Expand The US War In Syria Or Get Out: What Say You?...

Expand US War in Syria Or Get Out

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If you dont know then how can you claim ignorance?

Irony much?
You're an idiot.
Idiot - Wikipedia
I was expecting a funny. You disappoint like a lost child
Sorry, I'm not much in a joking mood. And my delivery sucks.
All good. I was just looking for a fun interaction. We all have bad days. Rtard more than most
Get out.

Declare victory and bring all of our troops home.

Do it in Syria. Do it Afghanistan. Do it in Iraq. Do it in Africa. Do it everywhere.
Can't vote because like all of you, I dont know the facts.

But dont lef me stop you from passing ridiculous uninformed assumptions and judgments.
When has our intervention ever ended well?
I'm not playing. Find another fool.
Sounds like we can safely say this would be a disaster. Thanks for playing.
You can't safely say anything because you are void of the facts.

Playing indeed
I'm smart enough to see it never works.
So who would have won?
Some coalition of Sunni groups since the Sunni make up the majority of the population and have been oppressed by both this Assad and his father. If you recall, ISIS was at war with the other Sunni groups as well as the Alawites who support Assad. So it would probably have been a moderate coalition of Sunni groups as well as some of the minorities like Kurds, Assyrians and Christians.
Probably a moderate group? I'm sure. It would probably be a big mess and you have no reason to believe it wouldn't be. Aren't ISIS Sunni?
Moderate in terms of religion. ISIS and the other radical Sunni groups would continue to be under siege by the US and the rebel groups it supported, so the final coalition would tend to be moderate and inclusive.
Because Afghanistan and Iraq worked out so well. You are a special kind of stupid...
I'll take that as evidence you have given up.
It is evidence you have no clue. Every time we get involved it gets worse.
Looks like Trump just announced a new massive bombing campaign in Syria. Do you agree or disagree with his decision?
False dilemma fallacy.

The United States can facilitate attacks on the Assad Regime by its NATO allies; Syria will pay a price for its war crimes without direct American involvement.

That the current ‘administration’ is unwilling or unable to do this is further proof of its incompetence.
"Let me get this straight: we’re going to bomb Syria because Assad attacked civilians, but next door in Yemen we are eagerly participating in a bombing campaign that has killed thousands of civilians?"
Make Congress carry out their Constitutional duties and Declare War and put it to a vote and make it part of The Public Record.

That is exactly how you handle that, and handle a lazy ineffectual Congress. Make Mitch McConnel do his job for once.

I do not believe for a second Assad did this, and I despise the man. It makes Zero sense. He was winning against the Anti-Assad Rebels which are affiliated with Terrorist Groups. He has Russia's backing and support. And he was gaining ground on a daily basis and The US was on it's way out as they were only concerned with ISIS.

No reason for Assad to stir up the hornets nest.
my only reason for saying get out was highlighted a few days ago by Tucker Carlson . First The TRUMP talks about getting out and then the so called attacks happened . Where is the PROOF that 'assad' did it ?? And if he did , why should the USA do anything about it ??
and hearing The TRUMPS TWEETS this morning , the attacks by the USA may not happen . Lets get the American Military and other involvement out of 'syria' and get the USA Military on the USA Border where they belong .
Mattis said his focus is to ensure all DOD policies/priorities are focused on lethality. "We cannot expect success fighting tomorrow’s conflicts with yesterday’s thinking, weapons, or equipment."
Let Russia, Turkey, Syria, Iran and the Kurds go at each other. Maybe The Saudis and someone else gets involved. Make someone else pay for this mess for once. If The UN wants to do something, they can.

We should just say, "Not our problem"
Declare Victory. Bring our troops home. Have a parade.

Rocket science it ain't.

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