Executive Order to forgive $50,000 in student debt

Agreed. I knew an MIT graduate that parried her $250K engineering degree into a mediocre-paying graveyard HR position in a factory. Good use of a prestigious engineering degree, eh?
You think he's stupid or lazy? MIT grads are rarely either. That's all he could find.

Low interest rates with liberal terms in regard to repayment.
What planet do YOU live on? My daughter in law is carrying $60K in loans at 6%
Second there SHOULD be more free secondary education ...this is the richest country in the world and an educated work force is essential.

And educated and non-educated workforce is essential, however we don't buy the carpenter a van so he can haul his tools to work every morning.
So where's the vocational training? Is there any?
What are they teaching in high school these days? I was a freshman in 1965 and they offered a class in business--taught about basic finance, check writing, interest rates, what constituted usury etc. But all of that being said, these college loans are not payday loans and they are far from being usury. Low interest rates with liberal terms in regard to repayment. Also, they are HS kids when they enter the school, after the first they are college students and shouldn't have to have their hands held. Sorry for my lack of empathy, I come from a military family that lived on the financial edge, I and my three siblings scrimped and saved and paid for our educations and worked long careers, retiring with no debts. It takes ambition and perseverance. Things that are seriously lacking in today's world.

I was in high school in the 70's and we had civics which did the same thing. It was optional however and most only took it for extra credit.

I have no idea WTF they teach these kids today. They don't even know cursive. If they ever had to write a check, I don't know how they would accomplish it, or how they would sign their name. I do remember when my nephew was in college. He told us he didn't pay any interest on his credit card. Strange. It took me years of good credit until I started getting offers like that. I asked to see his credit card bill, and showed him the interest he was paying. Now, my nephew is no dumb kid. He graduated college with a Masters, but he had no concept of money.
the business isn't getting the education; the student is.

The business is teh one profiting on the education of the student. The education being the toil of the student. The business should be obligated to pay for that toil in addition to the actural education. Yes, business should pay a salary to the student while they are in school.

The business pays for the part of the student's education that it uses by way of the salary they pay him as an employee.

Immoral horse shit.
For example,
the military pays the soldier and pays to train the soldier. Why not business?

Business has more an obligation to so this as they PROFIT on the worker.

To also allow the non working investor class to profit on student loans while not have to pay to train their employees is positively an immoral system.

Put 18 year old's in debt while they train to make a profit for the non working investor class? And then profiting on those loans also? What can be more immoral?
What planet do YOU live on? My daughter in law is carrying $60K in loans at 6%

Okay, but should that be a burden on the taxpayer or her?

I don't know how long you've been on this thread, but earlier I posted the truth. There is no law that states you have to enter college right out of high school. Live with mom and dad. Get a job and work for a few years to save money for school. Go to college when you're 21 and pay cash. While you're doing that, get a part-time job during school, and a full-time job when classes are out. Even if you have to take a loan, it wouldn't be for very much.
They don't even know cursive.

What a dumb thing to say.

Honest, WTF?

Why on earth should a kid learn cursive? Why?
Just because you did? Time is change and cursive is simply not needed today. This is a fact.

As to your nephew. He is an idiot or a lazy slob who never bothered to look at his bill and understand it.
A 3rd grader could figure out if there was an extra change on his bill if he simply looked at it.

Maybe he is like you? Maybe that is the problem. That is sure as hell what he sounds like to me.
Immoral horse shit.
For example,
the military pays the soldier and pays to train the soldier. Why not business?

How would you force business to do this? Because after all, force is the only way they would do it.

I am glad you ask this because it acknowledges that you agree that this is their rightful cost.

How to accomplish this? Simple, whatever educational requirements a business has should be collected as a tax.
So if a company requires an MBA, a company must pay a tax amount comparable to that cost.
pknopp: " You are assuming that many are not paying off their loans. "

Dude! They're talking about forgiving approx $1.6 trillion in student loan debt. SOMEBODY isn't paying off their loan!

pknopp: " Are you willing to pay more in taxes to cover our $28 trillion debt? "

I'm not willing to pay for somebody else's debts. If you sign a loan contract to borrow X dollars for a student loan or any other reason, then that's totally on you to pay it off, not me or anyone else.
This idiot actually believes that letting these deadbeats off the hook will lower my taxes. He's a typical Biden voter.
What a dumb thing to say.

Honest, WTF?

Why on earth should a kid learn cursive? Why?
Just because you did? Time is change and cursive is simply not needed today. This is a fact.

As to your nephew. He is an idiot or a lazy slob who never bothered to look at his bill and understand it.
A 3rd grader could figure out if there was an extra change on his bill if he simply looked at it.

Maybe he is like you? Maybe that is the problem. That is sure as hell what he sounds like to me.

He's a very bright kid. You can't be dumb and earn a Masters degree. The point that flew over your head is they don't teach this kind of stuff in high school anymore and they should. They should be teaching kids about stuff like that. They should be teaching them about investments like the stock market, the commodities market, real estate, and the basics to opening up your own business. So it seems, high schools are failing these kids, and I don't mean in a grading way.

You don't need cursive? I'd love to see you fill out a police report and see what it looks like when you're done. :laughing0301:
Immoral horse shit.
For example,
the military pays the soldier and pays to train the soldier. Why not business?

How would you force business to do this? Because after all, force is the only way they would do it.

I am glad you ask this because it acknowledges that you agree that this is their rightful cost.

How to accomplish this? Simple, whatever educational requirements a business has should be collected as a tax.
So if a company requires an MBA, a company must pay a tax amount comparable to that cost.
How about if we just keep the government out of it altogether? Abolish government funding of education. Then businesses will have to pay to educate their workers. The worker is the one who receives the education, not the business.
Immoral horse shit.
For example,
the military pays the soldier and pays to train the soldier. Why not business?

How would you force business to do this? Because after all, force is the only way they would do it.

I am glad you ask this because it acknowledges that you agree that this is their rightful cost.

How to accomplish this? Simple, whatever educational requirements a business has should be collected as a tax.
So if a company requires an MBA, a company must pay a tax amount comparable to that cost.
No he doesn't, and it isn't. the company pays for the skill in salary. Why should the government get anything out of the business?
I am glad you ask this because it acknowledges that you agree that this is their rightful cost.

How to accomplish this? Simple, whatever educational requirements a business has should be collected as a tax.
So if a company requires an MBA, a company must pay a tax amount comparable to that cost.

Okay. So you and I are trying for the same job. I have a college education in which to do the job immediately. You apply for the job and the employer would have to fund your education first. Who do you think would get that job, you or me?
Hey, I went to college... I want $50K of free money for nothing, too.

Now, my entire degree didn’t even cost $50K, I personally borrowed only $2000 to cover those costs, and I had that paid back before I got my first real career job. Why aren’t these worthless shits being expected to pay their debts?
Hey moron maybe it’s because their degree didn’t cost 2000 like yours. God republicans are stupid lol
Immoral horse shit.
For example,
the military pays the soldier and pays to train the soldier. Why not business?

How would you force business to do this? Because after all, force is the only way they would do it.

I am glad you ask this because it acknowledges that you agree that this is their rightful cost.

How to accomplish this? Simple, whatever educational requirements a business has should be collected as a tax.
So if a company requires an MBA, a company must pay a tax amount comparable to that cost.
How about if we just keep the government out of it altogether? Abolish government funding of education. Then businesses will have to pay to educate their workers. The worker is the one who receives the education, not the business.

You need to think of the education as a capital investment. Just as business needs to buy software for it's computer hardware, it needs to buy software (education) for it's hardware (employees).
No he doesn't, and it isn't. the company pays for the skill in salary.

The company is getting over like a fat rat.

They need to pay for the tools they need in all aspects of the business by not in human needs? This is an immoral template which has evolved., It needs to change.
I am glad you ask this because it acknowledges that you agree that this is their rightful cost.

How to accomplish this? Simple, whatever educational requirements a business has should be collected as a tax.
So if a company requires an MBA, a company must pay a tax amount comparable to that cost.

Okay. So you and I are trying for the same job. I have a college education in which to do the job immediately. You apply for the job and the employer would have to fund your education first. Who do you think would get that job, you or me?

So you understand how broken the system is.

Time for business to pay their fair share, especially the non working investor class.
What are they teaching in high school these days? I was a freshman in 1965 and they offered a class in business--taught about basic finance, check writing, interest rates, what constituted usury etc. But all of that being said, these college loans are not payday loans and they are far from being usury. Low interest rates with liberal terms in regard to repayment. Also, they are HS kids when they enter the school, after the first they are college students and shouldn't have to have their hands held. Sorry for my lack of empathy, I come from a military family that lived on the financial edge, I and my three siblings scrimped and saved and paid for our educations and worked long careers, retiring with no debts. It takes ambition and perseverance. Things that are seriously lacking in today's world.

I was in high school in the 70's and we had civics which did the same thing. It was optional however and most only took it for extra credit.

I have no idea WTF they teach these kids today. They don't even know cursive. If they ever had to write a check, I don't know how they would accomplish it, or how they would sign their name. I do remember when my nephew was in college. He told us he didn't pay any interest on his credit card. Strange. It took me years of good credit until I started getting offers like that. I asked to see his credit card bill, and showed him the interest he was paying. Now, my nephew is no dumb kid. He graduated college with a Masters, but he had no concept of money.
IDK, People just don't think critically. I use a credit card that has something like 14% interest, but I chose one that has no annual fee and uses simple API--not the bank-preferred two month average. I pay it off in total every month and I haven't paid a dime of interest in over 10 years--they even give me miles. The banks don't like it, but it is legal. It beats an ATM card in that I get an extended warranty on purchases too. You have to pay attention, but there are some good deals to be had still.
So you understand how broken the system is.

Time for business to pay their fair share, especially the non working investor class.

It's not broken at all. What's broke about it? If you want something, you have to work for it. Let's be realistic here. You need a job more than an employer needs you. Why? Because there are less employers needing workers than there are workers needing jobs. It's why the employer interviews you, and not the other way around.

Without a doubt in most cases, somebody with a college degree will earn more money than somebody without. In other words, it's an investment. An investment is when you take your own money, put it into something, get that money back with hopefully a profit. I don't think government nor business should be funding anybody's investments.

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