EXCLUSIVE: ICE Agent Faces Suspension For Arresting Illegal Alien


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
EXCLUSIVE: ICE Agent Faces Suspension For Arresting Illegal Alien

A veteran Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent is facing suspension after he refused to release an illegal immigrant who was not considered a priority target under the Obama Administration’s new immigration enforcement policies, according to documents provided exclusively to Fox News.

“They’re punishing law enforcement officers who are just trying to uphold U.S. law,” said Chris Crane, president of the National ICE Council. Crane is a union representative acting on the unidentified officer’s behalf.

The officer under fire is an 18-year law enforcement and military veteran.

On March 27 he and another officer were conducting surveillance on a vehicle in Newark, Del. with plates that were registered to a criminal alien target. During the surveillance, they observed an individual get into the vehicle. The person was detained, questioned and taken to an ICE office so that his fingerprints could be run through a federal database.

The individual was not their criminal alien target. However, he was a 35-year-old illegal immigrant from Mexico who had ten previous traffic violations – including driving without a license.

“The officer made the determination using prosecutorial discretion that he would charge (the suspect) as being in the United States illegally and let the judge sort it out,” Crane said.
“That’s our place in the universe,” he said. “We’re supposed to make arrests and let the judges and the legal system sort through the details.”

Instead, two supervising officers, including the acting field director, intervened and ordered the officer to release the illegal immigrant. The acting field director sat down with the illegal and explained that he was going to be let go because he was not a “presidential priority,” Crane said.

As a result of disobeying the order to release a known criminal, the officer faces a three-day suspension and could ultimately lose his job and pension if he arrests another illegal not on the Obama administration’s priority list.

“They’re willing to take away their retirement, their job, their ability to support their families in favor of someone who is here illegally and violating our laws,
” Crane told Fox News. “Right now (the Obama administration) is standing in the way of us enforcing the law by either taking a disciplinary action, threats of disciplinary action, or refusing to sign off on charging documents to put an illegal alien into immigration proceedings so a judge can sort it out.”
An ICE spokesman did not return multiple calls seeking comment.

Ironically, the illegal alien in this particular incident was given better treatment than an American citizen would have been in similar circumstances.

A spokesman for the Newark Police Dept. told Fox News that if an American had been stopped on the same charges – they would have been put in jail.

EXCLUSIVE: ICE Agent Faces Suspension For Arresting Illegal Alien | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes
Wow, Obama is so tough on immigration, lets see those stats liberals toss out, that are utterly rediculous...
Let's see. Crossing the border illegally, 10 traffic violations, driving without a license, You can go. Hey Yank, YOU'RE goin' to jail!
A veteran Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent is facing suspension after he refused to release an illegal immigrant who was not considered a priority target under the Obama Administration’s new immigration enforcement policies, according to documents provided exclusively to Fox News.
Punished for doing his job...Welcome to The Obama America.

The individual was not their criminal alien target. However, he was a 35-year-old illegal immigrant from Mexico who had ten previous traffic violations – including driving without a license.
In an Obama America: 10 traffic violations + no license to drive = No threat.

Apparently this Third World trash needs to kill someone before he can be booted out.
The individual was not their criminal alien target.

No, they released an illegal alien. There is no criminal offense in being in this country illegally.

“They’re willing to take away their retirement, their job, their ability to support their families in favor of someone who is here illegally and violating our laws,[/B]” Crane told Fox News.

Actually, it probably has more to do with failure to obey instructions. Insubordination never gets you very far, whatever job you have.

Ironically, the illegal alien in this particular incident was given better treatment than an American citizen would have been in similar circumstances.

No, and American citizen would have been released, as having not committed any crime.

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