EXCLUSIVE: Joe Biden's son emailed shop owner

The FBI has had the hard drive since december 2019.
Yeah. And they’re investigating Russian disinformation. If there’d been anything illegal here, we wouldn’t be having this conversation about NY Post articles, we’d be talking about indictments.

J edgar hoover sat on incriminating evidence all the time to use it for leverage when he was running the fbi. So, your theory falls apart about the fbi.
Christopher Wray is a deep state criminal, so it's no surprise that he sat on it.
The signed contract stated the pc becomes his if abandoned.
Pedophilia on the other hand is ALWAYS a felony despite any signed paperwork
All I’m saying is if there were any illegal pictures or videos on that laptop, the owner of the shop would have to be out of his damn mind to make a copy and keep for himself because he would be guilty of a felony for doing so.
Anyone else wonder why colfax_m is obsessed with claiming the shop owner committed felonies while claiming Hunter is innocent?

The signed contract stated the pc becomes his if abandoned.
Pedophilia on the other hand is ALWAYS a felony despite any signed paperwork
All I’m saying is if there were any illegal pictures or videos on that laptop, the owner of the shop would have to be out of his damn mind to make a copy and keep for himself because he would be guilty of a felony for doing so.
That's why he turned it over to the FBI, turd.
Well we've all had 4 years of this.
4 years of what? We got answers to Russian involvement in 2016.

This is timed specifically so that we don’t get the truth. Rudy isn’t letting anyone see or validate it. They’re going through highly partisan, non-journalist media.
The Russian involvement on Barry’s watch?
The signed contract stated the pc becomes his if abandoned.
Pedophilia on the other hand is ALWAYS a felony despite any signed paperwork
All I’m saying is if there were any illegal pictures or videos on that laptop, the owner of the shop would have to be out of his damn mind to make a copy and keep for himself because he would be guilty of a felony for doing so.
He supposedly turned it over so I don't see your point AT ALL.

There is no doubt that if this is real then he did the right thing to protect himself and his family.
He supposedly kept a copy to give to Rudy. That means he kept child porn for himself. That’s a felony.
It keeps getting worse and worse for the Bidens
How so? 60% of the country will never hear about it.

40 percent here it.....they ignore it like lambs led to the wolves
Of that 40% that do hear it, only 25% will be outraged. That is the power the media influence over America.

Google "the streisand effect".

.....this story is worldwide VIRAL and is only going to get bigger.
Well we've all had 4 years of this.
4 years of what? We got answers to Russian involvement in 2016.

This is timed specifically so that we don’t get the truth. Rudy isn’t letting anyone see or validate it. They’re going through highly partisan, non-journalist media.

In the interest of intellectual honesty you aren't being truthful here. There was nothing to the Russian crap. If the "Left" had an October Surprise you'd be all in. This is how the game is played, I am not condoning it but BOTH sides play it. Rump isn't a good man. Neither is Biden, Joe is a crooked, ugly man pretending to be pure as the driven snow. He is every bit the asshole Rump is. He is a crooked grifter and a liar. They ALL are.
The signed contract stated the pc becomes his if abandoned.
Pedophilia on the other hand is ALWAYS a felony despite any signed paperwork
All I’m saying is if there were any illegal pictures or videos on that laptop, the owner of the shop would have to be out of his damn mind to make a copy and keep for himself because he would be guilty of a felony for doing so.
Anyone else wonder why colfax_m is obsessed with claiming the shop owner committed felonies while claiming Hunter is innocent?

True, the guy who we have no evidence that he ever broke a law in his life is the target of leftwing rage, but the crack addict Biden who received $85,000 for a no-show job is the innocent victim.
Well we've all had 4 years of this.
4 years of what? We got answers to Russian involvement in 2016.

This is timed specifically so that we don’t get the truth. Rudy isn’t letting anyone see or validate it. They’re going through highly partisan, non-journalist media.

In the interest of intellectual honesty you aren't being truthful here. There was nothing to the Russian crap. If the "Left" had an October Surprise you'd be all in. This is how the game is played, I am not condoning it but BOTH sides play it. Rump isn't a good man. Neither is Biden, Joe is a crooked, ugly man pretending to be pure as the driven snow. He is every bit the asshole Rump is. He is a crooked grifter and a liar. They ALL are.
Trump may not be pure, but he's not a criminal. Biden is a criminal.
The signed contract stated the pc becomes his if abandoned.
Pedophilia on the other hand is ALWAYS a felony despite any signed paperwork
All I’m saying is if there were any illegal pictures or videos on that laptop, the owner of the shop would have to be out of his damn mind to make a copy and keep for himself because he would be guilty of a felony for doing so.
He supposedly turned it over so I don't see your point AT ALL.

There is no doubt that if this is real then he did the right thing to protect himself and his family.
He supposedly kept a copy to give to Rudy. That means he kept child porn for himself. That’s a felony.
Russian conspiracy theories say HELLO MOTHERFUCKER
It’s not a conspiracy theory. It’s literally what the intelligence agencies have been telling us for years.
Well we've all had 4 years of this.
4 years of what? We got answers to Russian involvement in 2016.

This is timed specifically so that we don’t get the truth. Rudy isn’t letting anyone see or validate it. They’re going through highly partisan, non-journalist media.

In the interest of intellectual honesty you aren't being truthful here. There was nothing to the Russian crap. If the "Left" had an October Surprise you'd be all in. This is how the game is played, I am not condoning it but BOTH sides play it. Rump isn't a good man. Neither is Biden, Joe is a crooked, ugly man pretending to be pure as the driven snow. He is every bit the asshole Rump is. He is a crooked grifter and a liar. They ALL are.
Nothing to the Russian crap? We have a metric ton of evidence that Russia hacked the DNC and Podesta to help Trump.

They are not all crooks. Cynicism is a cancer in the country.
This is happening. It's ugly, it's uncomfortable, and it's wrong. I don't if its real or true, YOU don't know if it's real or true but the Nation deserves to know
Sure seems to be a lot of people around here and elsewhere talking like it’s true.

Our nation deserves to KNOW. That’s not what’s happening here. It’s all accusations and no facts.
If the emails were fake, why haven't the Biden's said that? Why no denouncements/denials? Why did Hunter Biden's lawyer send a letter asking the repair shop for the return of the laptop? Why haven't the Biden's sued the NY Post?

The metadata has been reviewed by the NY Post and others and the emails have been confirmed by at least 10 people and counting.

Your position requires a willful suspension of reality. Of course that is the normal state for progtards.......
The signed contract stated the pc becomes his if abandoned.
Pedophilia on the other hand is ALWAYS a felony despite any signed paperwork
All I’m saying is if there were any illegal pictures or videos on that laptop, the owner of the shop would have to be out of his damn mind to make a copy and keep for himself because he would be guilty of a felony for doing so.
Anyone else wonder why colfax_m is obsessed with claiming the shop owner committed felonies while claiming Hunter is innocent?

True, the guy who we have no evidence that he ever broke a law in his life is the target of leftwing rage, but the crack addict Biden who received $85,000 for a no-show job is the innocent victim.

Hunter Biden is a Democrat they are never guilty of anything even when there's evidence of crimes.
Well we've all had 4 years of this.
4 years of what? We got answers to Russian involvement in 2016.

This is timed specifically so that we don’t get the truth. Rudy isn’t letting anyone see or validate it. They’re going through highly partisan, non-journalist media.

In the interest of intellectual honesty you aren't being truthful here. There was nothing to the Russian crap. If the "Left" had an October Surprise you'd be all in. This is how the game is played, I am not condoning it but BOTH sides play it. Rump isn't a good man. Neither is Biden, Joe is a crooked, ugly man pretending to be pure as the driven snow. He is every bit the asshole Rump is. He is a crooked grifter and a liar. They ALL are.
Nothing to the Russian crap? We have a metric ton of evidence that Russia hacked the DNC and Podesta to help Trump.

They are not all crooks. Cynicism is a cancer in the country.

Quick, get your information to Mueller....dumbass.
The signed contract stated the pc becomes his if abandoned.
Pedophilia on the other hand is ALWAYS a felony despite any signed paperwork
All I’m saying is if there were any illegal pictures or videos on that laptop, the owner of the shop would have to be out of his damn mind to make a copy and keep for himself because he would be guilty of a felony for doing so.
He supposedly turned it over so I don't see your point AT ALL.

There is no doubt that if this is real then he did the right thing to protect himself and his family.
He supposedly kept a copy to give to Rudy. That means he kept child porn for himself. That’s a felony.
I dare ANY Prosecutor to charge him for whistleblowing Druggy Hunter's pornography.

Fear and loathing in the Biden Crime Family.

“I have no response.”

That was Biden Crime Family Boss, Joe Biden’s response Friday when he was finally asked about the devastating expose of his son Hunter’s emails and so much more.

Those revelations included the crack-addled Hunter whining to one of his daughters that he has to pay 50% of all the cash he collects to “Pop,” and that as part of a shady Chinese deal, the so-called “remuneration package” would include “10 held by H for the Big Guy.”

“I have no response,” the Big Guy told a CBS reporter. “It’s another smear campaign, right up your alley.”

But he didn’t deny it.

He's killing his own son, just so he can suck up the proceeds for the Biden Crime Family Boss selling access to the highest foreign bidder.

If Hunter doesn't get away from his sick twisted "Father" and fast, he's going end up in a very bad place and maybe very very quickly.
Well we've all had 4 years of this.
4 years of what? We got answers to Russian involvement in 2016.

This is timed specifically so that we don’t get the truth. Rudy isn’t letting anyone see or validate it. They’re going through highly partisan, non-journalist media.

In the interest of intellectual honesty you aren't being truthful here. There was nothing to the Russian crap. If the "Left" had an October Surprise you'd be all in. This is how the game is played, I am not condoning it but BOTH sides play it. Rump isn't a good man. Neither is Biden, Joe is a crooked, ugly man pretending to be pure as the driven snow. He is every bit the asshole Rump is. He is a crooked grifter and a liar. They ALL are.
Nothing to the Russian crap? We have a metric ton of evidence that Russia hacked the DNC and Podesta to help Trump.

They are not all crooks. Cynicism is a cancer in the country.

There is nothing. You simply believe what your media tells and disregard the Media who are telling you this Biden thing is real . Cynicism evolves from a lifetime of watching this "show". Nothing ever changes, neither "party" ever does anything . Yes, they ALL are crooks.
The senile, pedophile crimina Biden apologists keep trying to claim that the hard drive is fabricated. What better proof could you have that it's genuine than an email from Hunter asking for it to be returned?

Are you a paid agent of Putin? You have no evidence to prove anything in this OP. You're a damn liar.

Why is this OP not put in the Rubber Room? Or better yet, shit canned?

Are you a paid agent of China? The very actors who are being accused are not denying any of it. Why are you permitted to even post here?

What a crock, this is not evidence, its speculation and there is nothing to prove anything I've heard
that is probative.
The FBI has had the hard drive since december 2019.
Yeah. And they’re investigating Russian disinformation. If there’d been anything illegal here, we wouldn’t be having this conversation about NY Post articles, we’d be talking about indictments.
Wray just sat on it. He didn't investigate anything. The "Russian disinformation" meme is a diversion. It has nothing to do with this. There's no evidence that any Russians are involved.

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