Executive Order to forgive $50,000 in student debt

I am glad you ask this because it acknowledges that you agree that this is their rightful cost.

How to accomplish this? Simple, whatever educational requirements a business has should be collected as a tax.
So if a company requires an MBA, a company must pay a tax amount comparable to that cost.

Okay. So you and I are trying for the same job. I have a college education in which to do the job immediately. You apply for the job and the employer would have to fund your education first. Who do you think would get that job, you or me?
Why should a business fund your education when you can go get a better job the minute you complete your studies?
I am glad you ask this because it acknowledges that you agree that this is their rightful cost.

How to accomplish this? Simple, whatever educational requirements a business has should be collected as a tax.
So if a company requires an MBA, a company must pay a tax amount comparable to that cost.

Okay. So you and I are trying for the same job. I have a college education in which to do the job immediately. You apply for the job and the employer would have to fund your education first. Who do you think would get that job, you or me?

So you understand how broken the system is.

Time for business to pay their fair share, especially the non working investor class.
Businesses pay far more than their fair share, you NAZI numbskull.
I am glad you ask this because it acknowledges that you agree that this is their rightful cost.

How to accomplish this? Simple, whatever educational requirements a business has should be collected as a tax.
So if a company requires an MBA, a company must pay a tax amount comparable to that cost.

Okay. So you and I are trying for the same job. I have a college education in which to do the job immediately. You apply for the job and the employer would have to fund your education first. Who do you think would get that job, you or me?

So you understand how broken the system is.

Time for business to pay their fair share, especially the non working investor class.
The business does pay for the education--directly to the educated candidate that holds the higher paying job. If said candidate didn't have that education, the business would pay him minimum wage for the job that had less education required. It is the student that benefits as he can go from job to job, city to city, country to country--how would you tax a business that uses a US educated candidate in, say, Hong Kong?
No he doesn't, and it isn't. the company pays for the skill in salary.

The company is getting over like a fat rat.

They need to pay for the tools they need in all aspects of the business by not in human needs? This is an immoral template which has evolved., It needs to change.
Why should your employer be on the hook for your needs? A business pays for a labor of a certain type and of a certain quality. It pays the market rate. Now you demand that it pay an additional amount. Where's the logic behind that? Your need? Only a snake uses logic like that.

Your "template" is "from each according to his ability and to each according to his need." where have we heard the before?
I am glad you ask this because it acknowledges that you agree that this is their rightful cost.

How to accomplish this? Simple, whatever educational requirements a business has should be collected as a tax.
So if a company requires an MBA, a company must pay a tax amount comparable to that cost.

Okay. So you and I are trying for the same job. I have a college education in which to do the job immediately. You apply for the job and the employer would have to fund your education first. Who do you think would get that job, you or me?
Why should a business fund your education when you can go get a better job the minute you complete your studies?
Many do, my former employer would pay tuition and books for any employee without a post graduate degree. They also would fund post-grad degrees if they benefited the company. Not all companies do this, but there are a few.
Immoral horse shit.
For example,
the military pays the soldier and pays to train the soldier. Why not business?

How would you force business to do this? Because after all, force is the only way they would do it.

I am glad you ask this because it acknowledges that you agree that this is their rightful cost.

How to accomplish this? Simple, whatever educational requirements a business has should be collected as a tax.
So if a company requires an MBA, a company must pay a tax amount comparable to that cost.
How about if we just keep the government out of it altogether? Abolish government funding of education. Then businesses will have to pay to educate their workers. The worker is the one who receives the education, not the business.

You need to think of the education as a capital investment. Just as business needs to buy software for it's computer hardware, it needs to buy software (education) for it's hardware (employees).
It's not an investment if it disappears the minute it's completed. Unless you are going to prevent people from quitting their jobs, paying for their education is just flushing money down the toilet.
Where did these loans come from?

If the government didn't make those loans, then the government is in no position to forgive those loans...
If banks and businesses didn't have to pay the money back, I don't see why all should not be held to the same standard.
The banks made bad loans they should be the only ones on the hook for the money

Well, covering the bank's losses is the whole point here, eh?

Already covered. It's not the banks money.

The banks wrote the loans, with their money. They collect the interest payments.

For about the 4th time in this thread, student loans do NOT come from banks. They come from the federal government. Banks have NOTHING to do with this topic. NONE!

Before 2011, they most certainly did.

If you have loans from before 2011, you are incompetent to start with!
Fuck you Dic.... That is when the Feds took control of the Student loans
Where did these loans come from?

If the government didn't make those loans, then the government is in no position to forgive those loans...

That's the loans we're talking about. After Ears became President, he had government takeover the school loan system. Now you don't owe any bank, you owe government.
And Biden made them bankrupt proof
Where did these loans come from?

If the government didn't make those loans, then the government is in no position to forgive those loans...

That's the loans we're talking about. After Ears became President, he had government takeover the school loan system. Now you don't owe any bank, you owe government.
And Biden made them bankrupt proof

The more sensible relief would be to revoke that aspect, allow students in over their head to file bankruptcy, like anyone else in that spot.
Hey moron maybe it’s because their degree didn’t cost 2000 like yours. God republicans are stupid lol

So what you’re saying is that they overpaid for their education. My $40,000 Associates of Science degree got me a $30,000 a year job right outta the gate. I now make close to three times that with a pension and great benefits 25 years later with no additional education requirements.

Whereas these kids today spend $300K and 5 years of their life to get a degree that doesn’t qualify them to do much more than work at McDonalds.
Hey moron maybe it’s because their degree didn’t cost 2000 like yours. God republicans are stupid lol

So what you’re saying is that they overpaid for their education. My $40,000 Associates of Science degree got me a $30,000 a year job right outta the gate. I now make close to three times that with a pension and great benefits 25 years later with no additional education requirements.

Whereas these kids today spend $300K and 5 years of their life to get a degree that doesn’t qualify them to do much more than work at McDonalds.

Such as? List these degrees and tell us what percentage of degrees these are.
Hey moron maybe it’s because their degree didn’t cost 2000 like yours. God republicans are stupid lol

So what you’re saying is that they overpaid for their education. My $40,000 Associates of Science degree got me a $30,000 a year job right outta the gate. I now make close to three times that with a pension and great benefits 25 years later with no additional education requirements.

Whereas these kids today spend $300K and 5 years of their life to get a degree that doesn’t qualify them to do much more than work at McDonalds.
Okay so your degree cost 40k but you only borrowed 2k? Hmm I wonder how you paid for the rest lol. I’m guessing you won’t tell me.

I know old fucks like you like to pull stats out of your ass, but the average college student obviously doesn’t pay 300k for one degree.
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Congratulations US Taxpayer, looks like you will get to pick up the $50,000 tab of irresponsible college students and families who took on more debt than they could handle because they felt entitled to go to private elite colleges 3 time zones away and concentrate their studies in useless majors that have no demand in the job market. These students and families who feel entitled to this have the audacity to say they have been “enslaved” or victimized by student debt.

Moving forward, there needs to be more controls in place to qualify students and their families towards state and local institutions and concentrations of study that yield good paying jobs.

Check your race cards and class warfare bullshit at the door.
I think this is much ado about nothing. Contracts cannot be undone by EO. Courts can do it if the contract is shown to be invalid or illegal, but they are going to have to find another way. Lenders will not stand for it.

Did you bother to read the linked article? They're not talking about wiping out loans held by other institutions (yet); they're talking about wiping out loans held by the federal government.
Guaranteed Student Loans issued before 2011 were from banks. If those are off the table, I'd like to see it in writing.

The federal government cannot write off loans to private institutions. What part of that are you simply not getting?

I'm not getting why you're ignoring guaranteed student loans, issued before 2011, which were issued by banks and that the government will cover. If the proposal doesn't cover those, then it's not a concern, but I've seen no indication that it doesn't.

The loans are guaranteed and why would anyone have loans that old? If I recall, 10 years was the payback on those. Why would they be bailing out banks?
Where did these loans come from?

If the government didn't make those loans, then the government is in no position to forgive those loans...

That's the loans we're talking about. After Ears became President, he had government takeover the school loan system. Now you don't owe any bank, you owe government.
And Biden made them bankrupt proof

The more sensible relief would be to revoke that aspect, allow students in over their head to file bankruptcy, like anyone else in that spot.

Hey moron! They owed the money to the taxpayers. What part are you not getting? You are just incredibly thick in the head or trolling. Which is it?
What a dumb thing to say.

Honest, WTF?

Why on earth should a kid learn cursive? Why?
Just because you did? Time is change and cursive is simply not needed today. This is a fact.

As to your nephew. He is an idiot or a lazy slob who never bothered to look at his bill and understand it.
A 3rd grader could figure out if there was an extra change on his bill if he simply looked at it.

Maybe he is like you? Maybe that is the problem. That is sure as hell what he sounds like to me.

He's a very bright kid. You can't be dumb and earn a Masters degree. The point that flew over your head is they don't teach this kind of stuff in high school anymore and they should. They should be teaching kids about stuff like that. They should be teaching them about investments like the stock market, the commodities market, real estate, and the basics to opening up your own business. So it seems, high schools are failing these kids, and I don't mean in a grading way.

You don't need cursive? I'd love to see you fill out a police report and see what it looks like when you're done. :laughing0301:

Cursive is useless. I have not used it since high school and I am 60 years old.
If banks and businesses didn't have to pay the money back, I don't see why all should not be held to the same standard.
The banks made bad loans they should be the only ones on the hook for the money

Well, covering the bank's losses is the whole point here, eh?

Already covered. It's not the banks money.

The banks wrote the loans, with their money. They collect the interest payments.

For about the 4th time in this thread, student loans do NOT come from banks. They come from the federal government. Banks have NOTHING to do with this topic. NONE!

Before 2011, they most certainly did.

If you have loans from before 2011, you are incompetent to start with!
Fuck you Dic.... That is when the Feds took control of the Student loans

Hey shit head! What did I say that was wrong? If you have loans from before 2011, you are incompetent to start with!

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