EXCLUSIVE: Joe Biden's son emailed shop owner

This is happening. It's ugly, it's uncomfortable, and it's wrong. I don't if its real or true, YOU don't know if it's real or true but the Nation deserves to know
Sure seems to be a lot of people around here and elsewhere talking like it’s true.

Our nation deserves to KNOW. That’s not what’s happening here. It’s all accusations and no facts.
If the emails were fake, why haven't the Biden's said that? Why no denouncements/denials? Why did Hunter Biden's lawyer send a letter asking the repair shop for the return of the laptop? Why haven't the Biden's sued the NY Post?

The metadata has been reviewed by the NY Post and others and the emails have been confirmed by at least 10 people and counting.

Your position requires a willful suspension of reality. Of course that is the normal state for progtards.......
They know they are fake. They know that impeachment was a scam. Of COURSE Ukraine should into the Biden Crime Families Extortion of Ukraine!
The senile, pedophile crimina Biden apologists keep trying to claim that the hard drive is fabricated. What better proof could you have that it's genuine than an email from Hunter asking for it to be returned?

Are you a paid agent of Putin? You have no evidence to prove anything in this OP. You're a damn liar.

Why is this OP not put in the Rubber Room? Or better yet, shit canned?

Are you a paid agent of China? The very actors who are being accused are not denying any of it. Why are you permitted to even post here?

What a crock, this is not evidence, its speculation and there is nothing to prove anything I've heard
that is probative.

There is tons of evidence, douchebag. Not denying the allegations is evidence.
It keeps getting worse and worse for the Bidens
How so? 60% of the country will never hear about it.

40 percent here it.....they ignore it like lambs led to the wolves
Of that 40% that do hear it, only 25% will be outraged. That is the power the media influence over America.

Google "the streisand effect".

.....this story is worldwide VIRAL and is only going to get bigger.
Hopefully, but I have learned to despair of the truth ever getting out to the public. Just look at those who are racing to spin this in this thread alone.
The senile, pedophile crimina Biden apologists keep trying to claim that the hard drive is fabricated. What better proof could you have that it's genuine than an email from Hunter asking for it to be returned?

Are you a paid agent of Putin? You have no evidence to prove anything in this OP. You're a damn liar.

Why is this OP not put in the Rubber Room? Or better yet, shit canned?

Are you a paid agent of China? The very actors who are being accused are not denying any of it. Why are you permitted to even post here?

What a crock, this is not evidence, its speculation and there is nothing to prove anything I've heard
that is probative.

The whole hard drive is evidence. In fact, it is what most people call, "A Smoking Gun".
Why did Hunter Biden's lawyer send a letter asking the repair shop for the return of the laptop?

Did he? I haven’t seen any proof of that

Why haven't the Biden's sued the NY Post?

Because it will have zero effect on the story outside of calling attention to it.

The metadata has been reviewed by the NY Post and others and the emails have been confirmed by at least 10 people and counting.

I’ve heard this talking point but no one seems to know who these 10 people are. Make the data available to everyone if you aren’t afraid of it being fake.
Wray just sat on it. He didn't investigate anything. The "Russian disinformation" meme is a diversion. It has nothing to do with this. There's no evidence that any Russians are involved.
Except for the fact that this is exactly what the FBI was saying could happen. They warned us that Rudy is hanging around Russian agents and being fed disinformation. They warned Trump that anything coming from Rudy should be considered tainted.
Why did Hunter Biden's lawyer send a letter asking the repair shop for the return of the laptop?

Did he? I haven’t seen any proof of that

Why haven't the Biden's sued the NY Post?

Because it will have zero effect on the story outside of calling attention to it.

The metadata has been reviewed by the NY Post and others and the emails have been confirmed by at least 10 people and counting.

I’ve heard this talking point but no one seems to know who these 10 people are. Make the data available to everyone if you aren’t afraid of it being fake.
Right, as if Twitter and Facebook haven't already called massive attention to it
There is nothing. You simply believe what your media tells and disregard the Media who are telling you this Biden thing is real . Cynicism evolves from a lifetime of watching this "show". Nothing ever changes, neither "party" ever does anything . Yes, they ALL are crooks.
You’re blinded by hatred. Nixon was a crook. Bush was not a crook. There’s a difference.

Im listening to legitimate media. Not tabloids like the NY Post.
Wray just sat on it. He didn't investigate anything. The "Russian disinformation" meme is a diversion. It has nothing to do with this. There's no evidence that any Russians are involved.
Except for the fact that this is exactly what the FBI was saying could happen. They warned us that Rudy is hanging around Russian agents and being fed disinformation. They warned Trump that anything coming from Rudy should be considered tainted.
ROFL! There is no evidence of any Russian agents involved in this, moron.
Right, as if Twitter and Facebook haven't already called massive attention to it
The Streisand effect is real, but given how Facebook and Twitter were used by Russian disinformation in 2016, you can understand their skittishness.

Either way it turns the story from Hunter Biden corrupt to something barely even political, not a total victory but not a bad trade either.
There is nothing. You simply believe what your media tells and disregard the Media who are telling you this Biden thing is real . Cynicism evolves from a lifetime of watching this "show". Nothing ever changes, neither "party" ever does anything . Yes, they ALL are crooks.
You’re blinded by hatred. Nixon was a crook. Bush was not a crook. There’s a difference.

Im listening to legitimate media. Not tabloids like the NY Post.
There's no such thing as "legitimate media." Certainly none of the shit you consume is legitimate.
Right, as if Twitter and Facebook haven't already called massive attention to it
The Streisand effect is real, but given how Facebook and Twitter were used by Russian disinformation in 2016, you can understand their skittishness.

Either way it turns the story from Hunter Biden corrupt to something barely even political, not a total victory but not a bad trade either.

I understand your motive, but it isn't working. The Bidens just keep looking guiltier and guiltier.
There is no fairness when it comes to The Trump Family and also there are now about 10 people who have verified the thing about Hunter Biden's laptop and hard drive including the man he handed them to in the repair store also there are emails on that hard drive where it's mentioned that the money Hunter Biden was getting from China and Ukraine that a percentage of it he was having to give to Joe Biden. There is nothing on The Trump Family except rumor and made up Conspiracy Theories like the Russian one.
There’s been zero verification of anything in this story.

You mean like Trump and Putin stealing the election? Hmmm....
There's no such thing as "legitimate media."
Of course their is. The fact that you don’t believe it shows how easily manipulated you are. Authoritarians always go after the media first, makes it easier to control the masses.

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