Executive Order to forgive $50,000 in student debt

Train wreck with millions of barrels will do the same. There are thousands of miles of lines already. They do well.

Those lines don't go over a major aquifer like the Keystone one does.

And, no, a rail car will not pollute nearly as much as a pipeline rupture would.

You just make up stuff. Nothing in this world, is dumber than a partisan idiot, parroting stupidity.

Screenshot_2021-02-08 groundwater3 jpg (JPEG Image, 779 × 542 pixels).png

Screenshot_2021-02-08 US Railroad Map, US Railway Map, USA Rail Map for Routes.png

Now please please please, continue to explain how none of the rail lines cross aquifers. By all means. Let's hear your brilliant explanation.

And, no, a rail car will not pollute nearly as much as a pipeline rupture would.

Factually wrong. Oil tankers leak too. Anything that carries a liquid, especially a corrosive liquid, is going to leak at some point. And even more likely is a container being dragged down rails and roads.

Fact is, every report ever done on various methods of oil transport has consistently found that the most dangerous, and highest pollution method for transporting crud oil is by truck, followed by train. The top safest, and least polluting method, is boat, followed by pipe.

Facts over opinion.
If banks and businesses didn't have to pay the money back, I don't see why all should not be held to the same standard.

What money?

I'm not a history teacher. If you have had your head buried in the sand for the last few decades, whatever.
it seems you must have been public schooled let help you out

If it's not alone you don't have to pay it back

I think that you shouldn't be questioning the education of others.
When the so-called Education is Ethnic studies and sensitivity ,the Degree is worthless.
If banks and businesses didn't have to pay the money back, I don't see why all should not be held to the same standard.

What money?

I'm not a history teacher. If you have had your head buried in the sand for the last few decades, whatever.
it seems you must have been public schooled let help you out

If it's not alone you don't have to pay it back

I think that you shouldn't be questioning the education of others.
When the so-called Education is Ethnic studies and sensitivity ,the Degree is worthless.

Tell us more. What degrees are we talking about specifically and what percentage of degrees are we talking about?

Congratulations US Taxpayer, looks like you will get to pick up the $50,000 tab of irresponsible college students and families who took on more debt than they could handle because they felt entitled to go to private elite colleges 3 time zones away and concentrate their studies in useless majors that have no demand in the job market. These students and families who feel entitled to this have the audacity to say they have been “enslaved” or victimized by student debt.

Moving forward, there needs to be more controls in place to qualify students and their families towards state and local institutions and concentrations of study that yield good paying jobs.

Check your race cards and class warfare bullshit at the door.

Most taxpayers will be a lot happier helping kids get out of debt than they are about the half billion dollars taxpayers are spending to defend the nation and insurrectionists stirred up by Donald Trump. What a fucking waste of money that has been.

Congratulations US Taxpayer, looks like you will get to pick up the $50,000 tab of irresponsible college students and families who took on more debt than they could handle because they felt entitled to go to private elite colleges 3 time zones away and concentrate their studies in useless majors that have no demand in the job market. These students and families who feel entitled to this have the audacity to say they have been “enslaved” or victimized by student debt.

Moving forward, there needs to be more controls in place to qualify students and their families towards state and local institutions and concentrations of study that yield good paying jobs.

Check your race cards and class warfare bullshit at the door.

Most taxpayers will be a lot happier helping kids get out of debt than they are about the half billion dollars taxpayers are spending to defend the nation and insurrectionists stirred up by Donald Trump. What a fucking waste of money that has been.

The kids need to have their debt limits reduced. How about the kids who don’t take on debt by either paying for college themselves through work, savings, military service or by not going to college but working? You are asking them all to pay for the sense of frivolous entitlement that resulted in egregious debt. Good luck with that one.
Most taxpayers will be a lot happier helping kids get out of debt than they are about the half billion dollars taxpayers are spending to defend the nation and insurrectionists stirred up by Donald Trump. What a fucking waste of money that has been.

No, most taxpayers will not. We are 28 billion in debt right now, and Dementia Joe wants to add another 2 trillion to buy votes, bailout liberal cities and states, and payoff his union friends from the teachers union. My niece and nephew just paid off their college loans, so how are they supposed to feel if something like that would ever pass? All that work for nothing?


it's all good.....until you run out of other peoples money
I guess it should be more fiscally responsible to abolish our alleged and endless, free wars on crime, drugs, and terror first. We don't want to run out of the Other Peoples' money!

That makes no sense.

Are you yet another "Socialist" who has absolutely no clue what Socialism is ???

Lots of people refuse to see the socialism they support.
Like our Big Government nanny-State, alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror? Abolish those extra-Constitutional wasteful spending policies before we run out of the Other Peoples' tax monies!
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Congratulations US Taxpayer, looks like you will get to pick up the $50,000 tab of irresponsible college students and families who took on more debt than they could handle because they felt entitled to go to private elite colleges 3 time zones away and concentrate their studies in useless majors that have no demand in the job market. These students and families who feel entitled to this have the audacity to say they have been “enslaved” or victimized by student debt.

Moving forward, there needs to be more controls in place to qualify students and their families towards state and local institutions and concentrations of study that yield good paying jobs.

Check your race cards and class warfare bullshit at the door.

Most taxpayers will be a lot happier helping kids get out of debt than they are about the half billion dollars taxpayers are spending to defend the nation and insurrectionists stirred up by Donald Trump. What a fucking waste of money that has been.
Stirred up by TRUMP? You mean filthy BLM? Those pigs riot no matter WHO is president. Antifa? HA! Usually COLLEGE punks. Wonder where they LEARN their Commie crap? And I am NOT happy getting them out of debt. Did the punks not have a Socio-Economics class in High School? If you acquire debt ,you PAY it back. Besides ,colleges suck anyway. Nowadays they teach more "Divirsity" and "sensitivity" than Math and Science. And they give more admissions to the unfit in the NAME of Divirsity.
And you are right, Gender Studies, just an example I came up with off the top of my head, is not even on this list.

So thanks for backing up my point about wasting $50k on each of those majors.

Except nobody is. they are wasting 50K on degrees and there aren't the jobs there to pay them off. That's the problem.

The real problem is that we have too many jobs that require a bachelor's degree for jobs that don't really need one. For instance, my background is in purchasing and procurement. 30 years ago, you really didn't need a degree to get into that field. Today, you do, and I know a lot of buyers who won't get considered for jobs because the applicant tracking software they use to sort resumes won't even consider them.

First of all, nothing is "free". That being said, I am open to government-funded or government-assisted college and technical education. However, there needs to be limits and accountability on the recipients receiving funds for college. The current system where students and their parents had access to large debt funding in the name of college education got us into this mess.

No, stupid, what got us into this mess is big business demanding people have bachelor degrees for anything that pays above minimum wage.

A lot of people aren't cut out for college and are kind of wasting their time going, but the system INSISTS they get a degree.

then you have a scholarship system where the people who are paying are also paying for the Athletes. This was one of the things that pissed me off when I went to college. I didn't have to pay tuition, thanks to the Army, but I did have to pay for fees. The biggest ticket item on the fees? Our wonderful Title IX required athletics programs where we were paying the tuition for mediocre student athletes.

The student should be pursuing an education that will yield skills to be met in the job market so that shortages can be addressed and the student can pay back the loan in a reasonable time frame or otherwise eliminate the need for irresponsible bailouts. Maybe also require the student to serve 5 years in the public sector in areas where skills sets are needed such as IT or healthcare.

Or maybe we should get rid of the requirement that you need a bachelor's degree for an entry level purchasing job.

Except nobody is. they are wasting 50K on degrees and there aren't the jobs there to pay them off. That's the problem.

First I don't believe that. But if you do, then you should support lowering taxes and deregulation, to increase job creation.

The real problem is that we have too many jobs that require a bachelor's degree for jobs that don't really need one. For instance, my background is in purchasing and procurement. 30 years ago, you really didn't need a degree to get into that field. Today, you do, and I know a lot of buyers who won't get considered for jobs because the applicant tracking software they use to sort resumes won't even consider them.

All of that is somewhat true. I do know of people who got jobs without a degree, because they had prior experience. And you can get positions in purchasing and procurement, without a degree. I just did a job search no Indeed, and there were a dozen that did not require degrees.

That said, you are correct. Here's the irony.

It is exactly because we subsidize and promote degrees so much, that results in them being required.

If we did not encourage people to get degrees, and use the government to subsidies them, fewer people would have degrees.

As a result, companies would be far more willing to hire people without degrees, because otherwise, they would never hire anyone.

It is exactly because so many have degrees they don't need.... that companies are filtering out based on degrees.

Think about it another way. If you have 100 applicants for a job, and only 3 of them have degrees, unless those three are the perfect candidates, you are likely going to consider those without degrees.

But if 50 of the 100 have degrees, you are just going to filter out the other 50, and focus on those with degrees.

So it is almost exclusively because government and the public has pushed having a degree so much, that makes it difficult for anyone without. We shouldn't be subsidizing higher education at all.

No, stupid, what got us into this mess is big business demanding people have bachelor degrees for anything that pays above minimum wage.

No. That would be wrong, you mindless unthinking idiot. (dish it out, get it back).

A lot of people aren't cut out for college and are kind of wasting their time going, but the system INSISTS they get a degree.

I would disagree. There are many ways to get a very well paying jobs without a degree. I know people who have done it. I know a lady right now that started working at bank while she was in high school, and never went to college. Today she's a bank manager, making six figures.

I know a guy that worked his way up, from being an minimum wage employee, and now is a branch manager of a auto parts company. No degree.

I know a lady that became a district manager for a large retail chain. No degree.

Now obviously there is a benefit to having a degree, in that you can skip steps. If you have a degree, you usually don't have to start at an entry level job, and work your way up. You can skip starting at the bottom rung on the ladder.

I didn't have to pay tuition, thanks to the Army, but I did have to pay for fees. The biggest ticket item on the fees? Our wonderful Title IX required athletics programs where we were paying the tuition for mediocre student athletes.

Agreed. We should completely and entirely deregulate everything. If schools had to compete against each other for students, then the school with the best deal (because students would be paying for their own education), would end up with the students. A school that forced students to pay for ridiculous crap they don't want, would lose students.... and thus be forced to eliminate those unnecessary fees for things they don't want.

Or maybe we should get rid of the requirement that you need a bachelor's degree for an entry level purchasing job.

How exactly do you plan on doing that? If you personally are going to hire someone to do anything for you, are you suggesting the government ban you from considering their qualifications?

Really? You are going to have the government make a rules "Employers are not allowed to consider the qualifications of an applicant"?
A kid who doesn't go to college and gets a full time job is working his ass off to pay for another kid to go to college and party for 9 years in pursuit of a degree in Intersectional Feminist Studies. If your education doesn't pay for itself, its not worth it. If you disagree, pay for it yourself.
If banks and businesses didn't have to pay the money back, I don't see why all should not be held to the same standard.

What money?

I'm not a history teacher. If you have had your head buried in the sand for the last few decades, whatever.
it seems you must have been public schooled let help you out

If it's not alone you don't have to pay it back

I think that you shouldn't be questioning the education of others.
When the so-called Education is Ethnic studies and sensitivity ,the Degree is worthless.

Not exactly 'worthless'. But not worth much.

Even the most stupid of degrees, has a value.

This is because if 20 people apply for a job, and zero have a degree except for you... even if that degree is with Lesbian Dance theory, you still have a qualification that others don't have.

Now of course, if anyone does have a degree, and that person is
No, I don't lay the onus on teachers alone. But in any other context, would you pay more for less?

Just think about it logically, in any other context, any other at all, would you pay more money... for less product and service?

If you had two gas stations, and one was selling for $2/gallon, and the other was $3/gallon, would you go to the more expensive gas station? If you had two burger joints selling identical burgers, and one was $5, and the other $15, would you pay $15 for an identical burger to the $5 burger?


There are a ton of aspect that are why public schools are garbage, that do not include just teachers... but teachers are actually very much part of the problem, because they support the unions that oppose any of the reforms that would improve the results.

I think the unions protect bad teachers too much, but to lay the blame on them for failed students is unfair. Let me expand on that a little:

Years ago I had a next door neighbor that bought a portable basketball hoop. Before I knew it, I had a yard full of neighborhood kids there. They played from the time they got home from school until past dark non-stop. A few times I had to call the cops to get them to stop. If I didn't, they would have played past 10:00 on a school night.

The kids ranged from ages 6 through 17 from what I witnessed. If they are out playing all hours of the night, HTF did they get their homework done? How did they get ample sleep to be attentive in school the next day? There was no possible way. The biggest question is why were their parent(s) not out looking for them to drag them home and make sure they were prepared for the next day in class?

So I stand by my point. The best teacher in the country can't teach a kid who's parents don't care about their education.
Yup...sorta like police unions protect bad cops...

But I never see these union hating conservatives demonize police unions like they love to demonize teachers unions...

Probably due to the disdain conservatives have for public education and/or education in general.....

Because the majority of claims about bad cops.... aren't. Most of the examples people point to as bad cops, are really just police doing exactly what they are paid, and trained to do, and stupid whining about it.

Now I agree that Police should not be Unionized, and I would even support privatizing the police departments.

The only reason I haven't brought up the topic of police and unions, isn't because I support them... but rather because the topic of this thread is education.

I have no problem with education in general, but we can see clearly that public education is terrible. So logically we would disdain something that costs billions a year, and results in a poor education.

The fact left-wingers promote clearly awful education, at extremely high costs, shows how much left-wingers want to destroy the country.
If banks and businesses didn't have to pay the money back, I don't see why all should not be held to the same standard.
he banks made bad loans they should be the only ones on the hook for the money

Banks have nothing to do with it. The loans are from the US government.

Stafford Loans are federal loans made by the government, meaning you're borrowing directly from the U.S. Department of Education. That's who you'll repay when it's time, too. Today, 92% of all student loans are made by the federal government.

If you're borrowing from the government, you're borrowing from the taxpayers.
This is a huge money grab for the Educational Industrial Complex. They want everyone going to school for 10 years, even if they wind up doing a job that does not require college. Imagine the trillions of dollars when everyone goes to college AND there is no longer any incentive to keep costs down.
Maybe you could list all these "worthless degrees" with no corresponding jobs and tell us what percentage of degrees they are?

My nephews ex got conned by the college to take up advertising. Until today she works in a bank processing loans. I had a friend that took up photography. Last I talked to her was years ago. She was a receptionist at a TV repair shop. My niece took biology and graduated top of her class. She's waiting tables in Florida.
Haha, there goes Ray again, making up stories. You always have an anecdote ready for the topic at hand. I imagine that,if someone were to add them all up, we would find you know more people than there are people on the planet.

Tell us another one, Ray.
When the so-called Education is Ethnic studies and sensitivity ,the Degree is worthless.
Translation: you know nothing about that subject or what careers are open to such a person. You just like to shit on anything you don't understand and that you think adds to your white victimhood.
When the so-called Education is Ethnic studies and sensitivity ,the Degree is worthless.
Translation: you know nothing about that subject or what careers are open to such a person. You just like to shit on anything you don't understand and that you think adds to your white victimhood.
They have NO future. Divirsity sucks. I would rather be in 1958 when this country was Moral.
When the so-called Education is Ethnic studies and sensitivity ,the Degree is worthless.
Translation: you know nothing about that subject or what careers are open to such a person. You just like to shit on anything you don't understand and that you think adds to your white victimhood.
They have NO future. Divirsity sucks. I would rather be in 1958 when this country was Moral.
You, of course, are just making this up as you go. You know nothing about that subject or the careers available.

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