Executive Order to forgive $50,000 in student debt

If banks and businesses didn't have to pay the money back, I don't see why all should not be held to the same standard.

So should all VA loans be cancelled?

Sure. If some get free money from the government, all should.

My opinion is that no one should get free money from the government, banks, businesses, students or anyone else. We have a financial crisis and it is getting worse as our debt swells. We need to quit the rich vs. poor BS and tax all and cut spending to the bone to reduce debt, not increase it.
When the so-called Education is Ethnic studies and sensitivity ,the Degree is worthless.
Translation: you know nothing about that subject or what careers are open to such a person. You just like to shit on anything you don't understand and that you think adds to your white victimhood.
They have NO future. Divirsity sucks. I would rather be in 1958 when this country was Moral.
You, of course, are just making this up as you go. You know nothing about that subject or the careers available.
I know anything to do with 'Social Justice" sucks. Just another way to put down those who really BUILT America.
If banks and businesses didn't have to pay the money back, I don't see why all should not be held to the same standard.

So should all VA loans be cancelled?

Sure. If some get free money from the government, all should.

My opinion is that no one should get free money from the government, banks, businesses, students or anyone else. We have a financial crisis and it is getting worse as our debt swells. We need to quit the rich vs. poor BS and tax all and cut spending to the bone to reduce debt, not increase it.

That's great for you to believe that but it's not what is happening nor is it going to happen until it all blows up.
I know anything to do with 'Social Justice" sucks.
Exactly. And you use that self defense mechanism just justify not knowing shit about shit about it, yet having a strong opinion anyway. Uh... good for you.

By the way, at the university where I teach sometimes, the Diversity Office lead position was just filled at a 6-figure salary. And this was after the gentleman lost out on a similar position at a locally based bank for over double that salary. So you keep pounding that nail and complaining about things you know nothing about.
he banks made bad loans they should be the only ones on the hook for the money
Sorry, but that doesn't make any sense whatsoever. The banks don't have that money. They are lending out other people's money. Guess who insures that money? FDIC and NCUA. But only up to $2 mil per household (if you game it right, using ESI, at a credit union. $250K for most individuals). Guess who covers the rest?

Nobody. Because those funds do not exist.
Congratulations US Taxpayer, looks like you will get to pick up the $50,000 tab of irresponsible college students and families who took on more debt than they could handle because they felt entitled to go to private elite colleges 3 time zones away and concentrate their studies in useless majors that have no demand in the job market. -LeftofLeft

Why is going to college irresponsible? And what do you mean "more debt than they could handle"? That's not really up to you, that is up to the banks and loaners of said debt...I mean c'mon. Give these folks a break, they wanted to get an education for a better life. This $50k forgiveness will allow us to stop spending so much on student loans to the Department of NEDucation...and go spent it on groceries.
Good, what about the 20 and 30 somethings that just finished paying off their loans in December working two jobs, eating Raman noodles and tv dinners to get by so they can be responsible adults and pay back money they owe? What do you tell those people?

I've been paying student loans since 2013 (7 years) - and I am fine with brand new college kids getting loan forgiveness. Good for them, hope they get educated and provide great labor to our workforce for the next 30+ years.

That's my 2 cents
If banks and businesses didn't have to pay the money back, I don't see why all should not be held to the same standard.

So should all VA loans be cancelled?

Sure. If some get free money from the government, all should.

My opinion is that no one should get free money from the government, banks, businesses, students or anyone else. We have a financial crisis and it is getting worse as our debt swells. We need to quit the rich vs. poor BS and tax all and cut spending to the bone to reduce debt, not increase it.

That's great for you to believe that but it's not what is happening nor is it going to happen until it all blows up.
I know that and even after it blows up, we won’t learn.
I've been paying student loans since 2013 (7 years) - and I am fine with brand new college kids getting loan forgiveness. Good for them, hope they get educated and provide great labor to our workforce for the next 30+ years.

That's my 2 cents

And where do you think that money is going to come from? I'll give you a hint: we are 27 trillion dollars in debt, and Biden is going to put us 29 trillion in debt very soon.
My opinion is that no one should get free money from the government, banks, businesses, students or anyone else. We have a financial crisis and it is getting worse as our debt swells. We need to quit the rich vs. poor BS and tax all and cut spending to the bone to reduce debt, not increase it.

I couldn't agree more. My suggestion is a consumption tax; 10 cents on the dollar exclusively to repay the debt. If we go more into debt, raise it.
I've been paying student loans since 2013 (7 years) - and I am fine with brand new college kids getting loan forgiveness. Good for them, hope they get educated and provide great labor to our workforce for the next 30+ years.

That's my 2 cents

And where do you think that money is going to come from? I'll give you a hint: we are 27 trillion dollars in debt, and Biden is going to put us 29 trillion in debt very soon.
It will come from other things. They can cut welfare and military!
Bachelors Degrees and Certificates are not a problem provided they are in an area for which there is market demand for those skills sets. What is so stupid about that?

A lot.

Having a Bachelor's in history did not make me any better at Purchasing than buyers who had more experience, but when 2008 came, I had a much easier time finding a new gig than two of my colleagues.
And where do you think that money is going to come from? I'll give you a hint: we are 27 trillion dollars in debt, and Biden is going to put us 29 trillion in debt very soon.
Thik about that, a 2 trillion dollar investment would bring the economy back in less than a year (producing jobs and tax revenue) but you're concerned because we're already 27 trillion in debt? That's a 7.4% increase dumbass
Yes, let's buy some more votes by rewarding deadbeats who borrow money and don't pay it back. What a f'n fantastic precedent that sets.
Thik about that, a 2 trillion dollar investment would bring the economy back in less than a year (producing jobs and tax revenue) but you're concerned because we're already 27 trillion in debt? That's a 7.4% increase dumbass

Sure I'm concerned, and no, none of that money will help us with the economy. What would have helped us with the economy is the commie cities and states not shutting down. In that bill is an additional $400 a week on top of state unemployment. Who would want to go back to work getting all that? It's like somebody making 50K or more a year depending on what your state unemployment pays.

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