EXCLUSIVE: Joe Biden's son emailed shop owner

There's no such thing as "legitimate media."
Of course their is. The fact that you don’t believe it shows how easily manipulated you are. Authoritarians always go after the media first, makes it easier to control the masses.
Who is this "legitimate media," the NYT?

Don't make me laugh.
It ain’t a right wing tabloid owned and operated by one of Trump’s buddies.
Right. It's a leftwing rag owned and operated by Hillary and Biden's buddies.
There's no such thing as "legitimate media."
Of course their is. The fact that you don’t believe it shows how easily manipulated you are. Authoritarians always go after the media first, makes it easier to control the masses.
Who is this "legitimate media," the NYT?

Don't make me laugh.
It ain’t a right wing tabloid owned and operated by one of Trump’s buddies.
Right. It's a leftwing rag owned and operated by Hillary and Biden's buddies.
Are you dumb or just a liar?
There's no such thing as "legitimate media."
Of course their is. The fact that you don’t believe it shows how easily manipulated you are. Authoritarians always go after the media first, makes it easier to control the masses.
Who is this "legitimate media," the NYT?

Don't make me laugh.
It ain’t a right wing tabloid owned and operated by one of Trump’s buddies.
Right. It's a leftwing rag owned and operated by Hillary and Biden's buddies.
Are you dumb or just a liar?
The signed contract stated the pc becomes his if abandoned.
Pedophilia on the other hand is ALWAYS a felony despite any signed paperwork
All I’m saying is if there were any illegal pictures or videos on that laptop, the owner of the shop would have to be out of his damn mind to make a copy and keep for himself because he would be guilty of a felony for doing so.
He supposedly turned it over so I don't see your point AT ALL.

There is no doubt that if this is real then he did the right thing to protect himself and his family.
He supposedly kept a copy to give to Rudy. That means he kept child porn for himself. That’s a felony.
Really? Someone drops off a laptop to be fixed, never comes back, and the shop owner is responsible for what is on the laptop?

Cite the statute saying that.
Well we've all had 4 years of this.
4 years of what? We got answers to Russian involvement in 2016.

This is timed specifically so that we don’t get the truth. Rudy isn’t letting anyone see or validate it. They’re going through highly partisan, non-journalist media.

In the interest of intellectual honesty you aren't being truthful here. There was nothing to the Russian crap. If the "Left" had an October Surprise you'd be all in. This is how the game is played, I am not condoning it but BOTH sides play it. Rump isn't a good man. Neither is Biden, Joe is a crooked, ugly man pretending to be pure as the driven snow. He is every bit the asshole Rump is. He is a crooked grifter and a liar. They ALL are.
Nothing to the Russian crap? We have a metric ton of evidence that Russia hacked the DNC and Podesta to help Trump.

They are not all crooks. Cynicism is a cancer in the country.
Post that evidence.
The senile, pedophile crimina Biden apologists keep trying to claim that the hard drive is fabricated. What better proof could you have that it's genuine than an email from Hunter asking for it to be returned?

Are you a paid agent of Putin? You have no evidence to prove anything in this OP. You're a damn liar.

Why is this OP not put in the Rubber Room? Or better yet, shit canned?

Are you a paid agent of China? The very actors who are being accused are not denying any of it. Why are you permitted to even post here?

What a crock, this is not evidence, its speculation and there is nothing to prove anything I've heard
that is probative.

Wray just sat on it. He didn't investigate anything. The "Russian disinformation" meme is a diversion. It has nothing to do with this. There's no evidence that any Russians are involved.
Except for the fact that this is exactly what the FBI was saying could happen. They warned us that Rudy is hanging around Russian agents and being fed disinformation. They warned Trump that anything coming from Rudy should be considered tainted.
Link to this warning?
Fire Wray If He Doesn’t Turn Over Biden Laptop Info Immediately.
If Christopher Wray does not turn over all information about the laptop that belonged to Hunter Biden requested by Senate Homeland Security chair Ron Johnson within twenty-four hours, Wray should be summarily fired by the president and be replaced by an Acting FBI Director who will do the job like Richard Grenell.
That Wray and company have been sitting on this evidence since 2019 is beyond unconscionable.
Let's see if Wray knew about it before we rush to judgement.
That they were doing it during an impeachment trial relevant to the details that are on that laptop’s hard drive borders on the criminal, indeed crosses that border morally, if not legally.
Anyone who collaborated to withhold evidence should be immediately termed.
The FBI has been living under a cloud for years now because of the demonstrably politically tainted Mueller investigation into Trump-Russia collusion that never existed as well as the related attempt to frame General Michael Flynn. (The 302s that made this clear had to be forced out of the FBI with a metaphorical bunker buster.)
They don't seem to be clear that they answer to the representatives elected by the American People, and anyone who does not understand that is unfit to work in the Agency.
Literally millions of Americans are now regarding—with justification— our premier law enforcement agency as corrupt and politically biased, possibly personally dangerous to them.
They may need to be disbanded and their essential operations rolled into the US Marshalls Service.
This is an untenable situation for a democratic republic going forward—if it wishes to remain either democratic or a republic.
We do so wish
Wray has done nothing to alleviate this. To the contrary, he has continually stonewalled congressional requests as if he were a Soviet apparatchik, not the servant of the American people that he supposedly is.
Who is happy with the job he has done?
He seems to want us to believe he is working to preserve his institution, but is actually the doing the reverse—making us all the more suspicious.
Hunkered down and undoubtedly praying for the election of Joe Biden to save his own career, Wray has acted out of extreme selfishness or ideological bias or both.
The Biden Laptop Affair should be the proverbial straw that breaks the camel’s back.
Only it’s not a straw, far from it. Contained in this email exchange and on the hard drive from whence it comes are potential links to corruption the likes of which we have not seen in our country, a degree of cooperation with Communist China that could lead, if unchecked, to massive changes in our lives.
How’s that swamp draining coming along?

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