
No collusion no obstruction no indictments no impeachment. Swing and a miss left wing. Are you getting tired of losing to Trump?
His taxes are audited every year. Nothing earth shattering there or we would have heard about it.
.if the report truly does exonerate Donald Trump, completely and totally -- and that is possible, however unlikely -- then the easiest way to prove it is to make the report public. Make the report public, seize the narrative, crush his opponent in one single stroke of schadenfreude. It would be the greatest moment of triumph in the history of politics. Trump, utterly vindicated, by the very man he’s daily vilified as his enemy. And don’t tell me sealed-indictments or classified information are stopping him. Because Trump has never demonstrated any concern for protection of either the legal system or classified information. This investigation, these accusations, this has been Trump’s obsession, the gadfly of all gadflies, the spur under his saddle and the pebble in his shoe, the festering carbuncle on his ass. I gave up counting how many times he’s tweeted about it, or angrily proclaimed his persecution in interviews, or furiously declared “Presidential Harassment” at one of his campaign rallies.

For more than a year we listened as Trump and his various mouthpieces have pushed paranoia and increasingly unhinged conspiracy theories.

And now, in his moment of triumph, when Trump and all of his supporters from Alex Jones to Sean Hannity have finally at long last been proven right, he’s suddenly what? Become reserved on Twitter? No desire to rub victory in the faces of “Chuck and Nancy,” Crooked Hillary, Crazy Joe, Da Nang Dick, CNN, The New York Times, Fake News, or even Alec Baldwin and Saturday Night Live? Really?

No press conference?

No tweetstorm?


If Mueller’s report really says what Trump claims it does, then he could own all the liberals, forever, by simply releasing it.

Well, you know the report has not been made public.

You know who’s seen it and who has not.

You know Trump, a man with a record of pathological lies, is asking you to just take his word for it.

That’s what you know.

And, my friends, that’s a lot."

Report will go public, then they will want all the evidence collected and so on. Your team lost. Your team keeps losing. Deal with that so you can be happy again.
They'll want to see all of Hillary's emails and Obama's real birthcertificate
LOL But not Scumps taxes or grades in school ???

He's audited every year, but there is nothing earth shattering about it? Really? How many times in YOUR life have you ever been audited? Me? I was audited ONCE, and that was all the way back in 2010. How many people do you know who are audited every year? If he's being audited all the time, then apparently the IRS is on the lookout for shady dealings. If they audit him every year, they must have some reason for doing so.
His name is Trump and dared run against Hillary.
Those that have his money often are audited every year. One in 8.
Now, we know he has been audited the last few years, which means during the time of the previous administration. And we know the irs history there. And the administrations hatred of Trump, so, not surprising.
His taxes are audited every year. Nothing earth shattering there or we would have heard about it.
.if the report truly does exonerate Donald Trump, completely and totally -- and that is possible, however unlikely -- then the easiest way to prove it is to make the report public. Make the report public, seize the narrative, crush his opponent in one single stroke of schadenfreude. It would be the greatest moment of triumph in the history of politics. Trump, utterly vindicated, by the very man he’s daily vilified as his enemy. And don’t tell me sealed-indictments or classified information are stopping him. Because Trump has never demonstrated any concern for protection of either the legal system or classified information. This investigation, these accusations, this has been Trump’s obsession, the gadfly of all gadflies, the spur under his saddle and the pebble in his shoe, the festering carbuncle on his ass. I gave up counting how many times he’s tweeted about it, or angrily proclaimed his persecution in interviews, or furiously declared “Presidential Harassment” at one of his campaign rallies.

For more than a year we listened as Trump and his various mouthpieces have pushed paranoia and increasingly unhinged conspiracy theories.

And now, in his moment of triumph, when Trump and all of his supporters from Alex Jones to Sean Hannity have finally at long last been proven right, he’s suddenly what? Become reserved on Twitter? No desire to rub victory in the faces of “Chuck and Nancy,” Crooked Hillary, Crazy Joe, Da Nang Dick, CNN, The New York Times, Fake News, or even Alec Baldwin and Saturday Night Live? Really?

No press conference?

No tweetstorm?


If Mueller’s report really says what Trump claims it does, then he could own all the liberals, forever, by simply releasing it.

Well, you know the report has not been made public.

You know who’s seen it and who has not.

You know Trump, a man with a record of pathological lies, is asking you to just take his word for it.

That’s what you know.

And, my friends, that’s a lot."

Report will go public, then they will want all the evidence collected and so on. Your team lost. Your team keeps losing. Deal with that so you can be happy again.
They'll want to see all of Hillary's emails and Obama's real birthcertificate
LOL But not Scumps taxes or grades in school ???

He's audited every year, but there is nothing earth shattering about it? Really? How many times in YOUR life have you ever been audited? Me? I was audited ONCE, and that was all the way back in 2010. How many people do you know who are audited every year? If he's being audited all the time, then apparently the IRS is on the lookout for shady dealings. If they audit him every year, they must have some reason for doing so.
His name is Trump and dared run against Hillary.
Those that have his money often are audited every year. One in 8.
Now, we know he has been audited the last few years, which means during the time of the previous administration. And we know the irs history there. And the administrations hatred of Trump, so, not surprising.
His taxes are audited every year. Nothing earth shattering there or we would have heard about it.
Report will go public, then they will want all the evidence collected and so on. Your team lost. Your team keeps losing. Deal with that so you can be happy again.
They'll want to see all of Hillary's emails and Obama's real birthcertificate
LOL But not Scumps taxes or grades in school ???

He's audited every year, but there is nothing earth shattering about it? Really? How many times in YOUR life have you ever been audited? Me? I was audited ONCE, and that was all the way back in 2010. How many people do you know who are audited every year? If he's being audited all the time, then apparently the IRS is on the lookout for shady dealings. If they audit him every year, they must have some reason for doing so.

Actually, the chances of being audited have dropped significantly over the past few years.


But the odds of not getting audited are more in your favor than they were a few years ago, and they are getting better and better every year.

Taxpayers with incomes of more than $1 million have a 1-in-25 chance of getting audited these days. That’s better odds than 2011, when their chances were 1 in 8.
Most people are not Trump, hated by the left, with a passion.

And, from your article-
For one thing, it’s less likely the IRS is going to chase you. But the richer you are, the more likely it is that the IRS is looking over your shoulder.
His name is Trump and dared run against Hillary.
Those that have his money often are audited every year. One in 8.
Now, we know he has been audited the last few years, which means during the time of the previous administration. And we know the irs history there. And the administrations hatred of Trump, so, not surprising.
His taxes are audited every year. Nothing earth shattering there or we would have heard about it.
They'll want to see all of Hillary's emails and Obama's real birthcertificate
LOL But not Scumps taxes or grades in school ???

He's audited every year, but there is nothing earth shattering about it? Really? How many times in YOUR life have you ever been audited? Me? I was audited ONCE, and that was all the way back in 2010. How many people do you know who are audited every year? If he's being audited all the time, then apparently the IRS is on the lookout for shady dealings. If they audit him every year, they must have some reason for doing so.

Actually, the chances of being audited have dropped significantly over the past few years.


But the odds of not getting audited are more in your favor than they were a few years ago, and they are getting better and better every year.

Taxpayers with incomes of more than $1 million have a 1-in-25 chance of getting audited these days. That’s better odds than 2011, when their chances were 1 in 8.
Most people are not Trump, hated by the left, with a passion.

And, from your article-
For one thing, it’s less likely the IRS is going to chase you. But the richer you are, the more likely it is that the IRS is looking over your shoulder.
His name is Trump and dared run against Hillary.
Those that have his money often are audited every year. One in 8.
Now, we know he has been audited the last few years, which means during the time of the previous administration. And we know the irs history there. And the administrations hatred of Trump, so, not surprising.
His taxes are audited every year. Nothing earth shattering there or we would have heard about it.
LOL But not Scumps taxes or grades in school ???

He's audited every year, but there is nothing earth shattering about it? Really? How many times in YOUR life have you ever been audited? Me? I was audited ONCE, and that was all the way back in 2010. How many people do you know who are audited every year? If he's being audited all the time, then apparently the IRS is on the lookout for shady dealings. If they audit him every year, they must have some reason for doing so.

Actually, the chances of being audited have dropped significantly over the past few years.


But the odds of not getting audited are more in your favor than they were a few years ago, and they are getting better and better every year.

Taxpayers with incomes of more than $1 million have a 1-in-25 chance of getting audited these days. That’s better odds than 2011, when their chances were 1 in 8.

Looking over your shoulder isn't the same thing as being audited. If they are looking over your shoulder and see something that doesn't look right, THEN they will call for an audit.

Like I said, if Trump is being audited every year as you claimed, then he's either (a) a really crappy business man or (b) crooked as hell.

I vote option (c), a combination of both.
Rightttt. He’d rather continue paying penalties every year and also be audited. Lol
You won’t even acknowledge what the irs became under Obama, and they even had to admit to.

And if he had, guaranteed we would have heard about it.

Most people are not Trump, hated by the left, with a passion.

And, from your article-
For one thing, it’s less likely the IRS is going to chase you. But the richer you are, the more likely it is that the IRS is looking over your shoulder.
His name is Trump and dared run against Hillary.
Those that have his money often are audited every year. One in 8.
Now, we know he has been audited the last few years, which means during the time of the previous administration. And we know the irs history there. And the administrations hatred of Trump, so, not surprising.
His taxes are audited every year. Nothing earth shattering there or we would have heard about it.

He's audited every year, but there is nothing earth shattering about it? Really? How many times in YOUR life have you ever been audited? Me? I was audited ONCE, and that was all the way back in 2010. How many people do you know who are audited every year? If he's being audited all the time, then apparently the IRS is on the lookout for shady dealings. If they audit him every year, they must have some reason for doing so.

Actually, the chances of being audited have dropped significantly over the past few years.


But the odds of not getting audited are more in your favor than they were a few years ago, and they are getting better and better every year.

Taxpayers with incomes of more than $1 million have a 1-in-25 chance of getting audited these days. That’s better odds than 2011, when their chances were 1 in 8.

Looking over your shoulder isn't the same thing as being audited. If they are looking over your shoulder and see something that doesn't look right, THEN they will call for an audit.

Like I said, if Trump is being audited every year as you claimed, then he's either (a) a really crappy business man or (b) crooked as hell.

I vote option (c), a combination of both.
.if the report truly does exonerate Donald Trump, completely and totally -- and that is possible, however unlikely -- then the easiest way to prove it is to make the report public. Make the report public, seize the narrative, crush his opponent in one single stroke of schadenfreude. It would be the greatest moment of triumph in the history of politics. Trump, utterly vindicated, by the very man he’s daily vilified as his enemy. And don’t tell me sealed-indictments or classified information are stopping him. Because Trump has never demonstrated any concern for protection of either the legal system or classified information. This investigation, these accusations, this has been Trump’s obsession, the gadfly of all gadflies, the spur under his saddle and the pebble in his shoe, the festering carbuncle on his ass. I gave up counting how many times he’s tweeted about it, or angrily proclaimed his persecution in interviews, or furiously declared “Presidential Harassment” at one of his campaign rallies.

For more than a year we listened as Trump and his various mouthpieces have pushed paranoia and increasingly unhinged conspiracy theories.

And now, in his moment of triumph, when Trump and all of his supporters from Alex Jones to Sean Hannity have finally at long last been proven right, he’s suddenly what? Become reserved on Twitter? No desire to rub victory in the faces of “Chuck and Nancy,” Crooked Hillary, Crazy Joe, Da Nang Dick, CNN, The New York Times, Fake News, or even Alec Baldwin and Saturday Night Live? Really?

No press conference?

No tweetstorm?


If Mueller’s report really says what Trump claims it does, then he could own all the liberals, forever, by simply releasing it.

Well, you know the report has not been made public.

You know who’s seen it and who has not.

You know Trump, a man with a record of pathological lies, is asking you to just take his word for it.

That’s what you know.

And, my friends, that’s a lot."

Report will go public, then they will want all the evidence collected and so on. Your team lost. Your team keeps losing. Deal with that so you can be happy again.
Public ?? Where ?? Your scum can't do it
His taxes are audited every year. Nothing earth shattering there or we would have heard about it.
.if the report truly does exonerate Donald Trump, completely and totally -- and that is possible, however unlikely -- then the easiest way to prove it is to make the report public. Make the report public, seize the narrative, crush his opponent in one single stroke of schadenfreude. It would be the greatest moment of triumph in the history of politics. Trump, utterly vindicated, by the very man he’s daily vilified as his enemy. And don’t tell me sealed-indictments or classified information are stopping him. Because Trump has never demonstrated any concern for protection of either the legal system or classified information. This investigation, these accusations, this has been Trump’s obsession, the gadfly of all gadflies, the spur under his saddle and the pebble in his shoe, the festering carbuncle on his ass. I gave up counting how many times he’s tweeted about it, or angrily proclaimed his persecution in interviews, or furiously declared “Presidential Harassment” at one of his campaign rallies.

For more than a year we listened as Trump and his various mouthpieces have pushed paranoia and increasingly unhinged conspiracy theories.

And now, in his moment of triumph, when Trump and all of his supporters from Alex Jones to Sean Hannity have finally at long last been proven right, he’s suddenly what? Become reserved on Twitter? No desire to rub victory in the faces of “Chuck and Nancy,” Crooked Hillary, Crazy Joe, Da Nang Dick, CNN, The New York Times, Fake News, or even Alec Baldwin and Saturday Night Live? Really?

No press conference?

No tweetstorm?


If Mueller’s report really says what Trump claims it does, then he could own all the liberals, forever, by simply releasing it.

Well, you know the report has not been made public.

You know who’s seen it and who has not.

You know Trump, a man with a record of pathological lies, is asking you to just take his word for it.

That’s what you know.

And, my friends, that’s a lot."

Report will go public, then they will want all the evidence collected and so on. Your team lost. Your team keeps losing. Deal with that so you can be happy again.
They'll want to see all of Hillary's emails and Obama's real birthcertificate
LOL But not Scumps taxes or grades in school ???

He's audited every year, but there is nothing earth shattering about it? Really? How many times in YOUR life have you ever been audited? Me? I was audited ONCE, and that was all the way back in 2010. How many people do you know who are audited every year? If he's being audited all the time, then apparently the IRS is on the lookout for shady dealings. If they audit him every year, they must have some reason for doing so.

Not really. Think of the amount of money involved.
.if the report truly does exonerate Donald Trump, completely and totally -- and that is possible, however unlikely -- then the easiest way to prove it is to make the report public. Make the report public, seize the narrative, crush his opponent in one single stroke of schadenfreude. It would be the greatest moment of triumph in the history of politics. Trump, utterly vindicated, by the very man he’s daily vilified as his enemy. And don’t tell me sealed-indictments or classified information are stopping him. Because Trump has never demonstrated any concern for protection of either the legal system or classified information. This investigation, these accusations, this has been Trump’s obsession, the gadfly of all gadflies, the spur under his saddle and the pebble in his shoe, the festering carbuncle on his ass. I gave up counting how many times he’s tweeted about it, or angrily proclaimed his persecution in interviews, or furiously declared “Presidential Harassment” at one of his campaign rallies.

For more than a year we listened as Trump and his various mouthpieces have pushed paranoia and increasingly unhinged conspiracy theories.

And now, in his moment of triumph, when Trump and all of his supporters from Alex Jones to Sean Hannity have finally at long last been proven right, he’s suddenly what? Become reserved on Twitter? No desire to rub victory in the faces of “Chuck and Nancy,” Crooked Hillary, Crazy Joe, Da Nang Dick, CNN, The New York Times, Fake News, or even Alec Baldwin and Saturday Night Live? Really?

No press conference?

No tweetstorm?


If Mueller’s report really says what Trump claims it does, then he could own all the liberals, forever, by simply releasing it.

Well, you know the report has not been made public.

You know who’s seen it and who has not.

You know Trump, a man with a record of pathological lies, is asking you to just take his word for it.

That’s what you know.

And, my friends, that’s a lot."

So much bullshit, so little time

Prosecutors PROSECUTE


  1. 1.
    (especially of an official body) absolve (someone) from blame for a fault or wrongdoing, especially after due consideration of the case.

So The fact that Mueller failed or refused to prosecute is , indirectly , an exoneration.

Mueller wanted to indict DJT so bad that he could taste it.

The FACTS were not there.Since the accusation was groundless there was no case. Since there was no case exoneration is MOOT

.if the report truly does exonerate Donald Trump, completely and totally -- and that is possible, however unlikely -- then the easiest way to prove it is to make the report public. Make the report public, seize the narrative, crush his opponent in one single stroke of schadenfreude. It would be the greatest moment of triumph in the history of politics. Trump, utterly vindicated, by the very man he’s daily vilified as his enemy. And don’t tell me sealed-indictments or classified information are stopping him. Because Trump has never demonstrated any concern for protection of either the legal system or classified information. This investigation, these accusations, this has been Trump’s obsession, the gadfly of all gadflies, the spur under his saddle and the pebble in his shoe, the festering carbuncle on his ass. I gave up counting how many times he’s tweeted about it, or angrily proclaimed his persecution in interviews, or furiously declared “Presidential Harassment” at one of his campaign rallies.

For more than a year we listened as Trump and his various mouthpieces have pushed paranoia and increasingly unhinged conspiracy theories.

And now, in his moment of triumph, when Trump and all of his supporters from Alex Jones to Sean Hannity have finally at long last been proven right, he’s suddenly what? Become reserved on Twitter? No desire to rub victory in the faces of “Chuck and Nancy,” Crooked Hillary, Crazy Joe, Da Nang Dick, CNN, The New York Times, Fake News, or even Alec Baldwin and Saturday Night Live? Really?

No press conference?

No tweetstorm?


If Mueller’s report really says what Trump claims it does, then he could own all the liberals, forever, by simply releasing it.

Well, you know the report has not been made public.

You know who’s seen it and who has not.

You know Trump, a man with a record of pathological lies, is asking you to just take his word for it.

That’s what you know.

And, my friends, that’s a lot."

Report will go public, then they will want all the evidence collected and so on. Your team lost. Your team keeps losing. Deal with that so you can be happy again.
They'll want to see all of Hillary's emails and Obama's real birthcertificate
LOL But not Scumps taxes or grades in school ???

So you're saying you are better qualified than the IRS?
.if the report truly does exonerate Donald Trump, completely and totally -- and that is possible, however unlikely -- then the easiest way to prove it is to make the report public. Make the report public, seize the narrative, crush his opponent in one single stroke of schadenfreude. It would be the greatest moment of triumph in the history of politics. Trump, utterly vindicated, by the very man he’s daily vilified as his enemy. And don’t tell me sealed-indictments or classified information are stopping him. Because Trump has never demonstrated any concern for protection of either the legal system or classified information. This investigation, these accusations, this has been Trump’s obsession, the gadfly of all gadflies, the spur under his saddle and the pebble in his shoe, the festering carbuncle on his ass. I gave up counting how many times he’s tweeted about it, or angrily proclaimed his persecution in interviews, or furiously declared “Presidential Harassment” at one of his campaign rallies.

For more than a year we listened as Trump and his various mouthpieces have pushed paranoia and increasingly unhinged conspiracy theories.

And now, in his moment of triumph, when Trump and all of his supporters from Alex Jones to Sean Hannity have finally at long last been proven right, he’s suddenly what? Become reserved on Twitter? No desire to rub victory in the faces of “Chuck and Nancy,” Crooked Hillary, Crazy Joe, Da Nang Dick, CNN, The New York Times, Fake News, or even Alec Baldwin and Saturday Night Live? Really?

No press conference?

No tweetstorm?


If Mueller’s report really says what Trump claims it does, then he could own all the liberals, forever, by simply releasing it.

Well, you know the report has not been made public.

You know who’s seen it and who has not.

You know Trump, a man with a record of pathological lies, is asking you to just take his word for it.

That’s what you know.

And, my friends, that’s a lot."

Its all over Edward, the public is too divided and the left will just make more of a fool out of themselves before the 2020 election
.if the report truly does exonerate Donald Trump, completely and totally -- and that is possible, however unlikely -- then the easiest way to prove it is to make the report public. Make the report public, seize the narrative, crush his opponent in one single stroke of schadenfreude. It would be the greatest moment of triumph in the history of politics. Trump, utterly vindicated, by the very man he’s daily vilified as his enemy. And don’t tell me sealed-indictments or classified information are stopping him. Because Trump has never demonstrated any concern for protection of either the legal system or classified information. This investigation, these accusations, this has been Trump’s obsession, the gadfly of all gadflies, the spur under his saddle and the pebble in his shoe, the festering carbuncle on his ass. I gave up counting how many times he’s tweeted about it, or angrily proclaimed his persecution in interviews, or furiously declared “Presidential Harassment” at one of his campaign rallies.

For more than a year we listened as Trump and his various mouthpieces have pushed paranoia and increasingly unhinged conspiracy theories.

And now, in his moment of triumph, when Trump and all of his supporters from Alex Jones to Sean Hannity have finally at long last been proven right, he’s suddenly what? Become reserved on Twitter? No desire to rub victory in the faces of “Chuck and Nancy,” Crooked Hillary, Crazy Joe, Da Nang Dick, CNN, The New York Times, Fake News, or even Alec Baldwin and Saturday Night Live? Really?

No press conference?

No tweetstorm?


If Mueller’s report really says what Trump claims it does, then he could own all the liberals, forever, by simply releasing it.

Well, you know the report has not been made public.

You know who’s seen it and who has not.

You know Trump, a man with a record of pathological lies, is asking you to just take his word for it.

That’s what you know.

And, my friends, that’s a lot."

Its all over Edward, the public is too divided and the left will just make more of a fool out of themselves before the 2020 election

Dang, don't tell him that, you know how slow Eddie is.
.if the report truly does exonerate Donald Trump, completely and totally -- and that is possible, however unlikely -- then the easiest way to prove it is to make the report public. Make the report public, seize the narrative, crush his opponent in one single stroke of schadenfreude. It would be the greatest moment of triumph in the history of politics. Trump, utterly vindicated, by the very man he’s daily vilified as his enemy. And don’t tell me sealed-indictments or classified information are stopping him. Because Trump has never demonstrated any concern for protection of either the legal system or classified information. This investigation, these accusations, this has been Trump’s obsession, the gadfly of all gadflies, the spur under his saddle and the pebble in his shoe, the festering carbuncle on his ass. I gave up counting how many times he’s tweeted about it, or angrily proclaimed his persecution in interviews, or furiously declared “Presidential Harassment” at one of his campaign rallies.

For more than a year we listened as Trump and his various mouthpieces have pushed paranoia and increasingly unhinged conspiracy theories.

And now, in his moment of triumph, when Trump and all of his supporters from Alex Jones to Sean Hannity have finally at long last been proven right, he’s suddenly what? Become reserved on Twitter? No desire to rub victory in the faces of “Chuck and Nancy,” Crooked Hillary, Crazy Joe, Da Nang Dick, CNN, The New York Times, Fake News, or even Alec Baldwin and Saturday Night Live? Really?

No press conference?

No tweetstorm?


If Mueller’s report really says what Trump claims it does, then he could own all the liberals, forever, by simply releasing it.

Well, you know the report has not been made public.

You know who’s seen it and who has not.

You know Trump, a man with a record of pathological lies, is asking you to just take his word for it.

That’s what you know.

And, my friends, that’s a lot."
Put an egg in your shoe and beat it.
“I think this is probably the most consequential media screwup of the last 25 to 50 years. It is difficult to comprehend or overstate the damage that the media did to the Country, to their own reputation or to the Constitution. An absolute catastrophe” Sean Davis on Tucker...Trump put the quote on his twitter
“I think this is probably the most consequential media screwup of the last 25 to 50 years. It is difficult to comprehend or overstate the damage that the media did to the Country, to their own reputation or to the Constitution. An absolute catastrophe” Sean Davis on Tucker...Trump put the quote on his twitter
Oh yea, the accused is always the most reliable source as to their own innocence.
.if the report truly does exonerate Donald Trump, completely and totally -- and that is possible, however unlikely -- then the easiest way to prove it is to make the report public. Make the report public, seize the narrative, crush his opponent in one single stroke of schadenfreude. It would be the greatest moment of triumph in the history of politics. Trump, utterly vindicated, by the very man he’s daily vilified as his enemy. And don’t tell me sealed-indictments or classified information are stopping him. Because Trump has never demonstrated any concern for protection of either the legal system or classified information. This investigation, these accusations, this has been Trump’s obsession, the gadfly of all gadflies, the spur under his saddle and the pebble in his shoe, the festering carbuncle on his ass. I gave up counting how many times he’s tweeted about it, or angrily proclaimed his persecution in interviews, or furiously declared “Presidential Harassment” at one of his campaign rallies.

For more than a year we listened as Trump and his various mouthpieces have pushed paranoia and increasingly unhinged conspiracy theories.

And now, in his moment of triumph, when Trump and all of his supporters from Alex Jones to Sean Hannity have finally at long last been proven right, he’s suddenly what? Become reserved on Twitter? No desire to rub victory in the faces of “Chuck and Nancy,” Crooked Hillary, Crazy Joe, Da Nang Dick, CNN, The New York Times, Fake News, or even Alec Baldwin and Saturday Night Live? Really?

No press conference?

No tweetstorm?


If Mueller’s report really says what Trump claims it does, then he could own all the liberals, forever, by simply releasing it.

Well, you know the report has not been made public.

You know who’s seen it and who has not.

You know Trump, a man with a record of pathological lies, is asking you to just take his word for it.

That’s what you know.

And, my friends, that’s a lot."

Wow....that's a lot it typing, a lot of words, a lot of whining and crying over another loss.

.if the report truly does exonerate Donald Trump, completely and totally -- and that is possible, however unlikely -- then the easiest way to prove it is to make the report public. Make the report public, seize the narrative, crush his opponent in one single stroke of schadenfreude. It would be the greatest moment of triumph in the history of politics. Trump, utterly vindicated, by the very man he’s daily vilified as his enemy. And don’t tell me sealed-indictments or classified information are stopping him. Because Trump has never demonstrated any concern for protection of either the legal system or classified information. This investigation, these accusations, this has been Trump’s obsession, the gadfly of all gadflies, the spur under his saddle and the pebble in his shoe, the festering carbuncle on his ass. I gave up counting how many times he’s tweeted about it, or angrily proclaimed his persecution in interviews, or furiously declared “Presidential Harassment” at one of his campaign rallies.

For more than a year we listened as Trump and his various mouthpieces have pushed paranoia and increasingly unhinged conspiracy theories.

And now, in his moment of triumph, when Trump and all of his supporters from Alex Jones to Sean Hannity have finally at long last been proven right, he’s suddenly what? Become reserved on Twitter? No desire to rub victory in the faces of “Chuck and Nancy,” Crooked Hillary, Crazy Joe, Da Nang Dick, CNN, The New York Times, Fake News, or even Alec Baldwin and Saturday Night Live? Really?

No press conference?

No tweetstorm?


If Mueller’s report really says what Trump claims it does, then he could own all the liberals, forever, by simply releasing it.

Well, you know the report has not been made public.

You know who’s seen it and who has not.

You know Trump, a man with a record of pathological lies, is asking you to just take his word for it.

That’s what you know.

And, my friends, that’s a lot."

Report will go public, then they will want all the evidence collected and so on. Your team lost. Your team keeps losing. Deal with that so you can be happy again.
Keeps losing ??? Come on Crixus you didn't notice the last election vote ? 2020 will be worse for you
bwahahahaah, you wont because you ran people who acted like regular Americans who said they wouldn't vote for Pelosi...but they did, you cant win with Cortez types in real America......so you have to lie and fake it........and people have caught on.....Trump will rape in 2020 and take the House as well

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