Executive Order to forgive $50,000 in student debt

If banks and businesses didn't have to pay the money back, I don't see why all should not be held to the same standard.
Because there are those of us that paid our debt off.

I did not agree with saving those that are too big to fail.

It doesn't matter, we did it. We are still doing it.

I also don't agree with the fact that my neighbor (6 houses down the block) took out student loans for his 3 kids and went on vacation every 3 months and bought a boat, whereas I took out a HELOC to pay tuition for my boys and opposed to going on vacation for 3 years, I paid that HELOC off.

And now he will go on vacation again (April Cruise to Alaska) and get a free ride for his debt.

It isnt right.

Lots of stuff isn't. Unfortunately we get all upset at our neighbors as opposed to those getting billions.


it's all good.....until you run out of other peoples money
Did the farmers refuse their $24B in socialist support (on top of the subsidies)?

" Direct farm aid has climbed each year of Trump’s presidency, from $11.5 billion in 2017 to more than $32 billion this year — an all-time high, with potentially far more funding still to come in 2020, amounting to about two-thirds of the cost of the entire Department of Housing and Urban Development and more than the Agriculture Department’s $24 billion discretionary budget, according to a POLITICO analysis. But lawmakers have taken a largely hands-off approach, letting the department decide who gets the money and how much. "

You don’t know what the F your talking about, which doesn’t surprise me. Maybe you should sit down with a Rancher or Farmer and educate yourself before you make a bigger ass out of yourself.

Fuck off.

First we subsidized these guys...then we bailed them out twice. And we're still having to pay for food.

As I said...fuck off.

Of course we have to pay for food. If you didn't have to pay for food, everyone would got take all the food they could, and everyone else would starve.

Yes, we paid the farmers in the form of subsidies.
Then we paid them again in the first round of bail outs
Then we paid them again in the second round of bail outs
Then we pay them again when we buy the food they harvest.
Right, because a stable food supply is essential to our standard of living, economy, and national security.

Congratulations US Taxpayer, looks like you will get to pick up the $50,000 tab of irresponsible college students and families who took on more debt than they could handle because they felt entitled to go to private elite colleges 3 time zones away and concentrate their studies in useless majors that have no demand in the job market. These students and families who feel entitled to this have the audacity to say they have been “enslaved” or victimized by student debt.

Moving forward, there needs to be more controls in place to qualify students and their families towards state and local institutions and concentrations of study that yield good paying jobs.

Check your race cards and class warfare bullshit at the door.

The trouble is that even state colleges have seen huge increases in tuition because Republican governore have cut the amount of money that goes to colleges. A lot of this was never going to be paid anyway so that would be a acknowledgement of reality.

So you'd rather bankrupt the entire state? That spend until bankrupt plan worked well for Detroit.

And by the way, that isn't even remotely true.

You still get a degree for barely $4,800 a year, and yes that is very affordable.

Exactly... my husband works at a state university that is in very bad financial shape due to enrollment reductions for the last 10 years. And guess what, said 'president' of this university has done NOTHING to prepare for the coming budget disaster, just kept kicking it down the road every year. Said president, a 'highly educated (PhD)' liberal democrat, is one of the state's highest paid employees, like either number 1 or number 2, makes more money than the governor of the state. He's been completely derelict in his duties to run an operation that is within budget, while accepting unethical pay increases (an $80,000 raise last year!). He just put out a video last week about the up coming layoffs that are an evil necessary to get the university within budget because of, you guessed it, COVID!!! Let's ignore the prior 9 plus years of running the place into the ground while accepting more and more money in your own salary every year. You don't see him taking a reduction to save jobs when he's literally the one person responsible for the dire condition the university is in. These are the elite liberal assholes that look down their noses at you and preach about big corps and Wall Street while stealing money from tax payers to do a job they're not even qualified to do. And this scenario is just one microcosm of exactly how everything is run from a democrat standpoint at both the state and federal levels. They had several ethical violations of tenured professors over the last several years that got put on 'special assignment', i.e. not teaching, not even in the state, but sitting around collecting their full professor salary while doing nothing. It's the same swamp that you see every where else, getting paid to teach your children their bullshit liberal propaganda, and it's all coming from tax payer money, yet nothing is done to stop it.
They should get it back from the universities for their defrauding the govt. with that loan sharking scam, and from every company who ever lied about those totally fictitious 'labor shortages' that misled many to think their majors were economically sound choices. They should also face criminal charges as well. And banks, too, should be seized and their shareholders'personal assets siezed, and refunds distributed.

There are no banks! Learn how the system works before blathering!

Rubbish. They make a killing off of re-financing the debts, at high interest rates, as well as making supplemental loans to students. Learn how not to be clueless and credulous.
The costs of college should not be that high and the professors are progs.
If the cost of the car you want is too high, you lower your expectations and purchase a lower priced car. What is different about college. Learning the finer things about responsible spending are part of a well rounded education. If you are not capable of something as simple as that than maybe colleges aren't the problem. In regard to progressive professors, I couldn't agree with you more.

Congratulations US Taxpayer, looks like you will get to pick up the $50,000 tab of irresponsible college students and families who took on more debt than they could handle because they felt entitled to go to private elite colleges 3 time zones away and concentrate their studies in useless majors that have no demand in the job market. These students and families who feel entitled to this have the audacity to say they have been “enslaved” or victimized by student debt.

Moving forward, there needs to be more controls in place to qualify students and their families towards state and local institutions and concentrations of study that yield good paying jobs.

Check your race cards and class warfare bullshit at the door.

The trouble is that even state colleges have seen huge increases in tuition because Republican governore have cut the amount of money that goes to colleges. A lot of this was never going to be paid anyway so that would be a acknowledgement of reality.

So you'd rather bankrupt the entire state? That spend until bankrupt plan worked well for Detroit.

And by the way, that isn't even remotely true.

You still get a degree for barely $4,800 a year, and yes that is very affordable.

Exactly... my husband works at a state university that is in very bad financial shape due to enrollment reductions for the last 10 years. And guess what, said 'president' of this university has done NOTHING to prepare for the coming budget disaster, just kept kicking it down the road every year. Said president, a 'highly educated (PhD)' liberal democrat, is one of the state's highest paid employees, like either number 1 or number 2, makes more money than the governor of the state. He's been completely derelict in his duties to run an operation that is within budget, while accepting unethical pay increases (an $80,000 raise last year!). He just put out a video last week about the up coming layoffs that are an evil necessary to get the university within budget because of, you guessed it, COVID!!! Let's ignore the prior 9 plus years of running the place into the ground while accepting more and more money in your own salary every year. You don't see him taking a reduction to save jobs when he's literally the one person responsible for the dire condition the university is in. These are the elite liberal assholes that look down their noses at you and preach about big corps and Wall Street while stealing money from tax payers to do a job they're not even qualified to do. And this scenario is just one microcosm of exactly how everything is run from a democrat standpoint at both the state and federal levels. They had several ethical violations of tenured professors over the last several years that got put on 'special assignment', i.e. not teaching, not even in the state, but sitting around collecting their full professor salary while doing nothing. It's the same swamp that you see every where else, getting paid to teach your children their bullshit liberal propaganda, and it's all coming from tax payer money, yet nothing is done to stop it.
You know the old cliche', "If you can't do, teach."
I think Joe wants Congress to act to relieve 10,000 dollar worth for each student. An EO will be challenged until forever,

Congratulations US Taxpayer, looks like you will get to pick up the $50,000 tab of irresponsible college students and families who took on more debt than they could handle because they felt entitled to go to private elite colleges 3 time zones away and concentrate their studies in useless majors that have no demand in the job market. These students and families who feel entitled to this have the audacity to say they have been “enslaved” or victimized by student debt.

Moving forward, there needs to be more controls in place to qualify students and their families towards state and local institutions and concentrations of study that yield good paying jobs.

Check your race cards and class warfare bullshit at the door.

The roots of this problem are:

1. College Tuition is way too high - yet colleges do not provide a quality product. Too many degrees are offered in subjects that have no corresponding jobs.

2. Employers have stopped promoting from within. They hire empty shirts with college degrees to fill jobs that existing personnel could do better.

3. Easy credit - like student loans, mortgages and car loans - have just served to inflate the costs of these items. The same is true of health insurance. Imagine if everyone had to pay for these things with cash on hand? The prices would drop like a rock. But it would be a true 'free market' based on supply & demand, not the phony capitalism that's nothing but a massive scam to keep people defacto slaves.

Congratulations US Taxpayer, looks like you will get to pick up the $50,000 tab of irresponsible college students and families who took on more debt than they could handle because they felt entitled to go to private elite colleges 3 time zones away and concentrate their studies in useless majors that have no demand in the job market. These students and families who feel entitled to this have the audacity to say they have been “enslaved” or victimized by student debt.

Moving forward, there needs to be more controls in place to qualify students and their families towards state and local institutions and concentrations of study that yield good paying jobs.

Check your race cards and class warfare bullshit at the door.

The roots of this problem are:

1. College Tuition is way too high - yet colleges do not provide a quality product. Too many degrees are offered in subjects that have no corresponding jobs.

2. Employers have stopped promoting from within. They hire empty shirts with college degrees to fill jobs that existing personnel could do better.

3. Easy credit - like student loans, mortgages and car loans - have just served to inflate the costs of these items. The same is true of health insurance. Imagine if everyone had to pay for these things with cash on hand? The prices would drop like a rock. But it would be a true 'free market' based on supply & demand, not the phony capitalism that's nothing but a massive scam to keep people defacto slaves.

Maybe you could list all these "worthless degrees" with no corresponding jobs and tell us what percentage of degrees they are?

Congratulations US Taxpayer, looks like you will get to pick up the $50,000 tab of irresponsible college students and families who took on more debt than they could handle because they felt entitled to go to private elite colleges 3 time zones away and concentrate their studies in useless majors that have no demand in the job market. These students and families who feel entitled to this have the audacity to say they have been “enslaved” or victimized by student debt.

Moving forward, there needs to be more controls in place to qualify students and their families towards state and local institutions and concentrations of study that yield good paying jobs.

Check your race cards and class warfare bullshit at the door.

The roots of this problem are:

1. College Tuition is way too high - yet colleges do not provide a quality product. Too many degrees are offered in subjects that have no corresponding jobs.

2. Employers have stopped promoting from within. They hire empty shirts with college degrees to fill jobs that existing personnel could do better.

3. Easy credit - like student loans, mortgages and car loans - have just served to inflate the costs of these items. The same is true of health insurance. Imagine if everyone had to pay for these things with cash on hand? The prices would drop like a rock. But it would be a true 'free market' based on supply & demand, not the phony capitalism that's nothing but a massive scam to keep people defacto slaves.

Maybe you could list all these "worthless degrees" with no corresponding jobs and tell us what percentage of degrees they are?
Of course he cannot. This is just a part of the right wing lexicon for shitting on educated people and on education in general. Who needs education, when you know more about war than the generals? This is Trumpism, on parade.

Congratulations US Taxpayer, looks like you will get to pick up the $50,000 tab of irresponsible college students and families who took on more debt than they could handle because they felt entitled to go to private elite colleges 3 time zones away and concentrate their studies in useless majors that have no demand in the job market. These students and families who feel entitled to this have the audacity to say they have been “enslaved” or victimized by student debt.

Moving forward, there needs to be more controls in place to qualify students and their families towards state and local institutions and concentrations of study that yield good paying jobs.

Check your race cards and class warfare bullshit at the door.

The roots of this problem are:

1. College Tuition is way too high - yet colleges do not provide a quality product. Too many degrees are offered in subjects that have no corresponding jobs.

2. Employers have stopped promoting from within. They hire empty shirts with college degrees to fill jobs that existing personnel could do better.

3. Easy credit - like student loans, mortgages and car loans - have just served to inflate the costs of these items. The same is true of health insurance. Imagine if everyone had to pay for these things with cash on hand? The prices would drop like a rock. But it would be a true 'free market' based on supply & demand, not the phony capitalism that's nothing but a massive scam to keep people defacto slaves.

Maybe you could list all these "worthless degrees" with no corresponding jobs and tell us what percentage of degrees they are?

No, but it would be a good homework assignment for you.
Maybe you could list all these "worthless degrees" with no corresponding jobs and tell us what percentage of degrees they are?

My nephews ex got conned by the college to take up advertising. Until today she works in a bank processing loans. I had a friend that took up photography. Last I talked to her was years ago. She was a receptionist at a TV repair shop. My niece took biology and graduated top of her class. She's waiting tables in Florida.

Congratulations US Taxpayer, looks like you will get to pick up the $50,000 tab of irresponsible college students and families who took on more debt than they could handle because they felt entitled to go to private elite colleges 3 time zones away and concentrate their studies in useless majors that have no demand in the job market. These students and families who feel entitled to this have the audacity to say they have been “enslaved” or victimized by student debt.

Moving forward, there needs to be more controls in place to qualify students and their families towards state and local institutions and concentrations of study that yield good paying jobs.

Check your race cards and class warfare bullshit at the door.

The roots of this problem are:

1. College Tuition is way too high - yet colleges do not provide a quality product. Too many degrees are offered in subjects that have no corresponding jobs.

2. Employers have stopped promoting from within. They hire empty shirts with college degrees to fill jobs that existing personnel could do better.

3. Easy credit - like student loans, mortgages and car loans - have just served to inflate the costs of these items. The same is true of health insurance. Imagine if everyone had to pay for these things with cash on hand? The prices would drop like a rock. But it would be a true 'free market' based on supply & demand, not the phony capitalism that's nothing but a massive scam to keep people defacto slaves.

Maybe you could list all these "worthless degrees" with no corresponding jobs and tell us what percentage of degrees they are?

No, but it would be a good homework assignment for you.

One can't research what doesn't exist. As you know.
Maybe you could list all these "worthless degrees" with no corresponding jobs and tell us what percentage of degrees they are?

My nephews ex got conned by the college to take up advertising. Until today she works in a bank processing loans. I had a friend that took up photography. Last I talked to her was years ago. She was a receptionist at a TV repair shop. My niece took biology and graduated top of her class. She's waiting tables in Florida.

Right, there are no jobs for biology majors........sheesh.

Nobody cares about your deadbeat relatives.
"by executive order"....lol

They want to be able to blame that autistic stuttering fuck for this communist shit.

Gotta give it to 'em. Those filthy fucking animals know how to play politics.


it's all good.....until you run out of other peoples money
I guess it should be more fiscally responsible to abolish our alleged and endless, free wars on crime, drugs, and terror first. We don't want to run out of the Other Peoples' money!

That makes no sense.

Are you yet another "Socialist" who has absolutely no clue what Socialism is ???


it's all good.....until you run out of other peoples money
I guess it should be more fiscally responsible to abolish our alleged and endless, free wars on crime, drugs, and terror first. We don't want to run out of the Other Peoples' money!

That makes no sense.

Are you yet another "Socialist" who has absolutely no clue what Socialism is ???
You have no sense. Right wingers only allege to be for Capitalism in socialism threads.


it's all good.....until you run out of other peoples money
I guess it should be more fiscally responsible to abolish our alleged and endless, free wars on crime, drugs, and terror first. We don't want to run out of the Other Peoples' money!

That makes no sense.

Are you yet another "Socialist" who has absolutely no clue what Socialism is ???

Lots of people refuse to see the socialism they support.

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