpart that his army is superior to the Taliban.

“You clearly have the best military,” Biden told Ghani, according to the Reuters transcript. “You have 300,000 well-armed forces versus 70-80,000, and they’re clearly capable of fighting well. We will continue to provide close air support if we know what the plan is and what we are doing. And all the way through the end of August, and who knows what after that.”

'Trump released his transcript'.

Trump did not, other people did.

Trump refused when ask to provide information on the Russian collusion investigation I doubt Biden complies.
hahah what are you talking about? he was completely open, never once even claiming executive privilege

moreover, the impeachment hoax of a phone call, he demanded the transcript actually be released…which exposed Adam Shifty’s parody
It needs to be released. But the damage has been done. Biden is despicable.

A group of House Republicans sent a Thursday letter to President Joe Biden demanding a full unedited transcript from his phone call with then Afghan President Ashraf Ghani, where he reportedly encouraged him to convince the world that his government was holding its own against the Taliban.
The letter was spearheaded by New York Rep. Claudia Tenney and was signed by 26 other House Republicans. In it, the lawmakers blasted Biden’s handling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan after 13 U.S. service members were killed in a terror attack at the Kabul airport and call and demand Biden release the full, unedited and unredacted transcripts of his July 23 conversation with Ghani to the public.
Biden urged Ghani to convince the world they had the Taliban under control, mentioning the importance of “perception” when it came to the Afghan Security Forces and the government’s ability to prevent the Taliban from overthrowing the country, Reuters reported.
A transcript of the call released by Reuters outlined the July 23 phone call during which Biden pressured Ghani to “change perception” by adopting a new military strategy to the public.
“In the period leading up to the withdrawal, your administration made a series of false assurances to the American people and our allies regarding the situation on the ground. The contrast between your Administration’s official spin and the reality on the ground revealed a bewildering lack of coherence, strategy, and fundamental transparency. It appeared repeatedly as if your Administration was engaging in a deliberate effort to conceal the truth and mislead the American public. On August 31, new evidence emerged that suggests this is exactly what you have been doing since the start of this operation,” the letter reads.
“A troubling new revelation arose that demands immediate explanation. Reuters released excerpts from a July 23 conversation between yourself and Afghan President Ashraf Ghani in which you reportedly pressure Ghani to ‘project a different picture’ than the reality on the ground ‘whether it is true or not.’ The transcripts also indicate that you promised to provide air support to the Afghan military, a vow you never fulfilled,” the lawmakers continued.
Biden's handlers will never give that up no matter who says otherwise.

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