EXCLUSIVE: White House Personel and their Whores


Gold Member
Aug 11, 2009
EXCLUSIVE: Federal investigator: White House personnel may have been involved in Colombia prostitution scandal | Fox News

"The lead federal investigator into the Colombia prostitution scandal said for the first time Friday that White House personnel may have been involved -- despite administration claims to the contrary.*

Charles Edwards, the acting inspector general for the Department of Homeland Security, wrote in a letter to Sen. Susan Collins that his office's investigation into the April incident found "two non-(Secret Service) personnel may have had contact with foreign nationals."*

Sweep this under the short bus liberals.
:eusa_eh: I thought this was going to be a Flame Thread aimed at K Street and the Lobbyists.

EXCLUSIVE: Federal investigator: White House personnel may have been involved in Colombia prostitution scandal | Fox News

"The lead federal investigator into the Colombia prostitution scandal said for the first time Friday that White House personnel may have been involved -- despite administration claims to the contrary.*

Charles Edwards, the acting inspector general for the Department of Homeland Security, wrote in a letter to Sen. Susan Collins that his office's investigation into the April incident found "two non-(Secret Service) personnel may have had contact with foreign nationals."*

Sweep this under the short bus liberals.

^has inside information.
This WH is soo corrupt.. and more is yet to come out. The LIBERAL MAIN SLEAZE media has for nearly four years refused and failed to report the truth, instead hiding, covering and even in collusion with this WH.. This is what happens when you have a MEDIA in bed with corrupt politicians. ABSOLUTE power corrupts absolutely. They just released a new poll today on what American's think of the US Media taken from the last 10 days.. LOWEST EVER.. Over 60% of the American public do not trust the media and don't believe anything they say.

U.S. Distrust in Media Hits New High

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